A Request

Today I'll be taking my Mom to the hospital for surgery. She'll be in for about a week and then rehab for another. I can't even begin to express how much my Mom means to me. She is the most loving, supportive woman I have ever known. Always so kind and happy to everyone. I know she's probably a bit nervous about her surgery but doesn't seem to let it show.

 It would mean the world to me if you would leave her a sweet comment of encouragemet for her surgery and recovery. Just a simple, thinking of you. Her name is Saundra. As soon as she's feeling up to it I plan on sharing them with her. Thank you in advance for your kindness.
Much love & gratitude, Heather

Update: My Mom made it through surgery. It took almost twice as long as expected which was nerve wracking. But in her usual style…she was smiling and happy in the recovery room. This morning I printed up all your lovely, heartfelt comments & prayers and will be bringing a Great Big Get Well Card to her today! I know how much she will love reading everyones well wishes and it will surely help her get through her long road of recovery.
Thanks again. Truly, you guys are THE BEST! xo

212 Responses to “A Request”

  1. Liz C.

    Hey, Saundra — sending best wishes for a swift recovery and joyous good health to come!

  2. The Charm House

    Saundra, Praying for God’s hands to cover you during surgery and for you to have a quick recovery! How blessed you are to have a daughter that loves and thinks of you so wonderfully!

  3. Judy Crenshaw

    Saundra, Wishing you a quick recovery. judy

  4. Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife

    Saundra – Go into that surgery knowing that your loved ones and many others are standing by you. My prayers are being lifted up for your speedy recovery.

  5. Lucinda

    Miss Saundra,
    I’m sending you a wish for a speedy recovery!
    Lucinda in Dallas

  6. Tracey @7294cottageway.blogspot

    Saundra-Praying for you during this time! You have an amazingly talented and thoughtful daughter! You are both blessed! Rest and recover!

  7. ariel

    Saundra- My 4 yr old and I will be keeping you in our prayers. I think my little one has a direct line to the big guy so you are in good hands. Surround yourself with gorgeous flowers and a cozy quilt and you should be on your way to a quick recovery! Keep smiling!

  8. Bess

    Thinking only sweet, positive thoughts for your recovery.

  9. kas

    Sending loving peace to you as you prepare for surgery and recovery. I’m holding a good thought for your surgeon and for each individual on your care team, including your amazingly talented daughter.

  10. Patty Berry

    Saundra, We are all thinking of you and wishing you the best for a speedy recovery.

  11. Beth

    Dear Saundra, Sending you sweet thoughts & prayers for a quick & speedy recovery! Love, Hugs & Blessing to you! xoxo Beth

  12. kristin

    saundra and heather~
    thinking of you and sending prayers and blessings your way!
    much love,

  13. Ellen

    With all the good energy I can muster….I send it to you today….speedy recovery….big smiles…..

  14. Lili

    Sending a prayer and cheery well wishes your way Saundra. Your daughter is a pretty special gal with the ability to inspire others, and it’s clear how much you mean to her. My most positive and uplifting thoughts are being sent your way right along with everyone else’s well wishes for you! ~Lili

  15. My Shabby Roses

    Saundra, I’m praying for you. I pray that the surgery will be successful and you will be on the quick road to recovery.
    Blessings – Debbie

  16. debbie york

    I’m joining all the others in standing in the gap for you. Prayers for you, the doctors and nurses. I know you must be an amazing woman to have raised such a beautiful child as Heather.
    Psalms 91:4

  17. Terri Smith

    Dearest Saundra,
    Thinking of you with happy thoughts and wishing you a quick recovery.
    terri s

  18. Dagmar Leuenberger-Swift

    Hello Saundra,
    This community of friends that follow your daughter’s wonderful blog come together to have you in our prayers and thoughts for your surgery and recovery. Heather has shared the love and closeness you share and this is our way to send you our love.

  19. Grace

    Saundra, May you recover quickly. You a pretty special daughter! Grace xoxoxo

  20. Pamela

    Dear Saundra,
    Lighting a candle for you this morning and sending you strength, courage, and complete healing. Your angels are with you.
    *~*~*~Love and light*~*~*~
    Dear Heather,
    May calm and peace surround you as you care for your beautiful mom.

  21. Thespoena McLaughlin

    Dear Heather’s Momma,
    Saundra, your daughter is such a bright, creative, caring person who shares with us on a daily basis and a person like that can only come from more of the same. It’s obvious that she loves you very much and you have everyone’s support for a quick recovery. Wishing you the very best with big hugs and happy smiles.

