Christmas Chickens

I made a Christmas wreath for The Girls front gate from free clippings I picked up at the Home Depot. Did you know they'll give you free tree trimming clippings? Just ask! They're perfect for making simple wreaths or to hang as swags over hutches, cabinets or picture frames.

When I first hung the wreath I got a few funny head turning quizzical looks from my hens….


But they soon realized it wasn't fresh food for them to nibble. And now they just ignore it. In other chicken news…they have all completely stopped laying eggs due to the lack of sunlight. Hens need 14+ hours of light a day to lay eggs. A lot of people install artificial lighting in their coops to keep their hens in production but we're giving ours a break and hope they'll start strong in the spring. Boy do we miss their eggs and I feel like a traitor buying them. At least I purchase organic, cage free eggs. Makes me feel a tiny bit better about the whole thing.

21 Responses to “Christmas Chickens”

  1. Andrea

    Our girls stopped laying a few weeks ago. It was really hard to buy a carton of eggs at the grocery store. It just feels completely wrong.

  2. Cindy in Austin

    Who knew. How good of you to give the girls a break. I would do the same. I love your chicken posts because they are so informative. Thank you for your inspiration and knowledge!

  3. Karen B

    I didn’t know they needed that much sun. I’ve forwarded this to my daughter who is waiting for her chickens to start laying. They’re young, but maybe this is why. I’m so glad you decorated their house. It’s totally you!

  4. Ruth Ann

    Hi Heather! Love the Christmas wreath on the chicken coop! Thanks for the Chicken news…one of these days when I’m a chicken mama I will need to know these things! Have a blessed Christmas!
    Ruth Ann
    Sugar Pie Farmhouse

  5. Lu Tapp

    That is so fun! I wish we could have chicks and fresh eggs. My boys would love it! Maybe someday. I hope you and your family have a joyous holiday season! Cheers, Lulu

  6. karla

    i am in completely in agreement with you…if one must purchase their eggs, organic, cage free, free range is THE only way to go.
    the egg producing industry for the most part is reprehensible.
    thanks for encouraging others to go ‘cruelty free’!
    polka dot rose

  7. Rhonda

    Your girls are looking so happy! I’m off to Home Depot tomorrow for some trimmings…and I thought this was a rumor. Merci, Heather, thanks for the tip.

  8. Sue W

    I’m lucky to live in FL where we still get a goodly amount of sun even in winter. My girls don’t lay as frequently, but I am still pleasantly surprised by the occasional egg during the winter months.

  9. calico Child

    Hi Heather gosh I cannot belive I haven’t had chance to catch up with your post for such a long time I am a terrible blogger I have to change my ways in 2012 organisation is the key word with me I feel any way just wanted to say love the chicken coop hope they lay in the spring my sister has chickens & I agree there eggs are the best :)) x

  10. Carol at A Bird in Hand

    Our girls are molting and stopped laying a little while ago as well…even here in Florida. Wonder why they don’t molt in the summer when it is hot and maybe a few less feathers would feel good!! We have friends who have younger birds who have just started laying, so we are getting eggs from them. Ours are 3 years old this Christmas. We still love them regardless of eggs and feathers!!!
    Enjoy a wonderful Christmas season. Love the wreath!! Carol

  11. Erica H

    Adorable! Our hen laid eggs right through our TX winter, but we did install a heat lamp in their coop to keep them cozy. I guess that did it!

  12. Boho Farm and Home

    love the Christmas chickens! I think adding a little beauty like that wreath will have them start laying in no time…chickens need inspiration too!

  13. susan

    how cute! i’ve been getting free greens there for a few years, it’s nice that they do that! merry christmas! susan

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