Couscous Salad Recipe

One of my favorite side dishes is couscous. Mostly because it takes 5 minutes to prepare and goes with just about anything. I often make up different salad recipes with it and thought I'd share one that's a big hit with my family and friends. Please take liberty with the ingredients as they're meant as a guide really and not an exact science. But trust me, it's very delish!

Couscous Salad

1c whole wheat couscous
1/2c dried cranberries
1/4 to 1/2c feta cheese
1/4c chopped red onion
1/4 to 1/2c chopped toasted almonds
2 tbs chopped fresh flat leaf parsley
1/2c light greek salad dressing
salt & pepper to taste 

Cook couscous according to package instructions. Toss with remaining ingredients and let chill 2 or more hours. You may want to add a bit more dressing after it chills. Enjoy and Bon Appetit!

17 Responses to “Couscous Salad Recipe”

  1. ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

    Hi Heather,
    This sounds to good and I have the perfect bottle of Greek Dressing from Girard’s. I will be making this soon. Please stop by and enter my giveaway. I think you will like it. Make it a Gret Day!
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  2. karla

    hi heather,
    i have to say that this is the first couscous salad i have ever seen that actually looks appetizing!
    yours is, of course, visually appealing and the color and texture of the cranberries is a great addition.
    finally, a couscous recipe i actually want to try!

  3. Susan

    this sounds really good! i know my husband would love it! hope all is well! susan


    I’ve always been a couscous fan myself! My husband jokes around and says that couscous is the leftovers they sweep up off the floor after making real pasta. This first time I had it was with peas and a little Italian dressing….. love love love! I will be trying out this recipe! thank you so much!

  5. Linda Rubin

    I have a garden club luncheon coming up and I am going to make this to take. It looks delish.
    Hope you have been enjoying your summer.

  6. Jody

    Wanted to try something deliciously different. Thank you for the recipe..

  7. davek

    Love couscous salad, now I have to go and eat. you are making me hungry. Thank you

  8. Christi

    Making this soon… wondering if the 1 cup of couscous is before cooking, or 1 cup of cooked couscous?
    Thanks so much!

  9. Christi

    I didn’t measure the couscous… I just used the whole box, and it all worked out fine.
    Tonight’s dinner was garlic parmesan red snapper, spinach salad, french bread and your couscous recipe. It was delicious, and everyone loved it!
    Thanks so much. I’ll be adding this to my repertoire of recipes.

  10. Tracee

    Heather, I’m sitting here in the hospital enjoying my new Flea Market Style that my husband picked up for me today! I’ve been a fan of yours for several years and although I’m a Texas girl, I enjoyed your trek through Tennessee. However, I must correct something. Y’all as in you all. Not ya’ll.

  11. Linda Rubin

    Tried this salad and as you said, it is delish. So far every recipe that I have tried of yours as been a winner. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Tammy

    This is also one of my favorites too! So versatile & easy! Thank you for sharing this recipe, can’t wait to make this!

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