Christmas Spirit Giveaway!

Tis nearly the season! And I thought it was time for a big giveaway to help usher in the holidays! The winner will receive a holiday prize package including the following:

You will love all the gorgeous photos, Christmas stories & inspiration and some very delicious recipes!


  • Along with the book Serena has generously donated a set of 6 Vintage Christmas Houses that were featured in the book. They are absolutely charming and colorful!


  • For your sweet tooth I have added a $25 Gift Card to Starbucks and a couple of holiday chocolate bars to nibble on.
  • And finally I found 4 Vintage Christmas Ornaments at the Rose Bowl Flea Market last weekend and thought they would be a great addition!

To throw your name in the hat all you have to do is leave a comment answering this question:

What is your absolute favorite holiday sweet treat?

Good luck and thanks for entering! Winner will be announced on Monday, Nov 22nd! 


Congratulations to Stephanie of Dreaming La Dolce Vita! Please contact me with your address so I can get your package on it's way. Thank you everyone for such scrumptious comments. Seriously…didn't they all sound divine? They certainly got me in the holiday baking mood! Cheers! ~H

1,004 Responses to “Christmas Spirit Giveaway!”

  1. Pattie @ Olla-Podrida

    My favorite holiday sweet is cut-out cookies with icing on top. I used to make these with my grandmoher when I was a little girl. I’d make a collasal mess with powdered sugar everywhere and the ugliest cookies you’ve ever seen because she let me go crazy with the food coloring and I’d make cookies dark purple or blue. I always loved the taste and every year since whenever I make them (with subdued colored icing) I think of her.

  2. Lori-Anne

    My absolute favourite holiday sweet treat?? Now that’s not fair! My favourite IS holiday sweet treats! But one of the most consumed treats I love this time of year is an eggnog latte! Guess what that Starbucks card would get me???

  3. Angie

    My favourite sweet treat are cherry balls. My mother made them from the time I was young and I can remember eating them out of the freezer where she thought she had safely stowed them until Christmas!

  4. Dorothy

    I absolutely love Williams Sonoma Peppermint Hot Chocolate. There’s something comforting about snuggling up with a warm cup of chocolate!

  5. stanna rysdam

    I would have to say Mom’s divinity is my favorite. Love it all but that is the best. Stanna

  6. Heather W.

    I love Enstrom’s toffee that is only available at Christmas time near me and all of the seasonal Starbucks lattes.

  7. Maureen

    I love the eggnogg chocolate cheesecake bars that my husband and I make.

  8. Tricia

    I love Eggnog! I buy a carton as soon as it hits the stores. Love the giveaway!

  9. Susie Harris

    What a sweet giveaway Heather! My answer to your question would be pecan tassies. Love them! They are like a miniature pecan pie Yum! With all of your beautiful pictures I am now in the Christmas mood 🙂 Thank you~

  10. Jeanne

    I can’t eat too much of it without feeling sick..but it is worth it:)..I LOVE peppermint bark. We make it each year and give some away too.

  11. Stephanie W

    Wow, now that’s a good question! peppermint bark is the first thing that comes to mind.

  12. Lorrie

    My absolute favorite holiday sweet would be shortbread – orange cranberry shortbread in particular. All that buttery goodness, faintly sweet. Oh yum!

  13. Cathy

    You are going to think I’m a nut but I really do like fruitcake and the only time I get it is around Christmas.

  14. Stephanie Soles

    Definately Nanaimo Bars! When I was pregnant with my daughter, I couldn’t have them (allergy issues) so I craved them even more. The Christmas after she was born, I think I gained 10 pounds in Nanaimo Bars.

  15. Linda

    My absolute favorite holiday sweet is iced shortbread cookies! I love to make them with my daughters and ice them on Christmas Eve.

  16. Valarie Kraft

    My absolute favorite treat that I only get at the holidays is homemade fudge. What a fabulous giveaway. xxoo Valarie

  17. missy

    My hands down favorite sweet treat is Stollen Bread. Hands down the best German sweet bread….EVAH!! 🙂

  18. karen q

    My favorite holiday treat is the amazing apple crisp I make at Thanksgiving. I get a lot of requests for the recipe. What a fun giveaway. Those little houses are adorable and the ornaments are a beautiful remembrance of holiday’s past. Thank you for your generosity.

  19. monica judd

    It’s so hard to pick a single favorite, but if I must, I would choose buckeyes which is our name for chocolate covered peanut butter balls… delicious! And every sweet treat is best partnered with a yummy cup of coffee and a coversation with a friend.

  20. Jennie Windorf

    My absolute favorite is peppermint bark! As a matter of fact, I used the recipe you featured on your blog a few years back. Been making batches for friends and family ever since.
    Thank you for offering this wonderful giveaway!

  21. Jenny L

    Peppermint bark and Starbucks pumpkin spice latte! Yuuuuum!

  22. stickhorsecowgirl V

    Oh, without a doubt my mother’s Cocoon cookies, a simple mix of real butter, flour, sugar and pecan bits, rolled into a cocoon shape, like tiny cigars; baked and then rolled while hot into a bowl of powdered sugar! Yummmmmy!!!!

  23. Nerina

    Oh my gosh Heather…this is a beautiful way to kick of the Holiday season! Gotta love me some peppermint anything and of course sugar cookies made with love!! Enjoy the rest of your week!!

  24. Gail

    My absolute favorite sweet treat are Spritz cookies, my Mom was Swedish and would make these every year. They’re my favorite!

  25. annie

    I would have to say it’s a toss up: I love me some minty-chocolatey yumminess! But I’m also a sucker for eggnogginess in a cup o’joe! Preferrably from the ‘Bucks! :0)

  26. Natalie VV

    Giveaways are always such a fun diversion!
    As for holiday sweets… I cannot wait to indulge in a hot cup of *pepperminted* hot cocoa. Luscious treat!

  27. pogonip@ Meadowsweet Cottage

    It’s not Christmas without our homemade peppermint bark made from candy canes and vanilla melts. The kitchen smells divine while we’re making it and everyone on our gift list loves it!


    My favorite holiday sweet treat (and my families) is a chocolate trash mix. Pretzels
    Chex Mix
    Almond Bark
    Dried Cranberries
    Mix all dry ingredients and melt the almond bark and pour over on wax paper. While hot add the m&ms for color (I use the red/green ones). Wait for it to harden and break apart and Enjoy!! It’s hard getting this in a airtight container, it just keeps disappearing??

  29. Kelly B

    My fave is creme de menthe brownies …. yum!!! We make them only once a year. Thanks for the chance to win such a fun prize!

  30. chris

    My favorite holiday treat has to be homemade chocolate pepperment bark. I love making it as much as love eating it! Happy holidays Heather!:) chris

  31. Margo

    My favorite holiday sweet treat is chocolate crinkles. I can only eat them during the Christmas holiday. Thank You.

  32. Jane

    Heather, your giveaway is a sweet holiday treat! My favorite sweet treat that I only make during the holidays is chocolate fudge.

  33. LindaSonia

    My favorite sweet treat is of all things – eggnog. The holiday season is the only time I drink it and that first cupful is always heavenly!! Awesome giveaway. Count me in!

  34. Randa

    Absolutely adorable – love the book and love the ornaments. Darn, I should have looked for you at the Rose Bowl! I love living near enough to go there often =) As for my favorite holiday sweet treat, I’d have to say it’s the peanut brittle my family makes every year the day after Thanksgiving. It’s the only time of year we make it and I can’t tell you how much I look forward to it. Grandma’s recipe – YUM!

  35. Marie

    My mom always makes the best rocky road fudge. I look forward to it every christmas. I do have a sweet tooth tho and I love it all!

  36. Karen B

    Wow, that’s a tough question. First thing that came to my mind was my Chocolate Covered Cherry Cookies. I first found the recipe years and years ago in Better Homes and Gardens. It’s the only time of the year I make them. They’re my fav!

  37. Judi Rose

    Tough one but I think I would have to so with Spritz Cookies as it brings back childhood memories. Thanks for the chance at winning! Hugs, Judi

  38. Dianne

    My favorite treat is my mom’s spritz cookies, made with the cookie press. I loved making them almost as much as I loved eating them! 🙂

  39. Lois

    It’s so hard to choose – but I guess if I could have only one sweet treat at the holidays it would be fruitcake (either that or mincemeat pie).

  40. faded prairie

    okay…will this totally drop me out of the running if i say….
    *fruit cake*?!?! of course it has to have been wrapped in apricot brandy for about a month before! :0)

  41. Melanie

    I like to make Buttescotch Haystacks and I love peppermint ice cream 🙂 Fun giveaway!

  42. Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co.

    Cut-out sugar cookies, with sprinkles of course!

  43. Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co.

    Cut-out sugar cookies, with sprinkles of course!

  44. Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co.

    Cut-out sugar cookies, with sprinkles of course!

  45. Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co.

    Cut-out sugar cookies, with sprinkles of course!

  46. Shannon Linde

    Hi There! My favorite is my mom’s divinity! It is the best there is! We used to make it when I was little. Three colors, pink, white and green. We would send a big tin to my grandfather in Georgia and he loved it SO much too! Brings back great memories! 🙂 Shannon

  47. Gina

    I am almost ashamed to admit it, but since I never win these things only you will see my shameless love for Reese’s Peanut Butter Trees. They are technically a “seasonal” treat and I love them so!!

