What’s for Lunch?

Lunsnkcoll2  Do you ever make yourself a snack for lunch? You know, just a few nibbles of whatever you might have in the fridge? It's such a great lunch when you're working away on the computer, no need for utensils and you can take a bite every now and again. Plus, it feels like picnic food! 
Lunsnkcoll1These are the stars of my plate…Fig Spread and Sunburst Tomatos. I swear the Fig Spread could make car tires taste good and the tomatos are just like homegrown…delicious!  Have you ever tried either of them? 

Would love to hear about your favorite lunchtime snack or afternoon treat!

28 Responses to “What’s for Lunch?”

  1. Lisa

    This summer I’m going to the farmers markets once a week and then having a snack/lunch with all the yummy produce, salsa etc that I’ve purchased. It’s fun and yummy! We are growing the sunburst tomatoes in a pot on our deck and they are so sweet and good!

  2. Shannon

    I love having snacks for lunch, anything with cheese, crackers and a spread are always delicious! You make everything look so good 🙂

  3. teresa

    Thin green apple slices toped with white cheddar cheese….it has to be white cheddar none others are as good. =)

  4. Vicki Bonne Amie

    Fresh cucumbers from my garden sliced with a splash of red wine vinegar!! Love the french plates….source???

  5. Heather Bullard

    Hi Vicki,
    The plate is from a set I bought at the Alameda flea market last year. They look old but I believe they’re reproduction.
    Thanks for stopping by! ~H
    Update: The plates are from a French company, Pillivuyt and the pattern is called Brasserie.

  6. Lolo

    YUM. I loooove snackin too 🙂 Almonds and celery with peanut butter are my go to’s! I like the Wasabi Diamond Almonds – they got a kick…YUMMY. Also, cant go wrong with a relish tray – olives, peppercinis, pickles and anything PICKLED (asparagus, brussel sprouts, radishes). Ok, now Im salivating!!
    Im addicted to that fig spread too. Have you tried Fresh and Easy’s?? Its super cheap. I think it in the refrigerated cheese section 🙂

  7. Deb Grogan

    tuna with dill from the garden and lemon, on a bed of fresh lettuce, tomatoes and cukes from my garden, with some tasty cheese crackers 🙂

  8. Olivia

    Totally off topic but I LOVE your dishes 🙂
    My snack of choice in the afternoon is usually a cup of hot, irish cream coffee, to keep me going! But my favorite lunch is usually light and includes lots of baby spinach and fruit/veggies, and usually fresh blue cheese dressing 🙂

  9. lori

    I love a meat and cheese plate with any yummy spread on crackers. The fig spreads sound wonderful! Cheers!

  10. Lili

    That fig spread intrigues me, I must look for some. Your plates are gorgeous and I adore the herb sprig right there too. Glorious! ~Lili

  11. Erin

    Did you make the fig spread? Can we have the recipe? If not, could you tell us the brand?

  12. Erin

    Sorry, just noticed you included the link. Thank you.

  13. Linda

    Very elegant. I love bits and snacks for lunch and using some of our fun dishes. The love gals and I just had a snack lunch too. Not as elegant but we did use the Peter Rabbit dishes for our sliced fried hot dogs, tiny matching butter pats for BBQ sauce, ketchup and mustard. Plus cheddar cheese slices. It did make us feel a bit special. Did I mention the juice boxes? Loving summer!

  14. Cindy Holshouser

    We call these snack plates at our house. I’ve been making them for my 10-year old boy since he was old enough to eat. I have quite a few divided plates I use. I think this presentatin is fun for kids, and I think they eat more and enjoy it more. One favorite combination is: shredded cheese, apple slices, “party” grapes (grapes cut in half, placed flat side down with a toothpick in them), yogurt, broccoli and fish crackers.

  15. Glenda/MidSouth

    Yes – I do that often. Especially when I get hungry, but don’t know what I want. As as matter of fact, I just may do that for dinner tonight. 😀

  16. Laura

    I love finger food lunches.
    My favorite is an apple with cheese slices, but I also like to mash avocado with some cut up cherry tomatoes and eat it on a corn tortilla with iced tea.
    I grew sunburst tomatoes this year, but mine were orange.
    I love simple things more than anything else, don’t you?
    White Spray Paint

  17. Heather :) :) :)

    My most favorite snack is really simple. It’s thin slices of cheddar cheese on stone wheath thin crackers, specifically the stone wheath thin crackers that are a product of Canada!!! Those are so yummy 🙂 🙂 Easy snack 🙂 🙂
    Random sidenote, I LOVED the plates that your snacks were served on…very cute 🙂 🙂 Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather 🙂

  18. Made In The South

    What a wonderful lunch. Yum!
    Camo Mans grandmother cooks down her figs just a bit and jars them. Oh they are so good, we can eat a whole jar with just a peice of bread.
    Sue and I were so excited when we arrived at our beach condo in FL. and saw your magazine sitting on the table. I took a picture of Susie reading it on the beach, but it did not come out to well. Enjoyed flipping thru it again!

  19. Barbara Stevens

    It’s a bit off topic, but have you tried Stonewall Kitchen’s Vidalia Onion Fig Sauce? I slap some on top of salmon fillets and roast. Heavenly. This sauce could make an old boot taste good!

  20. Elizabeth Holcombe

    Heather!~~Snack for lunch in my favorite! Now that my garden is flourishing, I am steaming fresh kale with a twirl of whole wheat sobe noodles, and adding blue berries and nuts to the side. The blue berries are from our garden too!~~~Your photos are lovely, and your lunch looks wonderful!~~~XXOO< Beth

  21. Susan

    baguette slices drizzled with olive oil, blue cheese and a drizzle of honey warmed in the oven! the combination is perfection! susan

  22. Amy Miller

    I laughed out loud at the idea of the fig spread making car tires taste good! I have been buying that spread for years- it is SO good. I have done exactly what you suggested and made a “snack” lunch just like in your photo- all centered around the fig spread goodness!

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