
 This fall I'm taking Sweet Girl on a trip to Paris. Just us girls. For nearly 2 weeks! It's been a promise I've made to her since she was very little and would read these books to her before bedtime. It's really like a dream come true for both of us and we're so excited! We've rented a gorgeous apartment right off the Seine and have everything booked! Can't wait to share more with you as it draws closer.

So imagine my surprise when I received these Paris guidebooks in the mail…anonymously! No packing slip, no note, just two wonderful books. I've called everyone I can think of to see if they sent them but no. It's a mystery. So if you're the kind person who sent us such a thoughtful gift, Thank You. We will study them before we leave and bring them along with us so we don't miss a single exciting thing! xo, H 

17 Responses to “Kindness”

  1. Kate

    There are a lot of good people in this world! What a wonderful reminder. xoxoxox Kate

  2. Tamra/The Gilded Barn

    What a sweet thing to do!
    The “Little Black Book of Paris” is invaluable!
    Have a wonderful trip and I look forward to you sharing your experiences with us all.
    Merci, au revoir

  3. Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage

    What a wonderful surprise…the trip and the amazing books….
    Heather….give…how does one find a perfect little apartment to rent in Paris?

  4. Debi Blue

    I went last summer with my daughter and husband. We made a promise to our daughter when she was in elementary school that we would take her to Europe for her high school graduation present. She did not forget the promise!Ha! If you plan on going up the Eiffel Tower make reservations. Then you will not have to wait in that horrible long line. Also go at night so you can see the city with all it’s beautiful lights. Enjoy your trip and make beautiful memories.

  5. kerrie

    Kindness is something I value most in life. How sweet it is. ox
    Paris with your daughter…I can’t think of anything more wonderful.

  6. Lisa

    That was very kind indeed. Have a wonderful trip and I’ll look forward to hearing all about it!

  7. Kathy C.

    I was in Paris just a few weeks ago with my husband and 2 girls (age 19 and 21). It was a trip of a lifetime. Paris is a feast for the senses. You will have an amazing time, so much better with a daughter(s). Please post lots of pics. And reading Madeline to my girls was always a treasure.

  8. Liz Mathews

    I know you will have a wonderful time! My mom and I visited last March, and it was the most amazing experience we’ve had together. Aside from the touristy things we hit all the brocants and markets, as I’m sure you will to. So jealous!
    Rick Steves book was our life saver in the city of lights. Cant wait to read all about it!

  9. teresa

    You will have a wonderful time! Can’t wait to hear all about it and see the beautiful pictures you take.

  10. Nancy Lohman

    We were in Paris May/June and I am ready to go back! Loved loved loved it!!

  11. Mrs Bok

    How wonderful!! We got back from Paris about a month ago and how I long to return…you girls will have so much fun!

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