Craftapalooza & Holiday Happenings

Last week I got together with my friends Pam, Jenny and Amy for our official Christmas Craftapalooza. We met at Jenny's new Studio Crescendoh which was amazing! Each of us picked a holiday craft to make and brought supply kits for the others. It was a great way to keep it simple and stress free for everyone.
Pam's Felt Wreath kits came wrapped in festive burlap bags, so cute!


My craft was to make simple Acorn Elves (not Elf since we made 6 each) and I packaged the kits in kraft boxes with small cellophane bags of supplies.
In the photo below, Pam's elves are on the left and mine are on the right. Big difference in the artists hand right? Hers look more like actual elves. Don't worry, I'm not embarassed by my amateurish skills. Glitter fixes everything. It's all good. 


Amy won the trophy for Most Generous Overacheiver by bringing two amazing crafts. I know, show-off. She brought antique mesh bags filled with gorgeous beads to make Souvenir Necklaces and holiday inspired ephemera to make Bon Bon Bags…including the chocolates to fill them! See more photos from her post.



And Jenny got us all in touch with our inner doodler with this fun craft! Sorry, I must have stopped taking photos somewhere after 9pm or so. My favorite part was using the Copic markers for the first time ever…specifically the BG-10 Cool Shadow. I heart that color big time. And I used it very liberally on everyones journals. Hope they liked it. :-))

So how about you guys/gals? Have you been making merry and getting your craft on? My freezer is jam packed with cookies waiting to be packaged & delivered this week. And I've made more spiced nuts than I care to admit due to an epic recipe failure (via a famous Barefoot lady) that got multiple thumbs down. Expensive lesson learned…pounds and pounds of nuts are not cheap. I guess they can't all be homeruns can they? In the end, I went back to my old tried and true family favorite. Why try to change things Heather, why?

Hope all is going well in your neck of the snowy, wintery, Christmasy woods!
Feel free to share your fun holiday stories, mishaps and adventures!

18 Responses to “Craftapalooza & Holiday Happenings”

  1. Heather :) :) :)

    I just LOVE all the ornaments…so cute and definitely creative and crafty 🙂 🙂 Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather 🙂

  2. Florence Muma

    What a fun time you all had. I did the Chipolte, Rosemary Roasted Nuts from Barefoot, they came out awesome. I had to get my Chipolte powder from Pensey Spices. Yummy! Merry Christmas Heather! Florence

  3. Barbara Stevens

    Oops, It doesn’t go directly to the recipe. If you look through Sara Foster’s Southern Kitchen on Amazon and scroll down to Sweet And Spicy Pecans in the Hors d’oeuvre section you can view the recipe.

  4. Wendy in Kennewick

    Your cinnamon honey butter has become a staple stocking stuffer since you posted it on your blog a couple Christmas ago. I spent Sunday making a dozen cheeseballs using a family recipe to give away to neighbors and friends.

  5. Sue W

    Oh so cute! I wish I had crafty girlfriends…mine tell me I have too much time on my hands. :::sigh:::
    So where does a new follower go to find this cinnamon honey butter recipe?! This sounds right up my alley. Off to peruse the archives!

  6. Sue W

    Woot! Found the cinnamon honey butter recipe! Dec 16 2009 if anyone else is interested. Gonna makw this for last minute gifts! (thank you Heather for Archives!)

  7. Heather Bullard

    Love Sara Fosters cookbook! Will have to try her version next year. Have to save up for it since I spent all my pennies on this years nuts! 😉
    Merry Christmas! ~H

  8. Heather Bullard

    That’s the recipe I tried and followed it exactly, even turning the nuts twice during baking. We couldn’t taste the maple syrup or any sweetness at all and the chipotle & rosemary were so overpowering.
    Perhaps this just wasn’t the recipe for our tastes. I’m glad your batch was a hit with your family.
    Have a very Merry Christmas! ~H

  9. Kelley

    Happy Holidays Heather…where do you get your energy!!!! I just read your last 5 posts and oh my gosh…loved them. Paris Paris Paris…your photos were amazing and I can just imagine how hard it must have been not to buy everything you saw.
    I have not made a craft or a cookie…shame on me, but I might pull out the almond roca recipe we all love so much!
    Thankd so much for the inspiration…xoxo kelley

  10. Rose C.

    All that talent in ONE room!!! I’m fortunate to have one of Pam’s original “Give Thanks” signs from over 10 years ago still hanging in my home! I love the idea of getting a group together for a craftaapoolaza! Maybe I’ll try to get a group together next year.
    Happy Holidays Heather!

  11. patti

    what a great idea – and I love how everyone paid such attention to detail in the packaging of each craft – happy holidays

  12. ~Amber T

    Wow that looks so fun, jealous over here! I have been using your gift wrapping ideas from a few years ago and having lots of fun with it! I am so thankful you share your creative ideas. Merry Christmas!

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