Postcards from Paris

Bonjour! We've arrived in Paris and have been behaving like tourists. We're out each day exploring the city from sun up to sun down and it's left little time for blogging. I try to share a little bit of each day over on my Facebook page and when I get more free time I will start posting on our adventures. There has been lots of flea marketing, metro rides, museum hopping, cafe visits, farmers market shopping, etc. Can't wait to tell you all about it!

12 Responses to “Postcards from Paris”

  1. susie harris

    Ohhhh how pretty Heather! Don’t you worry about us. We will be right here waiting for you when you return. No worries on blogging…enjoy every second and you can catch us up with plenty of pictures. Have fun for all of us đŸ™‚

  2. christina@ greige

    Sounds like the perfect way to spend the fall days. Waling all over the city enjoying all it has to offer! I hope you have a wonderful time!

  3. RobinfromCA

    Look forward to reading all about it and seeing the results of the flea marketing! Have a fabulous time!

  4. Pam

    Sounds like you are having a fabulous time. Loooooooooove Paris! We were there most recently in March. Which flea markets did you go to?

  5. Anne Marie

    how exciting Heather! my friend Tracey (French Larkspur) just returned home from there and from the looks of her pictures it’s peek right now! with colors and all
    hope you are doing well! website looks great as always đŸ™‚

  6. Heidi Woodruff

    Beautiful photos, loving everyone you take the time to post! Ahhhhh, can only dream….. Can’t wait to see your flea market photos!
    hugs, Heidi

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