In The Pantry: Decanting

I'm a sucker for beautiful packaging and I'm guessing most of you are too. From pretty lables, decorative tins, earthy cardboard boxes…I fall for it every time. In the kitchen I prefer simple containers like clear glass bottles in unique shapes or old ironstone pieces and I often decant my "not so pretty" store bought pantry staples into more attractive vessels.

Herbes de Provence look much better in an antique miniature canning jar…don't you agree? And really, it takes almost zero effort for such a pretty result. Why you could even repackage an entire set of spices as a hostess or newlywed gift. Wouldn't that be gorgeous and so unique! 

I pick up most of my containers at antique shops and flea markets but you can find lovely new ones at places like World Market, Pier One and loads of other big box stores. Just keeping an eye out while on your shopping excursions is key and remembering that items can be used in a new way such as the ironstone shaving mug I keep filled with freshly cracked pepper!
So tell me, what are some of your favorite items to decant and repackage?

23 Responses to “In The Pantry: Decanting”

  1. Eleanor

    Pasta! I look for decanters at Goodwill and have had lots o’ luck. I also like decanting staples: cornmeal, various beans, rice flour.

  2. Karen

    Candy such as M&M’s, licorice, nuts, croutons, bread crumbs…you name it I decant it. Until I read this post I did not realize there was such a fancy name for repackaging. I also am always on the look out for old jars to decant to. The cupboards seem more organized than seeing boxes and bags clipped shut with clothes pins.

  3. Rosa

    I do the same thing! I even keep my water in the fridge in one of those pretty bottles!

  4. Heather :) :) :)

    Hmm..well, I put my homemade laundry powder in a lovely glass latch hook jar πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ that counts, right? πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ I love your ideas very much…so creative. I will actually some of these soon πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ I love collected old glass jars etc πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ They’ve got so much more character and vintage cuteness πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather πŸ™‚

  5. donna

    I love the decant….it sounds so much better. I decant almost everything. After I shop I start opening packages from pasta, cereal, spices, sugar, flour, many things stay fresher this way.( not to mention my pantry looks so much nicer) My oxi clean is in a glass jar in my laundry area. My dishsoap is in a glass bottle by my sink. I guess I get rid of as much commercial packaging as I can. It just looks so much nicer and now I have a great word for it, hubby says I am just A type personality.

  6. Amy @ Homestead Revival

    I buy my baking soda in bulk and put it in a pretty jar that is airtight, much like the Ball jar in your second photo with the wire on it (forgot what that’s called). Also some of my salts (I like to use different kinds), and occasionally some herbs.

  7. Jenny

    Most of my herbs are ‘packaged’ fresh from my garden in vintage jars, but vinegars & oils are always re-packaged. My liquid dish soap and most bathroom items, like cotton balls, Q-tips, TP. LOVE your ideas!

  8. Susanne

    Definitely need to do more decanting! Here’s one idea I picked up from my sister years ago, potatoes and onions stored in crocks on the floor of the pantry. Lets the lowly spuds and onions feel special too.

  9. Therese Long

    I’m so glad I’m not the only one who see’s beautiful old containers and want to as you so aptly put… decant my foodstuffs into them!
    Great post!

  10. annar

    I decant just about everything. Flour, sugar, and oats are in large glass jars on the counter. Spices are in cute little baby food jars or those expensive mustard jars. Teabags are lovingly arranged in bowls so guests can help themselves. And my small crocks hold power bars and crackers. Makes the kitchen so much lovelier without all that packaging, but I do try to buy bulk as much as I can.

  11. Kimberly

    H~ Your post makes me want to decant! I don’t at the present time but just maybe when I am out shopping the next time I will pick up a cute jar and put something in it. πŸ™‚ Blessings, Kimberly

  12. karla

    laundry products! the everyday softener goes into a large decanter and small cruets are used for the specialty softeners from la bouquetiere (…fabulous stuff!)
    but my favorite is to use the wonderful french preserves from ma maison and then to wash and use those incredibly cute red
    gingham-lidded french jelly jars for all kinds of things, from the kitchen pantry to the studio. (and the preserves are THEE best!)

  13. Linda Bowen

    We live in a ’40’s bungalow and while I enjoy (almost) every modern convenience, I like to keep the look authentic. My pantry is a collection of old cans and jars, ‘decanted’ to look just right. The other reason I like keeping things in glass is simply to keep them out of plastic!

  14. Anne Marie

    Hi Heather…hope you are doing well!
    I too collect antique little jars and such – so much cuter yes, I agree
    God Bless,
    Anne Marie

  15. Vicki Cotnoir

    Like you,everything in a cute vintage jars! Might as well make them useful! A hint,modern glass containers have the paper liner under the lid,if you need to create one or replace one,purchase a white “foam” sheet at the local craft store and cut to fit,replace as needed.
    Did I mention even my mayo in the fridge in a cute jar! Oh and the fridge is lined in doilies!

  16. Melinda

    Oils, spices, pastas etc…glass is always so much better than plastic. Love your shaving mug! I have salt in a jar but not pepper.

  17. Brittany

    Love it! I found a large freezer bag full of old empty glass spice jars at a local thrift store…$1.50! I then painted a small label on each one with black-board paint and wrote the name of the spice in chalk. Doing this not only makes them super cute, but they become interchangable…swipe & re-write!

  18. karla

    bonne maman (which i called by the wrong name in my previous comment…must have been prior to coffee:) also packages their jellies in adorable french-blue gingham lidded jars.
    what a great way to add style and color to the pantry!
    thanks, bonne maman, for great products and such cute packaging β™₯

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