  48. jennifer

    Every year I make lots and lots of rainbow cookies…so much better then store bought!!!!!!!!!!! Lovely giveaway by the way!

  49. Sheila

    It has to be See Candy Balls my family has been making them for about 40 years. Lots of work but ” O” so good.

  50. Jenae

    Chocolate covered Toffee! they have a candy bar in Canada called Crunchie its like that But totally homemade! and oh so delicious!

  51. Sara S

    Oh this is hard! I love this candy that’s called “Mexican Fudge”, it’s like pralines. I’m glad they are are time consuming or I might make them more often (and eat more of them!) Thanks for the chance to win.

  52. Apron Strings Productions

    It has to be homemade hot cocoa with the works…whipped cream, mini marshmellows and chocolate shavings on top…to be consumed with my little boys of course…the best is the chocolate milk stach on my 2 year olds upper lip!

  53. Liz

    Too many to list Heather!!! Thanks for such a nice giveaway! We need to hear from you girl more often. Miss you! Hugs, Liz

  54. Angie

    What an awesome give away!?!! My favorite are the peanut butter balls that my Aunt makes special just for me 😉

  55. Dawn

    peppermint on anything! I love the peppermint drinks and now Trader Joe’s has a fabulous peppermint tea! Thanks for the great give-away and I hope you pick ME!

  56. Meredith

    My mom makes maple cookies that are amazing! They are cut-out sugar/maple cookies with homemade maple icing in the middle. Sometimes we convince her to use a different kind of cookie cutter (like a heart) and make them for special occasions, but it is usually reserved for Christmas baking.

  57. Suzanne

    What a great giveaway. I’m all about the peppermint too! And if it’s combined with chocolate then I’m extra happy.

  58. Amy @ Homestead Revival

    Just one treat? Egg nog and anything peppermint are favorites, but the top of the list is Pepparkakor, a swedish cookie that is like a sugar cookie in texture, but tastes like a mild gingerbread. I could eat the whole batch!

  59. Dee

    My favorite holiday sweet treat is homemade caramel candy! only made at Christmas time … time consuming ’cause you have to “cut” it, wrap each piece indiviually … but is it good!! strictly a Christmas tradition!! yummie

  60. Tracie

    beautiful gifts Heather! My favorite treat is what my sister & I call Angel Food candy. My grandma always had her little crystal bowls filled with it during the holidays. My grandma passed away almost 7 years ago….so when my sister and I found the now called “Sponge candy”, it is such a fun indulgence and brings us back to when we would sneak a piece out of her bowls before bed.

  61. Starr

    Hands down- snickerdoodles. My favorite cookies ever. And they mean Christmas to me. I also love peppermint hot chocolate. Mmm.

  62. Darlene L

    This is a wonderful prize package–love all the goodies. Serena’s book looks great! My favorite treat is my Mom’s homemade peanut butter fudge–can you say yummy! thanks for the chance to win!

  63. Terry Hansen

    My favorite Christmas treat is a toss up between cut out cookies and sandies! I can’t hardly believe that it’s that time of year already! What a great giveaway!

  64. Beth Ehlert

    Definitely my grandma’s “Swedish Wedding Cakes”. I still have her
    original recipe from 1926. My 90 year old dad just asked me to make
    him some – they are his favorites too!

  65. Cap Creations

    What an awesome giveaway! You wanna pick me, I’m feeling lucky! 😉
    My favorite holiday sweet treat are my sis in laws buckeyes! Peanut butter balls dipped in chocolate! Mmmmm goodness!

  66. jerusalem

    this has to be the best holiday giveaway ever!
    my favorite sweet treat is my mom’s homemade hot chocolate, topped with a good helping of homemade whip cream. so warm and yummy, it reminds me of my childhood in all the best ways.

  67. Amy Rochelle

    Fudge. . . I’m leaning toward peanut butter, but chocolate is right there in the running too!

  68. Anna

    My Favorites are German roasted almonds (crisp sugar and spice coated nuts) and fruit cake. I really think people should give fruitcake another chance. Alton Brown’s recipe from his Good Eats program turns out beautifully.

  69. Tammy Hensley

    My absolute favorite are the spritz cookies we would make at Grandma’s house – I can’t wait to make them this year!

  70. joy!

    Pralines . . . the quintessential Southern sweet. What a generous giveaway!

  71. Laura Ruff

    Hmmm…of all the deliciousness this holly, jolly season has to offer it’s hard to pick just one…Okay, I know the answer. It would have to be buttery, sweet, tangy homemade sugar cookies with powdered sugar icing. Just wouldn’t be that Christmasy time of year without ’em! Love your beautiful blog by the way, what inspiration to be found.

  72. The Gypsy Magpie

    My favorite holiday sweet is really just a sweet memory now… when I was little, my grandma made rosettes every year. She’s been gone for about 15 years now but when I think back on these wonderful treats, I can actually taste them and remember how much fun it was to be in the kitchen with her. I had the very important job of putting the colored sprinkles on them!

  73. linda

    Hmmm…it’s a hard call! I think Starbuck’s Gingerbread Latte is up there though…so delicious! Thanks for the chance!!

  74. Jennifer G

    I would have to say a Starbuck’s Peppermint Mocha-DELISH!!!

  75. pamelajane

    Nothing elaborate, just hot chocolate shared with my kids and grandkids after a day of decorating the tree and remembering all the stories of where we lived and collected our ornaments.

  76. Spamtown Gal

    As a Minnesota Norwegian girl, we make Kringla, a buttermilk dough rolled in a pencil length and braided like a figure eight. YUMMY for breakfast or any time of the day!

  77. Melissa

    One of my favorite’s is peppermint bark …. although I could come up with a looooong list of other sweets that I love around this time of year!!!

  78. Kim

    It is starting to look like Christmas here on blogland.My fav is fudge w/walnuts.Thanks for the awesome giveaway~Cheers Kim

  79. Sue

    My favorite Christmas treat- so hard to pick one! I would say a tiny bit of many different once a year treats. Yum!

  80. Tracy

    Favorite sweet treat?! No question: Peppermint ice cream, on top of a brownie with homemade hot fudge sauce. Must be homemade hot fudge – That semi-sweet chocolate is the perfect accent to the peppermint ice cream!
    OK, my mouth is watering – and I’m trying to be so *good* and not do sweets until Christmastime is fully underway! Just have to get through Thanksgiving first……….
    Fun giveaway! xoxo

  81. Brenda

    My favorite Christmas treat is home made shortbread dipped in chocolate and 100’s and 1000’s, traditional but with a twiat!
    xx Brenda

  82. pam

    My favorite sweet to eat at Christmastime is peppermint bark! I make it using the recipe you posted on your blog a few years ago. Delicious! Thanks for the recipe and the chance!

  83. Trish D

    Only ONE thing?! I guess I’d have to say chocolate crinkle cookies – add a cup of coffee and some Christmas carols and you have an evening of bliss 🙂 Thanks for offering this up!

  84. kathy

    My favorite treat is the White Chocolate Peppermint Popcorn we made last year. Delicious!

  85. Rhonda

    My Favorite Sweet Christmas treats are my Mothers Fruitcake cookies and Divinity!! Also, my Aunt Jan’s Bread Pudding……Iam getter fatter by the minute!! Also, LOVE your giveaway…at least it wouldn’t make me too fat!

  86. Chelsey

    Peppermint bark. I die every time I walk past them at Costco!

  87. Debbie

    My favorite sweet treats are sand tarts. My Mom taught me how to mix the dough the last Christmas she was alive. Years prior, she would singlehandedly mix up the dough, then we would get together at my sister’s to roll them out, decorate them and divide the cookies up among us! My sister and I still get together each Christmas to carry on the tradition, and one year will soon enlist the help of our daughters so they, too, can carry on the tradition for their families.

  88. Hayley

    What a sweet giveaway! My favorite holiday sweet treat is my mother’s sugar cookies. Just a simple recipe with only sugar sprinkled on top–no icing or anything–but so soft and cut into cute shapes. I end up eating a dozen or more!

  89. Buckets of Burlap

    Oh dear, just one, that’s hard. I adore every bite of homemade chocolate chip cookies, right out of the oven. But my kids always make gingerbread men, and they are tasty, too.
    I stood in Barnes and Noble yesterday and ALMOST bought this cookbook! It’s divine!
    Thanks for including me. (Oh, I’m having a giveaway, too-if you want to check it out)
    Becky C

  90. Noelle Lalo Fitzgerald

    Hi Heather, I’m a new follower but have been skanking around your blog(XLOVE), and Flea Market Magazine(XXLOVE) for awhile now…I think the best treat at Christmastime is delicious creamy egg nog with a wee bit of rum in it…and of course, top with extra homemade whipped cream…and a dash of nutmeg or cinnamon or chocolate(XXXLOVE)…Thanks for the exciting giveaway and Merry Christmas! (XXXXLOVE)Lalo.

