Paris ~ Locks of Love

With Paris being known as the city of romance, it comes as no surprise that lovers from around the world would want to secure their love pact while visiting. They have done so by the thousands with their locks of love strewn across the bridges of the Seine River.


We witnessed many couples writing their names or initials and special date on a padlock, sealing their love with a kiss and throwing the key into the water. Swoon. Sooo romantic. I quickly volunteered to take photos for many of the lovestruck couples. Just couldn't help myself. I'm a sucker for romance.



If you go to Paris, please make sure you stop and see them. It's absolutely wonderful to witness for yourself all the love and goodness in the world.
The bridges we saw them on were the Pont du Carrousel and the Passerelle de Arts. These two bridges connect the Louvre and the Left Bank. Easy to find on any Paris map. Long live love! xo, H

25 Responses to “Paris ~ Locks of Love”

  1. Beth

    I love this idea!! Thanks for sharing with those of us who have not yet fulfilled our dreams of visiting Paris. ♥

  2. Laura @ 52 FLEA

    It’s been over 12 years since I have visited Paris on our 25th anniversary and this is the first that I have seen this. I love this romantic idea and hope to visit again one day and perhaps even fasten our own lock of love! Thanks for these great pictures! 🙂

  3. Cathy

    I was in Paris in March and wondered what the locks were about. Thanks for explaining.

  4. Gail

    We were just there last month and saw the locks. I thought they were incredibly romantic. However, we were told that the City was very upset by the locks as it interferes with the maintenance of the bridges and they will inevitably and eventually have to be cut off. It will be too bad.

  5. Katey

    I visited Kazan last month and they have a “tree” set up by the river and it was loaded with locks. As we arrived newly weds were leaving the site. Love this sweet idea.

  6. Sue W

    Why don’t WE have a cool tradition like this here in the U.S?!

  7. CateRio

    I was in Florence, Italy last year and they also have this tradition. I took pictures of it too since I’d never seen it before. Very romantic!

  8. kimberly

    It is so funny that you titled it “Paris – locks of love” as when I returned from France last month I cut off over 12 inches of my hair to donate to locks of love. I thought you had done the same!

  9. Julia

    This is definitely adorable — but it’s all over Europe, not just Paris! I saw my first in Prague, by the John Lennon wall…

  10. Lori-Anne

    Oh. My. Goodness! How romantic is that?? I have never heard of this – do you know if it’s a new tradition or does this date back some time? I wonder what happens to the padlocks if the couple breaks up?? 😉

  11. N'awlins Darlin'

    My sweetie and I went to the top of the Eiffel Tower this summer and someone had placed a lock on the wire mesh surrounding the observation deck. I took a photo because I thought it was interesting, but had no idea the meaning behind it. Awwww!!

  12. hiba Msi

    nice collection, it’s great to have traditionnel things

  13. Kate

    There is a huge cliff (gorge?) in China somewhere where they do this too!

  14. Meas Wilbanks

    I am totally impressed with the idea. It’s so romantic. I’ll suggest this idea to all my couple friend. Thanks!

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