Shopping San Juan Capistrano

 Over the weekend I snuck off to San Juan Capistrano for a day of shopping. I'm in serious need of some new furniture…a buffet, two coffee tables, a sofa back table, and a couple of chairs..among others. My mission has been hunt & gather! I stopped in a beautiful shop called Whim. It had a lovely courtyard garden which was so welcoming.

Inside they had a great selection of books. I especially loved their large library table filled with design and garden books. And this sideboard caught my eye too. Unfortunately, I didn't find any pieces to bring home. Many of them were gorgeous just too "new" for my taste.

Luckily, across the street is a very large antique mall, The Old Barn Antiques. I couldn't wait to stroll through it and thought for sure I might find an oil painting, the perfect shelf for my laundry room or maybe a small side table.

But guess what? I didn't come home with anything. I seriously couldn't believe it. It's not that the shops didn't have beautiful displays or great items, it's just nothing jumped out at me. Has this ever happened to you? It can be so frustrating to come home empty handed.

Why is it when you're ready to shop and spend the money you can't find what you're looking for?
I guess for now my hunt & gather mission will continue. Because I'm no quitter!

20 Responses to “Shopping San Juan Capistrano”

  1. My Shabby Roses

    Heather, you need to come to the Garden Show at Monticello Antiques here in Portland. The show opens April 8th. I know that everyone involved is saving up their best pieces for this show. It’s always so much fun!
    Hope you find what you’re looking for!

  2. Debra

    They look like fun places to shop just for some inspiration:) I have to make some of those naked books. I just love them:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  3. Karen B

    I went to the Rose Bowl Flea Market the day before Valentine’s Day and bought ONE thing!!! What in the world?

  4. Susanne

    I hate shopping when I’m actually looking for something, so hard to find exactly what I want! So much more fun to happen upon a surprise, something I didn’t know I wanted until I found it.
    You have a pretty long list too, here’s to better luck next time!

  5. kelley

    Hey Heather…Old town San Juan Capistrano is one of my favorite spots! Just being around the old mission is very inspiring too. Can’t beleive you walked out of “old barn” empty handed. Happens to the best of us!
    xo kelley

  6. Amy

    Hi Heather!
    The Old Barn is one of my favorites….I live in San Clemente, so it’s only 10 minutes away from me. Some of the vendors tend to overprice, but the selection is usually pretty good. I found a darling child’s chair last time I was there. Whim is nice but EXPENSIVE! San Juan is a charming town.

  7. Rochelle Gaukel

    Oh I love the Old Barn antique store….got many treasures there when I was in town for a cousin’s wedding. My daughter had fun trying on all the vintage hats and taking pictures of herself! Love that little town of Capistrano! Glad you had a nice day!

  8. Tammy

    Oh my gosh, you are just hitting all of my favorite spots! Where to next? Carmel? Paris? xo

  9. Alice

    What a lovely weekend getaway!
    Any more I seem to come home empty-handed no matter what I’m shopping for. I think I am more watchful of buying without justifying the need during this economy. For me at this point, decorating is definately NOT a need. But chocolate, now that’s another story.

  10. Sharon Wilkes

    That usually seems to be the case for me. When I’m looking for something I can’t find it, but that’s what makes it so much fun when you finally do, right? We have some really great antique shops in town here, but I usually have the best luck at flea markets and garage sales. Happy antiquing everyone!
    Sharon(new blogger in progress)

  11. Lori Martin

    Monticello is a great store, wish I lived closer I would definitly come.I live in southern california. Next time come visit our booth in country roads and cheateu de fleur vintage market place. xoxo

  12. Julie

    Ok ladies, your comments are making me so jealous up here in Southern Ontario (which is still way up in Canada!).
    I won’t see any warm weather or do any outdoor markets here until probably at least May.
    One day I’d love to come to your part of the U.S. and just meander through the shops you’ve highlighted.
    Thanks for the inspiration 🙂

  13. Style Maniac

    These spots look so charming! What fun.
    It’s not unusual for me to shop for days and come home with nothing. As beautiful as an object may be, it has to fit just right into your home and space.

  14. pamq

    Well, what a bummer.
    I hate it when that happens!
    Wouldn’t you think with ALL that to pick from you could find something you were looking for?!?
    Seems like sometimes it just has to sneak up on you and you’ll know it when you see it………
    Carry on!

  15. Kimberly C.

    You were in my neighborhood! I’ll have to check out “Whim”. No, don’t quit; keep on hunting and gathering!

  16. The Cranky Queen

    I want to come shopping with you…Loved the pics of the stores that you visited…Too bad we are many, many, many miles apart. Seems like we like some of the same types of antiques. Visit me anytime at my blog. Thanx, Tiff (The Cranky Queen) http://thecrankyqueen/

  17. ellie

    Ya know I was at the Rose bowl this weekend and I walked the whole show before something jumped out at me…I thought I was going to go home empty handed too. The funny thing is I found A HUGE ironstone pitcher on the back area not the main area for five bucks..steal of the day. And another funny thing is I have seen that pictcher in the Antique Barn in San Juan Cap..for 80.00 dollars…they are quite expensive for an antique store…I LOVE Whim just for ideas I did buy a pie crust pot there which had a crack in it…for about 10.00. If you’d like to come this way I’ll take you to King Richards….bring some eggs please…jk

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