  91. Suzanne Bailey

    I would have to say that my favorite holiday sweet treat is our homemade toffee. It has become our tradition to make some for our family and tins of toffee to give to friends and neighbors. Decorated sugar cookies is a very close second!

  92. Angie Pittman

    Great question! I would have to say iced gingerbread men w/ a gingerbread latte from Starbucks (yes, a little too “gingery” for some, but not me! 🙂

  93. Tammy

    Sweet and rich and creamy Eggnog! What a wonderful and generous giveaway. I just gave this book to my son’s darling girlfriend for her b-day, and I would love to win one for myself. What beautiful items to go along with too! Thanks for all of your inspiration!

  94. Analise

    YUM! What an excellent prize! My favorite holiday treat is my secret recipe homemade FUDGE and hot cocoa, with lots of whipped cream, of course!
    Yum Yum Yum!!

  95. Sheri

    I love old-fashioned gingerbread cookies. Both yummy and nostalgic! Thanks for the contest!

  96. chelsea alexander

    FRENCH SILK PIE! Melt in your mouth deliciousness!
    Also, this weekend (starting tomorrow) starbucks is offering a buy one get one on their holiday drinks. I’ll be getting some hot chocolate 🙂

  97. Margi Gilbertson

    Great giveaway! My favorite: old fashioned cut out and frosted sugar cookies. I love to make and decorate them with family as much as I do eating them! A close second is lefse with cinnamon and sugar!

  98. Destiny (Farmhouse Vintage)

    What a great giveaway!!! I’ve REALLY been wanting to get the Farm Chicks Christmas book! My favorite holiday treat is my grandmother’s sugar cookies – my daughter and I try to recreate them, but they’re never as good as the original! I also love anything chocolate and sipping Starbucks on a cold night!!!

  99. Heather

    Aero Bar Squares! So addictive! Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂

  100. Alison

    Oh it’s hard to pick just one sweet…but it would have to be my nana’s shortbread cookies. I made them with my mom every year when I was a girl and I make it with my littles now.

  101. Karla

    My favorite holiday treats are Chocolate covered peanut butter balls. My sister Heidi makes them each year at my parent’s farm after all of us girls have come home for the holidays. A very special treat that I look forward to each year.

  102. Jacqueline Meindersee

    When I was a little girl my Dad would serve us ‘Snow Balls’ which were ice cream rolled in coconut. He always put a candle on top and requested we make a Christmas wish! These were delicious treats that I haven’t had since that time.
    <3 Jacqueline

  103. Jacqueline Meindersee

    When I was a little girl my Dad would serve us ‘Snow Balls’ which were ice cream rolled in coconut. He always put a candle on top and requested we make a Christmas wish! These were delicious treats that I haven’t had since that time.
    <3 Jacqueline

  104. Jacqueline Meindersee

    When I was a little girl my Dad would serve us ‘Snow Balls’ which were ice cream rolled in coconut. He always put a candle on top and requested we make a Christmas wish! These were delicious treats that I haven’t had since that time.
    <3 Jacqueline

  105. Jacqueline Meindersee

    When I was a little girl my Dad would serve us ‘Snow Balls’ which were ice cream rolled in coconut. He always put a candle on top and requested we make a Christmas wish! These were delicious treats that I haven’t had since that time.
    <3 Jacqueline

  106. Karen Greenfield

    It’s actually not something we eat–my kids call it “The Boil.” It’s a mix of cinnamon sticks, other spices, orange peel, cloves, nutmeg and water. It simmers on the stove from Thanksgiving to Christmas snd makes the house smell fabulous. Whenever the kids (now 25 and 21) smell something like it during the year, their eyes go all misty and they say in a hushed voice ‘Oh that smells like the boil….I can hardly wait!’ I love watching that moment. xxKaren

  107. Jenny Hillman

    Oh, how I love Christmas-time! 🙂
    There are (OF COURSE) so many splendid sweet-treats this time of year, but the best all-around, to me, is making gingerbread buttons with my three little bears, simply because they are a tradition and each of us looks forward to it…plus, it’s the treat that gets left out for Santa!

  108. Teresa

    Now that’s a giveaway! Spritz cookies with spice drops in the middle. I could eat the whole platter!

  109. Lemonade Makin' Mama

    Well I LOVE my mama’s monster cookies! We only make them at Christmas and one time just for “fun” I tried counting the calories… I think I gave up when I realized it was a losing battle, because they were too good and way too bad all in one! Thanks for hosting such a fun prize!

  110. nancy

    I have a few favorites, but my mother’s homemade fudge chock full of walnuts is at the top of my list. It’s been a holiday tradition since I can remember…1960 maybe? She’s 81 and still whipping it up!

  111. Sandee

    *My favorite sweet treat at Christmas time is chocolate mint bundt cake sprinkled with powdered sugar! I love a cup of holiday spiced hot cocoa too! Oh! I would so love this Christmas Package!! I’ve been wanting the FarmChicks Book ever since it came out and I love all things vintage.. that set of little houses reminds me of the ones my Mom used to decorate with when I was little.

  112. Karen Tunnicliffe

    That’s easy, gingerbread men . . . homemade of course. Love ’em!!!

  113. Judy

    I would have to say that my favorite holiday sweet treat is good old sugar cookies with yummy frostings and sprinkles decorating them up. I love to bake them with my kids. I could eat a pound of them!

  114. becky

    Lovely giveaway.Adore those houses.My favorite would be greek cookies of all kind.Im greek so my mother bakes these cookies every year.I let her do the baking they taste better,lol.

  115. Deanne

    definately lefse with sugar! My basset Emily loved it, too.


    I would have to say’s my grammy’s fudge….no one makes fudge like her’s! I remember as a child she would send it up to us in tins through the mail for Christmas…we were always excited to receive it at Christmas time! ..she is now 86 and still makes her fudge for Christmas! We all light up when we see a plate full of Grammy’s perfect fudge…yum! This is the good stuff! 🙂

  117. Leslie W.

    My favorite is/was/always will be my grandmas Orange Sweet Rolls. She stayed up until after midnight every year making them along with homemade cinnamon rolls. One year when I was 11 she let me stay up and help her make them. That was by far the best Christmas I had as a child. Sadly she has been gone for many years but her Orange Sweet Rolls live on every year. I can’t wait for my daughter to make them with me in the coming years!

  118. Katy

    Mexican Wedding Cakes are my all time favorite! I make them every year and could the whole batch myself! Thanks for your generosity…crossing my fingers ;0) Blessings, Katy

  119. Suzanne B.

    Definitely eggnog! I can’t even think about trimming our tree without a yummy cup of eggnog in my hand 🙂

  120. Wendie

    My favorite holiday sweet treat is lefse!!! My great-grandmother, Cora, was Norwegian and a good cook to boot! My grandpa and his three older siblings grew up with this scrumptious treat and carried on the tradition in their own families, so we all come by our love of it naturally. Great-Grandma has not been with us for some time now, but her 80+ descendants (not including spouses!) still use her recipe, passing on the love and teaching our own children how to make it. We enjoy it with just a bit of butter and sugar…except for my dad, who drenches his in both, but he’s a SPOUSE, so what do you expect? 🙂

  121. Cristina CArr

    So hard to choose just one! I guess I’d have to narrow it down to Martha Washington candy. My favorite aunt always made them every Christmas and I sure do miss her touch. They just aren’t the same when she hasn’t made them.

  122. tricia

    I love those magic bars with coconut and chocolate chips. Oh my goodness…do I love them. What a fun giveaway!! 🙂

  123. Tia

    It is hard to choose only one. Homemade chocolate fudge. Yummy!


    I can you choose just one???? If I have to pick one I guessI would have to say Russian tea balls. That is if I had to pick one but there are so many that I make every year that it was hard to choose from! Can’t wait to start Baking Christmas Cookies on Saturday!

  125. Melissa Hungria

    My mom’s sugar cookies made from a recipe book that in my mind is vintage – it spells cookies, cookys! She’s made the recipe so often she doesn’t need to look at it anymore – but she was able to find the recipe book for me for as a wedding present. Nothing compares to these!

  126. Sanna

    What a generous giveaway!
    My favorite holiday sweet treat is Swedish toffee with chopped almonds dressed in mini paper cups 🙂

  127. sarah

    my absolute favorite holiday sweet is Mincemeat Pie in flaky buttery tart shells. mmmmmmmmmmm…. We’ve also started making our own egg nog. I highly recommend it!

  128. Andrea @ That'll Do Farm

    Hands down, my favorite treat is an Italian cookie called a papassino. We only make them at Christmas and I have been known to hide them from the family (now that’s the Christmas spirit, don’t you think!) I’m happy to share any other Christmas treat with the family — heck, they can have them ALL if they leave me the papassinos!

  129. Shannon

    Favorite treat? There are of course many! I do love Almond Rocca! My daughter’s godmother gave the recipe years ago and its become a favorite!

  130. lindsay

    I love my aunts banana pudding. She makes it on special occasions which tends to be limited to the holidays. I also have a sweet tooth for iced sugar cookies.


