Souvenir { A Seasonal Lifestyle Gazette }


{ A Seasonal Lifestyle Gazette } 

Souvenir is a free quarterly seasonal newsletter reminiscent of an old fashioned gazette. It is filled with simple handmade craft ideas, easy diy projects, delicious seasonal recipes and creative entertaining ideas all celebrating the joy and beauty of each and every season.

Joining me is an incredible team of contributors with fantastic style & talent: 
Kimberly Taylor our foodie, Melaine Thompson our diy expert, Pam Garrison our arts & crafts expert.
 Amy Hanna our design artisan, Kara Garber & Darcy Deaton our shopkeepers and
 Tasha Montgomery my fantastic assistant & coordinator. 

Souvenir will be delivered directly to your inbox and comes in a downloadable pdf format for you to print at your convenience or save digitally online.

To receive your Free Subscription to Souvenir:  Sign Up Here
Please Note: After subscribing you will receive the next available issue.
We do not send archive copies or back issues.

Release Schedule for 2011:

The first week of March, June, Sept and the second week of November.

Thank you for joining us in celebrating the seasons!

115 Responses to “Souvenir { A Seasonal Lifestyle Gazette }”

  1. Debra

    OOOOH This sounds like fun!!! Can’t wait to receive my first issue:)
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  2. Julie B

    What a gift to give! This totally makes my day…thank you! 🙂

  3. judi

    oh heather…so exciting. i am signed up and waiting for that first issue! thank you!

  4. Made In The South

    Wow how exciting! Signed up and shared your great news on my Face Book.

  5. Tracey @7294cottageway.blogspot

    Yay! What fun! Just found you…and on such a fun exciting day! So glad to find my way here!

  6. Jeanne

    Love this!!! So many sweet women that I love! I don’t know how you keep doing one amazing thing after another…but you do:-)

  7. Becky

    Is anyone having trouble with the email conformation link not working?

  8. eloise medina

    Heather, what a wonderful idea!!! Looking forward to receiving the first one! Thanks!!

  9. Nerina

    Oh my gosh…so super exciting…an absolutely awesome crew you have sharing all of thier love!! I know it will be fabulous…you’ve got the touch!! Can hardly wait to receive it….enjoy your day xOxO

  10. Donna Sexton

    Can’t wait! Love to hear from all you guys! Great idea.

  11. Ronda

    Hi! I signed up but it’s not carrying me through for the confirmation from the email I was sent. So, now I’m not sure if I’m signed up or not…:o(

  12. Debbie

    Hi Heather, thank you for your generous offer for the newsletter but I’m having trouble responding to the confirmation,don’t know if it went thru.

  13. Curtains In My tree

    I want to follow you around and see all the ladies you visit. Did you ever get that assistant you talked about once?
    I really need to get out to California and see how things have changed since I lived there. Of course hit all the wonderful flea markets

  14. Sue

    I signed up to, but the “confirmation link” sends you back to this post. I’m very excited for you all, but can you look into this? Thanks for us eagerly awaiting!

  15. penny willoughby

    Hi, I also had a problem with the confirmation link. I love the name and font styling of your gazette. Best of luck with this project.

  16. Heather Bullard

    Hi Everyone!
    Thanks so much for all the sign ups! I really can’t believe how many! It’s very exciting for the team!
    For the few having trouble: Once you’ve signed up, it will automatically bring you back to the blog. It doesn’t mean you’re not signed up, it means you are. You will also get an email confirmation of your sign up with a link to click & verify.
    If you’re not able to open the url link listed in this post, you can use the sign up box located on my sidebar. Both options should work.
    You may also want to refresh your browser and try again. Sometimes it’s just those funny computer glitches.
    Thanks again for all your support! We’re all truly grateful!

  17. Snippets/Sarah

    This would be the dreamist of jobs! How fun to follow along with the beginnings of this wonderful opportunity for these wonderful bloggers. I follow “Mimi Charmant” and I am so excited for her.

