Holiday Weekend


Hope you have a wonderul holiday weekend! The Man and I are planning to take a drive and do some Christmas shopping..a day long date! And Sunday I hope to start decorating for the holidays. How about you? What are you plans for the weekend?

18 Responses to “Holiday Weekend”

  1. phyllis

    It’s fun to see how all the towns decorate!
    We are going to make gingerbread and do the tree.

  2. jill

    Hi Heather!
    Hope you are doing well and not to crazy with final magazine ‘stuff’…enjoy your day with your man!

  3. Anne Marie

    Hi Heather….too bad you don’t live closer to come to my nearby town…they have a great open house in the historic downtown and it’s so fun drinking champagne and browsing and shopping…..
    tonight is their Christmas open houses and the shops stay open until 9/10pm and I’m meeting up with my sister in law to have fun!
    have a great weekend! some alone time with hubby sounds wonderful!

  4. Mardell

    We are going to a great sale at a nearby grange hall. The ladies who are putting it on did a great show at their barn this summer so we are looking forward to it. We will spend a day long date too. We got our tree up last weekend and now I am finishing up my Dickens Village.

  5. julie

    oooo! sounds like fun! my plans for the weekend is an advent luncheon at church and finally finishing my christmas decorating! i cant wait to see some pictures of yours! have fun on your shopping date!

  6. PammyJ

    I am going to start my decorating too! Then off to a great sausage making event we attend every year – cheers!

  7. Sanctuary Home

    If it doesn’t rain we will be putting the outside lights up, and then we will start the tree decorating on Sunday. It usually takes me at least two days…I do it in stages.
    Hope you have a productive shopping excursion…and have fun!

  8. Tubaroza

    Good to hear everyone is getting busy. We are makind chocolate roses and cards this weekend. I actually would be interested in the sausage event too :O))))), I hope it is tasty.

  9. krys

    Loving the spirit of the season. Going to get the tree and make some new decorations. Love your beautiful site here.

  10. Laurie Campbell

    Love Orange it’s always so fun to go there and shop at the holidays!

  11. Laurie Campbell

    Your picture sent me to Felix for some Cuban food Saturday. The square is all decorated for Xmas and what fun we had shopping too!

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