Bon Voyage: Paris Adventure


Our Paris adventure is finally here! We leave tomorrow for our Mother/Daughter trip of a lifetime. There has been a ton of planning for this trip: apartment hunting, itinerary updates, lists and even more lists of places not to be missed. We plan on soaking in every single itty bitty part of the experience.


My dear friend Pam, who is the most amazing artist, gave me a handmade journal to document our journey. She filled it with vintage ephemera then hand stitched the pages together and bound them inside an antique book. Isn't it so lovely? I can't wait to start scribbling away in it and know that I'll cherish it always.


Once we get situated in our apartment I plan on doing lots & lots of posts on all things Paris! I hope you'll come along with us on our adventure and share in our experience. I'll also be over on Facebook with candid photos and observations if you're so inclined to pop in there and see what we're up to.

Bon Voyage and see you in Paris! xo, H

23 Responses to “Bon Voyage: Paris Adventure”

  1. shannon

    How amazing and exciting!! You and your daughter are going to have the greatest memories of this trip someday 🙂

  2. Heather

    ooh.. how awesome! It’ll be fun to see your pictures 🙂
    🙂 Heather
    p.s. that link to your friend Pam doesn’t work. (or didn’t on my computer anyways) Just saying cause anyone who can put together that awesomeness.. certainly has my curiosity piqued 🙂

  3. Victoria

    What a blessing that the two of you can have this cherished trip of a lifetime. I can’t wait to read all about your adventures!

  4. Michelle

    Yes, do share on facebook and don’t forget about twitter, following you there too. What a wonderful dream, and with your precious daughter! Have a magical trip!

  5. Natacha

    Lucky you! Can you imagine, I live in Luxembourg – about 4 hours drive – and I have never been to Paris (ok, Disneyland, but that doesn’t count).

  6. Wendy in Kennewick

    Enjoy!! What a fantastic Mother/Daughter Adventure. I’ll look forward to your Paris posts. Keep in mind when you return home that Williams and Sonoma chocolate croissants are exactly like you will find in Paris. 🙂

  7. Bonniezo

    My husband and I just returned from Paris and I was secretly looking for you!!!! Can’t wait to read about your trip.

  8. Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage

    Bon Voyage…….special memories for certain…..

  9. Kimberly

    Cheers to having a great time!!!!!! Blessings, Kimberly

  10. teresa

    So super excited for you…rest up now…don’t do like we did…got there crashed on the bed…didn’t wake up for 17 hours {holy cow} missed a whole day!
    Have a blast….it will be tons of fun following along via…blog =)


    I am so jealous. Eat a pastry for me and please take pictures if you see any fun pumpkin displays.

  12. Susan

    wow, how exciting! have a wonderful & safe trip, can’t wait to read all about it!! xo susan

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