Chickens in the Garden

Gardencoll1 We’re all familiar with “baby proofing” our homes…well, I’ve had to “chicken proof” my garden. Seems my sweet girls don’t care which plants are my favorites. Or that I spent $40 on a Little Ollie topiary. They can’t stop doing what nature intended them to do which is, to scratch. So I’ve had to come up with a few creative ways to guard my precious plants.

I’ve found that metal feeder cages work nicely as a dome over seedlings and keep the chickens from digging in them. A nice layer of stones also works well for pots. I buy bags and bags of these at Ikea. I’m sure they are cheaper somewhere else, like say, the garden center.

Another favorite way to protect the soil is using old beach shells to surround the plant. I think it looks the prettiest too! Chickens definitely don’t like scratching on seashells.


Of course, these are really just minor inconviences compared to the joy our girls bring us. Ruby has become our golden bird. She has the sweetest personality and often times walks right into the house to say hello. She also lays the biggest eggs even though she’s the runt.


And the nesting box has been seeing a lot of action. On most days they’ll share a box and take turns going in to lay their eggs. I guess they know that “Sharing is Caring”.

And every evening as the sun is setting they march themselves off to bed like clockwork. One at a time they waddle into the coop and find their place for the evening.

Now that we’ve had them for nearly a year, I don’t think our garden would be the same without them. They add so much fun & enjoyment that their “bad habits” are easily overlooked.

For those of you who are new to my blog, here’s where you can read about our Chicken Coop and where you can see all The Chicks who are now The Girls. Thanks for dropping by!

45 Responses to “Chickens in the Garden”

  1. kelley

    Heather! I absolutely love your chicken coop. But I’m sure you have heard that a million times. We don’t spend enough time at our country property so I can’t have any “girlfriends” yet…too many critters that love to eat chickens. But your design is phenomenal and it must be really chicken friendly because look at your eggs!
    Would love to share an omelet with you!
    xo kelley

  2. Natalie VV

    Clever solutions for these common problems when we live with *Girls!*
    It’s always a pleasure to have a visit with you and yours… thank you for this lovely post.

  3. Pattie

    Same here. I love leaving ours out but my hubby gets so upset! He’s the “poop picker upper”. Between the 3 dogs and the chickens he goes crazy. But I still let them out, all 13. They are like little rototillers.
    I love your coop! Thanks for sharing. 8>)

  4. Wendy

    I think it’s funny that everyone with chickens ends up referring to them as “the girls”. We call ours that, even though we have rooster included!

  5. Hillcrest Cottage

    I live in a mid-town neighborhood but have always dreamed of living in the country. I think chickens would help.
    As I consider the real-life practical issues of chickens, here is my biggest question: Does having chickens encourage mice… or even worse… the “r” animals?
    I don’t have a cat and my son is allergic to cats so that would not be a solution. Your set-up seems clean and tidy, so this is why I am asking you this question.

  6. cityfarmer

    good “feed” to know … I’ll be passing this onto my daughter
    parisiennefarmgirl … she has eight “girls” … in the burbs, no less!

  7. Kelly Ash

    I love your “chicken proofing” ideas! Your “girls” look so sweet it must be worth all the extra work to have them running around!

  8. Linda Rubin

    Your “chicks” are just precious. I can easily see why you would get attached. Would love to be able to pluck a few fresh eggs every morn’n. I love your solutions to the plant problems. You go girl.

  9. LizlovesVintage

    Hi Heather,
    My Daughter has chickens.
    I’ll have to share this info.
    with her. Looks great!
    Happy chickens make great eggs.
    xxx Liz

  10. Delores

    Your chicken coop is the best! I’m thinking of getting chickens in my suburban backyard and am researching coops right now. Of course it has to be beautiful! The city says the chickens must be cooped up at all times, and I need to get a permit. Anyway, there is a class the first week in March at Love Apple Farms in Santa Cruz I hope to take about keeping backyard chickens. You come home with three little chickies!

  11. Amy @ Homestead Revival

    Heather, your tips for protecting your plants are both beautiful and practical. Our Rhode Island Red is our favorite, too. (Such great personalities those RIR.) Like you, I can’t imagine my home without the “girls”. Now I wonder why I waited so long.

  12. antiquechase

    Your chicken coop is my dream coop… that sounds kind of weird… but I just love it.
    I like your stones idea for the birds and squirrels that are digging in my ivy topiaries! Going to try it and see if it works!!

  13. Marie @ Sally Lee by the Sea

    They are beautiful little ladies! I grew up with chicken (of course, our coop was nothing like your beautiful one) and they really are characters.
    Thanks for a fun post. Have a great week.