  22. Rose H

    Hope everything goes well for your dear Mom, and she has a full and swift recovery. I’ll be thinking about you both from ‘over the pond’ :o)
    Best wishes
    Rose H

  23. Cindy

    Watch those who visit. I had surgery last summer and each one of my toe nails ended up a different color! I was the hit of the floor(and this was in France). It is amazing how quickly you will feel well and you will be able to follow your feet anywhere.

  24. Claudia

    god bless you, Saundra, I will be praying for you and my sister who is also going into surgery today. Wishing you both good results and a quick recovery!

  25. Garci

    Hello Mama Saundra,
    Best wishes for a speedy recovery! I have no doubt your daughter will be bringing you a most exquisite flower bouquet to decorate your room.

  26. Linda Rubin

    Dear Saundra, GOD is looking over you during this difficult time and you can be assured that you are in good HANDS. Heather is truly a wonderful daughter and you mean the world to her. I will keep you in my prayers.
    A cyber space friend,

  27. robin mckeirnan

    Hoping you’ll soon be well! Dear Saundra, It is so clear how much Heather loves you. Be well, from San Diego

  28. Karen

    Saundra, Many happy blessings to you as you get your health and strength back. You and your wonderful daughter Heather enjoy the beautiful Spring that is on its way to renew body and soul. Many blessings coming your way! Karen

  29. rachel schindler

    Saundra, Putting you in God’s gentle hands during your surgery and knowing that “all is well”. Remember to think, “Happy, Healthy and Whole”. Hugs…

  30. Katie

    God bless you, Saundra! Your daughter’s beautiful blog suggests that you must be a great mom who has imparted beauty and grace. I wish you a speedy recovery from Phoenix, AZ!

  31. Tammy

    Saundra- Sending you a wish for a quick recovery, strength and happiness!
    Tammy 🙂

  32. peggy R

    Saundra, Mothers and Daughters have special relationships. I too cherish every moment with my mom. I pray good thoughts for you and Heather.

  33. Dinahsoar

    Saundra–praying that God will give the doctors wisdom, that you will be given peace and rest, trusting that all will be well, and wishing you a speedy recovery and many bright tomorrows full of life and health.
    I totally understanding that surgery is never fun but often necessary and a help and true blessing when wellness and wholeness is achieved–and I have experienced the peace that passes understanding in spite of my fears, knowing that God is closer than the breath you take, and his grace is free and it is sufficient for all our needs.
    God speed and God bless you.

  34. Wendy in Kennewick

    Saundra, Best wishes for a quick recovery and healthy future.

  35. jeana

    Saundra, praying for peace and a quick recovery. Also, praying for peace and comfort for your family. Blessings!

  36. Karla

    Saundra, our family is praying and thinking about you. We wish you a speedy recovery from your surgery. Sending you hugs…

  37. KarenSue

    Sending you prayers and love for a fast recovery. I.m sure you are so proud of your little girl, she is amazing!

  38. Tammy Hensley

    Saundra, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Having been through my first surgery, the support of others, even virtual strangers meant so much to me. Stay strong and know how much you cared for by wonderful, beautiful people like your daughter!

  39. Darlene L

    You are in my thoughts and prayers today. Prayers too for your family and medical treatment team. Wishing you a speedy recovery and a successful rehab.

  40. Jane Bradley

    Thinking of you, Saundra and praying for full restoration after your surgery. Keep a positive outlook… It makes all the difference in the world…

  41. Karrina

    Hi, Saundra. I hope that by the time this message reaches you’ll be on the road to recovery. How blessed you are to have such a sweet and considerate daughter. I believe that children are a direct reflection of their parent(s).

  42. Gail

    Best of health to you and may you have a speedy recovery!

  43. Jillayne

    Saundra and Heather – for you both because as you know, mothers and daughters seem to switch roles back and forth as we get older. Best of luck in your surgery and recovery afterwards and enjoy the coddling you will surely receive; the gift to the mother is in her daughter’s caring for her in time of need, and the gift to the daughter is her mother’s willingness to let her. A blessed two way street!

  44. Laurie

    Hi Suandra. You must be an amazing woman to have raised such a loving daughter! My thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy recovery. xo… Laurie

  45. Samantha

    Hi Saundra, I said a little prayer your surgery, surgeon and for a quick and easy recovery for you. Blessings.

  46. Paula

    Sending up prayers of comfort and quick recovery. God bless you both. Paula from Oklahoma.

  47. c

    Saundra: your in our thoughts and prayers, have a quick recovery.

