The Week in Review

Yay, it's Friday! Here's a few highlights from my little world courtesy of my cell phone. It's such a trusty sidekick for capturing those everyday moments.

1. Charming garden outside an antique store along the coast. Sorry, I forgot the name of the shop and feel bad about it. But isn't the garden lovely?

2. Glorious sunset complete with fluffy clouds and rolling hills.

3. Grocery store pumpkins. Who can resist picking up a few?

4. The Man often surprises me with hand picked bouquets on my desk. xoxo

5. Had a much needed and really fun girls night out with Pam, Amy and Jenny.  I brought each of them one of my favorite tote bags. Please excuse my pointing finger…have no idea what I'm pointing at?

Hope you all have an amazing weekend. Lobster season opens tonight at midnight so today I'll be busy helping The Man get the boat ready for his weekend of diving. And Saturday I plan to stop by an antique show with a friend. And maybe I'll pick up a movie from that Red Box. Would love to hear your plans!

9 Responses to “The Week in Review”

  1. Jamie

    Good Man, those peonies (?) are gorgeous. This weekend I’ll likely pick up a few more crazy pumpkins for my harem, spend some time in my studio on sewing and craft projects, paint our outbuilding (for functionality, not for fun darnit anyway), and relax. What could be better than all of that?


    Fall is wonderful! I love how my home gets all dressed up for the season, with a little help from me 🙂 My project this weekend is some wonderful postcard pocket gift bags I have been creating, just perfect for the holidays!! And I am going to see the new movie opening today “Courageous” heard its good!!!

  3. Karen B

    Well, my husband is in Australia, so I’ll be on my own. I’m searching the house for a stencil I bought “before move” to work on my powder room. Haven’t come up with it yet. If I do, I’ll be painting. If not, where is that antique show anyway? I’m in the area.

  4. Lili

    You dive for lobster out there? WOW we have traps here. Haha Your shots are glorious. ~Lili

  5. Camellia

    Take a walk along the lake, hit a local annual craft show for some inspiration, finish a quilt top then enjoy the last 2 days of my vacation with hubby. Thanks for sharing all your lovely photos. They also give inspiration.

  6. Camille

    Making Hydrangea wreaths and Vase arrangements and enjoying the wonderful Autumn day here in Thunder Bay ,Ontario. May take in the Sugar Maple tour up the mountain tomorrow. Hoping to time time to make some apple Pies. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos!

  7. Susan

    beautiful photos. how sweet that you get flowers, they are lovely! i can see why those are your favorite totes, super cute! have a great week! susan

  8. Judi

    Is that shop up north in Cambria? Next to Heart’s Ease, Sharon Lovejoy’s place? It sure looks familiar.

  9. Ellen

    I always love visiting your blog for inspiration. I absolutely love those totes too. Where did you get them? hugs, Ellen

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