Found: The Chairs

  While trolling Craigslist one Saturday morning, I unexpectedly found a set of chairs. I must admit I have a love/hate relationship with that site. Too much scrolling and ridiculous descriptions of so called "antiques". Anyhoo, on occasion I still peruse and came across this set of 4 vintage rattan French bistro chairs. 

The bamboo cane is in great condition and the underside webbing is made from animal skin..real deal authentic. And very comfortable too! The seller described them as "wicker chairs" and I decided not to school her since I'm nice like that. :-))

I absolutely loved all the suggestions from you! It seems wicker was the clear winner with a combination of chairs being a close second. I was going to go with wicker but couldn't find any in the right scale for my table. Finding these vintage French chairs seemed just right…after all you know I'm a sucker for old stuff.

Of course, now the only problem is I still need to find 2 more chairs for the ends.
Ahhh, the thrill of the hunt continues!

41 Responses to “Found: The Chairs”

  1. Bloggy Betty

    your blog is pureinspiration for me and the handmade accessories I made.
    Bloggy Betty ♥♥♥

  2. Alice

    They’re just gorgeous! I can’t wait to see what you find for the ends. By the way, I loved your feature in Country Living!!!!!! I just had to show the chicken coop to my husband.

  3. Rose H

    Ooh! I love them :o) What a great choice. I’m certain you’ll find the extra two chairs you need…enjoy the hunt!

  4. Nancy

    Lucky girl! Great Find! I gave up on Craigslist quite some time ago…may just have to mosey on back. Always enjoy your photos…so inspirational!

  5. Heather @ Post Road

    Goodluck with the chair hunt! I love ’em! I always have hubby post on Craig’s list for me.. I’m scared of the time and money I’d spend.. hmm.. then again I’m probably missing out on some killer stuff!!

  6. tabitha

    I really love the added flair that the pattern on the chairs brings to the table. [ah, I made a pun-ny 😉 ] But seriously, I am in love with the stunning black and white contrast with age-old bamboo and your beautiful tabletop.

  7. Karen B

    I love them too. Although I’m SERIOUSLY amazed that you found something that good in our area. I’m guessing they were closer to the city. Either way, what a great find!


    Well, girl, I’d say you scored, BIG TIME! Those chairs are divine! I feel the same way about Craigslist….always want to find something good, but rarely do and spend so much time trying!
    Any chance you are coming up for Barn House Flea Market???

  9. Michelle

    Love ’em! These look like the ones that Williams Sonoma had in their catalog yeeeaaars ago! I had wanted them for my kitchen table but they were so expensive…glad you found some chairs.

  10. Kim from 3 peanuts

    LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE those chairs. Have I mentioned yet how much I LOVE those chairs? Now I m going to be looking for some.

  11. Rosa

    I didn’t vote for wicker, myself. But I looooove those chairs!! I’m going to have a look through craigslist Right Now and see I can find anything close to this amazing!

  12. Gena

    I’m GREEN with envy. The chairs are perfect….just picture perfect. Lucky you!

  13. Rhonda P.

    I believe I have that love/hate relationship with all online sites, lol.
    Fabulous find, though. I have yet to find anything on that site but it’s posts like this that make me look just in case….

  14. andrea

    I adore them!! If you can’t find two end chairs to go with & you want to sell these.. give me a call! 🙂

  15. Susanne

    I didn’t weigh in earlier but I agree you made a great choice. They are going to be the most comfortable for lingering around the table. Good luck finding 2 more chairs to finish the set.

  16. Marysol

    Assuming you paid waaay too much for these chairs, I dare say they were quite a bargain! Chic and timeless. Enjoy.

  17. Christie

    Oh! I am drooling! I have loved those forever. I’ve always heard of them as French Bistro chairs. Do you think the black and white will upstage the table setting ? Can you post a picture of the underside, please. I don’t know what you mean by “animal skin”….
    ~ Christie

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