Paris ~ Les Fleurs

After we settled into our apartment the first thing we did was head to the market for provisions and fresh flowers to make our nest cozy. We had our priorities straight, non? But I must confess…I took an obscene amount of flower images during our stay. So many that my daughter would automatically stop before me at any flower shop because she knew I was going to take more.
How can one resist such loveliness?







If you're looking for a shop filled to the brim with choices (and great photo ops) my pick would be Cler Fleurs located on Rue Cler in the 7th. They also have a fantastic Sunday market on Rue Cler which I'll post about later!
But if I were looking to experience a true Parisian fleuriste or something more unique, my choice would be Les Fleurs Des Georges Gay. This tiny shop is located a few streets behind the Louvre and was the most charming one I had ever seen. They had wonderful autumnal displays, gorgeous flowers, overflowing urns filled with beautiful plants and a nice mix of antiques and garden elements.
Plus it smelled divine. Like the earth and fresh cut roses.  

22 Responses to “Paris ~ Les Fleurs”

  1. Bonnie

    Oh my gosh, the waft of their fragrance greets me as I look at these gorgeous pics…beautiful!!!

  2. Kimber-Leigh

    there ARE so many gorgeous flower shops in paris! these images are beautiful on my rainy monday morning πŸ™‚

  3. Peggy Williams

    I am so enjoying your Paris posts. I was there in April and we loved Rue Cler and I loved all the flowers everywhere! I want to go back there!

  4. Esther

    Ahhh, Paris flowershops, why is everything looks better in Paris? Did you have a chance to visit the Floral market next to the bird market located in Ile St Louis / Ile de la Cite?

  5. Lisa

    When I went to Paris years ago, we stayed in the Hotel Leveque on the Rue Cler and I totally remember that flower shop. Thanks for bringing back such wonderful memories for me.

  6. teresa

    What is it about Paris that’s makes flowers all the prettier? There must be something in the air. Thanks for sharing.


    Hi Heather…
    Are you still here? I, by total coincidence, live at the end of rue Cler so would be great to say hi if you have time for a quick ‘noisette!’. Actually, a lot of our website images were shot in that area!
    Founder – BEG Bicycles

  8. Liz Mathews

    Hi Heather and Lisa,
    I’ve also stayed at the Hotel Leveque! It’s so much fun to re-live the trip with you πŸ™‚ Thanks for bringing back all of the memories!

  9. Victoria

    Extraordinary! Thank you so much for sharing your fabulous photos of Paris! If I can sit in this flower shop and a patisserie I would be happy as a lark! Well, maybe some of my favorite perfume shops as well. Our friends sold their homes here and moved to Paris five years ago. They have been begging us to come visit. I work part-time for a major airline so getting there and having a place to stay isn’t a problem. Our friends own two apartments other than their own — one in Le Marais and the other in Provence. So why haven’t we been yet???? I keep asking hubby why. He says he doesn’t want to go until we can spend at least 10-14 days exploring everything. And with his job, it’s difficult to get away right now. I think I would be very happy going for a week for now and then two weeks later on. I’m not getting any younger after all!!! Thanks again for sharing your photos. Makes me even more impatient to hop a plane and get there now!

  10. Sue W

    I can almost smell them from here! I don’t know what I’d do first…eat or buy flowers!

  11. Heather Bullard

    Hi Lisa,
    I didn’t stay at the Hotel Leveque…is it in a photo or near Rue Cler. It is a great arrondissement to stay in while there! ~H

  12. Heather Bullard

    Hi Esther,
    We didn’t go to the bird market…hit the flea market instead! So many fantastic choices for spending a day in Paris! ~H

  13. Heather

    oh my! looking at all this is oh so dangerous πŸ™‚ wowzers… I am just a girl from the sticks but would I ever love to see these beautiful places! Thanks for letting me ‘travel’ through the lense of your camera πŸ™‚

  14. Lisa

    The Hotel Leveque is right on Rue Cler across the street from the Creperie and the flower shop you photographed. It’s really easy to miss as it’s just a tiny door along the street, but we found the location perfect. I think it was recommended by Rick Steves in his Paris book. So glad you had a great trip. I’m dying to go back. Keep posting!

  15. ALICIA


  16. Zita - Mlle Magpie

    The flower shops in Paris were one of my most favourite things when I lived there. I bought flowers every single week when I lived there. My favourite shop was Thalie in the 5th arrondissement (close to the laboratoire where I did my graduate research). The owner, Philippe, actually lived in California for a while (think Frenchman crossed with a bit of a surfer dude!) – we sometimes drank champagne in the back of his shop when he would return with a few crates from a visit to the Champagne region…

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