    Heather- Home made pumpkin bread in coffee cans. I received this recipe 25 years ago.Oh my heaven soo good! I serve it every Thanksgiving with dinner and Christmas morning with cream cheese…My five children love it ..It says holidays to them.Now that they are grown and living on the west coast (2 of them) I mail them one if they can’t come home for the holidays. Nancy

  132. kelly

    I love love love all Christmas treats..even divinity! But my favorite to make and eat is Magic Cookie Bars. You know the ones with the sweetened condensed milk. Oh my! My mouth is watering just talking about it.

  133. Jennifer

    I love to see the cookie plates filled with all the different Christmas goodies! It’s hard to choose just one but I think spritz cookies are my favorite!

  134. Sarah DeShazo

    Anisette cookies…definitely! They are a family favorite. We all look forward to Christmas because these cookies are amazing!

  135. Alaina

    I would have to lump my favorites under Mom’s christmas cookies. I love every moment of Christmas and your giveaway sums it up. The giving for no other reason than it is Holiday time.

  136. Ashley K

    Pumpkin pie with whipped cream, and a steaming mug of cider! Not sure if that counts as a “sweet treat” but it’s definitely my fave holiday treat!

  137. Shalon

    Fudge. Hands down. There are so many other lovely treats in the season – but it always comes back to good old chocolate fudge!!

  138. Theresa

    My dad makes THE BEST homemade caramel corn. It takes quite a bit of time for him ( I have 11 siblings) but when we see it in our gift baskets, wooohooo! Theresa xoxo

  139. Edit

    What a wonderful giveaway! Is it open to international readers as well?
    My favourite holiday sweet treat has to be “mazapan” that is very famous here in Toledo/Spain. I can’t wait to buy it this year 🙂

  140. Astrid

    My favorite ONE sweet treat? That would have to be vanille kipferl! (vanilla crescent cookies) My all time favorite that I make every year without fail.

  141. Celicia Robbins

    As a child, I remember watching my mother carefully make hundreds of bourbon candies for the holiday. I loved the way she dipped the hand rolled candy center into the melted chocolate. Every year I would beg to have just one but my very old fashioned mother always answered no…until one very happy year when I was 17. I was allowed one bourbon candy and it tasted like heaven! To this day, I love making the holiday bourbon candies because the taste reminds of all those days spent enjoying the holiday with my Mother.

  142. Anita Toss

    My favorite sweet treat for the holiday is a bark made with honey, almonds and colored sprinkles. Got the recipe from my cousin’s great aunt! It is YUMMY! What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks! 🙂

  143. Christina

    My favorite Christmas treat has to be homemade Toffee! It conjures up memories of being little and fighting with my cousins over my Grandmothers treats. As an adult she used to send a tin filled with little triangles, and I’d stash it somewhere for my consumption only!

  144. Emily

    Wow what a great giveaway! My favorite treat for the holidays would have to be gingerbread cookies. I can’t get enough!

  145. kath

    My fav treat is my Grandma’s Chocolate Fudge. Unfortunately Grandma is no longer with us. My Mom tries but it’s not the same. Still looking for a recipe that comes close. The giveaway looks amazing!

  146. Julie

    Dark chocolate biscotti with chopped pistachio nuts and dried cherries. Very Christmasy! And good strong coffee to dip it in!

  147. kaye

    Peanut butter buckeyes are my favorite!! Oh and the 7 layer bars, and the chocolate covered pretzels, and the…oh, you ment only one. LOL
    Love the giveaway! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  148. Susan McCreadie

    Every Christmas we make Shortbread from my Grandmother’s recipe. She was born and raised in Scotland and making it reminds us of her generous and loving spirit. And really, it’s flour butter and sugar. How can you beat that?

  149. Terri Klugh

    I love homemade Wassail and gingerbread cookies during the holidays. What a generous giveaway, I would love to be included!

  150. Jen

    I always treat myself to Stroopwafels! Place one cookie on the rim of a steaming cup of coffee or cocoa for a few minutes and the gooey inside starts to melt. Wow. Holy fat grams, Batman!

  151. Jan Wells

    My favorite sweet holiday treat is my mom’s pecan balls or wedding cakes. Wouldn’t be Christmas without them. Jan

  152. Karen G

    My favorite is fudge. It’s something I never make at any other time of the year.

  153. Tanya

    My favorite is shortbread cookies with a small bit of cherry on top!

  154. elma riedstra

    Oh I would have to say Christmas cookies with yummy frosting:) Love the giveaway!!

  155. katie

    Wow, favorite. Sweet treats were always a favorite part of our families Christmases. To pick one? I’d have to say, ribbon candy made at the little Mom and Pop candy shop in town.

  156. Marian Smith

    I would love to own a copy of you book and the rest is just my very favorite things in the world!

  157. Kim @ Homesteader's Heart

    I would have to say that my favorite holiday sweet treat are the Snowball Cookies that I make at Christmas time. They are rich and buttery and have a chocolate center. YUM!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  158. Debbie Ford

    Hands down, without a doubt, my great grandmothers ‘freezer’ cookies! They are now called, Wedding Cookies, or Mexican Wedding Cookies. When we were younger, we could always count on Great Grandmother to have these delicous little gems in her freezer.
    She lived way out in the country in south Texas, so keeping them in the freezer was the only way they could survive the humidity. They would simply melt in your mouth!
    Rolled in powdered sugar, you just pop them in your mouth and let the sugar dissolve and then bite down into a sweet dough filled with chopped Texas pecans. Yum!
    I can picture her now gathering the eggs from her chickens , in her well worn apron and straw hat. As soon as we got there, she would send us out to pick up the fallen pecans, and maybe some figs (if they made it inside) from her trees. What big helper girls we were! Memories…
    The ‘runner’ up are my granny’s Date Nut Pinwheels. I enjoyed making these with her over the years and in honor of both of these amazing women, I make a batch every year. We lost our beloved great grandmother in 1980 and our much beloved granny in 2007. I am ever so thankful for the gift God gave me in these women.
    I have grown children now and just became a granny (grandmother, mimi, grammy, whatever she wants to call me) this summer. I hope and pray that I will be the kind of grandmother that will leave the same wonderful lasting memories for my grandchildren. God Bless!


    If I have to pick one, it would be white chocolate raspberry cookies!

  160. Melanie

    My favorite treat has got to be my mom’s Peanut Butter Fudge.
    Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! Fingers are crossed!;)

  161. Amber

    My absolute favorite sweet treat is Buckeyes! Growing up in Ohio, we made them every Christmas and I still make them every year. Peanut butter and chocolate goodness!

  162. Penny Sypherd

    Oh my what a great Holiday giveaway. I would love to win. My all time favorite holiday treat are chocolate covered cherries. Someone in my family has always made sure I got a box at Christmas. I treasure them and dole them out to myself like little nuggets of gold. One year our boxer ate my whole box of cherries one night while we were gone. The chocolate didnt kill him, but I sure could have.

  163. Darlene

    It is so hard to pick just one!! I would have to say chocolate espresso sandwich cookies!
    What an awesome giveaway!!

  164. Sally

    My favorite holiday treat is definitely Peppermint Patty Brownies. They are yummy. Betcha can’t eat JUST one!

  165. Laurie Anne

    Such a lovely giveaway! My favourite Christmas treat has to be Marzipan…especially covered in chocolate 🙂

  166. Laura-Lea Price

    I make chocolate peanut butter balls that melt in your mouth. Christmas is the only time that I make them and the kids know there will always be lots in the freezer. My second sweet treat would be grandmas butter tarts. You are getting me in teh Christams spirit … I think we will decorate and put up the tree this weekend … thanks for the nudge:)


    my mother in law’s Italian wedding cookies, by far my favorite!

  168. Michele

    Peppermint bark, peanut butter blossoms, sticky toffee pudding& red velvet cake!!!

  169. Gail

    I love my Aunt Dot’s almond crescents. They are the best and bring back sweet memories of my family.

  170. jen

    My husbands homemade caramel. He doesn’t make any other time during the year. So it becomes a science experiment every time….
    “Which pot did I use that worked best?”
    “Which candy thermometer worked best?”
    “How long did it take last – WOW! better get some beers!”
    Then afterward the kitchen is a huge sticky mess, as the tray of caramels sits to cool. But no one can touch it for 24 hours which is torture for us all as we look at the BLOCK of Yummy Goodness.
    Oh, then my part comes in….ugh….I hand wrap each caramel.
    But it is all well worth it. We give it to everyone as gifts and they beg us for more! Well worth the wait every year and a wonderful Christmas Tradition…

  171. Jenn A

    I LOVE holiday sweet treats, but my favorite that I make every year is buried cherry cookies – lots of chocolate with a yummy cherry hidden underneath!

  172. Aimee Tobias

    I got married the day after Christmas and my wedding cake was red velvet cake with cream cheese icing. That is by far my favorite holiday treat; my husband and I celebrate our anniversary each year with a small red velvet cake. This will be nine years! Yum!!

  173. Ellen

    My favorite treat are the Pumpkin Cookies that my mom makes every year. I can’t wait to have one this year……

  174. kimberly keeley

    I LOVE peppermint bark and peanut butter balls. When my in laws were alive they made trays and trays of sweet treats to give away to friends and family. We now do this every holiday season as well to keep alive a great tradition and their memory.

