Inspiration on Pinterest

Baguette car                                                                                                     
Have you heard of Pinterest? I bet many of you have. It's a site that allows you to create virtual inspiration boards by "pinning" your favorite photos from the web. I'm still trying to get the hang of it but you can see the start of my boards here (may need to scroll down).  I like how you're able to create categories for your favorites, making it easy to find later.

     These photos are from my Je t'aime Paris boards. Dreamy spaces in far away places. But you can create any board you wish…travel, fashion, home decor, etc. Endless possibilities! 

                                                                                                                      {all images via Pinterest} 

Let me know if you give it a try too. Would love to see everyone's boards! In the meantime I'll keep adding to mine. I've already found a few design ideas for our laundry room renovation.
And no, I wasn't paid for this post. Just thought it was a fun spot to visit!

35 Responses to “Inspiration on Pinterest”

  1. Tricia

    I have heard about it and now I need to check it out. The pictures are fantastic that you posted.

  2. Star

    I tried to sign up but haven’t gotten anything beyond “we’re still in beta testing” and they’ll get back to me…and they haven’t gotten back to me. How long did it take for your official invitation to come?

  3. robyn

    I’ve been trying to figure it out all morning! I got the invite and I love LOVE all the inspiration but can’t for the life of me get the PIN thing to show up in my toolbar. ;-( Anyway, I LOVE this Paris board you have going! GORGEOUS!

  4. chickie

    I love being a part of this. There is so many fun pics.I have been inspired as well just by seeing all the creativity out there.I look forward to seeing your board.I even have a friend doing it this too !! Enjoy!!Have a bright and fun day..Chickie

  5. Star

    Thanks for the time guideline, Robyn. I’ll just be patient!

  6. Heather Bullard

    Oh, I didn’t realize they were beta testing! I was sent an invitation so was unaware of the process. I hope you are able to login soon and get started on your inspiration. You’d think they would want everyone to join and spread the word!

  7. Heather Bullard

    Hi Robyn,
    I feel ya. I had a hard time getting things to work. Could have just been me! Did you refresh your browser? Or restart? Maybe that will help.
    I still don’t know how to reply to the direct messages I’ve been getting! Can’t find that button anywhere!

  8. Kelly Ash

    I have heard of this but wasn’t exactly sue what it was – I am so excited to try this! Thanks for sharing your ideas & inspiration board!

  9. Debbie Howard

    I requested membership and am looking forward to when they will allow others to try it. I am such a visual person and it really gets my creative juices flowing.

  10. Clare

    Ooh! How exciting! Thanks for the tip, I’ve juet sent a request to join now! Love all those Paris pictures… oooh! Dreaming of Paris now…
    ~ Clare x

  11. LizlovesVintage

    Hi Heather,
    No, I never heard of it! I love the board you made.
    I’ll give it a shot over the weekend.
    Thanks for sharing.
    xxx Liz

  12. Marcia

    I checked out your boards…they’re wonderful. From the comments here it sounds like you have to get an invite to use it though.
    Definitely inspiring 🙂

  13. Haylee

    Fabulous idea! I love your board thus far! I keep a book of magazine pages that inspire me. I love the idea of keeping a virtual book of inspiration to share. I just found your blog and I enjoyed reading through past posts. My husband might not like you as much though;) I showed him the chicken coop and told him I’d like a similar one asap. We both think it is the cutest coop we’ve seen! Thanks for oozing inspiration!

  14. Style Maniac

    Thanks to Ms. Pink of The Pink & Blue Blog, I got introduced to the magical world of Pinterest. It wasn’t until one snowy January weekend that I became fairly obsessed. All those gorgeous images!! Some of the ones you show above are my faves as well. Ah, what a magical place.

  15. The Paper Mulberry

    I adore Pinterest as I live my life by moodboards (I think I even dream them)!!! We are restoring our 500 year old farmhouse and have just got to the interesting bit – decorating!!! So I now have more moodboards than furniture and Pinterest has been a huge source of inspiration, not to mention another area to store more pictures!

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