Monday Agenda

Workquote This is what's happening in my world this week…the opportunity to do what I love. I have a few projects and shoots to finish up and found this quote very inspiring for a Monday. Even if you're not doing what you love there is still the ability to dream, pursue and acheive it. So let's go tackle this obstacle!
What would you LOVE to do?

Art print by Puffed Peonies is available here. 

13 Responses to “Monday Agenda”

  1. Renee

    I love this! I have just really started doing what I love, I took this summer to craft, start up an etsy account and blog, and it has been so much fun.

  2. Marydon

    Very motivating & lifting, for sure.
    Would you be so kind to leave a comment on my BLOG ONLY thru the 18th, for the Miracle Makeover fund drive. Charlie, 8 yr. old, & his story are fabulous. Every comment brings us a $1 for the next person that will be sponsored. Help me spread the word.
    Have a beautiful week.
    TTFN ~

  3. Rosa

    I love to make jewelry! And can’t wait to get my studio set back up after the big move!!!

  4. Gina Granaman

    I love to create and dream about what to create!
    I also love to venture around on here and become
    Inspired by amazing women like you- Heather!
    Can’t wait to see youagain this year at JB!

  5. David Smith Segarra

    I love hearing people say they are doing what they love! 🙂 I am doing the same! Happy Days 🙂

  6. teresa

    Love it- perfect quote…I need to remember to do that more often.
    Have a wonderful day

  7. Susan

    i love this. my little one goes off to K and for the first time in 12 years i’ll be home without a child! it’s bittersweet, can’t believe how time flies….i guess it’s time for me to figure out what i want to do. have a super day! susan

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