Garden Roses

One of the stars in my garden is a floribunda spray rose I planted when we first bought our house years ago. I wish I remembered the name because I would love to buy a few more. The blossoms and buds start out a pale salmon pink and then fade to a blush white. They're so lovely!


One of the beautiful things about spray roses (also known as cluster roses) is that each stem will be filled with 6-10 flowers. It's like an instant bouquet! Often times I just add a few cuttings from my garden shrubs to fill out the arrangement.


The petals on this rose bush also remind me of old fashioned dogwood blossoms and I remember my great grandmother Tessie Faye loved dogwood trees. Maybe that's why I'm so fond of this rose. Sweet memories of her.

Do you have a favorite rose? Do tell!   

42 Responses to “Garden Roses”

  1. Mountain Mermaid

    my favorite rose..
    have always been fond of yellow roses..
    but to me, Roses of any color..
    is/are my favorite..
    the heirlooms are also favorites..
    as well as English roses by David Austin!
    but the most favorite of all..
    is any with that lasting rose scent..
    that is why I love Romance perfume by Ralph Lauren!..
    sweet,subtle and long lasting!!
    warmest sandy hugs..

  2. have a lovely

    so very lovely! so fresh! doesn’t God just make the most amazing colors! being from tyler, texas…the rose capital of the world…i will never tire of the rose! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. have a lovely

    so very lovely! so fresh! doesn’t God just make the most amazing colors! being from tyler, texas…the rose capital of the world…i will never get tired of the rose! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. SoulDelights

    Heather, the roses are lovely. Colorado roses have yet to bloom. I really like the rusty spade/shovel as well. Yeah Spring!

  5. rita

    White Iceberg roses are my favorite! Very common rose, nothing special but the gophers don’t like them and they still bloom all the way to winter. I just cut some for White Wednesday and they are soft pink just before they bloom and then they turn white, bellissime! Ciao Rita Mammabellarte

  6. ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

    Hi Heather, It is so easy to start new roses from your lovely rose. Give this a try. On the New Moon (the next one is June 1) Cut slips from your rose that are about 3-4″ long. Cut these slips from the tips of the branches. Trim off all the leaf stems except the teny tiny 2 at the tip of the slip. Dip each stem into a rooting hormone. In a small pot of clean potting soil use a pencil to make a hole in the center of the dirt. Push the stem into the hole so that 2-3″ is below the soil, then tamp the dirt around the stem. Water well then keep damp so roots form. It is also a good idea to put a glass cloche over the slip. Usually for me 50% of these slips root. Give it a try it’s fun!
    My first next door neighbor was an 82 year old woman who taught me this. She would just poke her slips into the ground around the big bush and cover them with a mayonaise jar.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  7. Heidi Woodruff

    Ah…..makes me want to go plant more roses. Too bad when I do that that just brings MORE deer to my garden!
    MY favorite rose it the “Pease” rose…
    HapPY DAy! ~Heidi

  8. The Vintage Rabbit

    Beautiful Heather!
    I have a few favorites…you might want to check these out for yourself too!
    ‘Eden’ is amazing and I LOVE ‘Abraham Darby’!!! White ‘Iceberg’ is wonderful and a great good ol standby…they always look great in the garden…always areblooming…love the heat…not picky at all where they are planted!!
    Enjoy your garden!!

  9. Deb Grogan

    Hi Heather, take one of your flowers to your local garden center, they may be able to identify the variety. My favorites are David Austen roses. He has some heirloom varieties that are to die for. Old fashioned roses are beautiful and fragrant as opposed to the roses for show, as many of the hybrids are……Graham Thomas is my favorite of all as the blooms are the softest buttery yellow and the petals are almost translucent……

  10. Shannon

    I don’t even know if I can choose one favorite rose. They are all so beautiful. I love being able to walk outside and cut a gorgeous bouquet at anytime! Love your arangement ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Connie

    Beautiful roses, Heather! Wonderful arrangement with the soft colors. My favorite rose is called “Constance Spry”. It blooms just once a year, but the entire bush (actually mine has climbed over an arbor) is covered with large pink peony sized, very fragrant blooms. While I’ve had trouble with roses over the winter, Constance Spry never has any problems, comes back each year.

  12. Kim

    They are all so pretty.I just planted a few rose bushes, wished I has sooner.~Cheers Kim

  13. Lorrie

    I love roses. Pink ones and white ones particularly. With scent. A rose without scent just seems wrong.
    Your roses are beautiful. We have a long ways to go before ours bloom.