  48. Kimberly Moody

    My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and the medical team that all goes well and you have a speedy recovery. Your daughter’s blog is one of my most favorite places to visit. She is so talented-she fills our world with beautiful thoughts, inspiration and images. Take care–Kimberly from KY.

  49. Liz @ Shorely Chic

    sending well wishes to your momma. My mom is my world, as it sounds like yours is to you, too. My prayers are with you and Saundra this week, and I will be sending positivity your way <3

  50. Stephanie C.

    Please know you’re in our prayers for a safe and successful operation, and a quick recovery. Because even though we never met, I know you must be an amazing person to have raised such a terrific, inspiring wonderful daughter like Heather. Thinking of you, and hoping we’re soon hearing good news about you. Best, always, Stephanie

  51. colleen

    Saundra..A beautiful name….
    Blessings to you as you rest & recover.

  52. Laura @ 52 FLEA

    Hello Mother Saundra,
    I am keeping you in my prayers today and wish you a speedy recovery!
    Thank you for sharing your lovely and talented daughter, who provides inspiration to so many of us here in blogland.
    Take care as your body heals and before you know it…
    …you will be feeling good again!
    Lots of hugs and sunshine from Florida!
    Laura 🙂

  53. Erica Cooper

    Dear Saundra,
    As you recover from this surgery, know you have a community praying for you and wishing you a comfortable and speedy recovery.
    You are in good hands as your lovely, creative daughter takes care of you. Lean on her and let her love on you, we daughters enjoy taking care of our mothers, as you have taken care of us our whole lives.
    Prayers for a safe surgery, restful recovery and timely healing.
    Blessings to both of you!

  54. Cara

    Hi Saundra~
    Wishing you a speedy recovery and tons of Get Well wishes and prayers.
    God Bless!

  55. melody

    Dear Saundra,
    Wishing you a successful surgery and super fast recovery!!! Hugs and squeezes from northwest Washington state!

  56. Shaylyn Kay

    I pray that your surgery goes well and that you are able to bounce back quickly! You must be a wonderful woman to have raised such a talented daughter. Much Love!

  57. Linda

    Praying He leads your heart to a quiet place of rest during this time of recovery.
    Hugs, Linda

  58. Clydia

    Saundra just wanting you to know that I am sending up prayers for you! I pray that the surgery will go smoothly and healing will come quickly!

  59. Suzy McQ

    Dear Saundra,
    Joining with so many others to wish you a thorough and speedy recovery. You are in our thoughts and our prayers. What a sweet daughter you have in Heather who so kindly included her faithful blog followers in your journey toward a happy and healthy Spring!
    All the best,
    Suzy McQ

  60. Cotehele

    Wishing you much support and strength during your recovery. What a joy it must be to have a sweet and talented daughter with you during this time. My thoughts are with you both.

  61. Holly saveur

    Dear Saundra,
    Hope all goes well and that you feel better very soon!
    Big Hugs to you from the Netherlands.
    Love Holly.

  62. Patti

    Dear Saundra,
    Praying for you and your surgeon that you have a most positive surgery outcome and a speedy recovery.
    Hugs and positive thoughts are being sent out to you.

  63. Lolo

    Sending you warm and happy thoughts, and promises of spring to speed up your recovery! Hoping that you get to enjoy some special quiet time with your daughter also.
    By the way, your name is beautiful too….reminds me of a “sauna” – peaceful & serene 🙂
    Big hugs to you Saundra –

  64. Cookie Crumbs

    As a mother who has a close and wonderful relationship with my own daughter, I pray for a quick and speedy recovery for you. God speed.
    Your daughter is such a beautiful person, both inside and out. You must be so proud of her. 🙂

  65. Candi

    Hello Saundra,
    Magic Wand
    I wish I had a magic wand
    To make it go away;
    I’d wave my scepter over you
    Until you were okay.
    I’d think good thoughts; I’d send you love;
    I’d transmit healing vibes;
    My wand and I would surely beat
    Whatever the doc prescribes.
    But there is no magic scepter, so
    I cannot cast a spell;
    Just know you’re often in my thoughts,
    And I hope you’ll soon be well!
    By Joanna Fuchs
    — Get Well Soon.. -huge hugs, thoughts and prayers

  66. Delores

    Dear Saundra,
    I’m sending good thoughts and special prayers your way for a speedy recovery. I can only imagine how special you are, being Heather’s Mom. She is pretty special too, and I admire her very much. Take care Saundra.