  18. teresa

    How wonderful—-I knew Kara when she lived in my area and had a fabulous shop. Going to go sign up.
    Happy day

  19. Linda

    Picked up the new Flea Market Style!!!
    Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. nanne

    congratulations! i’m so excited…will souvenir have a website?
    nanne in indiana by way of alabama

  21. rita

    Hi Heather,
    just heard it on FB from CRESCENDoh, COngratulations! It’s sounds wonderful. Ciao Rita mammabellarte

  22. Jodi Ohl

    Yay–sounds like a wonderful newsletter, very excited to hear this announcement! Great job, Heather!

  23. Erica Cooper

    So excited for you and us… that you have accomplished a dream and we’ll be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor!
    So looking forward to it! Enjoy the process-

  24. marina

    Thanx Heather and friends!!! I’ve signed up too and can’t wait for the first issue 🙂
    Kindest Wishes
    Min X

  25. Cindy

    I am so amazed by your talent, Heather. I am so looking forward to receiving Souvenir!

  26. Kristine

    Heather, I signed up, it brought me back to your site, but I never got a confirmation email. Am I still okay with my subscription? Thanks so much for this wonderful new zine – I can’t wait to see it! Kristine


    Fantastic!!! I follow your blog, FMS and now this-yipeee! Should you ever need someone to help you “find” Souvenir’s I’d love to be a part of your team.

  28. northern cottage

    Received my copy but couldn’t download it – any tips on why not? I WANT TO READ IT NOW…..i CAN’T WAIT TO SEE the delicious stuff you have inside it!

  29. Heather Bullard

    If any of you are having trouble downloading, please send your email address to info @ and we’ll send you a direct link.
    Another option is to try refreshing your browser, often times that will fix things.
    Thanks so much! Hope you enjoy the first issue!

  30. Heather ;) :) :)

    Oh, this is so great. Thank you for making this free. I love stuff like this a LOT 🙂 🙂 I heard about it via The Farm Chicks site on Facebook 🙂 🙂 Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather 🙂

  31. Linda Rubin

    received my FREE copy of Souvenir yesterday. It is fantastic. All the ideas are great. Looking forward to the new copy in April.

  32. Debi Burton

    Oh, this is so exciting . . . and you have some GREAT talent from the Great Pacific Northwest!! Can’t wait,
    Debi @ Ormolulu

  33. Victoria

    I just signed up and received the e-mail confirmation, which I clicked on, which then brought me back to the blog. Normally a verification process would bring you to a window that says “Congrats, your subscription is confirmed!” or something like that. Safe to assume it’s confirmed?
    Can’t wait!

  34. Rebecca Staunton

    cant wait to receive my copy sounds soooooo interesting

  35. karen

    Hi Heather,
    I did not recieve my copy and I can’t wait because you are all so awesome!
    I checked thru my spam and then tried signing up again but it won’t take my email again. Is there any way you could send it again? Thanks…
    karen benson

  36. Kathy

    It says I won’t receive this one – that I have to wait on the next issue. When would the next issue be?

  37. Heather Bullard

    Hi Kathy!
    The next issue will be released the first week of June. If you signed up between mailings, you will receive the next available issue.
    Thanks so much for signing up! If you have any questions please email them to: info {@}
    Warm Regards,

  38. Anne Marie

    I had a hard time signing up for some reason – but all seems well now – yeah!! You never cease to amaze me – and totally spur me on to keep creating and going with the flow of life and creativity
    Anne Marie

  39. Bobbi lynn Miller

    hi Heather,
    I have been eagerly awaiting the first issue of Souvinier, but havent received a thing. I signed up at the beginning , and have checked daily . I even tried resubscribing , but it said i was already confirmed . What can i do ?? Iam soo anxious to receive it !!
    BobbiLynn Do you need my email address again ??

  40. Bobbi lynn Miller

    yea !!! It worked ! Thanks so much.
    I LOVE SOUVENIR, and look forward to upcoming
    issues .
    Happy Spring

  41. Marcia

    Heather, Not sure if this is the correct place but, consider me confirmed for newsletters and other forms of staying in touch. Looking forward to Souvenir!

  42. Genevieve Faciana

    I love the Idea, sign me up.Can’t wait for my first issue of Souvenir.

  43. Janie

    I’m looking forward to my first issue. Thanks.