  14. Marie @ Sally Lee by the Sea

    I don’t think there has been a rose I’ve met that I didn’t like! They all have their own sweet qualities about them.
    Your photos are stunningly beautiful, Heather ~ great way to start my day!

  15. deb

    Beautiful!!! I just wish we could get spring around here …this rainy spring has been crazy for So Cal!

  16. Grammy

    I do believe that your rose may be a Sally Holmes. I have over 100 bushes and it is my favorite!

  17. Claudia

    Your roses are beautiful! I am not very knowledgeable when it comes to roses, but I do admire them and those who grow them.

  18. Victoria

    My favorite is the ‘Queen Elizabeth’ rose, a grandiflora, perfect pink color and beautiful fragrance. Also easy to grow.


    I agree with Grammy, your rose looks like Sally Homes. She is one of my favorites- a very, very generous bloomer. Also love Eden and climbing Coral Dawn.

  20. Marcia

    I posted pictures of roses from my garden too! My favorite variety is Pope John Paul and Betty Boop. Wow…nothing in common, huh? I also adore climbing roses. Just bought a vintage arbor at an estate sale, all chippy and everything. Now I need to find a climber that is pretty established to plant next to it. Having a party at my home at the end of the month and would love for my arbor to look as though it has always been in my yard! LOL

  21. antiquechase

    WOW, I think blogger ate my comment… trying again. I LOVE Great Century… pink blooms almost 10 inches.. I’m not joking. I just did a post on roses from my cutting garden.. come check it out ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. judi powers

    Hi Heather Your rose sort of looks like first kiss. does that sound familiar? It would have a very strong floral fragrance if it is it. I have never met a rose I did not like!

  23. Susan Hemann

    Lovely roses!! if you go to
    He is a friend of mine. He will help you identify your rose.
    He is also on twitter @redneckrosarian He is so sweet, he is always identifying roses for people. There is a chat on Monday nights at 9:00. He is there along with some amazing garden people. Well anyway Chris is so sweet. Good luck.

  24. Ana

    I do have love roses and lelies in my backyard. Yours on the pics look surreal !

  25. Susan

    these are lovely! i do love the shade of pink. i don’t have roses but i think i may need to plant some, they would be lovely to cut for the house! susan

  26. sherri lynn

    These are beautiful! I would love to have roses along my house one day. When I was a child, we had a pink rose bush by our house and I loved picking them and pretending I had my own rose garden.

  27. Laura Clauson

    Double Delight is one of my favorites. This rose of yours is absolutely wonderful. If you find out what it is I may have to plant one in my yard too!

  28. Illoura

    Heather, I feel kinda weird with my personal favorite, it’s way different than those posted here, but I love the Leonida! It’s parchment-paper colored on the inside and a rust color on the outside of each petal. OF course this can vary with the weather it gets. (I also like the Teddybear rose, and am generally drawn to all those that are uniquely colored, but maybe that’s an eccentricity of mine). But I also love your roses- so feminine, romantic and sweet. I guess there is a rose for every landscape, occasion, personality and every mood, too!

  29. Rose Sundial

    I love roses, and these are no exception, beautiful photos! In reply for your question, when I was a teen I was obsessed with sterling roses. Now I’m more partial to any rose that has orange or peach hues to it. But honestly any rose is a treasure to me.

  30. auntie bliss

    Pristine is the name of my favorite!
    I’d sure love to have yours…and think an all white rose
    garden is in my future.

  31. joetterer

    hot cocoa, a hybrid tea. dark & fragrant

  32. elyse

    your photos are always stunningly beautiful. it’s always a treat to visit.

  33. Kylie M.

    These roses are georgous! Oh my goodness! I used tradital roses at my wedding reception and I wish I would have known about these “cluster” roses. I just found my new favorite type of rose, so thank you! The next event I host to decorate these roses will definitely be featured!

  34. Jamie Keifer

    โ€œThe rose speaks of love silently, in a language known only to the heart.โ€ โ€“ This is one of my favorite quotes about roses. Thereโ€™s truly something about them that makes them beautiful no matter what. Anyway, I can imagine your garden filled with those pink and yellow roses. Wow! Itโ€™ll be like a paradise. ๐Ÿ™‚

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