On Being Neighborly

Clucking. Lots of "I laid an egg and I'm proud of it" clucking. That's what my sweet neighbors have to hear on a daily basis. They all insist they don't hear it, which I think is kind of them to say, but probably not true. My only consolation of feeling less guilty is that we don't have a rooster. That might be a different story. 

 I wonder if it's my small gift of fresh eggs that make them so hard of hearing? I have a feeling that might be how I'm buying their silence. Bribery.  ;-)

49 Responses to “On Being Neighborly”

  1. Debra

    That is so cute:) It is amazing what an egg can do;) I have chickens too and love to just stand there and watch them. They are such interesting birds. The beautiful eggs are always a plus.
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  2. Mardell

    I would love to have you for my neighbor! The presentation is very warm too. What thoughtfulness in a time when many do not know their neighbors. Thank you, it makes me want to bake cookies for my neighbors. Wouldn’t that be a surprise!

  3. Karrina

    Hi, Heather. I love the color variety of your eggs – gorgeous. We’re planning on getting chickens this spring and I was hoping you might share with me the breed of your girls. Please and thank you.

  4. Delores

    Oh Heather, those eggs in the basket are such eye candy for me! How wonderful to be able to give your neighbors eggs from your chickens. I’m hoping I can do the same thing soon. Still trying to convince my
    husband that chickens in the backyard are a good thing! ~Delores

  5. Rose H

    Wish you lived next door to me ;o) Lovely photo Heather. Sadly my tiny postage stamp garden isn’t big enough for hens :o(

  6. Dori

    Oh, the delights of having an urban farmer right next door! Smart neighbors and generous you! 🙂

  7. Shelley

    If bribery works – just go with it!! Such a beautiful presentation of eggs!! I wish I was your neighbor!

  8. teresa

    What a sweet way to present them. You are such an inspiration to me.
    I love it when you take the time to make the simple things beautiful.

  9. Gwen

    Oh, how I wish our HOA would allow chickens!!!! But I love your method of keeping the neighbors happy!! I certainly would be.

  10. kathysue

    What a gorgeous presentation!!! I love all the colors in the eggs and the touch of green next to them is just beautiful, what lucky neighbors you have.KS

  11. Susie

    I think hearing the sound of clucking would be pure joy {smiling}. And who wouldn’t love a basket of fresh eggs?

  12. Kimberly

    Sweet Perfect Post! I love it! Made me smile in this 5 degree morning. 🙂 Blessings, Kimberly

  13. Joy

    We had chickens growing up (my parents still do), but at one point we had to get rid of our rooster because he was mean. He had spurs on the backs of his feet. Anyway, when we got rid of him, our neighbors started asking what happened to him. They said they missed hearing him crow in the mornings 🙂 My parents live in a neighborhood, not anywhere near rural area.

  14. Teresa

    I would trade the incessant dog-barking and diesel pickups to chicken clucking any day. I would love to have you as a neighbor!

  15. karen

    I say it’s a win/win situation. I sure hope my chicks don’t turn into roos. Your photo is beautiful –

  16. krinsky@hotmail.com

    Dying to see pictures of your laundry room. We are getting ready to tear ours out. I’m driving my husband crazy. I check every morning to see if there is a new picture of the ceiling of your laundry room. I picked out wild green color. It will need lots of white to balance it out. I so wish my man was handy. If my hubs picks up a power tool my fisrt thought is how much is it going to cost me to fix. Love your blog.

  17. Jennifer

    Wow, those are gorgeous, I can see why they would cause anybody some temporary hearing loss 🙂

  18. denise young

    Your basket with fresh herbs is a beauitful presentation. I’m sure they don’t mind the chickem clucks…not with small gifts like this coming there way often.