  175. Susan Leon

    I love Christmas Cookies. I love the way they look on a pedestal with chocolate kisses tucked in here and there. At the end of the night I sit with a hot cup of tea and a few cookies with a good book and just relax.
    I would love love to be in your Christmas giveaway. Love all your books and style.
    Merry Christmas and Thanks,

  176. Annette Hoffman

    I make peanut clusters for the family and for gifts, but to be honest, more make it into my mouth than in the gift bags. They are so easy: a bag of chocolate chips and a half pkg. of almond bark melted, add a can of Spanish peanuts. Spoon onto wax paper and chill. (I like them best frozen.) Christmas! What a great holiday, and what a great excuse for making(eating) peanut clusters!!!!!!!!

  177. Carla Ludwig

    I LOVE Ice Cream Cookies…..they are made of a flaky dough with fruit filling, YUM!

  178. Nina

    My favorite holiday sweet treats are Mexican Wedding Cake cookies. They are pure, melt-in-your-mouth delights.

  179. Alice

    Hmmm, it’s difficult to choose just one, but I would have to say my favorite is rum cakes, drizzled with a sweet glaze–made in mini bundt cake pans.
    What a lovely, and very generous giveaway! Thanks for the chance to enter.

  180. Judy Crenshaw

    Great giveaway. My favorite Christmas sweet treat is Bananna Pudding made with Eagle Brand and Divinity like my mother made when we were little. Thanks, ~judy~

  181. Karen

    Coconut Bon-Bon’s. Have to make them every year for my family. Some years I barely get them dipped in chocolate before they are all gone.

  182. sabrina

    Definitely Peppermint Bark! I love all things peppermint, but I love during the Christmas season all the varieties of peppermint bark out there to nibble on. This year I might even try my hand at making my own!
    Great Giveaway! How fun!


    I’d be happy to trade our family recipe for my favorite Toffee Almond Crunch in exchange for your lovely giveaway–I’d even add a tin of this luscious treat. Mmmm, butter, almonds, sugar carmelized in a skillet–I can smell it cooking just thinking about it! Thanks for offering this fabulous giveaway.

  184. katherine

    I am not sure I have ONE favourite 🙂 Love shortbread cookies, and mincemeat pie(or tarts) the most, I guess!!

  185. Cathy Davis

    My favorite Christmas Sweet Treat is my Grandma’s Date Pinwheel Cookies. My Dad’s Mother died when he was 9 years old. As the oldest of five children left on the farm, the cooking chores fell to him. His Aunt Grace began teaching him how to cook, using his Mother’s handmade cookbook. One of the recipes that became one of his favorite, and mine, and then my children’s, were the Date Pinwheel Cookies. Each year as the Holidays approach, my now grown son, continues to ask, “Mom when are you going to make the Date Pinwheel Cookies?” Making them togethre has become one of our favorite traditions. This year my helpers will be six year old grandson, Cameron, and three year old grandson, Caden.

  186. Julia

    I love home made fudge. Thanks for the giveaway. That is sweet at this time of year too!:)

  187. Kathy

    My Mom’s chocolate pinwheel cookies. She has been gone for the last 8 years and I just can’t make them like she used to. Love the memories of her and I making dozens of different varieties of cookies and candies for trays for the rest of the family. 🙂
    Thanks for the memory nudge!

  188. Carmen (Country Mouse)

    I love cookies! Any Christmas cookies! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  189. Betsy

    Favorite…it’s hard to pick just one. But I’d have to say this crazy soda cracker, chocolate chip, heath bit concoction my great aunt puts together.

  190. Heather Stevenson

    Homemade Almond Roca (made with saltines). This Christmas, however, due to being pregnant, my current obsession/craving is Salted Toffee Nut Lattes at Starbucks. I guess there’s a bit of a toffee theme to my favs. 🙂

  191. Carol Novicky

    I love puffy white cookies with gooey frosting in the bell shape.

  192. Skaybrandt

    My favorite holiday sweet treat is my mother’s homemade cherry kolaches! She always calls as she pulls them hot out of the oven and off I go! I truely love your blog and the photos are amazing!


    There is nothing better than divinity at christmas, but only at Christmas. It’s pure oooeey gooeey goodness. Love to make it, love to eat it!!!
    Thank you for your gracious offer this holiday season!! I love Christmas!

  194. Mandy Smith

    I love white chocolate pretzels and chocolate fudge with walnuts. OMGoodness!!!! I can feel my pants getting tighter as I type.

  195. Joyce

    Ahhh… the little vintage village reminds me of the ones I grew up seeing at my grandma’s house. Oh dear just one favorite will be hard for me. Hmmm… how about a small plate of Christmas cookies with a cup of hot cocoa by the fire? Have a golden day! xo

  196. Sandy L.

    I love cookies but I think what goes best with them is a good cup of hot chocolate and Zingerman chocolate marshmallows on top!

  197. Nichole

    That would so be my mom’s homemade cheesecake!! But I must add that when I make my peppermint white chocolate covered oreos, I sneak a few! They are so yummy!

  198. carrie r.

    My favorite Christmas treat is Walker’s shortbread cookies. You can get them all year long, but the plaid box and Christmas shaped cookies are the best. Sweet, buttery, and a teeny tiny bit salty. Yum!

  199. Heather Richter

    Gluwein…after being stationed in Germany. All bundled up, cozy, and warm. sigh

  200. amy

    My Mom’s sugar cookies with royal icing. It always took us a couple of days to make them and they are so yummy I can’t wait for the holidays to get a yellow bell or a green Christmas tree (red hots for ornaments).

  201. Ellen

    Peanut butter blossom cookies – the peanut butter cookies with the Hershey kiss on top. Yum

  202. Carla

    The one thing that say Christmas to me is Eggnog. Southern Comfort Eggnog to be exact. Love me some eggnog.

  203. DeniseLynn

    Sweet treats … hard to pick just one. I would have to say buttery spritz cookies as the taste and smell so swiftly takes me back to childhood memories of waiting for Santa. And OH Yum! *thank you for a chance to win such a generous gift*

  204. Sue

    I like peanut butter buckeyes. Thanks for the generous drawing!

  205. Amanda Beck

    My favorite holiday treat is the very first sip of frothy eggnog during the Christmas season. In that first sip, I’m immediately taken back to my childhood and to tree decorating, paper chain making and holiday baking with my parents. My father would go out and chop down the Christmas tree and when the tree was officially in the tree stand, my parents and I would toast the tree with our first glass of eggnog in a special glass no less. Now that I’m a grown up to this day I always look forward to that first taste and toast of the season and all of the wonderful memories that first sip brings. Happy Holidays everyone and cheers to you!

  206. Michele Kirkman

    homemade eggnog made from my Southern Grandma’s recipe!!

  207. Tracy Fisher

    My mom’s cream cheese holly wreath cookies. She uses green food coloring and makes them with a cookie press then adds a couple of red hots for the holly. So simple but so good and always brings back memories of past Christmases.

  208. june deese

    I love Chocolate covered cherries…have since i was a little girl.
    what a great giveaway….

  209. Dinah Soar

    Hands down it’s my grandmother’s home made chocolate fudge…the old fashioned kind that is boiled to the soft ball stage. It is the first thing I learned to make for the holidays when I was a newlywed. I ruined 5 pounds of sugar doing it, but it was worth it for a lifetime of real old fashioned fudge.

  210. erica

    My Grandma used to make Date Pinwheel cookies….oh, they are heavenly with a steaming cup of coffee! And to me, they are Christmas in a bite!

  211. Jen

    My favorite sweet treat is none other than SUGAR COOKIES!!!
    I love them cut out in wonderful shapes of reindeer & santa…the glittery red or green crystals sprinkled on top!!! I can’t get enough!!!

  212. Lynn Dirk

    My moms “Church Window” cookies. She’s gone now, and I’m passing down the recipe to my daughter. So easy but such a reminder of Christmas at home.
    Great giveaway btw.

  213. Joy

    What a great giveaway! My favorite holiday sweets are pumpkin pie and cookies.

  214. Wendy

    My grandmother’s sour cream poundcake! She is no longer with us, but I make the cake every year in her memory!

  215. Robin Thomas

    Iced sugar cookies. It’s about the whole process. And the icing. And the cookie…
    Thank you for such a wonderful give-away. Please count me in.

  216. teresa

    oh my, what a lovely giveaway!
    Chrismtas just wouldn’t be Christmas without homemade caramels…it’s a family tradition to make them.
    Happy day

  217. Alyssa Klatte

    Love your blog! My absolute favorite holiday sweet treat are my mother-in-law’s homemade bourbon balls! They are delightful & I feel so naughty when I eat them during the day!!!

  218. teresa

    Oh My, what a lovely giveaway- Homemade caramels are the best….it is tradition in our home to make them each Christmas-
    Happy Day

  219. Jennifer

    I love Martha Washington candy! It’s a yummy coconut pecan mixture dipped in chocolate! A friend made us some about 25 years ago for Christmas and they instantly became a favorite!

