Paris ~ The Gardens

The gardens and parks of Paris are the jewels of the city. They are filled with gorgeous fountains, tree lined paths, manicured lawns and park benches scattered throughout encouraging you to sit, relax and take in the beauty.







These images were taken from three different gardens. The Jardin du Luxembourg, Place des Vosges and Jardin des Tuileries.

The Jardin du Luxembourg is the second largest public park in Paris. It's located in the 6th arrondisment and is the garden of the French Senate. We loved the fountains here! And their amazing planted urns filled with seasonal flowers. We heard from a local that it's best to visit it in the morning when it's quiet.

The Jardin des Tuileries was my personal favorite. It's located in front of the Louvre and was created in 1564. Astonishing. It's the perfect spot for a picnic. You can sit on the lawns and have a view of the Eiffel Tower, stop by the carousel and hear children laughing, sit by the fountain and snack on crepes or glace and people watch til your hearts content.

Place des Vosges is the oldest square in Paris and is surrounded by lovely apartments. It was built between 1605 and 1612 by Henri IV. After visiting the park I would recommend strolling through the arcades. They have quaint shops, art galleries and cafes. Oh, and you can reach this park quickly by going through the Hotel de Sully, into a small courtyard and then through a door on the right…voila, you're in the square. It's very charming and you'll feel like a local here.

13 Responses to “Paris ~ The Gardens”

  1. Jeanne

    My friend Tracey just got back from Paris too. Even though I am going back in the spring I have to say that fall will be the next time. Lovely photos!

  2. Traci

    gorgeous photos heather. makes me want to jump on a plane right now. someday i will get there.

  3. teresa

    Oh cool you were there during the fall =)…I’ve always wondered what the parks were like during that time…..Spring is the only time I’ve seen them.
    Happy Day….wonderful pictures.

  4. JeanFB

    Wow, stunning photos once again. It’s wonderful to see all of the beauty that exists beyond the typical vacation photos that everyone else takes.

  5. Laurie

    Beautiful photos. Isn’t it amazing to be surrounded by all that history. A garden established in 1564… amazing!

  6. Karen B

    A couple years ago when we were in Paris, our hotel was very close to the Tuileries. In fact, our room window looked right at the Opera House. My husband got up early for his morning run. He was also trying to avoid the really crazy Paris traffic. As he ran into the Tuileries, he was greeted by dogs and police. Evidently the Tuileries is closed during certain times. He quickly made a U turn and headed another direction. Fun times. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. Rhonda

    Oh, my favorite Jardin du Luxembourg – our hotel was walking distance from this park. We fell in love instantly with that same fountain you photographed.
    It’s so nice to see it in the fall colors.

  8. Zita - Mlle Magpie

    Heather, I often used to eat my lunch in Jardin du Luxembourg when I was a graduate student doing research in the 5th arrondissement. Just lovely memories of that park…

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