Catching Up

 Hello, Hello!

Wow, you guys are amazing. Really, just truly the best. Thank you for all your warm thoughts and kind wishes for my Mom. She's doing well and hopefully will be going home very soon. But we're "over the hump" so to say and on to the path of full recovery. Hooray!

Been busy as ever behind the scenes, the photo is a sneak peek at Souvenir..which should be hitting inboxes today or tomorrow. And the other half dozen projects should be wrapping up quickly. One is my website renovation, looking forward to having that finished. Oh, and I have a couple fun posts planned. Other than that, just life…which keeps us all busy!

So, what have you all been up to? Would love to hear what's going on in your life. I've been so preoccupied with mine and could use a little escape!

35 Responses to “Catching Up”

  1. Teresa Sheeley

    I am so sorry I missed your last post and went back to read about your mama. Please give her my love and good wishes and of course I will be saying my little prayer for a quick recovery and her comfort. Blessings to you all!! xoxo

  2. Bibbitybob

    Glad to hear that your Mum is doing well, sorry that I too missed your last post.
    Beautiful flowers!

  3. Sara's Sweet Surprise

    Heather~so happy you posted an update. What a welcome sigh of relief.
    You know I told your mom in my last comment, you’d be her soft place to fall and her recovery will be filled with TLC Heather style, which will provide a speedy recovery
    Sweet wishes to Saundra too,

  4. jill

    Hi Miss Heather,
    Sorry I missed sending your momma get well wishes. I remember when you arrived in Minnesota and called your mom to tell her you had arrived. I thought it was so sweet that as an adult you still called you mom! I am glad to hear she is recovering as I realized then how important she is to you.
    Well, since you asked….have you heard we are moving back west? We are headed back to Portland on April 15. Sold our Minnesota cottage in a record breaking 2 weeks, have already found a home in Portland, a school for the girls and this happy momma is headed back where she belongs! Unfortunately, we are not getting out in time to escape the horrible winter we have had in Minnesota. Knowing it will be my last has brought joy to my heart, however.
    I will look forward to seeing you at Farm Chicks. I like all the ‘stuff’ you have going on….Souvenier sounds groovy!

  5. Patricia

    Good to hear about your Mom! Love the photo of the flowers ~ so cheery & bright. The promise of spring! Blessings to your Mom during her recovery.

  6. Gail

    Fabulous news about your Mom, yay! Busy here too with my Etsy shop….it’s really picking up and it just dawned on me I wonder if that’s because of the high price of gas (just keeps getting higher too) and people shopping online instead of driving….
    Can’t wait for Souvenir!!

  7. Beth

    Great news about your mother! All my best for her continued recovery! xoxo Beth

  8. Jane

    I just now found out about your mom. I am glad she is on the mend…I’ll keep her in my thoughts and prayers.
    I wanted to mention that I just found Flea Market Style today at Walgreens of all places. I searched high and low for the first issue and never found it and today I hit the jackpot on my first try. Who would’ve thought Walgreens?! Anyway, I’m excited to look it over tonight!

  9. Rhonda P.

    Very happy to hear your Mom is doing so well. Your idea of the get well wishes was wonderful. My Mom just love to look at my blog, even though I don’t think she truly understands the friendships that take place in blogland.
    I’ve been up to elbows in antique laces and sewing projects. I received a wonderful new French script rubber stamp and I’ve been stamping away, like a school girl. Creating is my passion and photographing my work is becoming more and more of a passion, as well.

  10. Carolyn

    Stumbled upon your website and felt as if I’d found a goldmine . . . couldn’t help but think of the song “My Favorite Things” from the Sound of Music. That describes your website, a collection of my very favorite things. My mother is 90 years old and currently resides in a nursing home facility. Thanks for reminding me of those small items – her button box, treasured vases, china, doilies, quilts, and other items which I need to preserve and treasure. Thanks for sharing your talent and ideas with us!
    All the best to you and your mother,
    Bama Gal

  11. Kimberly

    H~ So happy to hear about your Mom! On to recovery! Well things going on in my neck of the woods, Jake got his drivers permit today, Hooray! Also bidding on a huge paint job, Bible Study and picking out paint for Ben’s room. A little work and a little fun all makes this house hum. 🙂 Whatever that means, but it does rhyme so I am going with it. Blessings, Kimberly

  12. Heather - The Simple Girl

    To one Heather, to another: So glad to hear your mom is doing well! It is so hard to see them in such a fragile state.
    That bouquet is gorgeous! I could almost smell them when I saw the photo! 🙂

