Thoughtful Small Gifts

Smgfs4   Don't you think the smallest of gifts can be the most special? Sometimes adding a few small touches to a simple gift can elevate it to something more grand. I thought I'd share with you the little things I added to my girlfriends presents to make it just that!

{ 1. } Antique German Dresdens were used as gift tags. I found a big pile of these at Junk Bonanza and couldn't pass them up. You can find similar ones online or at flea markets & antique stores. Keep your eye out for these year round and tuck them away for your special packages. 
{ 2. } World Market had a ton of unique chocolates and holiday wrappings. I kept with a simple red & cream theme with a little bit of gold for sparkle.
{ 3. } Instead of using a paper bag I found these woven sacks with red braided handles. Too cute!
{ 4. } To wish the recipients Good Luck for the coming New Year I added chocolate horseshoes and tossed in a handful of foil wrapped coins.
{ 5. } And these adorable Tea Cakes (box of 6 for 2.99) fit the bill perfectly with their red & white striped foils. Inside is a marshmallow topped shortbread cookie covered in chocolate! Wouldn't these be perfect for a stocking? They look like they've been made by Mrs. Claus!

What kind of little touches do you like to add to your holiday gifts?

19 Responses to “Thoughtful Small Gifts”

  1. rita

    Such a great idea and my favorite colors. Happy Holidays Heather from Rita mammabellarte

  2. Rose

    I love the shoe horse and think that would be a great stocking stuffer for my sister and niece who live in Texas. Thanks for the idea.

  3. Rhonda P.

    I must stop at my World Market and find those little tea cakes, they are so precious. Thank you so much for your lovely ideas!

  4. ~B.

    Super cute! I love World Market but unfortunately they’re way out of my way and I rarely get there. But you’ve inspired me…I should make a trip out there SOON! 😀

  5. Amy @ Homestead Revival

    I LOVE the striped tissue paper – sets the whole package off with cheer! I agree that the packaging should be a part of the gift because it makes everyone feel special! A few years ago I invested in a couple of hand held embossers – one says “From the kitchen of ___(my name)___” and the other says “From the garden of ___(my name)___”. I use these all the time when giving gifts to friends. They especially look need on those metal ring tags from the office supply store, but my favorite is some copper colored big round stickers. This year I put the copper sticker on card stock and cut around it with scalloped scissors and it came out darling (hope to post it later today).

  6. Susan

    very sweet, i love the little bags! i too love the little touches i added glittered pine cones to some of my packages and rosettes too! susan

  7. Susan

    Oh, what lovely packages Heather! Lucky recipients. I wanted you to know how much I’ve enjoyed reading your blog for quite some time. With such plentiful inspiration in this supportive blog community, I couldn’t help but join in recently. I just shared a stocking I made inspired by one I saw in a post of yours last year. Thank you for sharing your amazing ideas, home and photos.
    Keep them coming!
    – susan

  8. Julie M ~ The Little Red Shop

    What sweet li’l gifts, Heather. Those shortbread marshmallow treats looks wonderful! One of the funnest things for me is buying treasures for my shop, and then seeing how my clients put their own gifts together for their loved ones. “Would you wrap this in cellophane, please? And then….could we put this candy cane and little heart ornament INSIDE the bow?” asked a sweet 15 year old shopper yesterday. What fun!
    Merry Christmas!
    : )
    Julie M.

  9. Laura Ingalls Gunn

    This is absolutely a wonderful gift! So thoughtful and sweet. As I write this there is very little decor in my home. I wrote about this choice and the happiness that ensued this past Friday.

  10. Liz Smith

    I came across this by accident and was delighted to see some Tunnocks tea cakes. These are made in Scotland and are a great family favourite.

  11. psmullican

    I wish I had time to run to World Market! Lovely little packages! This year, I tied the vintage-inspired candy canes featured in Amy Powers’ eZine and the tags included in Teresa McFayden’s 12 Days of Comfort and Joy. I tied them both to tiny kraft paper bags stuffed with book page shreds and a handmade gift. I hope the girls at work enjoy them as much as I did putting them together!

  12. the teacup incident

    What a pretty gift idea! I think I’d love that for New Year’s too because chocolate goes so well with champagne! Happy New Year, Heather.

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