  14. Ellen

    Those silly chicks! I visited my family in the country, just yesterday, and was presented with a dozen lovely eggs, brown and blue, as I left! what fun! smiles…

  15. Monique

    So cute..I wanted to thank you for the Valentine Downloads..I just wrapped my little grandsons packages and used your tags.
    I appreciate them..well done and thanks..
    I am looking for 2 chocolate bars to fit the wrappers..
    Love the eggs Heather..Lucky girl!

  16. Ruthann

    Hi Heather! This really gets me excited about getting myself some chickens someday! I just need to find someone to build me a cute coop! I was wondering how often you have to clean the coop and what that entails. Is it a matter of sweeping or scrubbing? Anyhoo, your post is as lovely as always! Thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas!
    Sugar Pie Farmhouse
    Branson, Missouri


    I love those chickens…and their gorgeous living quarters..

  18. Patty Rose

    Love the update on the “girls.” It is particularly wonderful enjoying the photos as Ohio is pounding with an ice storm. Thanks for the little ray of sunshine!

  19. Alice

    What a lovely solution! I enjoyed seeing ‘the girls’ and their pretty eggs today.

  20. Debbie Howard

    What a beautiful chicken coop. I think every garden would benefit from some chickens. I truly enjoy mine. I never imagined how much fun they would be.

  21. Rhonda

    I am just so full of chicken envy. Some day I hope my little town will accept a few chickens in town.
    Your coop is lovely.
    Thanks for sharing.

  22. Lisa~

    I love the metal cage over the potted plant. Our chickens destroy our porch plants. I would never have thought of it. It’s so pretty that no one would ever even realize it was to keep the chickens off. That’s my kind of solution! Lisa~

  23. pamq

    Rather ironic that you had to protect your “Hens and Chicks” from your “Hens”….
    Beautiful girls, beautiful eggs!

  24. Gail

    I love it…wish I could have some chickens too…they are sweet and I love reading about them.

  25. Karen

    Brings back such great memories for me as a child raising chickens for eggs and meat. I grew up on a farm and I even had chickens as pets! Our neighborhood, sadly, doesn’t allow them or else I’d have a couple as pets again! Your coop is the most beautiful I’ve ever seen! I have chicken coop envy here! LOL -Karen

  26. Lili

    Loving the look of those wire cages over the plants and the way you used the sea shells! Your place looks so awesome and your girls are so sweet! ~Lili

  27. karen

    Someone just told me about your chicken coop when visiting my blog and I have to tell you, it’s the nicest I’ve seen! I love the design… thinking of starting a coop on our farm this spring and I have been doing research on breeds and coops. I see you have Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rock and maybe Buff Orpington? These were recommended to me as friendly and hearty breeds in cold weather climates (New England) although you seem to be in a warm climate. Do you have any advice you can impart?

  28. teresa

    My friend has “girls” too and she loves them… I Like what you did with the metal chicken feeders….I have some just like them…like how you added the rocks and sea shells….I think I may do that also….and I don’t even have any “girls”.
    It’s always fun to come here.
    Happy Day

  29. Debra

    Who could not LOVE these girls! I have so enjoyed hearing about them and absolutely love that chicken coop. If I could have chickens, I believe I would… My absolutely favorite photo though is Bella with a chicken feather on her nose! Thanks for making my snowy day a bit brighter!!

  30. Kathy

    I agree I think your coop would be the nicest coop I’ve ever seen. I did get 2 chickens for our suburban backyard last Sept for the 7 and 4 year old as pets and we love collecting our eggs. It’s such a feel good thing and great for kids too. Beautiful photo.

  31. Liz

    I’m new to your blog and the photos are just lovely and what naughty birds! However, they look quite adorable, great post!

  32. Tiffany Steers

    Love your chicken pictures. Oh, and the awesome metal covers over the plants! Ingenious! Great Photography. You inspire me…I have a new blog at Any comment tips would be appreciated. Have a blessed weekend. Tiff

  33. Mitzi Curi

    Your chickens are absolutely charming, and their palace is beyond wonderful! You certainly make chicken raising look appealing.

  34. Maggie

    Loved your post….I especially love your chickens..I have chicken definitely make owning chickens look easy and doable. And for the sake of repeating your coop is amazing!

  35. Erin D.

    Hi! I am new to your blog as of today. I just wanted to say how beautiful your girls are. The hubby and I have been discussing adding a Silkie to our growing “zoo” and your coop is amazing, as well. Hubby plans to build one himself, so I hope you don’t mind that I saved your picture for inspiration.

  36. Penny

    I love the idea of protecting your young plants from the chickens with seashells. It looks both effective and attractive. What a good idea!

  37. Delores

    Hi Heather,
    I’m in the process of researching chickens and coops for my own backyard. I am writing a post about it and linked to this post, as well as a photo of your wonderful coop. You have inspired me so much!

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