  67. Kate

    Sending yet more prayers your way! And may your recovery be restful and filled with peace and comfort (not to mention loads of beautiful flowers!!!) Thanks for sharing your wonderful daughter with all of us, we love her so!

  68. Nik

    I lit a candle for you & sending you wishes of a quick, full recovery.

  69. Angelika

    Dear Saundra,
    I’m sending you my heart-felt wishes for your surgery and quick recovery from Germany!
    I can imagine how you must be feeling right now – my husband had a heart surgery last June and is doing well now.
    All the best for you and your entire family,

  70. Rhonda P.

    Dear Saundra,
    As it has been told me, we all become our Mothers, you must be one fantastic lady! Your daughter is the most inspiring, beautiful human being I’ve ever run across. Wishing you well thoughts and a quick and speedy recovery. Rhonda from Arizona

  71. carlafee@aol.com

    Dear Saundra,
    Sending thoughts and prayers your way for you, your family, friends and caregivers. May you have a successful surgery and a quick and complete recovery!

  72. Debe

    As genuine a person as you are Heather, your mom has to be even more so since that Must be where you got yours. I join everyone in wishing Saundra the very best on this short journey. Prayers that she bounces back to her “feeling great self” soon! Blessings!

  73. samantha @ the nest

    I wish you a speedy recovery from your surgery.
    Make sure you relax plenty and take it easy.
    With love from across the Atlantic in Wales,

  74. Marie @ Sally Lee by the Sea

    Saundra, the joy which Heather brings to my world with her words and creativity are a true blessing and I’m sure that you are a huge part of why she is such a beautiful person…well done! I wish you quick healing, strength and perserverance during this time.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and Heather during this time (as well as the rest of your family).
    Blessings & warm wishes,

  75. Julie

    Saundra – Wishing you all the best as you meet this challenge. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you recover.

  76. Sarah

    Prayers are being sent up for a speedy recovery and that God will hold you in palm of His hand during this time.

  77. Martha Hjorth

    Oh Saundra, i have a friend with the same spelling of the name and she is dear, so i know you HAVE to be too. AND to have a dear daughter like Heather.
    May God tenderly hold you as you recover from surgery . Go with his gentle schedule and you will be fine! May you find all kinds of joy , in even unexpected ways, as you recuperate. Then spring will be here, and you may have SPRING in your heart ,and maybe your step, too!

  78. Marla in Columbus

    Miss Saundra,
    Ive been what some might call a “stalker” (look, but don’t comment) on your daughter’s lovely blog and thought that should change when she mentioned her sweet mom was going to be having surgery.
    It sounds like you are a big part of Heather’s life. As a mother, I asire to be much a part of my children’s lives when they are adults as I am now at the ages of 12 and almost 10. We all need our moms – I wish every day mine was still with me – so you take care and feel better soon.
    Marla in Columbus, OH

  79. Bernie

    Hoping for a speedy recovery for you, Saundra. How wonderful to have a daughter who is so thoughtful and caring. Daughters are are such a blessing, aren’t they?
    Wishing you both well,

  80. Beth

    Saundra, sending along wishes for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. Be sure to order everything on your menu that’s chocolate because chocolate heals (at least it does at my house!)!
    You are truly blessed to have a wonderful, caring daughter who loves you enough to want the very best for you and so do we.

  81. Teresa

    Saundra, you are much-loved and I am praying that you have a speedy and complete recovery

  82. Tammy

    Hi Saundra – sending warm wishes for a speedy recovery. Your sweet Heather is a treasure, and it sounds like you are hers. So, get well soon! xotammy

  83. Pam

    Blessings to you, Saundra for an easy recovery, and to you, Heather for being a great daughter-not a day goes by that I don’t miss my own mom.

  84. mom2fur

    Saundra, what a beautiful name! I hope these next weeks fly right by and you are soon back to your happy, healthy self!

  85. Anne R

    Best wishes for a quick rebound. Now, be a good mother and let your daughter fuss over you! I know it isn’t natural, but just give in this little while. You’ll both feel better for it.