  13. teresa

    Good to hear that your Mother is doing better. She is lucky to have you there to help out.
    As to what I’ve been up to…just got back from my Dad’s wish I could get him to come stay awhile at my place….{it would be easier to take care of him} but he likes to be around his own things….and I understand that.
    It’s hard to be there for him all the time when he is so far away.
    Thank you for the beautiful photo.
    Blessings to you and your Mother.
    P.S bought the current flea market mag. and love it… great job. found it at Target =)

  14. Susan

    I’m glad things are going well with your Mom. The kids just keep us running here and the weather well it’s cold still. I’m so looking forward to taking a ride and getting out with my camera! Have a great week and thanks for all the inspiration!! Susan p.s. Flea Market Style is super! I want to come to a photo shoot with you!

  15. robyn

    So happy to hear that your Mom is on the mend! Healing prayers for her. Stunning photo!

  16. Sandi ~ A Cottage Muse

    So, so happy to hear the great news about your sweet Mom! Will keep up the good thoughts and prayers!
    Still on the mend here but slowly getting back in the swing of things! Getting lots of inspiration from FMS magazine…thanks again!!

  17. Heidi Woodruff

    Hi Heather, It’s good to read your mother’s surgery went well. I’m excited about your upcoming Souvenir issue! Whee….spring is looking good! ~Hugs, Heidi

  18. julie@jam-n-jilly

    oh no! i missed the whole thing about your mother! i am so glad she is doing well! i pray for a speedy recovery!! i have been busy too with a womens retreat and with the kids! all good! i cant wait to receive my first souvenir!


    I’m glad to hear everything is looking positive… this may be a silly question but the name of the white flowers in the photo? I can’t remember for the life of me.

  20. Jennifer Rizzo

    I am glad your mom is doing well. Flea market style looked great BTW. I am gearing up here to release my spring collection and make make make for the Nada Farm Event. Glad things are going well for you…! xoxo your Chicago BFF. 🙂

  21. Maria

    De-lurking to tell you I’m happy for you and your Momma. So glad she’s doing well. Mom’s are precious, aren’t they? So is our health, and I guess we need a reminder of that now and then. I’ve really been a slacker with treasure-hunting and my Etsy shop the last few weeks, trying to ditch whatever superbug has latched onto me. Anyway……Thank you for all your beautiful blog inspiration. Yours is one of those that inspired me to start my own recently.
    Cheers to your Mom, and a speedy recovery!

  22. Susan Hemann

    Beautiful flowers and photograph! Glad to hear your mother is getting better! I have been working on a blog for physically challenged gardeners.

  23. Sarah Beth

    I too have been dealing with family in the hospital, grandma, father-in-law, and today my brother!! It can be tiring. It is a rainy day, but there is a bright spot. My flowers are starting to peak their heads out of the ground!! Spring is on its way!

  24. Debe

    Glad your mum is better! Such good news! SOUVENIR just hit my inbox!!! You are such a clever girl & have very luscious friends. Can’t wait to read it more closely & look forward to the next issue. You know you were one of the first blogs I read & loved meeting at Zapp Hall. Wow..haven’t things changed since then? Congrats!

  25. Jackie Leonard

    Received the new emag today. It’s fabulous. Sent it on to numerous friends. Love it. Jackie

  26. Joanna

    just wanted to say “Thank you!” for Souvenir…it was in my inbox today…LOVE it!

  27. Jan

    Hi Heather,
    Souvenir is lovely. Beside the beautiful photos, it was a great read. Now I know I need to get Flea Market Style, I will be heading to Barns and Noble. Thanks for such a fun publication.

  28. nancy

    What a wonderful surprise waiting for me the other day in my inbox! I opened your lovely Spring issue of Souvenir during a snowstorm here…THANK YOU for the beautiful photographs and content…you brightened my cloudy day and gave me hope that Spring will arrive!

  29. Judy B. Texas

    My computer system is rather old and slow…it took me several attempts to download SOUVENIR but am I GLAD I hung in there – LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!
    Already printed out the seed templates and the Meringue/Lemon Curd recipe…saved the entire publication. Looking forward to the next issue…you girls did a fabulous job!!!

  30. Judy B. Texas

    Hi Karla, the flower’s name is RHINOCULAR…beautiful aren’t they! J. Beatty, Tx

  31. Jenny

    I’ve been w/o a phone line – gasp! – no dsl/computer, for a week…so trying to catch-up! I’m happily waiting for kidding (dairy goats) to begin here on the farm in Michigan! Love everything you do!

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