Signs of Autumn

The seasons are slowly changing…I can feel it in the air and see it in the fields. The sun is setting earlier and the evenings are turning cool. Almost chilly. This is absolutely my favorite time of year.

Seemingly overnight it puts me in the mood to start nesting and decorating. Today I'm headed to Trader Joes because I heard through the grapevine they have the most lovely pumpkins in grays, greens and pastels. Have you been? I plan on loading my basket to overflowing. Bring on the bounty! 

21 Responses to “Signs of Autumn”

  1. Jane

    Thanks for the tip…I love Trader Joe’s! Have you ever tried their brownie mix?? To Die For!!

  2. Curtains in my Tree

    Jealous I have to drive 125 miles to get to Trader Joe’s love it
    I want to tell you Heather I fell in love with those pumpkins on the front of the new issue of Country LIving . I love toile and those pumpkins are right down my alley

  3. Donna Jenkins

    Hi Heather!
    I am a big fan of Autumn! It’s truly my favorite!
    We have the most amazing pumpkin patch here and they too have gorgeous pumpkins in fabulous colors! I also love kale and plan on planting some in my urns this weekend!
    ~quick question…I have been out looking for the chalk pin you used in the souvenir project to no avail. In what area would it be found? Just might have to get it online!
    Have a wonderful day!

  4. Sylvia

    Everything in Fall apeals to me , especially the way the season unfolds in Canada ! Enjoy the simple pleasures of this’ honest’ time of the year !

  5. Wendy in Kennewick

    I found the most lovely and unusual pumpkins and squash at our local Farmers Market. The pumpkin is pale orange/green with a lacy cream overlay pattern.

  6. Lisa's Creative Designs

    Love the pics! I can feel Fall creeping up on me even though today it is in the 80’s here in NC. I have yet to start decorating for Fall. I am hoping to start doing just that this weekend!

  7. Jamie

    Absolutely go to TJ’s – I just picked up the gnarliest, ugliest pumpkin I’ve ever seen at mine in Portland, and I’ll be going back for the grays, greens, deep orange and white ones. Me and my pumpkin are doing a photo shoot when I get home, he’s that adorably ugly (and only $5.99, such a steal! = )

  8. Annie v.

    love your photos, what kind of camera and lenses are you using
    Annie v.

  9. have a lovely

    there was a HUGE sign of autumn at our house today! i made my first batch of your pumpkin cookies this season! you shared the recipe many moons ago and it is an all time favorite at our house! thank you!

  10. Sarah Melling

    Love love love your blog! your turban squash caught my eye, as i have one on my drawing board as we speak. And my hens Charlotte and May are dead ringers for Lola and Butter! I’ll be back,

  11. teresa

    Maybe I need to head to Trader Joes- I’m in need of some chic pumpkins-
    Thanks for sharing…as always love your pictures

  12. patti

    I love trader Joes…especially their wine :-0
    Where did you find the black striped twine in your last post!

  13. nancy

    Yes, they do have the best selection! I bought a huge one that is almost a baby pink in color! First time I have seen one like that I think they were 2.99 or 3.99 in any size!

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