Inventory of Recent Daily Life

It's been a whirlwind of activity around these parts what with the holidays and such. I'm sure all of you can relate.  I made an inventory of "highlights" from the bright and not so much bright side of the last two weeks…

The Bright Side

The Man made me an an amazing gift for Christmas. Photos soon!
Our daughter is transfering universities to finish her degree.
I had a birthday.
We made an offer on a 1950's California Ranch.
The Man brought home 21 lobsters from his New Year's dive.
I have lots of new work and projects starting up.
The weather has been in the 80's!

The Not So Bright Side

Our daughter is transfering universities.
We were the backup offer on the ranch and didn't get it.
The washing machine broke. What a mess.
My car is leaking oil all over the driveway.
Overwhelming amount of year end paperwork.
Our chickens are still not laying eggs.

So…how are your highlights looking? 

27 Responses to “Inventory of Recent Daily Life”

  1. antiquechase

    We were in backup on our current house for 6 months! Yes six! It fell out of escrow at the last moment and we ended up getting it. I know what you’re going through. I hope it works out the way you want it too! Marcy

  2. angela

    are you missing a head on your statue??? it’s still a beautiful piece. I wish you luck in your endeavors, and hope that 2012 brightens up for you!!!

  3. Heather Bullard

    Yep, it’s missing. But I still bought it. I suppose it’s a combination of Bright and Not So Bright Sides. 😉

  4. Sue

    How old are your chickens? Ours were at least 6 months old before they started laying. That was their Christmas gift to us. And I think only 2 (maybe 3) of the 4 are laying now.

  5. Wendy McDonagh-Valentine

    I’ve been talking with some of my friends and we’ve all come to the conclusion that this is the storm before the calm. : )
    My son is also transferring from an away college to a local college which means he is at home again. I love him dearly BUT it was nice having him home on the weekends and away during the week. Does it make me a bad mother to admit that???
    I’m so happy that your work is keeping you busy. It gives you something to focus on while all the other stuff that is out of your control works itself out. Happy New Year and God bless!! : )
    ~ Wendy

  6. Heather Bullard

    Sweet Wendy…You’re not a bad mother! I’ve been having the same feelings. You want them to stay, you want them to go. Hang in there! I’m right there with you! ~H
    Hi Sue ~ our chickens will be 2 years in March. Seems they decided to stop production for a while with the limited winter daylight. We’re hoping they start back up soon. We miss their eggs! ~H

  7. Beth

    It seems I’ve had more valley experiences than mountain top this holiday season. First, the car decided to need a new part. I don’t remember what it was called but it (plus labor!)cost over $1,000. Then we had an unexpected death in the family on the 18th. I’m so glad that December has been put to bed for another year and am praying that 2012 is a wonderful, joy-filled year.
    PS…it’s a good thing that your daughter wants to spread her wings a little more. It was hard at first but then I realized how stress free my life was when the girls were away at college. I love them dearly, but sometimes a mom needs a little rest and some down time!

  8. rachel schindler

    Its good to know other people’s car are leaking oil and dreading the year end paperwork and what is up with the weather? Az is in the 80’s too. Happy New Year…looking forward to all of your great inspiration in the coming year.

  9. Kimberly

    H~ Loved seeing you twice on our vacation!!!! Bummed you are the back up offer but you never know. We also didn’t get the house we are in at first but then the first offer dropped out and voila we got it. Have a great sun shiny day! Blessings, Kimberly

  10. The enchanted home

    I love the saying “there are no mistakes in life” and when my son changed from his very prestigious university to a good one but nearly on the same level (inside at least) I was very disappointed but supported his choice, well he is a much much happier kid today, he wasn’t enjoying all the pressure and that school just didn’t fit him, such is life and I have seen with other things that didnt’ work out as planned only to find out in fact that it was a good thing it didn’t work out for one reason or another. Now thats all well and good but when it comes to chickens laying eggs and broken washing machines, sorry you are on your own…lol! Good luck!

  11. Jackie

    These last two weeks for me have gone by in a blur of activity. My best highlight was having all my kids home for the holidays. My not so bright event would be the snow storm that hit as everyone was heading back to normal life once again. I too am not looking forward to the end of year paperwork.

