Girlfriends Getaway…Vegas Style

Just back from a Vegas trip…a girlfriends getaway with my Farm Chick bestie. For once I didn't bring a camera which felt so liberating! I did however have my cell phone and took a few highlight shots with it:

Top Row: Main lobby entrance with red rope walls, cafe full of clocks, my bathroom vanity
Middle Row: Our Jo Malone purchases, view from my room, pastries at Jean-Philippe in the Bellagio
Bottom Row
: Lovely boxwood gardens, the spa with delicious champagne, our favorite breakfast spot.

We had adjoining suites at the Encore….which were gorgeous! Shopped for furniture at the Las Vegas Market where Serena found the perfect table for her farmhouse. And then shopped everywhere we could think of in Vegas…really fun. Had a fabulous dinner at Bartolotta and plenty of room service, slept in and basically did whatever we felt like doing each day. It was so restful and just what the doctor ordered. It's amazing how a few days away recharges your soul. Now I'm ready to get back to the grindstone! 

22 Responses to “Girlfriends Getaway…Vegas Style”

  1. Lolo

    Vegas girls trips are THE best 🙂
    I am hoping you hit up the Bellagio’s Conservatory??!

  2. Heidi

    Wow, what a trip that must have been….without your camera! What went on there must have stayed there! LOL Sounds like fun!

  3. Karla

    I adore Vegas!! Can’t wait for Memorial Day Weekend when I get to go back again! It’s been a whole 4 months since I’ve been there. Too long!

  4. Andrea

    I’m going to Vegas in a few weeks and am soooo excited! I’m going for a vet conference (work), but mainly, I’m going to have some fun!

  5. Amy Henry

    FUN FUN FUN!!!! Only been there once as a drive by on our way to Laughlin for a Firefighter Convention. Someday soon 🙂
    Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters)

  6. Ever - The red house by the lake

    Just found your blog, but it looks like a fun trip!
    And I soooo understand the feeling about leaving the camera. While it is great to be able to document everything, it is also easy to forget to do and experience things because one is so occupied trying to find the perfect shot.

  7. Debbie

    My son has been staying at the Encore also this past week with a group from his workplace in Pennsylvania. What a fabulous place to visit via your pictures!

  8. Christa from Chloe Rose

    That sounds like so much fun right now. I could really use a recharge with some girlfriend time. It sounds like you had a wonderful time.

  9. Linda Rubin

    You lucky girl…….a girlfriend weekend……what could be better.

  10. jill

    Hey Heather!
    Well good for you and Serena! You both deserve some down time!
    Hope all is well. Did you hear I am west coast bound? Can’t wait to get out of this Minnesota snow! Looking forward to seeing you at Farm Chicks…

  11. Erica Cooper

    Oh it sounds like you had a wonderful time away! I was in Vegas exactly a year ago celebrating a dear friends 50th birthday… we had suites at the opening of Aria- gorgeous and modern. We enjoyed some of the same stops as you and Serena did… plus Bette Midler’s last show- she was hands down fabulous!
    Thanks for sharing sneak peeks at your girlfriend’s getaway…

  12. Bead and Needle

    Sounds like a wonderful time, here in my own town. We just did this ourselves, recently (pictures over on my blog, but I’m sure you didn’t miss anything). Hope you were able to take in the gorgeous, new Cosmopolitan. The hubby and I did that right before Christmas, and on the girl’s day out trip, too. I also have photos of that in one of the older posts, in case you missed it. Happy Weekend – Tanya

  13. Clare

    I think that’s the first time I’ve ever hear “Vegas” and “restful” in the same sentence hahaha! I looove Vegas!
    ~ Clare x

  14. pamq

    Well, I think I would be like a fish out of water in Vegas.
    {I would be much more at home with the dog and chickens}
    But I wouldn’t mind trying some of those pastries………

  15. Kelly Ash

    What a wonderful trip! I cannot believe that those pictures are from a cell phone – amazing.
    I’ve never been (yet!) but it looks like you must have had a fabulous time!

  16. Erica

    I love these photos! I live in Vegas, so it’s always nice to see a fresh perspective on the city. If you don’t mind may asking, may I ask where that restaurant with the hot pink sofa seat is? It looks fantastic and I’ve never seen that before.

  17. Elaine

    Oh Vegas glad you had a good trip my friends are there at the moment at the design show Harry Harry fabrics an Australian company. I so wished i could have gone!! It looked amazing.

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