
I was on a mission today to find fresh evergreen garlands. No luck. I think a trip to a tree farm might be in order. Fortunately I did come across some beautiful evergreen bouquets at my local Trader Joe's so I bought quite a few bundles. These will be going on the mantle in the family room.Xmascol2

They also had petite European Trees in burlap covered pots and fresh unadorned wreaths so I picked up some of those too. I think I'm going to decorate the wreaths with a simple satin bow. Maybe in a beautiful chartreuse green or muted teal.

The best part of the whole day was leaving them in my car while I ran errands. Everytime I got back in…..heavenly scents of Christmas greeted me. It sure made the errands more enjoyable. You should give it a try!

28 Responses to “Evergreens”

  1. Lisa Porter

    I sure do miss trader joes….wobbley, squeeky carts and all.
    I can almost smell the evergreens. A very pretty selection for sure.

  2. Stephanie

    You’ve got to love Trader Joe’s! There really is nothing like that scent is there? By the way, I am really enjoying my Christmas giveaway win! Thank you again!

  3. Dawn The Bohemian

    Trader Joe’s always has the best food and florals… I got my Pumpkins there for Halloween/Thanksgiving this year… must stop by now for my Christmas Greens… Dawn… The Bohemian

  4. Mary at Very Merry Vintage Style

    I love that evergreen smell too. I was at a winter outdoor event and instead of sprinkling salt or gravel to stop people from slipping on the ice and snow they used fresh cut evergreen boughs. As everyone walked around, the pine smell just got better and better. Yum.

  5. susie

    Trader Joe’s is now on my list of places to stop tomorrow. Love everything you bought.

  6. Laurie

    That scent must have been wonderful! I am blessed to be surrounded by Christmas tree farms. Going for a morning run this time of year is one of my favorite things to do and it’s all because of that fabulous pine scent that fills the air!!!

  7. Amy @ Homestead Revival

    Heather, these greens are gorgeous! Why have I ever used anything artificial? Never again. I’m headed to the big city tomorrow and will definitely check out Trader Joe’s! Thanks for the tip.

  8. paige

    so pretty!!
    & i bet your home and your car smell wonderful
    merry christmas heather

  9. Dori

    Beautiful, Heather! I love, LOVE the rosy hypericum berries in with the greens! Have you seen the bright green and chocolate ones? Gorgeous. Supposedly we can grow them here in the NW. I’m on a mission!

  10. kristin @ petal and thorn

    Yep, I’ve done some price comparisons for garlands (I was on the hunt too!) and Trader Joe’s seems to have the best prices right now. That’s even compared to the LA wholesale flower mart. How on earth do they do it? Oh well, don’t ask questions 🙂

  11. Rhonda P.

    Well, I knew I should have stopped into Trader Joes last weekend. Thank you so much for the preview! Your blog is on my top ten list, just beautiful.

  12. Susan

    i wish we had a TJ’s here. no luck but we are finally getting an Anthropologie :)those tiny trees are darling! i love the way you threaded the twine through the burlap so sweet. susan

  13. Liz

    These are wonderful. I wish we had a Trader Joe’s in my area.
    I bet they were expensive! Have fun decorating your home.
    Hugs, Liz

  14. Heather Bullard

    Hi Everyone!
    Thought I should mention the prices on the evergreens were very reasonable. The little trees in burlap were $5.99, the wreaths were $9.99 and the bouquets were $4.99.
    And those little trees come with the twine ribbon woven through the burlap. Really great prices in my neck of the woods!
    Happy Decorating!

  15. Lolo

    Every year I get my fresh evergreen garlands from Lowes on Thanksgiving weekend. They hold up fairly well thru New Years. Unfortunately no fresh garlands for me this year due to our massive remodel 🙁 TJ’s always has cute little plants/flowers for a cheap and colorful touch for your home – thanks TJ 😉

  16. Rose

    There is nothing that says holidays like fresh garland…Happy Holidays Heather!

  17. geri raso

    I heard this from another blogger and thought I would try it myself. IF you go to Home Depot….. they will give you the extra cuttings that are thrown away from evergreens….. to make your own wreaths, arrangements. I am hoping to find some boxwood to decorate with. love your blog.geri

  18. JoieDeVivre

    Yes indeed my daughter came in from out of town at the beginning of Dec and bought some greenery and stuck some boughs in our vehicles to stay for the season; what a grand idea-just love it.
    Thanks for the tip of TJ’s. Truly an amazing place, will have to make a special trip on my day off Friday, (have to travel 40 miles to get there)
    AND also I am looking for princess pine, it only grows in the woodland floor, it makes lovely wreaths; it is quite beautiful!
    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  19. deborah

    Wonderful post! I can almost smell the scents of your greenery…
    Have a wonderful Christmas Season! blessings

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