The Completely Random List

Sometimes it's hard to find the time to write a detailed post, anyone relate? Personally, I have always been a fan of list posts. They're quick & easy for both parties involved. 🙂 So today I'm doing just that along with my cell phone shots. 

1. Took a quick road trip with The Man to a magical place in the country. The wildflowers seemed on fire with color!

2. It was only 30 minutes from the Danish Capital of the US where there is practically a pastry shop on every corner.

3. Their display cases were filled with tempting treats. We resisted…but brought home tubs of fresh butter cookies to our family. They were soooo happy!

4. I've noticed that turquoise jewelry keeps jumping in my shopping cart. Whether I'm at an antique store, Target or The Gap…I'm drawn to it lately.

5. It's strawberry season! This year I'm making jam. I say that every year but this time I mean it.

6. And I signed an amazing contract this week that nearly made my heart skip a beat! Couldn't be more thrilled!

So what have you been up to this week? Any highlights?

26 Responses to “The Completely Random List”

  1. Laurie Owens

    And you are going to keep us in suspense of what’s coming up for you? !!! I love all your pictures of California. Makes me miss it even more!
    Laurie 🙂

  2. kimberly

    Honestly – what was in that package??? I am excited for you, whatever it is!
    Have a great week and enjoy Farm Chicks!

  3. Deb Grogan

    I can relate to the contract thing, as I am a designer and in the process of finishing up 6 collections for one of my companies! THAT will be heart skipping contract 🙂 Honestly, how did you walk away from all that buttery party goodness….lol 🙂

  4. Deb Grogan

    well it was supposed to be “patsry”….lol, darn Mac and its typo fixing self 😛

  5. Lolo

    Looks like you guys hit up Solvang….lovely 🙂 Hope you indulged in some aebleskivers!
    Congrats on the heart skippin’ moment…we all need one of those every once in awhile 🙂

  6. Stephanie C.

    It looks like a terrific road trip. Wish I could have snuck along with my camera! And can’t wait to hear about the contract when you can tell us!

  7. Susan

    how wonderful, and you are going to keep us in suspense? congrats, sounds pretty terrific! busy planting and finishing up the yard work here, nothing overly exciting 🙂 i make strawberry freezer jam every year. i like that’s it quicker than the cooked kind and my family loves it!! have a super day! susan

  8. Lissa (Bellenza)

    Love turquoise accessories, too! All the best with the heart-skipping contract. Looking forward to your upcoming posts on “it”!

  9. Alice

    Lovely photos! But really, you are teasing us with that contract thing…..

  10. sherri lynn

    Those pastries look amazing! This week I was at the beach with my husband and in-laws. We had beautiful weather, saw some dolphins, and ate our fill of fresh fruit!

  11. Sandi ~ A Cottage Muse

    I’ve noticed a lot of turquoise jewelry in stores too ~ so glad I have a few of my Mom’s vintage pieces!!
    Ok…the suspense is killing me!! Can’t wait to hear!

  12. Paula Parrish

    I have been busy this week making batches of yummy smelling handmade soap. Congratulations! Smiles, Paula

  13. Linda Bloom

    Tasty photos of the pastry – I was just about licking the screen, I DID get some fresh strawberries today. Best wished on the new contract, whatever it is. Lave, Linda

  14. Marcia

    were you in Solvang? Cambria is the sweetest little town to walk around! I have been cleaning my tiny little kitchen at the preschool where I work as their cook. Today is our last day! Do you ever come up to Northern California? Carmel is a must see if you haven’t had the opportunity to visit! Marcia

  15. Judi

    Well, I know where YOU went 🙂 Ah, Solvang – kitchy but oh, so yummy. Did you visit the mission garden? Such an oasis.

  16. Susan Hemann

    I could not have resisted those danish! 🙂 I went to Fowler Mill, an old stone ground mill still in operation. The mill was built in 17 something. I bought flour, corn meal, grits and many other things. It was a wonderful trip. Across the street is a B&B/garden center. Their specialty is native plants. I enjoyed visiting with one of the grandson’s of the owners. Of course I left with plants.

  17. Linda

    Very excited for this contract that you’ve signed!!!!!!!!!!
    Blessings! Linda

  18. Marnie

    I make jam in my bread machine. Very easy and less mess and works with just about any fruit. The recipes are on my blog, come have a peek if you get a moment. Enjoying your blog.
    x Marnie

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