Daily Life: Phone Captures

1. Old buildings with exposed brick walls are so charming. Why don't they build them like that anymore? Drywall is so vanilla.


2. While out antiquing I would pick up a cup of joe at this cute coffee shop and then poof…one day it was gone. Sure gonna miss that place.

 3. Stopped by my favorite nursery where the dahlias were the size of volleyballs. I'm not kidding. They made feel like a failure because mine are meak and small but also hopeful that dahlias can be enormous if given the proper attention.

4. I want a fountain in a bad way. Something simple and timeless in design like this one. They're so soothing don't you think?
5. Hands down the cutest wine packaging I've seen in a long time. Yeah, they're sort of copying Bonne Maman but it's still adorable and is perfect for a picnic!
6. Summer dinners are consisting primarily of grilled protein and some sort of cool salad outside on the new table. Loving our chairs, btw!

This dinner talk has me wondering…do you say dinner or supper?

21 Responses to “Daily Life: Phone Captures”

  1. Jeanne

    I always love your photos. So sad about the coffee shop…it looked quaint and charming:-(

  2. Dori

    I would a little fountain like that one, too. : ) Hmmm…I use both dinner and supper, but probably dinner more.

  3. Lisa

    Dinner is a meal served between 12:00 and 4:00. Supper is after 5:00. That’s what my grandmother said and so it is law.
    Oh and that shrimp looks yummy…

  4. Jenny

    Yum! Growing up, we said ‘supper’ but now, at our house, we say dinner. That’s odd?!!

  5. Karen B

    Definitely dinner. It’s breakfast, lunch and dinner over here. But, we’re from Kansas so maybe region has something to do with it. I have a fountain. I love it. It hasn’t been hooked up in the new place yet, but it is lovely to have one close to the dinner table/kitchen window. 😉

  6. Carla Fisch

    Grew up with New England parents but in the Midwest…we said supper. Somewhere around the college years supper became dinner and after some teasing by dorm mates, pop quickly became soda!

  7. Tamra/The Gilded Barn

    For most people here on the West Coast it’s “dinner”.
    My mom’s family is all from the mid-west. Farmers. And it’s “breakfast” “dinner” and “supper”. And let me tell you, dinner on the mid-west farm is just that dinner! Full meal with all the fixin’s. Meat, bread, salad or cole-slaw, bread and always (and I mean ALWAYS!) a jello salad. “Supper” is a light meal.
    At least that’s how they roll in Simpson Kansas (pop 50 and I’m not joking)

  8. Linda Jo

    I agree with Tamra….. wherever it’s supper, it seems dinner is a big lunch. I grew up in the south and when visiting my relatives in the deep south – it was breakfast, dinner and supper. I say breakfast, lunch and dinner….. here in Texas!

  9. teresa sheeley

    How do you even make phone photos look good?? 🙂 My hubby is a Kentuckian and so he is used to lunch is dinner and dinner is supper.

  10. Marie @ Sally Lee by the Sea

    We say dinner along the west coast.
    You’re right, brick walls just make me swoon – too bad that cute coffee place closed down, bummer.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend, Heather.

  11. Melinda

    Great pictures. Brick walls are wonderful! We are thinking of brick as a backsplash in the kitchen since we can’t do an entire wall.

  12. deb

    Rogers is my fav place too…..I could spend hours (and tons of $$$$) there all the time…good thing its an hour drive!!!!
    I say dinner:)

  13. Patra

    I’m from Tennessee and what everyone else calls lunch in the south it’s dinner and then supper is the evening meal.. So it’s always supper at our house.

  14. Jeanne

    reat pics! Your shrimp and salad look scrumptous. Would you like to share the recipe?

  15. Charlene Austin

    Are those seriously phone photos? My iPhone doesn’t do that. Ha. I say dinner. I can’t even say supper. It’s too weird for some reason.

  16. Brittany

    Every morning my mom would get my dad’s “dinner bucket” (aka: lunch box) ready for work… in the mountains of NC we say supper 🙂

  17. sherry

    Growing up, my family always said breakfast, dinner, and supper.
    After I married, it became breakfast, lunch and supper. I always
    thought supper was a southern thing, but obviously I was wrong!

  18. Tammy V

    South Carolina girl here….dinner instead of lunch and then we have supper…:)

  19. Kara

    i totally bought the jam jar wine for the packaging alone. it wasn’t too bad!

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