  86. tiffany

    Blessings to you Saundra for a speedy recovery!
    with love from Phoenix

  87. racheellobo@yahoo.com

    Even though I have never met you I pray that you will have a speedy recovery:)

  88. donna

    The Mom of such a creative, warm and kind daughter must be a wonderful lady herself. Accept my best wishes and prayers. You’ll be back on your feet in no time.
    Big hugs,

  89. jewelee

    Dear Saundra-
    These get well wishes come from Connecticut. Best wishes for a smooth hospital stay and speedy recovery.
    Whenever I need a little boost I visit your talented daughters blog.
    Jewelee from CT

  90. karen

    Saundra, your daughter shows such beauty and grace in her posts… I bet she gets that from you. Speedy recovery to you from Connecticut –

  91. Mary Ann

    I’m keeping you close in my heart and my thoughts. Prayers for a successful surgery and a quick, complete recovery.
    God’s Peace,
    Mary Ann

  92. Sandy

    Hi Saundra, what a lucky woman you are to have such a loving daughter as Heather… surgery is scary I know, I’ve had several very serious ones and the love of my children always kept me going and believing.
    Wishing you all the best, love and joy!

  93. Amy

    Dear Saundra,
    Surgery is always a challenge – no matter how big or small – but with so many praying for you (and include my prayers, too) your recovery shall be sweet. Be sure to let yourself rest and heal and enjoy having your girl dote on you just as you did to her when she was a little girl feeling under the weather. Keep your chin up, Buttercup!
    Your Friend,
    Amy from Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada. :o)

  94. Pam

    Saundra, Best wishes for a smooth sailing surgery and lightening fast recovery! Just keep visualizing yourself up and running around and soon you will be. Take care and I have to tell you that your daughter’s blog often makes my day! What goes around comes around. Bless you all.

  95. Sarah

    Sending positive healing thoughts, energy, prayers your way. Best wishes on your surgery and recovery!

  96. Renee

    I understand completely how much Heather loves you. I lost my mom 3 years ago and still miss her every single day. I wish you nothing but good wishes for a speedy recovery! God bless!

  97. karen q

    Hello Saundra,
    So sorry to hear that you required a bit of surgery. I hope your recovery is quick and uneventful. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
    PS What a great mom you must be to have produced such a caring daughter.

  98. Sandi ~ A Cottage Muse

    Sending positive thoughts and prayers to you Saundra! I just came through surgery myself with flying colors and am passing along the good torch to you!!
    Hugs to you Heather…stay strong!

  99. Bonnie Schulte

    Wishing you sunshine and flowers to bring a smile to your face.
    Get well soon. All the best from Wisconsin

  100. Patricia Mackey

    Dear Saundra –
    Your sweet and lovely daughter shares herself with all of us everyday. Today is about you getting the great care from your doctors, loving visits from your family, and big hugs from all of us. God’s blessing upon you for a speedy recovery. You’ve raised an amazing daughter! God bless all of you.
    Cheers, hugs and love from Seattle – Patricia 🙂

  101. Tamra/The Gilded Barn

    Saundra, I found your daughters post extremely touching as my parents are elderly and I now find myself sometimes needing to help take care of them.
    Please, always remember that for those of us fortunate enough to have loving, wonderful parents it is truly a pleasure to help take care of them. So relax, get well and enjoy each precious moment together as she returns a small portion of the loving care that you extended to her through out her life. Let her enjoy taking care of you as much as you did taking care of her. I wish you the best of health and many years of happiness with your family.
    Best regards,

  102. Susan

    Hello Saundra (and devoted daughter Heather),
    I wish you a successful surgery and easy recovery. I will pray a Hail Mary for you. Our Blessed Mother is always watching over us, and Jesus never leaves your side.
    Rest up and allow your loved ones to pamper you. 🙂
    All the best,

  103. Margo

    Saundra, I hope you recover quickly as I’m sure you will, under Heather’s good care. Do what the doctor’s tell you, and let others help you as you heal. Don’t touch the remote in the hospital, John Tesh says they are full of germs 🙂

  104. Hayley

    Warm wishes from the Midwest to you, Saundra. Take your time to get better so you’ll be back at 100 percent to enjoy the spring that is just around the corner…

  105. Kimberly

    Saundra, it has been many years since I have seen you at one of Sweet Girls birthday parties but I will never forget your smile. 🙂 I will pray for your healing to be swift and without complications. May the Lord bless you with a complete recovery. Heather~ much love to you and may the Lord also overflow you with peace knowing that He is taking care of your Momma! Blessings Beautiful Ladies! Kimberly

  106. Sassy

    Saundra – What a remarkable daughter you have to want to surprise you with all our well wishes! That shows she came from a great Mom. YOu will be in my thoughts and prayers and get well wishes. Be sure to follow doctor’s orders, let others wait on you, and have your favorites surround you.

  107. susan

    I join with many others, Saundra, to wish you God’s peace and grace as you undergo surgery. May He guide your doctor’s hands, and my your recovery be speedy! I pray for you as well, Heather. Many times I waited while my Dad had surgery. The waiting is difficult. May God calm your nerves and give you peace too.

