Happy Valentines Day or….

As our daughter likes to call it…Single Awareness Day.
So for all the single ladies in the house…these flowers are especially for you!
Happy Valentines Day! xo, H

17 Responses to “Happy Valentines Day or….”

  1. Lolo

    Oh no! The acronym for that is S.A.D 🙁
    Being single is nothing to be SAD about!! Tell her to enjoy it – and buy herself some flowers…..the kind she likes 🙂

  2. Heather Bullard

    Oh, she’s not SAD at all! In fact, never even thought of the acronym.
    We all went to dinner last night to celebrate. As a full time college student she’s too busy for a beau right now anyway. 😉
    Just giving a shout out to all the singles and sending them a big bouquet!
    Happy Valentines Day! ~H

  3. Jill

    wow, beautiful flowers! Your daughter’s Single Awareness Day is so funny. I remember those days well and would always go out with a group of girlfriends on Valentine’s Day. It was so much fun!
    Have a great day!

  4. Melissa

    Love that what a smart girl. Nothing wrong with being single – I am! Happy Valentines Day.

  5. grace

    How awesome! This is my “Single” favorite post today! lol Me and some of my single friends and my niece are having a Pretty in Pink celebration tonight. My married friends are jealous because we are having more fun than them! lol I am sure there are some really good romantic men somewhere still out there till then we will enjoy this day with all our girl friends!! Happy Valentine’s Day. Grace xoox

  6. Tracy G.

    So cute! My daughter is a young teen and doesn’t have a boyfriend and in highschool it’s the dreaded flower day. Ha! I’ll have to show her this sweet post! Happy Valentine’s day!

  7. liz

    You taught her right my Friend 😉
    That’s OK! Hugs on this Valentine’s
    Day. I hope you are doing something
    special with your love ones. My Hubby
    is in the kitchen making me din, din!
    Let’s see what he burns tonight.
    xxx Liz @ LizlovesVintage

  8. Heather :) :) :)

    Awwww…I’m single!!!! On days like today, I have to try and remember there’s different facets to love…and I’ll remember the Author of Ultimate Love 🙂 🙂
    Thanks for the virtual flowers 🙂 🙂 I’ll happily take one 🙂 🙂 Happy Valentine’s Day. Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather 🙂

  9. Karen B

    What a beautiful photo for a lovely day. Happy S.A.D. to your daughter and mine. Wish mine was happier about it. Hope your day has been wonderful.

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