Farm Chicks Recap

Well, I'm back from a fantastic long weekend trip to The Farm Chicks Show. The vendors were amazing! The crowds of shoppers were friendly and eager to buy and the weather was gorgeous. Couldn't have asked for anything more. I know you're eager to see photos so I'll leave you with that. Here are some shots I took before the doors opened….after that it was pure adrenaline and mayhem!


Serena will be doing a very big recap with links to all the blogs who post about the show. I know there will be a ton of other great shots to see! Be sure to visit her blog for more!

Also, I want to thank all of you who came by the signing table to say hello, share a friendly story, let me know you enjoy my work and spend time letting me get to know you. It's so nice to put a smiling face to many of the names I see here in the lovely comments you leave. And I truly was overwhelmed by how many showed up and waited in line to connect. Sincere thanks and gratitude. You were the highlight of my weekend. xo, H

26 Responses to “Farm Chicks Recap”

  1. Victoria

    Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures. I’m so glad you got some nice weather in my home state of Washington. Spokane is a lovely place. I hope to make it to the show some year (I’ll be coming from Tennessee!). Blessings, Victoria Lynn

  2. Shell

    It was nice to meet you Sat. at the Dinner!So nice to have you come to Washington State! Don’t listen to what Jenny said about me! LOL.
    I told Ki you gals need to do a spread on Western Washington too,,,we are Uber Junkers and crafters! When I asked her where you were all headed next,,,,,,she said it was Classfied! Well, make note to come and Check us out in Snohomish,,,,Seattle, Sumner and the likes, soon!
    If you get a chance, stop by my little blog in the next couple of days,,,I posted a BIT today and will have much more to share tomorrow! Shew! I’m exhausticated,,,,,I helped a Vendor friend unload today!
    Again, Nice to meet you this weekend!
    Hugs, Love and a “Chickie” Bus on the Cheek!
    (Fun photos of my friends Deb of Ormolulu Fame,,,and Trish from Wild Whimsey in your header Photos!)

  3. Susie Harris

    It was so nice to see you! You were the highlight of my trip. I am so sorry we could not stay longer and visit. We were trying to make up some time on our trip only to be caught in an accident on the side of a moutain. Ha! Your pictures are just beautiful as always. I hope to post more of mine after I return home. So nice to call you friend 🙂

  4. Julie M ~ The Little Red Shop

    It was lovely seeing you again, Heather! The open signs in the top picture are fantastic! I think that’s Wired Whimsy…but I’m pretty sure they were gone by the time I came around that booth. Oh, what a fun weekend!
    Have a blessed summer!
    : )
    Julie M.

  5. Martha Thompson

    I am a big follower of your blog,but I don’t have a blog of my own.I have signed up for your online souvenir emagazine, but so far have not recieved either issue, do you have to have a blog to recieve one?I have been eagerly awaiting it and was so dissappointed when I failed to recieve it. Thanks for any info on this matter. Martha

  6. Stephanie C.

    wow! great photos and what neat things! I wish I could have gone! thanks so much for sharing with us!

  7. teresa

    Oh dream…for sure I need to make it there next year….thanks for the lovely photos.


    So nice to meet you at Farm Chicks, your just as beautiful and nice as I knew you would be !! My head is still spinning from all the visual stimulation.Inspiring for sure.
    Keep taking all those gorgeous shots !!!

  9. Dagmar Leuenberger-Swift

    Hi Heather,
    It was great to see you again this year and have chance to talk. Your blog is just like you are..lovely…thanks for coming over to our table at dinner and talk to us Canadian got some great opening shots before the mad rush of all of us got in!

  10. Susan

    wow Heather, it looks fantastic! that first photo i could buy everything in it! sounds like an amazing outing!! Susan

  11. Wild Whimsy

    Heather, it was so nice meeting you at the show. Thanks for making the pics of our Wild Whimsy booth your header, and thanks for buying our blue prints. Already planning and looking forward to next year, I hope you will join us again.
    Trisha and Sarah
    Wild Whimsy

  12. KarenSue

    Hello Heather~I want to say meeting you and Ki was the highlite of my trip. I just got back to Orlando and still on cloud 9…
    You both are such sweet and real women~you have so much talent! I just did my first post with more to come in the next few days..
    It’s so overwelming.
    I’m going to try real hard to make it to Junk Bonanza this year!
    And thank you for working so hard for us!!! Love your style.

  13. celia hanning

    Hi Heather! It was so nice to see you again this year! We wish we could have had time to visit with you more, but, loved that you were a VIF! You are such a sweetie!
    Hugs, Glad & Celia/Junebug Furniture & Design

  14. Kate

    Eye candy is all I can even say about those pictures! I need to find a good antique show here in utah!
    My husband and I are big DIYers and love you blog, especially the chez poulet! You mentioned you were going to have plans drawn up for it, that hasn’t happened by chance yet has it? We are using you gorgeous coop for our own inspiration (our ladies need a new home!) so I’d love some plans if you’ve got them!

  15. liz

    It was sooooo great to see you again Heather!!! Have a lovely summer!! 🙂 liz

  16. The Shops at Station 8

    I am so happy you posted a photo of my booth! The photo you took of my Number 8 grey chairs, all lined up looks incredible! What I really enjoyed most though, was meeting you, and then having an opportunity to chat with you at the dinner. Thank you for your encouragement and inspiring words. I will heed them! Till next time, Colette, The Shops at Station 8, in Montana.

  17. kate, all things beautiful in time

    Hi Heather,
    It was wonderful meeting you at Farm Chicks! Thank you SO much for stopping by our booth and saying Hi, and for your very kind words! (I am so happy to have (finally) had the opportunity to connect after crossing paths (and blogs, facebook,etc…) for a while…)and by the way, What an amazing show it was…so many wonderful ladies & gents…so much talent, and so many kind folk…it was our first time to be vendors…and we look forward to many, many more!
    all the best, from Kate, Andrew & Peter…all things beautiful in time, and the Brothers of Industry

  18. Kay Ellen

    The show looks fab Heather~~love all the photos 🙂
    I stopped by the farmchicks blog and watched the video too~~~looks like amazing vendors and shoppers~~~cute part with you in it too:)
    Now I want to go next year!
    Kay Ellen


    Fun to see Debbie’s booth! I am from Bellingham, home of our famous and fun Debbie!

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