  108. Gina Granaman

    Hope that when you get the opportunity to read these you will be already into your recovery time. I wish you well, and know that you have lots of prayers from me wishing you a quick recovery. Heather has said what a dear mother you are, and I believe that she is almost as lucky as me!!! Ha!Ha! ( I think my mother is pretty great too!) Having a mother that is truely special is the best thing ever! I wish a quick and happy recovery!
    Thinking of you from SE Iowa,
    Gina G.

  109. Kim

    Miss Saundra~We are all here for you praying for a fast recovery and blessings sent your way.
    I too Love my Mother so much and hate to see her in pain as well.~Blessings Kim

  110. Kim

    Miss Saundra~We are all here praying for you and sending well wishes your way.~Blessings Kim

  111. Jennifer Grey

    Hello Saundra, I’m joining in with everyone here wishing you a speedy recovery. You have an incredibly talented, amazing daughter, which I’m sure you already know : )

  112. Evelyn

    Before you know it you’ll be doing the happy dance!!!
    and then some!!!
    Heather, you’re very special. Your dear Mom is blessed to have you.

  113. Peggy

    Hello Saundra, here’s to a speedy recovery and a chance soon to feel the warmth of the sun on your face. I wish you peace and joy.

  114. stephanie

    Best wishes to you for a speedy recovery!!!! Sending you positive happy thoughts!

  115. Karon Nichols

    Hello Saundra,
    I am praying for a quick recovery and that you would sense God’s tender loving care. Many years ago I met you at Heather’s garden shop in the Canyon Crest Center. You would fill in for her on occasion. Even though many years have past since then, I still remember your kindness and helpful spirit. Just know there will be many people who care and will be lifting you up in prayer and that we have a loving God who cares as well. Blessings, Karon Nichols

  116. mamajulie

    Saundra–Praying for your recovery. Take your time with your rehab and give yourself permission to rest until you feel better.

  117. Sara's Sweet Surprise

    Heather & Saundra~My hope is for you both to draw solace and strength from the loving relationship you share. Saudra, from following Heathers blog, my guess is you and I are close in age. As matriarchs our rolls have been played out as the soft place for our children to fall, so it can be frightening in becoming so vulnerable, when our roles are reversed, but we are truly blessed in the realization that our children are a manifestation of the best of what we are. Your sweet daughter will now be your soft place to fall. I would imagine she will make your recovery a comfortable and healing experience with many sweet treats in between.
    Please keep us updated on your progress,

  118. Susan

    Hello Saundra- I just wanted to tell you prayers are being sent your way for a peaceful recovery from surgery. I haven’t been reading Heathers blog for long, but I am hooked. My mother had open heart surgery a couple of years ago and seeing her go through it and the recovery just made me love her so much more and realize how blessed I was to have her in my life! Without a doubt just from what I have read today your daughter loves you that much and more! Please stay safe and listen to your doctors and especially your daughter for a great recovery. Blessings to you both, Susan

  119. mj azevedo

    Sending support and good wishes to both you and your Mom. Looking forward to your report of a good recovery and a successful rehab. Remember to take good care of yourself as you take care of your Mom.

  120. Rose.www.thetarnishedcrownblog.blogspot.com

    Dear Saundra,
    Tomorrow is my bible study class and I am lucky to spend the morning with some of the most generous and spiritual women. I will be asking them all to keep you in their prayers and thoughts. I hope you feel better very soon.
    Continued blessings,
    Rose C.

  121. Deputy's Wife

    Heather’s mom, may God bless you with a quick recovery!
    (Usually, I am a stalker here. I hope everything is well!)

  122. hopefilledliving@gmail.com

    Sending lots of well wishes your way with hopes that your recovery will be short and you can enjoy the blessings of our upcoming Spring!

  123. mari brown

    Dear Saundra,
    I hope you will have a speedy recovery and all the best to you and your daughter Heather.
    Greetings from Ontario, Canada

  124. NLewis

    I wish you a speedy recovery..You have an amazing Daughter who Loves you dearly…

  125. Lynn

    I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you have an uneventful trip to the hospital, and find yourself home soon. Take good care,

  126. Amanda Key

    Saundra, thinking and praying for you.

