Pure & Lovely


Recently I had a shoot at a location I had never seen. I chose it based on a single photo of a tiny corner of a room taken months earlier by a dear friend. One small photo and I just knew.

When I finally walked into the building the first thing I noticed was this worn window sill and vase of long forgotten flowers. It was silent and still. It felt like a magical place. Pure & lovely. I immediately shot the photo above and even now when I look at it….it moves me.

Normally I don't share anything about locations, projects or stories until after publication but I felt I had to tell you the story behind this location. That way when you see it revealed in the spring issue you will know. It will feel magical to you too. Together we'll share the secret meaning behind it. And if you look closely you will see that I kept that vase of flowers for my story…because it just seemed right.

30 Responses to “Pure & Lovely”

  1. Susie Harris

    Thanks for sharing this lil secret spot with us. It just makes me long for more of these beautiful shots. You have such a gift Heather! Thank you for shring your gift with us~

  2. jill

    Inspiring photo Heather! Hope this finds you well and at peace in the midst of your deadlines!

  3. teresa

    Something magical always seem to happen when you combine the weathered with a lovely vase of flowers.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. anne marie

    it’s a beautiful photo Heather…and knowing that it had such silence and poetry surrounding it makes it even more special….looking forward to seeing the shoot

  5. Lori-Anne

    I love secrets, especially when I’m in on them! Can’t wait to see the rest of this shoot! Thanks for sharing ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Karen

    Your photo is wonderful. Thank you for sharing. I’m new to your site and have loved the few posts I’ve read.

  7. Trina

    Such quiet and peaceful beauty. You have such an eye for the pure and lovely.

  8. Suzy

    I LOVE your blog, and admire your creativity, composition and romantic taste. I have only one request. Some of us aren’t getting any younger, and much like the shabby goodies which I appreciate, my eyes are beginning to “fade” a little. In spite of adjusting my monitor, I often find the “soft” gray hue of your type a little too “muted” for my fuzzy eyes.. It definitely blends with the soft design of your blog, but I, for one, would appreciate a little darker print color.

  9. Jeanine

    The Photo is soooooo inviting… YOU just know there’s “more-to-see”…
    Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

  10. Jolie

    Seeing this photo and this worn out window gave me a fantastic idea for a photo shoot location. So, thank you!

  11. Chrissy

    Oh my yes,simple photos like this just speak to the heart,so lovely!

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