Reclaimed Wood Sofa Table

Handmade gifts are the absolute best. I feel extremely fortunate that I'm married to a guy who fully embraces the concept. Especially since I'm the most frequent recipient of his handiwork. I'd been searching for a table to go behind one of the leather sofas in our family room but finding one with the right scale and design hasn't been easy. For my Christmas gift, he offered to make me one of my own design and dimensions. So I quickly sketched it out, gave him the measurements and by the end of the day he gave me this!


He'd been saving a couple of huge planks of reclaimed wood which ended up being just right for the project. After he cut them to fit the frame he applied a coat of clear wax, no stain was needed and I asked him to leave the metal frame he welded unfinished instead of painting it. I sort of like the rustic look with all the other elements in the room. And if I grow tired of it I can always give it a quick coat of paint.
I absolutely love my gift and know I will cherish it for years and years.
Along with The Man.

40 Responses to “Reclaimed Wood Sofa Table”

  1. Maria

    I love that table! Lucky you! (And I love the unfinished )metal.

  2. angela

    love it!! reminds me of my table from….not sure, Pottery Barn, Pier One, of course I got mine from a garage sale, right now it’s outside on my front porch, but I could easily (and have thought about it!!) dust it off, shine the wood up, and bring it in!!! but…having it made by your husband….priceless!!! love it!!!
    Angela from NJ

  3. Jill Flory

    How cool! I love it! He could probably go into business building one for all of us out here swooning over it!

  4. Barbara

    Love the table. Tell more about the lamps, please. They are fantastic, as well.

  5. Rita May

    I love it too! Reclained and handmade by him make it perfect. Did he do the metal work as well.
    It’s such a perfect fit and function.

  6. carol@houseandhomedefined

    I LOVE that! You are a lucky lady, and he is a talented guy. Man oh man. Your family room is lovely, too. I agree with the unfinished frame choice. It adds so much character and personality.

  7. liz

    Hi Heather,
    OK, is he taking orders? Just kidding. He did a fine job. It’s a perfect fit. The lamps also tie it all in perfectly.
    Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your new room!
    xxx LizlovesVintage

  8. Michelle

    So pretty. Gorgeous wood. Would LOVE to see more glimpses of your home!


    you are one blessed Puppy! You betta hang onto him!

  10. Rachel

    Table is absolutely charming. There is nothing better than a handmade gift, had hubby found this somewhere in his travels, you would have still loved it, but it wouldn’t be the same kind of love, this one has sentimental value! Treasure your man!

  11. Robyn

    Amazing, that he could make that so quickly, AND the table!
    Lucky you!!!

  12. Liz Mathews

    Just beautiful! I love the view of your mantle as well- those trees are fabulous!
    You’re a very lucky lady with a very talented man!

  13. Cindy @ French Grey

    Love the table, perfect industrial touch! Been thinking about something similar for behind my couch too! Now if my Hubby could whip up some welding skills I’d be set!


    LOVE it!!! It all looks great. Put me on the order list! I’m serious, add some casters or industrial wheels of some sort and it’s exactly what I’ve been fantasizing about for outdoor parties and entertaining; a moveable buffet.

  15. Rose C.

    Wow! That table is EXACTLY what I wanted for my family room TV stand….something long and industrial looking. First the chicken coop – now the table. You’re making my husband look bad! LOL!

  16. Sue W

    LOVE your table. I’m fortunate to have a crafty hubby too. He made Japanese shoji screens for our bedroom windows a few years ago. LOVE! And I couldn’t help but notice your basket of antlers. I have three sets of deer antlers that were shot by my late Grandfather and mounted by my Dad on the old barn wood when my Grandfather’s barn was dismanteled. I wouldn’t give them up for love nor money!

  17. Jenny

    Oh ya, perfect! I love the unfinished metal frame too. I’m gonna ask my brother who’s a gifted welder too, to make me one! 😉
    I love the antlers. We have 30 acres in wood & hubby always tells me to go out in the woods in Spring when the bucks are shedding their antlers naturally… but, you have to FIND them before other critters eat them!! And, they blend in with all the other sticks & forest floor!!! hee hee

  18. Debe

    Well…I guess you definitely better keep HIM! That table is just grand. Envious, my husband is wonderful but he doesn’t make anything but birdies, sometimes. Golf isn’t for sharing. That table is an heirloom.

  19. Wendy in Kennewick

    I’m interested in the lamps as well. Are they mercury glass? of course, the table is fantastic.

  20. Jill Marie LaVine

    Absolutely love it. You are one lucky lady…and I know he is lucky to have you too. Would love to see more pics of your family room.

  21. Maggie Nunez

    i love your table. My hubby makes me furniture too! It means so much more than getting something store bought.

  22. Sarah

    SO SO Funny! My husband welded me VERY similar frames too, after I sketched for him also! Mine still aren’t topped yet though…searching for the right wood, I have actually thought about buying new and leaving them outside for a few weeks/months…until I get the right amount of age.

  23. Joanne B.

    love the table for sure- my husband is also, as I tell everyone, “too talented for his own good”- because I am alwaya thinking of new projects for him! Please tell us where you got the mercury glass lamps! They are my lastest love, but PV is a little too rich for my blood- need a good find for a great price for my master bedroom!

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