  127. Linda

    Hi Saundra~ sorry to hear you have to have some surgery! I am sending good thoughts and prayers your way for a successful surgery and a full and quick recovery! Take care and get some pampering, too! A BIG XO…

  128. Annie

    Hello Saundra,
    Warm hugs to you and your devoted daughter. And wishes for a complete recovery.
    With love from Texas

  129. Cathy

    Just wanted to let you know you are in our thoughts and prayers. Best wishes for a easy, speedy recovery.
    C in Huntington Beach

  130. pamq

    Hi Saundra!
    Moms are so special!
    My Mom just had a hospital and rehab stay, so I certainly understand how something like this makes us daughters fret….
    I’m thinking about you and Heather!

  131. Terri

    Saundra – lots of good wishes from California!

  132. JoDell Ricker

    Saundry, I will be thinking of you this week and hope everything goes well. Listen to the Doctors and take it easy. I am sure your daughter will take good care of you, she owes that to you. You have a very talented daughter who we appreciate for sharing her talents, and I know she has you to thank for that.Now sleep, eat, and rest. Love JoDell

  133. VÃ¥rt liv i norr

    Hello Saundra!
    I hope your surgery and recovery will go well!
    A mom is a very important person. Without my mom (and father) I would be a restless soul.
    Hugs from the north of Swedish Lapland 🙂

  134. Tania

    Dear Saundra,
    I hope that your surgery will go well and that you have a good rest while recovering! You have a very special and talented daughter and I am sure she will take good care of you!
    Blessings from Africa!

  135. Becca

    Dearest Saundra, Praying for God’s hands to cover you during surgery. May your recovery be swift and uneventful. Rest in the love that surrounds you daily in family and friends <3
    Blessings to you and your daughter 🙂

  136. Susan Hemann

    Hello Suandra, My prayers for your speedy recovery. I just love your daughters website. You must be so proud! Good luck to you. Sue

  137. Kim

    Dear Saundra,
    Thinking of you with special thoughts and wishes for a speedy recovery. I’m sure your wonderful daughter, Heather, will take great care of you. All the best to both of you.

  138. Patricia

    Saundra ~ Praying for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery for you. You have raised a wonderful daughter who clearly loves and honors you!
    Heather ~ Praying for peace for you as you wait during the surgery. The love you have for your mother is clearly heard and felt in your words.
    Blessings to all!

  139. Gail

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery…
    Hugs from Indiana

  140. NLewis

    I wish your Mother a speedy recovery…Thinking of you and her…

  141. Mandy Smith

    I have a daughter of my own, therefore, I fully understand the bond between you and your daughter. I’m gushing with pride over you and your relationship with Heather.
    I will pray for you today and this week as you recover. I’m sure that you are in wonderful hands but a little help from the “Big Guy” couldn’t hurt, right?
    Love and speedy recovery to you,

  142. Mandy

    I have a daughter of my own, therefore, I fully understand the bond between you and your daughter. I’m gushing with pride over you and your relationship with Heather.
    I will pray for you today and this week as you recover. I’m sure that you are in wonderful hands but a little help from the “Big Guy” couldn’t hurt, right?
    Love and speedy recovery to you,

  143. Mandy

    I have a daughter of my own, therefore, I fully understand the bond between you and your daughter. I’m gushing with pride over you and your relationship with Heather.
    I will pray for you today and this week as you recover. I’m sure that you are in wonderful hands but a little help from the “Big Guy” couldn’t hurt, right?
    Love and speedy recovery to you,

  144. amy

    Prayed and still praying for the Lord above to heal you in this time of need. May you have a speedy recovery.

  145. Claudia

    Sending you, Saundra, best wishes for a quick and pain-free recovery from your surgery.

  146. Joyce

    Dear Saundra, my mom had a number of surgeries, in her 80’s…and each time, felt better than ever! Going to rehab was the best thing-they sure know how to help everyone get back on their feet. Many blessings to you during your recovery!!! Joyce

  147. Joe & Jermonne

    The Boys are sending MUCH L-O-V-E to Saundra, you, The Man and your family. Although we haven’t met her, we have a feeling she has everything to do with how beautiful you are…inside and out.
    Love Y’all,
    Your favorite Little Mexican and Crazy J-

  148. Joe & Jermonne

    The Boys are sending MUCH L-O-V-E to Saundra, you, The Man and your family. Although we haven’t met her, we have a feeling she has everything to do with how beautiful you are…inside and out.
    Love Y’all,
    Your favorite Little Mexican and Crazy J-

  149. Joe & Jermonne

    The Boys are sending MUCH L-O-V-E to Saundra, you, The Man and your family. Although we haven’t met her, we have a feeling she has everything to do with how beautiful you are…inside and out.
    Love Y’all,
    Your favorite Little Mexican and Crazy J-

