
Isabella Bambina Bullard..aka Bella..aka The Furry Chicken..aka The Chicken Whisperer
would like to wish you a very Happy Weekend! She'll be busy spending hers begging for treats, napping in the sun, going on car rides and sniffing chicken butts. Hard to top that! 

27 Responses to “TGIF”

  1. Linda Rubin

    So cute………love her agenda, especially sniffing chicken butts. Hope you and Bella have a good weekend.

  2. Karen Knight

    Sniffing chicken butts – love that!! I have a black and white kitty name Tuta Bella!

  3. Debbi from @the beach

    She looks so sweet, and what a great life she has, except for the chicken butt sniffing! LOL!

  4. Lorraine Lewis

    I want a Bella!
    But that would mean my husband would have to die first- he is always saying over my dead body are we having a dog- but how can he resist that sweet Bella face!

  5. pamq

    I guess it would be pretty hard to top sniffing chicken butts.
    And here I thought I had a pretty exciting weekend planned…..

  6. lori miller

    I just love little hounds. We also have a Bella…love her to death, they are so sweet.
    It is strange to see grass in the background, we have so much snow here in Minnesota…and more to come. Your sweet girls would not like it so much here.

  7. LizlovesVintage

    Ok, stop that! My Dog passed away a year ago.
    Sad but, I’m not sure I want another pooch.
    Seeing this photo, really makes me want one, now!!!
    xxx Liz

  8. Diane

    I’m in love with Bella and I remember well (and with a chuckle) that infamous picture of her with the chicken feathers stuck to her nose! 🙂

  9. Sassy

    She is precious… i love how fur babies take our heart away

  10. Nicki

    Aww she’s so cute!! She’s a French bulldog, right?? I love it when dogs tilt their heads like that. Have a great weekend, Isabella.

  11. Brenda Hayes

    Miss Bella is beautiful. I am very much a Boston person with my two boys (both rescues) Vinny and Harley. Have a great weekend.

  12. Andi S.

    so adorable.. she’s like our dog and her name is beauty.she is a
    pitbull dog, our friends does not agree to call her beauty.
    As we know pitbull has an ugly face like bulldog.My kids call
    her beauty because for them she is beautiful. 🙂

  13. Lori

    She is adorable and I can say that as my little Boston ~ Miss Molly is laying beside me as I type…. I just had to comment.

  14. Erin D.

    LOL I am glad someone else understands the butt sniffing. My bassett is always tormenting my two potbellies with that. Coco Chanel will take his nose off one of these days!

  15. Maggie Nunez

    Hello Heather, I found your website and am in love with your style…I especially adore your Boston Bella. I have a Boston of my own, Charlie and he too is a sweetheart. I love your chicken coop. When I saw it my heart went pitter patter..such cool digs for your “girls”. I now want chickens too. I was wondering if you would grant me permission to post a picture of your coop on my blog?

  16. Debra

    I love Bella so much…. she is the best! I only have cats and my husband would love a pooch (Welsh Corgie)… but I have to tell you, if I ran into Bella on a lone road…. she’d be mine — all mine! 🙂

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