  220. Cris

    Homemade Chocolate Truffles and Puppy Chow, (Peanut Butter, Rice Chex, chocolate, butter, conf. sugar)

  221. Linda Vandenberg

    My absolute favorite is Russian Tea Cakes cookies or some people call them Mexican Wedding cookies. I love ’em right out of the oven with a tall glass of cold milk…Yum…always says Christmas to me! 🙂

  222. Rose

    Well, I HAVE to have Hershey Kisses…it goes back to childhood when we called them Silver Tops, in Pittsburgh. And we only got them at Christmas time!

  223. Melis in Wis.

    The peanut butter cookies with the hershey kiss (sometimes a chocolate star) in the middle. I could eat a 5 gallon bucket of those by myself! 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win!

  224. Diane

    Sounds like a suck-up, but I love Ghiradelli’s Peppermint Bark –
    look for it every year! 🙂

  225. Kelsi G.

    My favorite treat is dark chocolate Lindt truffles! So delicious!

  226. amy jupin

    i could eat my mother’s raspberry thumbprint cookies by the bucketfull.
    they are something i look forward to every december!

  227. ann

    hi heather!!! cherry cream cheese pie! i make it every year for my daughter and son and it would not be Christmas without it..the first year my son moved out into his first apartment, he called me for the recipe and tried to make it…didn’t turn out so good! since then, he has a new appreciation for their favorite holiday treat! now i make an extra for him to take home! happy holidays to you and yours!!!

  228. Shari

    My favorite Christmas treat has to be Russian Teacakes. Absolutely love them. That is the holidy season for me.

  229. christy a

    My favorite treats are when it is super cold out and I drive into that Starbucks parking lot for my warm, comforting, white chocolate mocha. Makes the holiday craziness that much better!

  230. Kathy Drumheller

    Besides your sweet treat giveaway of course, it would be our Christmas morning breakfast! Stuffed French Toast! Layers of delectible french toast mixed with cream cheese, maple sypup and a little powdered sugar sprinkled on top! Mmmm. Paired with an egg nog punch and some bacon? It’s an awaited for sweet treet for sure

  231. Brandy

    Thanks for the giveaway! Yes, this is hard to pick only one! I guess I would choose the peanut butter and chocolate buckeyes!

  232. Debbie Smith

    My absolute favorite holiday treat is hot chocolate with a hint of peppermint and a shot of Bailey’s Irish cream while sitting on the porch watching the snow fall.

  233. Kate

    Oh, it’s hard to pick just one. But my all time favorite is classic sugar cookies. Decorated cookies with a nice warm bowl of cocoa and you have a perfect evening!

  234. Kathleen Sigg

    That’s a hard one, but I’d have to say the cookies I’ve been making for over 45 years and that I only make at Christmas. In fact we’ve affectionately named them “Tipton Family Traditional Christmas Balls.” the runner up would be “Bubble Bread.” Merry Christmas!

  235. Erica

    My favorite holiday sweet are the old fashioned sugar cookies made by my husbands grandmother. She has passed on, but left me the recipe. They get very fluffy when baked….LOVE them that way. We cut them out in holiday shapes, sprinkle with sugars and bake…..they are devoured in my home….I never have enough on hand.

  236. Crystal Burns

    My favorite Holiday sweet treat is iced sugar cookies! Some of my best childhood memories are making them with my mom and sister. I keep my cookie cutters in a large glass jar on the counter during the holiday season so I can enjoy them even when I’m not using them.

  237. Sissy

    Growing up in an Italian family – my favorite was canoli.

  238. Nikki Lawrence

    My favorite holiday sweet treat has got to be shortbread! I’m sooooo thankful, (and my hips are too) that it seems to only be around during the holidays. I just can’t seem to resist it….EVER!

  239. BlairS

    My favorite Christmas treat are the cookies my kids and I make. Our favorites are the shortbread thumbprints and peanut butter fudge.

  240. Kal

    All the best peppermint candy comes out this tie of year. Chocolate peppermint is my favorite!
    What a beautiful giveaway!

  241. Sharon Osborn

    Wow! What an amazing give-away 🙂 There’s nothing more festive than a warm Welsh cake with real butter melting on it!!!

  242. Amanda S.

    My fave are cookies my Grammie used to make. For some reason they are called Six Month Cookies – basically a molasses cookie with a white frosting that hardens up. The cookies become soft and chewy from the icing. They are a lot of work and quite a challenge, but worth the work.

  243. Karen

    My absolute favorite holiday sweet treat is ….. Baking Christmas Cookies with my beautiful children and delivering them all around the neighborhood. Been doing this for 15 years! .. and counting …

  244. BlairS

    My favorite Christmas treat are the cookies my kids and I make. Our favorites are the shortbread thumbprints and peanut butter fudge.

  245. Christine Ishmael

    What holiday treat isn’t my favorite??? They are all so good but one of my favorites is the “Traditional Sugar Cookies” recipe from Better Homes & Garden cookbook with delicious homemade frosting and sprinkles…so, so good! Another favorite is Herschey’s cocoa…with whipcream! I love the holidays and this giveaway would be a dream to win!

  246. Cathy Wegner

    I love my sugar cookies! I have been making them for my Dad and my son for several years (but I manage to sneek a few). They are labor intensive but I know they are appreciated.

  247. Mandie

    Oh my, that is a very hard question to answer! I love sweets and Christmas is like a beautiful dream of sweets… I think if I had to choose, it would be my mother in laws sugar cookies. They are so yummy and made with lots of love. Blessings and Merry Christmas!

  248. Alyssa Allen

    My favorite holiday sweet treat is my uncle’s spritz sugar cookies! they’re like no other! great giveaway!

  249. Lori

    I absolutely LOVE iced and decorated sugar cookies! One year I held a cookie decorating party for my daughters and their friends. I bought dozens of plain sugar cookies from the bakery and each child was given a paper bakers hat and a dozen cookies. Then I just let the kids go crazy with icing and sprinkles! At the end of the party, I sent every girl home with a plate full of cookies to share with their family! It was amazing to see how creative they were!

  250. Kathleen

    My favorite is homemade sugar cookies with icing! I can hurt myself on those with a cup of hot tea. Mmmmmm.

  251. bess

    fabulous giveaway!!!!
    favorite christmas treat: chocolate and peanut butter buckeyes – delicious!!

  252. Cindy b

    my favorite holiday treat are kris kringle sugar cookies that my friend judy makes. They are the yummiest cut out cookies with frosting and sugar sprinkles!
    Cindy b

  253. Lori Holt

    My favorite treat would be Candy Cane Cookies!
    They’re a rich buttery sugar cookie with crushed candy canes in the frosting. I’ve had this favorite recipe for years and only make it for the holidays…I’d be happy to share the recipe if you’d like!
    Thank you for the chance to win you’re lovely giveaway:)
    Lori Holt
    Bee in my Bonnet

  254. Cami

    My own homemade English toffee….chocolate, crunchy toffee, and chopped pecans……yyyuuummmmmmm!

  255. monica denton

    I have a bunch of favs but to select one…. I’d have to say good old fashion sugar cutout cookies (with colorful frosting and sprinkles – of course)! Yum!

  256. Gloria York

    It’s hard to pin down to one thing, but I love, love molasses cookies and to drink, it’s yummy eggnog. Have a wonderful holiday season and thanks for the giveaway.

  257. LuAna Meigs-Carter

    My Moms homemade Gingerbread Cookies fresh from the oven, not only does the house smell fantastic but then we have a blast decorating them with fun colored icings and candy bits, hands down one of the best treats ever!

  258. Debbie

    My very favortie holiday sweet treat is cut-out, frosted sugar cookies. Yum, yum. Somehow, biting into those special Christmas shapes just makes them taste even better. They have always been my favorite. Thank you for the chance to win, Heather. Amazing giveaway!

  259. Megan

    The caramel corn that I bake every year with my good friend. The best part is making it though – we usually get together on a cold day right before Christmas and wear our warmest pajamas, slippers and aprons (we look ridiculous, but it is so fun!). Then we usually end up watching a Christmas movie and eating all the popcorn.
    I love those vintage ornaments – I started a small collection a few years ago and they are my favorite thing to bring out each year.

  260. Anita

    Hum,so many choices! I’d have to say Trader Joes peppermint Joes Joes. Basically an oreo cookie with peppermint filling, yum! thank you for the chance to win some great stuff!

  261. Brandy Purdy

    I love my grandmas magic bars! She makes them just for me every Christmas.

  262. Deborah

    My favorite holiday treat is an apricot pinwheel shortbread cookie. They are sooooo good that you can have them for breakfast with your tea! I try not to make a habit of it… but the couple of days after Christmas I’m always sneaking cookies for breakfast!

  263. Michelle

    Without a doubt, my fabulous rum cake that I make every year for Christmas! Would love to have Serena’s latest book!

  264. Kimberly Davis

    I make Christmas cookies every year to share with family and friends. It’s my favorite tradition and I usually make about 12 different varieties and spend at least 40 hours baking for two weeks. My favorite treat in that is the little holly cut cookies that I make with mini cookie cutters and my sweet husband helps me decorate them with green icing that hardens and a red hot at the end. They are so good with coffee as there is a touch of nutmeg in the recipe. I am already looking forward to enjoying that truly delicious Christmas treat!

