Inspiration for Creative Types

Ira Glass on Storytelling from David Shiyang Liu on Vimeo.

 Happy New Year Friends! To Welcome 2012, I thought I'd share one of my all time favorite videos to inspire and encourage any of you who work in the creative field. Your trade (and my own) is a process of evolving creativity and refinement. Whether it be storytelling, photography, jewelry making or shopkeeping….
  Be bold this year. Keep going. Don't ever give up.
This is your year to make it happen!

26 Responses to “Inspiration for Creative Types”

  1. Sandra Lee

    That is such an awesome video!!! Just what we need to keep pressing forward and enjoy the ride…Happy New Year Heather :))

  2. liz

    What a RELIEF 😉
    I thought I was being too critical.
    Thanks, Heather and…
    Happy New Year!
    xxx Liz

  3. Darlene

    THANK YOU!!! I have been trying to remember where/when I saw this because I needed to hear it again (and again, and again!) Drove myself half crazy! Thanks for leaving the other half of me not-as-crazy!

  4. Heather :) :) :)

    LOVE THIS 🙂 🙂 Thanks for the video encouragement 🙂 Happy New Year to you and your family, too 🙂 🙂 Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather 🙂

  5. Dinahsoar

    How many things might I have pursued–not given up–had I understood this back in the day.

  6. lulu

    Fight your way through that……..Thanks so much Heather, just what I needed today. Having a crisis of creative faith in myself. I have read this before, but hearing him say it……Thanks. L

  7. robin mckeirnan

    Thank you so much for posting this !!!!!! it hit home so hard..It is exactly how I have been feeling. I know I am also there. Sometimes I think I am there and I step back and see how much further I can take my work.
    Happy New Year !
    I am inspired !

  8. susan

    This video really hit the mark for me. I’ve often thought “I could do that.” But when I try it’s not as good as I imagined. I really am very critical of myself. Thanks for inspiring me to press on! I love your work! Happy New Year!

  9. Wendy in Kennewick

    Thank you for extra boost of encouragement with this video. I have resolved to spend time on a creative endeavour every day to counteract my dayjob, which in a mind-numbingly, boring phase while waiting for funding.

  10. Gail

    Happy new year! I’m off to watch the video now because I could use a little encouragement!

  11. Gail

    Me again. I just watched the video and loved it. (Plus, I’m just a big This American Life fan so I recognized Ira Glass’s voice immediately.)
    “Fight your way through it.”
    Got it!

  12. Mitzi Curi

    Thank you so much for sharing that video! I just shot my first video of myself for my blog. At first, I liked it. Then, I started picking it apart. Of course it isn’t going to be perfect, but everyone has to start somewhere. My first blog post wasn’t perfect either. I think I’m going to go ahead and post the video this week. What the heck!

  13. Sandy

    Heather- question. Do you still have a “store” for purchasing items? I have not had any luck finding it on line. thanks and Happy New Year! Sandy

  14. Carrie - The Corson Cottage

    This is so true! So me! I feel like I am spinning with all of these fabulous grandeous ideas. I always let my budget & my follow through stop me. I keep trying to just get started with something small…but am I moving in the right direction??? Where I am able to start, is it good enough??? It’s not as high quality as I would like. Then I stop and start over….it’s endless! I swear this is it…this is my year! I am going to start…small but I am going to begin.

  15. trish banner

    Ira Glass is the best. I hadn’t heard that before, thanks for sharing : )
    another quote along the same vein…
    “success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”
    – Winston Churchill
    keep on keepin’ on!

  16. pve

    Fantastic! How inspiring. I love his voice and I think even the best taste involves lots of tasting and adjusting – adding a pinch of this or that. I think volume is good, but identifying one thing and doing that one thing over and over can produce results.

  17. Molly Q.

    Thanks for posting this. Inspiring. And enjoy your blog quite a bit.

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