Souvenir: Highlights of Summer

 Another Friday has come so quickly! Wishing you a very happy weekend filled with scrumptious delights of summer. These photos were from the summer issue of Souvenir and right now we are busy working on the fall gazette!

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Have a fantastic weekend everyone! Hit the beach, go to the movies and eat some popsicles! Sounds like my kind of summer!

5 Responses to “Souvenir: Highlights of Summer”

  1. Rose

    I loved the summer issue and put it straight to use, making a “lemon” gift basket for a friend’s bday, filled with Souvenir ideas. Blogged about it with pictures. Can’t wait to see what Fall brings!!

  2. caussarieu

    merci pour ce magnifique post !!!
    cela donne envie!!!!

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