  19. Becky C

    I have to tell you this quick, funny story…I ordered 3 hens from Backyard Chicken in October, after lots of research and some of your wisdom and advice. Turns out, one was a ROOSTER ! Last week, we had to get rid of HIM, because he was soooo noisy and began attacking anyone who entered the coop 🙁
    So yes, you are a great neighbor to only have hens 🙂 They are pleasantly peaceful compared to the male counterpart. LOL
    Beautiful eggs…I can’t wait until mine start laying.

  20. Lili

    Such a gorgeous presentation with the fresh herbs and twine. Mmmmm I’m thinking frittata! Your neighbors are so lucky. ~Lili

  21. Lisa~

    I have never taken eggs to my neighbors. It’s awful, but we barely have enough to use just for us! I’m thinking that picture you took would be a good substitute. It’s gorgeous! 🙂 Lisa~

  22. Cathleen alyce

    There is nothing better then fresh eggs…what a nice gift. Trust me…don’t get a rooster. Had to find mine a new home when he tried to attack my neighbor.
    Have a great weekend.

  23. Haylee

    Wishing I was your neighbor. Fresh eggs and herbs….it doesn’t get much better than that.

  24. Susanne

    It would work for me! Wouldn’t it me nice if we could all get our eggs at the grocery store packaged so beautifully in a basket tied with herbs, instead of squeaky polystyrene.

  25. Charmaine

    What a sweet idea! Wish I could have chickens but the covenants don’t allow them. So now and then I check out acreage for sale where we could have them, hee hee, don’t tell my hubby. Couldn’t believe that our Costco carries a book called “Chickens”, a guide to raising them…think I’ll pick one up next time I’m there!

  26. Anne Marie

    I think this is so sweet Heather…and yes, things would be different with a rooster! you might have to turn those eggs into quiche before giving the gift (lol)
    have a great weekend.
    anne marie

  27. Rhonda P.

    Oh, I got excited, I thought you posted more pictures of the girls and Bella.
    Lovely offering of eggs, how could they ever complain?

  28. Mandi

    At my previous job, a coworker would bring me in eggs from his backyard chickens .. and oh my gosh I miss it so much. The best eggs ever. I would LOVE it if a neighbor showed up with a basket of eggs like that for me!! How thoughtful.
    Of course, I also find the sound of clucking chickens kind of warm and comforting … but I’m weird like that, I guess.

  29. Ellen

    Having been the recipient of some eggs such as yours…I can say that it is worth just about anything to have a neighbor with hens…..smiles.

  30. Susan

    that is so thoughtful of you! i think i might need to look into some chicks the kids would love it and have nice to have fresh eggs! your photograph is beautiful! susan

  31. Mary Ann

    I would happily become deaf to the girls. if eggs were the reward that would only sweeten the deal!

  32. Lorraine Lewis

    beautiful image.
    we have been gifting our neighbors with eggs too.
    the 10 year old girl who lives next door exclaimed that they taste just like the store bought eggs!!!!!

  33. Erica

    We had a couple of chickens in our backyard for a little over a year. No one ever heard the little hen. But EVERYONE heard the rooster. All day, every day. I’d never get another rooster as long as I live! 🙂

  34. paige thomas king

    I wish we were neighbors, but I’d settle for moving in with the chickens! That is one spectacular coop!

  35. kathlynns@aol.com

    I am a visiting nurse, and my patients love to share.last week I recieved some fresh eggs from 3 different types of chickens (duh, city girl, I don’t remember the names) and they were delicious to look at and
    so fresh, and tasty.

  36. Debra

    I would love to be your neighbor and be bribed this way… who could resist. I say let them cluck and lay eggs!!!!

  37. The Feathered Nest

    Why do you assume your neighbors would be annoyed by the sound of your chickens? I moved to the country 2 years ago and the first morning I woke up and heard my neighbor’s rooster I knew I had arrived. The sound of “my girls” is music to my soul. I first had chickens when I lived in the suburbs and my neighbors were upset when we got rid of our rooster even though zoning didn’t allow for it.

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