  44. Leena Lanteigne

    Just picked up the latest issue of Flea Market Style – it’s fantastic!! I’m loving every page and can’t wait for my first issue of Souvenir ~Leena~

  45. Karen B

    I didn’t get my Souvenir this time, so I re-subscribed. My e-mail has changed, maybe since the Spring issue.


    I rec’d the first copy of Souvenir but have not received the Summer issue – due out June 6-ish. DO I need to sign up every time? or is it just running late?
    Thanks – Mary

  47. Peggy

    Hello! I signed up for Souvenir back in May, was hoping to get the June 6th issue, never did. Is it running late? Just looking forward to it! Thanks


    Can’t wait for the June issue. Your page on The Dana Point Nursery is beautiful. I put a link to it on the Laguna Beach Garden Club’s site. I hope that’s ok. Our new site is not up yet.

  49. Bonnie Banks

    6-16-11 I have not received the newest issue of Souvenir, but had previously signed up. So looking forward to it. Please advise. Thank you, Bonnie

  50. Laura Petrillo

    Hi Heather, Sadly I did not sign up in time for the first issue, but I did in time for the June issue and never received it. 🙁 If there has been a delay no worries. I am just very excited to see what is in store.
    Thank you, Laura

  51. beverly

    Heather just signed up for my first issue, great idea can’t wait to see. We must have missed each other this spring maybe soon. I have a great project would love to share with you. I’m in California for July so if you are in the area lets chat. Bev @ the Willows

  52. Leanne

    I am like Laura, and several others, I signed up in time for the June issue and didn’t receive it. I emailed, but no response. I haven’t received the September issue either. It’d be nice to hear back.

  53. Shane

    DEar Heather
    WOW- I’ve just signed up.
    I’m stagnant creatively at the mo as ive broken my R hand & sprained & pulled the tendon on L…
    Some inspiration is what i need right now.
    thank you so much to all of you
    gentle hugs

  54. Cynthia

    I’m looking forward to this boost of creativity. I’ve been living in suspended animation for so long I’ve lost touch with the outside world – as well as myself. Thank you for this much needed dose of inspiration.

  55. Heather Bullard

    Hi Leanne,
    Our records show that you signed up on March 10, 2011 and our stats confirm that you were sent the Summer and Fall issues to this email address:
    leanne {at} leanneshawler {dot} com
    Perhaps they are going to your spam or junk box. Or are being blocked by your mail client. We suggest you add: info {at} heatherbullard {dot} com
    to your safe senders to ensure future deliveries.
    Sorry if you didn’t hear back from us earlier. We have nearly 20,000 free subscribers and it can be very difficult to stay on top of emails and requests.
    We thank you for subscribing and hope that you are able to enjoy future issues.
    Heather & Team

  56. Marcia Hron

    Oh my . . . another fantastic issue of “Souvenir”!!! Fabulous, professional job! The photography is stunning and the articles are so unique and so well illustrated. I particularly LOVED the articles about “Mourning Jewelry,” “Chalkboard Treat Boxes,” and . . . oh, what the heck, I LOVE all the articles!!!!
    Hope you don’t mind . . . I clued my friends in on “Souvenir” via Facebook.
    Wishing you the very best! Can’t wait for the Holiday Issue!

  57. Jamy

    I can’t wait to see what see what you’re Gazette has in it! I just signed up and waiting…Thank You for all that you do to inspire all of us!

  58. Ronda Tedder

    What a wonderful site,,,I’ve signed up and waiting for my confirmation email!…have a great day.

  59. sylvia

    I just can’t get your site to sigm me up. Can I send you my info here?

  60. Robin K.

    Have I missed the Holiday issue of Souvenir? I have received the previous issues and loved them to pieces! I’ve been clearing out old emails and I just want to be sure I didn’t miss out.

  61. Laura Petrillo

    Is the November issue late? Just making sure I didn’t miss it. It went to my spam box last time, and I believe I fixed it but I want to be sure. Thank you!
    Laura Petrillo

  62. Ellette

    Have you sent out the November issue? If you have I didn’t receive it.
    Thanks so much!

  63. Jeni

    It would be so lovely if you could include a resource section for finding those items you work with 🙂

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