  265. Jilian Morena

    My absolute favorite Holiday treat are my Moms Spritz Cookies. It’s like a buttery shortbread meets melt-in-your-mouth sugar cookie, topped with a half maraschino cherry. What makes them extra special is the cookie press my Mom uses, which use to be my Grandmas.. She makes these in excess just so I can take home two gallon size freezer bags full, and still they don’t last long enough.

  266. Heather Janssen

    I heart pumpkin drop cookies with white icing on top, and a cup of lemon-ginger tea! Mmmm…

  267. Heather

    My mom makes some AMAZING peppermint pinwheel cookies that I ONLY eat during the holidays. Not making them other times throughout the year makes them EXTRA special and a clear favorite!

  268. heather hales

    well, if it’s sweet treats, then Peppermint Bark is my favorite. However, if we’re talking savory, bacon wrapped water chestnuts!

  269. jimi

    Found your site through Serena…what a fun thing…thanks! 🙂
    As far as my favorite holiday treat…I have to say, my grandma’s snowball cookies!!

  270. Sara Smeby

    Ooo, talk about a great first visit to your blog! Fantastic! My original answer was the turtle pretzels the kids and I make for the neighbors every year, but someone submitted a recipe (!) for Christmas Trash Mix that will need a try… Can’t wait to check out some of your earlier posts! Thanks for offering up such a lovely prize!

  271. Lauren

    mmmMmmmm I love tons of sweet treats at the Holidays but if i have to choose just one i would say fudge! yummy yummy yummy 🙂

  272. Cathy

    My favorite holiday sweet treat is anything peppermint and chocolate. Just really reminds my of everything Christmas

  273. Jenn S.

    Very early in my marriage, my mother-in-law taught me how to make her family’s heirloom ‘Buckeye Balls’ recipe. It is my favorite treat to make and share. My boys have already started hinting around about it being ‘that time of year’ again! 😀

  274. Patti Z

    I have many “must-haves” during holidays but if I had to choose one it would be fudge — oh so good!

  275. Andrea

    My favorite holiday sweet treat would have to be a cherry cobbbler I make…whenever I make it for our holiday get togethers it’s gone in like 60 seconds flat. Thanks so much for the chance!

  276. Susan Burger

    My favorite holiday treat is something you can get year round, but I save it for this time of year… I love Milk chocolate covered butter toffee. YUM!!! Just talking about it makes my mouth water.

  277. Lisa

    Hi Heather,
    Since I was a very young girl, my Dad always has made his very favorite christmas treat..Almond Roca. It is TDF! All three of us “kids” wait for it EVERY year..its the perfect mix of salty and sweet, and we love it so much we argue about who gets to take the first batch..We kids are 45, 42 and 30..<3
    Merry Christmas!!!
    Coastal Nest Cottage

  278. Steph

    Christmas cookies,the kind that you cut out and decorate…best memories!

  279. Momma Gibbons

    My favorite sweet treat would be the pecan rolls from a local candy maker in our area! Every season, she sells them at the Holiday shows and I don’t ever miss a beat in buying one! I hide it and cut 1/4 inch off every day so I don’t have to feel the guilt! YUM!

  280. Barbara

    Thanks so much for offering this terrific giveaway! I guess my favorite sweet treat would be anything chocolate!!

  281. Melissa

    Chocolate-covered peanut butter balls!!! My whole family loves them!!

  282. Pat H.

    Since I was a little girl I have loved “butter pecan balls”…my mom’s receipe and also one of her favorites. If I could have only one cookie at Christmas time, this would be it! My only child (a son) also loves these…and our soon to be Christmas grandbaby (our first!) likely will be smelling the wonderful nutty baking smell in their home too!

  283. Jennifer Evans

    Hard to say just one. I bake for about 10 days (a little each night) before Christmas and each year there are tried and true recipes and then a few new ones I mix in to see if we can discover any new favorites. For years my favorite was a recipe called “Ultimate Bar Cookies” — a shortbread crust with macadamia nuts, walnuts, white chocolate, milk chocolate, and drizzled with a caramel coating so it baked up like a caramel corn crunchy top. Then, I found Ina Garten’s recipe for thumprints — a delicate sugar cookie that you roll in coconut and make a little imprint in the top for your favorite jelly (seedless raspberry, of course!) You have to be careful when they’re baking them to catch them just when the coconut starts to toast up. And I’m asking myself right now….. WHY do I only make these once a year?! And lovely giveaway!!! The vintage ornaments are FAB-U-LOUS!

  284. Amelia

    I would have to say eggnog!! I wait all year, I could make it but it would take the fun of waiting all year for it.

  285. Dru Brenner-Beck

    The homemade chocolate covered toffee with nuts that my grandmother would make and send to use whereever we were stationed around the world. Yum. or my mother’s mint brownies. or the sugar cookies from my Great Aunt Margaret’s recipe that we would decorate with sprinkles. Does it have to be one. ok, how about marbled chocolate cheesecake.

  286. joanne

    oh, i live for sugar cookies at christmas time!! it’s the only time of year i make them, and i could eat ’em all!! (but i don’t!)

  287. Robin

    My favorite holiday sweet treat would be homemade angle food cake with chocolate shavings and chocolate peppermint icing!It’s the best with a great cup of tea and great company. Angle food cake has always been a family favorite, I remember sometimes making it 3 or 4 times for 4-H fair to get the “perfect cake”! But the extra’s always seemed to disappear, attacked by my Dad and my brothers!

  288. Kimberly

    I think it’s pictured, Peppermint Bark!! Although sugar cookies with butter cream frosting are pretty yummy too!

  289. Nikki

    My favorite holiday sweet treat has always been frosted sugar cookies. When I was a little girl, my dad would use different extracts to make each color of frosting a different flavor. Red was always my favorite- cinnamon! It always tasted like eating red hots candy on a cookie. He would freeze the extra cookies to make them last longer. It never worked because frozen cookies taste just as yummy! I make these cookies still each year with my five kids.

  290. Becky Lawrence

    My favorite Holiday treat is homemade sugar cookies. A few years ago my mom had a cookie making party with just me, my daughter, son and husband and we had a blast… We frost the sugar cookies and get to taste the fruits of our labor! But most importantly we just love hanging out as a family and laughing and making memories.

  291. Aunt Nina

    As a kid, my answer would have been the Droste chocolate oranges my father bought for us at Hudson’s department store every year.
    But now that I’m an adult, my favorite treat would be my Mother’s homemade crescent rolls, fresh from the oven and topped with a liberal amount of butter; they taste like a memory. My mother has served these at every holiday for as long as I can remember and my children have grown up eating them as well; they could often be seen with one in each hand when they were young.

  292. Sindy Shepard

    My favorite treat is the peperment bark from Williams – Sonoma!
    it is the best!

  293. Gabriella

    My favorite holiday sweet treat is mint brownies! Only make them at holiday time so they are special! Thanks!

  294. Rosemary Washington

    My favorite is the square-shaped caramel from a box of See’s candies. Those gift boxes of assorted chocolates remind me of my maternal grandmother, who always gave our family a box of samplers for Christmas.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  295. Heather

    2 or maybe 3 things I cannot do without:)
    homemade “famous” fudge, homemade (very easy) toffee
    and as many white peppermint mocha’s starbucks as I can get in!
    can’t wait!!!

  296. Nichole

    I love,love,love those little tassie cookies made with walnuts instead of pecans. I don’t even make them anymore(so I don’t end up eating them all) but wait for other people to make them and then bag for a few !

  297. Jill

    My favorite holiday sweet treat is Butter Spritz Cookies. It doesn’t feel like Christmas without them!

  298. Randa

    Chocolate Toffee Bites!! Made with very unassuming ingredients…but addicting for me each holiday season 🙂
    Love your site…somehow peaceful and inspiring at the same time. Keeps me coming back for more.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  299. chickie

    I love home-made sugar cookies with frosting with a cup of coffee and at night time .Ok I anytime.I like them alot
    have a sunny day..Chickie

  300. susie

    My favorite sweet treat during the holidays is the butter cookies shaped in Christmas trees.

  301. Kathy in Tennessee

    I guess my favorite would be my aunt’s Jam cake. She always made me one every Christmas. All that homemade caramel icing. It is a hundred year old recipe. Merry Christmas!!

  302. Katy Summers

    My favorite holiday sweet is my Grandma’s Chocolate Peppermint Dessert…YUM!

  303. chickie

    I love sugar cookies with frosting. YUM…I love them with coffee and at night time and I love them anytime !!
    Have a sunny day…Chickie

  304. LillySue Waxenfelter

    OK~ Mine is totally different…
    I eat very healthy all year but for Christmas week we enjoy all the Maple Sugar Ham we can eat. YUMMMM!! My good friend, Virginia’s Grapefruit Martini’s with sugar around the rim is another anxiously awaited holiday treat.
    Happy Holidays to you and yours!

  305. Jen

    Swedish Cremes. I’m sure there’s a more “Swedish” name for them, but that’s what my grandma always called them. They’re simple, taste amazing, and remind me of home. What’s better than that?!

  306. Carrie S.

    I know it sounds over simple but my favorite sweet treat for the holidays is hot chocolate with a candy cane melting in it. Peppermint chocolate goodness!