  150. Joe & Jermonne

    The Boys are sending MUCH L-O-V-E to Saundra, you, The Man and your family. Although we haven’t met her, we have a feeling she has everything to do with how beautiful you are…inside and out.
    Love Y’all,
    Your favorite Little Mexican and Crazy J-

  151. Ramona

    Good Morning Saundra ~
    Many blessings for health and happiness….and know this ~ you have raised an amazingly creative and generous daughter that has shared her ideas and spirit with the rest of us creative souls. Well done! Although we have never met….I feel that same way about my Mother as Heather feels about you….many well wishes for a speedy recovery. God bless!
    Smiles ~ Ramona

  152. Julie

    Chère Saundra,
    Je te souhaite un bon rétablissement suite à votre opération. Translation: I’m wishing you a good recovery following you operation. It doesn’t have the same nice ring in English.
    Thank you for the gift of your wonderful daughter…she inspires me daily with her take on everyday beauty. I wonder if she inherited that creative talent from her mother? You must be quite a woman Saundra. God speed 🙂
    Positive thoughts and well wishes from cold Canada

  153. LCB

    I am praying for a speedy recovery for you. With much love,

  154. Alice

    I’m late in reading this post. I’m so happy your mom made it out of surgery OK. Moms always want to be strong for their children, even when they might not feel like it. Please give her a big hug and wishes for a swift recovery.

  155. Barbara Stevens

    Dear Saundra,
    To love and be so very loved speaks volumes of your character. I honor you for raising such a lovely daughter that shares her beauty with the world. May you be blessed with good health, Barbara.

  156. Donna Sexton

    Hi, Saundra. May God keep you in his loving care. After all he is the Great Physician. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Donna

  157. Brenda

    Best wished for a speedy recovery Saundra, enjoy being pampered while you recover xx

  158. Debbie Howard

    Saundra, you have raised quite a daughter! I sure hope you begin to feel better very soon. I will be praying for your speedy recovery. You get well real soon!

  159. Susan

    Saundra, I’ll be praying for your quick recovery. God Bless, Susan

  160. Terry

    Saundra – best wishes for a speedy recovery from a very chilly Milwaukee! I am sending you lots of well wishes that you will be back to your healthy-self soon!

  161. Robin W.

    I missed the chance to wish your momma well – but I’m still going to do it today.
    May the healing touch of all those around you mend the needs within you. Mom’s are such an important part of everyone’s lives, tho often they are not told, they are always felt. Please be at peace through your healing.

  162. Susie

    I’m sorry I didn’t see this post until today. Praying the Lord will watch over your mother and provide her a speedy recovery.

  163. Kay Ellen

    You know I love your Mom~~~ she is such a sweetheart!
    I am praying for her…and you too!

  164. kara

    I’m so very late–but, happy to hear you posted an update. May she have a fast and good recovery. Blessings to your mom, Saundra.

  165. Susan Hemann

    I know this is not a good time for you but I went to shop at your on-line store and I could not find it! Panic. also will you be selling at Marburger Farm in the Fall?

  166. Dee

    Sorry I didn’t read this sooner. So glad all went well and your surgery is over. Make sure you take some time to rest and let Heather look after you. With a daughter like Heather you must be one lovely lady.

  167. Erin

    Dear Saundra,
    I am so happy to hear that your surgery went well. Sending you best wishes and prayers for speedy, complete and perfect healing.
    Blessings and Prayers,

  168. Ellen

    Take the time to heal; It is in these moments, we see the kindness of others. I think you have been on the other end and it is your time to receive. Be patient with your body and you~ I hope soon you will feel the spring sunshine and feel the grace of doing your normal routine~

  169. Linda Rubin

    Heather, I am so pleased to hear your mother is on her way to recovery now. There is something to be said about the power of “prayer.” Having such a loving and caring daughter like you will make her recovery even better.

  170. Marcy

    So glad to know that your Mom is doing well! I’m sure she loved all the messages sent to her.

  171. Kim

    I am so happy to hear that your Mom is doing well after surgery. Kim

  172. Lorraine Lewis

    Sweet blessings to you Saundra. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
    Your daughter loves you dearly 🙂

  173. Ellen

    Praying God’s blessing on you as you recover from surgery.

  174. Rochambeau

    A prayer for your mom. May she continue to be healed and experience fabulous health!

  175. Essay Writing

    Saundra, Best wishes and Praying for you and Your mom a quick recovery and healthy life.

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