A Visit to E. Dehillerin

First off, this image has absolutely nothing to do with the French culinary mecca, E. Dehillerin. But I thought you might get a kick out of seeing Recycling Day in Paris. The big green recycling bins were overflowing and curb sides were spilling over with wine bottles. Can you imagine this in the states? We'd think someone had a HUGE party.


Many of you are probably already aware of this famous shop. They've been in business since 1820 so I'm in a very long line of devote customers. Their copper pots were amazing. And they had them in every shape and size you could imagine. While we were there a young American chef was purchasing a large assortment to take back to his new restaurant. I imagined he was going to use the small ones to serve Lobster Pot Pie. I would.


The staff was extremely friendly and helpful despite the fact that the shop was packed. English and French verbs and nouns were being flung around as if they were one language. Everyone understood each other as if their true mutual language was Culinary.


Pastry chefs must adore this place. Every imaginable tool was available for them from minature tart pans, ring molds, brioche molds…and expert advice on anything they might need.


At the sales counter (which is probably the original from 1820) they carefully wrap your purchases up in brown parchment paper. And for the heavy items (like all the copper pots you buy) they will pack and ship them right to your US doorstep.
See? They're very helpful. 🙂

8 Responses to “A Visit to E. Dehillerin”

  1. Sue W

    Love all the wine bottles!
    I would be in heaven in E. Dehillerin. I could probably just wander the aisles for days on end. It would be like I was lost, but it would be a good lost!

  2. Nia Sayers

    As a girl whose Christmas wish list contains ONLY kitchen gadgets and goodies this year, this place is beyond dreamy. Maybe I’ll exchange all the items on my wish list for a trip there in person ; )

  3. Victoria

    Had to laugh at the site of all those empty wine bottles out for recycling. I know our recycling bins are beginning to look similar after our last trip to Sonoma and Napa and my husband joining several wine clubs. We just got another shipment today. And I could live at E. Dehillerin! Now, did you happen to visit any of my favorite French perfumeuries? Serge Lutens, Guerlain, Annick Goutal, Caron, and so many more! Would love to to see your brilliant photography from those establishments, if they even allow photography. Thanks for always interesting content and brilliant photography! Just love your blog!

  4. Mary Ann Moss

    heather i am enjoying your paris posts SO MUCH!!!!!!
    you are doing an outstanding job of capturing the lusciousness of paris.
    makes me want to hightail it over there STAT.

  5. Lu Tapp

    Hi Heather! I hope to someday go to Paris. It looks like you had a wonderful time. I wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting about the Ironstone collection you have. I think your advice was brilliant and I didn’t even think to do that. I will also post about the idea on my next post, I am sure people will love that. THANK You! I have admired your work for quite some time. Your photography is amazing and styling is what I wish to aspire to. Have a wonderful holiday! Lulu

  6. Penny Scarborough

    Hi Heather,
    I’m new to your blog page, but to be sure, I will be back. I was wondering if the pastry/culinary shop you were in was “the” one featured in “Julie and Julia”, while Julia was living in France? One of the photos looked quite familiar. Just curious. Thank you for sharing your adventures with us. I look forward to new posts, as well as spending time catching up on your older posts.
    Kindest regards,
    Penny Sue

  7. Anne Marie

    what a fantastic looking store Heather…I would love that probably as much as eating one of those macarons you posted about…or even like shopping there more than one!!
    Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving – and btw: loved Souvenir – and seeing my good friend Tracey was such a treat too.

  8. Jenn

    I LOVE E. Dehillerin! I have imported copper pots from both of my trips to Paris. I’m so jealous of your fabulous shopping trip! I’m itching to go back. It looks like your trip has been fabulous so far – I hope the rest is just as wonderful!

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