Friday Flowers

 It's been a while since I picked friday flowers for you. I had these pretties left over from a shoot and really love the chartreuse color. A dose of lemony green sunshine for you winter snowbirds!

Wanted to wish everyone a lovely weekend! I'm planning to:

Make a beautiful fruit salad. Completely craving it.
Repaint a wall that I used for a shoot. Guess what color it was painted? 
Try to take a few photos of my chickens. They don't ever sit still.
Put a few things on Craigslist because I'm clearing out the clutter.
Catch up on my reading. Amazon dropped by while I was in Vegas.

What are you going to do this weekend? Any plans? Maybe you're going to spend it keeping warm and relaxing? Sounds perfect to me!

28 Responses to “Friday Flowers”

  1. paige

    gorgeous image heather!! i’ve missed your florals.
    i’m pinning it onto pinterest now 🙂
    have a wonderful weekend

  2. Becky C

    What a gorgeous flower and photo! I just posted about daisies and fruit, too 🙂 Everyone must be dying for Spring to arrive. Your weekend list sounds fun and productive. Can’t wait for the magazine. Enjoy your weekend 🙂
    Becky C

  3. Dori

    Delicious photo, Heather. These green mums have been one of my happy flowers this winter. I just love them!

  4. Lori

    Love the chartreuse mum Heather…one of my favorites…as is your blog. Down here in central Florida, the weather is lovely…a bit nippy in the morning but in the 70’s by midday. I’ll be attending the Kumquat Festival in Dade City this Saturday. Lots of delicious food made from kumquats, a vendor fair and thousands of lovely people enjoying the day. Have a marvelous weekend relaxing. Hmmm….I have a wall that needs to be painted too!

  5. Susan

    We have lots of sporting activities with the kids this weekend. Hopefully I’ll find a little creative time! Enjoy yours! Susan

  6. teresa

    Beautiful picture…I will be prunning the fruit trees and cleaning up the kitchen.
    always something….right?
    Have a great weekend

  7. Kelly Ash

    What a lovely photo – I adore those mums! What a delicious pick-me-up for the winter. I can’t wait until spring comes & the gardening begins.
    I just posted about an amazing orchid myself. This weekend I’m working on some product samples for work (I own my own business), photographing, printing up some orders and getting ready for a trade show … and hopefully somewhere in there will be some quiet time for me!
    Enjoy your weekend!

  8. Karena

    Heather craving flowers of any kind right now thank you!!
    Paintng, going to the Kings Speech!
    Art by Karena

  9. nancy

    Your weekend sounds full! I’m going to make a trip to see The Urban Barn in Escondido on Sat. That will just about wear me hope to relax on Sunday. Love the flowers. 🙂

  10. Kimberly

    H~ Howdy friend! I am enjoying all your lovely posts. Now don’t be hating but we will be in the 40’s this weekend which is a heat wave for us! So with the beautiful weather outside I think I will walk the dogs and entertain my folks and friends on Saturday night. Love You/Miss You! Kimberly
    P.S. Was the wall orange?

  11. Karen B

    I’ve got pinks, rosemary and roses blooming right now! Don’t you just love living in CA? Well, my DH is arriving home today from Japan. So, I’ll make homemade pizza tonight, hopefully catch a movie this weekend and maybe do a walk through of our new house! Oh, and I should pack a little. Have a great weekend!

  12. Meredith

    Love the color and the bottle for a vase! I’m heading out to some architectural salvage businesses to do a day of treasure hunting on Saturday, then relaxing and (hopefully) admiring all my treasures on Sunday.

  13. Alice

    Beautiful flowers!! My 8th grader wanted her room painted this color, along with a blue border and a thin orange line between the two colors. It looks awesome!
    This weekend I am making a batch of chili, and getting ready for a trip to San Diego!!!!! I’m looking forward to a taste of warm weather.

  14. Trina

    Another gorgeous photograph…That color green offers such a wonderful sense of spring freshness.

  15. pamq

    Was your wall painted Honeysuckle?
    I already had fruit salad today, so that leaves the rest of my weekend open to working on my income tax, laundry and getting ready for the next wave of Artic air.
    Thanks for the flowers and good luck with the chickens.

  16. Elaine L.

    I made a fruit salad today and it is a perfect combination of fruits. We can’t stop eating it.
    mandarin oranges or mangoes

  17. Jen@thecottagenest

    I am making lobster mac for my Sweet Hubby’s birthday, checking out the new french bakery that opened in the Village and going house hunting. Hopefully I will find time for a little creating too.

  18. Sandra Lee

    Love the color of your Friday Flowers…I am headed to the beach for a friends birthday coffee morning!

  19. celia hanning

    Hi Heather!
    Gorgeous Mums! Thank you for bringing a little sunshine to our cold, gray days we are having in Spokane!
    Glad & Celia

  20. Lisa Porter

    I am enjoying the sunshine and a brief reprieve from the dreary cold winter. Much needed front porch time and catching up with neighbors. Yes sometimes we are indoors for a couple of days and start missing the songs of birds, a breeze, and children playing. Crisp green apples always catch my eye! How nice to give your readers Friday flowers!
    Looking so forward to your website launch.

  21. Ellen

    Well….I went for a ride in a friend’s convertible, stopped for a soft-serve vanilla cone, dropped in to my favorite hardware store, drank some lovely hot coffee with my sweetie, and now I am catching up on my favorite bloggers….smiles.

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