  12. Sarah

    We found that adding Christmas lights to their coop for a couple of extra hours of daylight brought the eggs back.
    It’s not a huge win to add to the bright side column, but sunny yolks do make the winter seem brighter!

  13. Julie

    Try a light in the coop on a timer. I have extended the day light using artificial and it’s working for us.We have 14 girls Im getting about 8-10 eggs each day. Just keep the light away from anything flamable. So far our girls keep on providing. I dont know if I ever told you this but you were my inspiration to buy chicks. We love them!! My coop is not as white and pretty as yours but it too is quite cool in it’s own way!!! We have a vintage nesting box and my 15 year old daughter and I built our own run. Our eggs are so beautiful and they taste so good…

  14. Rose C.

    I love that your are willing to share to bright side and not so bright side. It’s a reminder to me that no one’s life is perfect (and mine is far from it) and maybe this year, I’ll try not to be so hard on myself when I find I can’t do it all!
    As always your blog inspires me!

  15. Heather :) :) :)

    Hmm….bright sides for me are that I’m still on track for losing weight/getting healthy.
    I”m looking for work
    Not so bright sides, we need to repair one of the water pipes in the house…and there’s no money to fix it. Bright side, is that we have two other bathrooms, and they work perfect…so we don’t have to get the pipe fixed right away.
    Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather 🙂

  16. Kat @Low Tide High Style

    Another, even better, house will come along, I know this firsthand. And if it makes you feel any better, our daughter transferred twice before finishing her degree. She went from her first university that offered her a fantastic scholarship to a very expensive out of state university where she got her degree. We often refer to her as Goldielocks when talking about her college career! 😉
    Happy New Year, I hope it is a good one.
    Kat 🙂

  17. rita

    Sweet Heather! you always make our day a little bit brighter. Now is our turn to make your better! You have a wonderful man on your side and your daughter loves you very much….. everything will be alright.
    I am trying to loose weight too, I have a great creek to hike if you would like to join me one of these days. Miss seen you. Ciao Rita

  18. Jill Flory

    🙂 Nice to know we are not alone in everything not being all roses:) At least you have 80 degree weather! Not so here:(
    I hope your hens soon start laying again for you. I’ve been buying eggs from a friend who has some of the same kinds you have and I know how much you must miss those delicious eggs. I cannot bring myself to buy them from the grocery anymore!

  19. Sue W

    My girls have been in a laying frenzy with the spring like temps we’d been having in FL. But I’m sure that will slow down now after our recent freezing temps. The past two days we’ve been colder than Denver and Bismark South Dakota for Pete’s sake!
    I would be more than happy to trade you some fresh eggs for a lobster or twelve!

  20. paige

    gosh heather i appreciate your transparency in this post.
    so creative & cute and yet so honest too.
    i’m sure this is a toughy as i assume that means your baby girl will be further from you.
    i know that is so hard….
    wishing YOU all the best in 2012, whatever it may bring!

  21. Heather Bullard

    Thanks so much for all your sweet comments! Your encouragement and “been there” words have been great to read. All in all I live a very blessed life but there are those occasional doses of challenges that keep me on my toes!
    You gals are the best! Thanks for your friendship!
    xo, Heather

  22. Rhonda

    I love this post, Heather. I was just talking to a good friend about life’s ups and downs. The best part of it was “the good friend”. They get us through so much.
    Best wishes, Rhonda

  23. Sonya Mogenson

    Heather…our chickens did not lay for 5 wks between Nov. & Dec. they did a light molting & became inverted hens! Christmas day 1 of the 2 6 month old Polish girls gifted us with her first egg. The next day we received another gift from her as well as a green egg from our Easter Egger, next day the 2nd 6month old & 2 yr old gifted us! So now we are getting 4 beautiful eggs/day! Best of all, my husband surprised me yesterday with an early bday gift…an antique egg scale..charming! Not to worry…they will start up again…this is just what chickens do! Happy New Year! Sonya in St. Louis, MO

  24. Mitzi Curi

    I’ve had some surprise expenses lately, so all of my profit from my antique biz is going into stuff like new tires for my van. That’s no fun! I love the beautiful image in this post, Heather. Thanks for sharing it and your list of woes!

  25. Marilyn Lindsay

    It is always like this that when you have holidays you might have bad hair days and not all the time you’ll have beautiful days.

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