They’re Back in Business!

Finally! Two of our girls, Butter and Marshmallow have decided it's time to start laying again. We've been having sunny days in the 70's for weeks so I think they've been tricked into thinking its spring. Thank goodness.
I was tired of paying for eggs at the store.
Here's hoping the other 3 will soon follow suit. Will keep you posted! 

14 Responses to “They’re Back in Business!”

  1. L Lettice Carroll

    You are so lucky ~ mine aren’t fooled yet. Even though we have the wonderful California days, when it dips into the 20’s at night, my girls just work at staying warm! Enjoy the best eggs ~ farm fresh!

  2. Sue W

    There is nothing better! I’ve got three of my four girls laying every day or every other day. Thinking about adding a few more to my flock when the feed stores get their Easter peeps in.

  3. Julie

    Thats great… It is so so cold and my girls dont want to venture out of the coop. I am leaving a heat lamp on for two hours when the sun goes down just to keep them cozy. tonight it is going to be -3. Brrrr

  4. Vicki @ Easy Home Craft

    Nothing like your own hens…My daughter keeps 3 in the backyard and they’ve continued to produce all winter even during the shortest days. The breed she has is “Black Rock”, and they are supposed to be good layers right up until 10 years of age.

  5. Dianne

    Your hens look so cute, I have always loved chickens! My son would like to start with some laying hens(we live on a small acreage. I am curious how many eggs do you get per week from 5 hens?

  6. Heather Bullard

    Hi Dianne,
    We get 3-5 eggs per day with our hens. This will slow down in the winter. Hens lay almost daily when they are young and about every other day as they age.
    Have fun raising chickens! ~H

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