  307. Sue

    My favorite holiday treat is Bavarian Mints (a type of mint fudge) that I made when my sons were growing up. Although it is so delicious the favorite part to me is the fact that my sons remember making it and it is still a cherished memory for them. In fact, my 35 year old son mentioned Bavarian Mints just last week.

  308. Linda Knight

    Divinity always brings back wonderful Christmas memories!

  309. Lora Rutt

    My fav sweet treat during the holidays…….. is my death by chocolate cheesecake. dripping w ganache YUM……. Happy Holidays Heather…….
    Lora Rutt

  310. Lisa @ all things * jane

    My mom has a slew of cookies that only come out at Christmas, most from the Betty Crocker Cooky Cookbook. My fave? Fudge Meltaways. They have three layers of goodness, but the bottom’s the best (IMO) so I always make it extra thick.

  311. Jenni

    Mine is Kris Kringle bars- kind of like rice krispy bars with chocolate and butterscotch chips melted on them.

  312. Renee

    I love cut out sugar cookies with frosting! Also sponge candy …it is a chocolate covered wonderful treat!

  313. Kathy

    Pure maple sugar candy! Now my grandchildren love it also so I have to ration them out carefully or they’ll be gone way too soon. It has to be pure maple.

  314. Tracy J

    My (and our family’s) favorite treat are the chocolate Andes mint cookies we make every year. The Andes mint is the frosting. Yum!!

  315. Mikal McPherson

    It’s a tie…My holidays are perfect if I can share some chocolate fudge with hazelnuts, and classic Divinity with my family!

  316. Stephanie

    What a fun giveaway! The sweet treat I look forward to most at the holidays is peppermit bark (clearly not very original, given that it seems to be everyone else’s favorite as well!) … But it just doesn’t seem appropriate at any other time of the year!

  317. Bobbi

    What a wonderful giveaway! My favorite treat has anything to do with chocolate, as long as it doesn’t have nuts in it. Chocolate chip cookies are always a winner, in my book!

  318. Dawn McVey (dawnsing)

    Oh goodness, what a generous giveaway, Heather! Thanks so much!
    My favorite sweet treat is really probably a Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks. I know it’s a drink rather than something you eat but honestly, nothing says the holidays are here like that first Peppermint Mocha of the season. I love it so!
    Thanks again. Have a fabulous day!

  319. amy

    A holiday favorite that is difficult to find – but always reminds me of Christmas morning – is old fashioned ribbon candy! The thin beautiful colors of sugar always brings a smile!
    Happy Holidays Heather!

  320. Michelle at Happy Hens Farm

    My favorite is homemade Christmas candy. I cook with recipes that several generations of women in my family have made for their families, such as buttercrunch and peanut brittle. I would sneak into the basement storeroom and nibble pieces, and I know my children do the same thing!

  321. Mary D.

    I love Mexican Wedding Cake cookies. I love the buttery shortbread-like cookie and the nuts and of course the powdered sugar….yummmm. Thanks for the chance to win such a generous give-away.

  322. Bluebell

    Hands down, my Nana’s coconut date balls that she first taught me to make when I was 9 years old. Every time I make them I remember the first time I made them in her kitchen.

  323. andrea

    The Salty Carmel Hot Coco @ Starbucks, the tea time tasies my Grandma makes,almond bark drizzeled on anything; these are few of my favorite things. 🙂

  324. Alyssabeths

    My favorite treat is a concoction we call Puppy Chow, it’s a mix of Dark and White Chocolate melted and swirled with rice chex, marshmallows, peanuts and pretzels! So easy to make, but so…. addictive!

  325. Mecque'

    My favorite sweet treat is carmelitas which are carmel chocolate bars with oats. I used to make them with my Gram every year, and this will be our first Christmas without her. I plan to still make them every year, it just brings back so many great memories!

  326. Robin

    Fantastic giveaway!
    To answer your question: My favorite Holiday sweet treat has to be Peanut Butter Balls. My mother makes them everyear – only for Christmas – the whole family looks forward to them all year long! They are just so darn tasty!

  327. joyce cecsarini

    I LOVE my mom’s homemade fudge. Nothing special. Just the recipe on the back of the marshmellow creme jar. BUT, we only have it at Christmas time and that is what makes it so special. Don’t forget the walnuts! yum!

  328. Janae Matue

    My favorite sweet treat is home made divinity. My Mother always made her great divinity during the holidays. Everytime I have divinity it reminds me of my childhood and my Mother!

  329. racheel

    Homemade popcorn balls! It is a family tradition in our home at Christmas time. We make them with red and green jello and tied with celephane and big colorful bows, then placed in a festive clear bowl:)

  330. Jessee C.

    Hmmm… that’s a hard one. I usually pick three treats to make as gifts each year and last yaer my favorite was “buckeyes”. YUM!

  331. Nicole

    Lovely giveaway! My favorite indulgence is my mom’s delicious shortbread cookies with chocolate. mmmm.

  332. Diane Stowe

    It is a toss up… Egg Nog or my Frosted Sour Cream Sugar cookies.

  333. amanda

    I don’t know if officially “holiday”, but I love a good chocolate pie during the holidays. That’s my favorite. Great giveaway!!

  334. Heather

    We always save enough huckleberrys for a yummy pie! That would be my favorite treat…sometimes you have to fight for a slice! 🙂

  335. MadHenMama

    My new favorite treat for the Christmas season is the Dainty Pralines I make from a recipe in “Lost Recipes” by Marion Cunningham. Simple. Delicious.

  336. Linda

    I use to look forward every Christmas for the package to come from my Aunt Lenore. She made the most wonderful toffee I have ever had. OH!!! It was amazing.

  337. Liz Suhr

    My favorite sweet treat is homemade caramels. My Mom makes them perfect, and I either get ice cream topping or hard candy. We still give it a try every year though!

  338. Janelle

    My favorite sweet treat has to be my mom’s sugar cookies! Although I could list MANY more!

  339. sara

    Those christmas ornaments are GORGEOUS! My favorite holiday sweet treat is these mint cookies my mom makes – they’re swirled white, red, and green dough all mint flavored. So good!

  340. Rosemary

    I would have to say my mom’s recipe for cut out cookies with frosting on top. I only make them once a year and they bring back wonderful memories!

  341. Emily Ferons

    That’s a hard one but right now I’m really craving my mom’s fudge. I love it!

  342. Michelle

    My favorite holiday sweet treat has to be a nice hot peppermint mocha! 🙂
    Love your giveaway!

  343. Shannon

    Great giveaway!
    My favorite sweet would have to be all the cookies that are baked for the holidays, I love Chocolate Chip Cookies 🙂

  344. Lady Dorothy

    Peanut Butter Bon-Bons! Inside: Peanut butter, butter, powdered sugar. Coated with chocolate. Love, love, love them!

  345. Kim G.

    My favorite holiday treat are haystacks, which are dried chow mein noodles covered in chocolate!! My great grandmother used to put plates of candies on her buffet at Christmas and I loved sneaking them all day long!!

  346. kelly

    Wow, so many comments! I love my grandma’s snowball cookies and iced sugar cookies but the one thing i couldnt do without at Christmas time is Hot chocolate with whipped cream on top, especially after being outside in the cold!

  347. Dottie

    Rich wonderful (only made ONE day a year) Christmas rolls. Lots of sauce that’s just short of caramelized soaked in while they bake. Hands down. My Christmas favorite sweet treat.

  348. Karen

    My favorite Christmas treats are chocolate fudge and Russian teacake cookies. My husband loves spritz cookies and each of my eight children have their own personal favorites. Thank you for the giveaway, and your beautiful blog. Blessings on you and yours throughout the holiday season!

  349. Carla

    My absolute favorite holiday sweet treat is my Mom’s homemade peanut butter fudge! I always help her make it. She has no recipe…she just puts in the amounts of ingredients that “feel” right. Turns out perfect every time!

  350. Carol

    It’s hard to pick an absolute favorite, but I’ll go with Peppermint Bark. Love it!

  351. Brandi George

    If I had to pick just one I would say my mother’s divinty! Brings back such wonderful childhood memories! Lovely Giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

  352. Kristin

    My favorite treat is a cookie my mom has made for me called Snowballs. They are round ball cookies with walnuts in them covered in powdered sugar. I’m sure everyone calls them something different, but I love them.

  353. angela

    I think my favorite is just the old fashioned fudge. Because my mom always made it, I’ve always made it too. It seems like part of Christmas. I use the recipe from the BHG cookbook (you know, the one that has fallen apart through the years!), and I add a big glob of peanut butter just before spreading it in the pan!!
    This is such a fun giveaway!

  354. Dyanne

    I’d have to go with the Starbucks Pumpkin Spice lattes as well ~ Puts ya in the holiday mood! Thanks for offering such lovely goodies!

  355. tammyCA

    Oh, goodness…I’m salivating over the book and vintage goodies (actually, I have the book on my Christmas wish list, but I sure would love to have it earlier). My favorite sweet treat for Christmas would have to be the Cranberry, white chocolate cookie bars I make…they are a big hit with everyone. My other favorite is from childhood…licorice allsorts and those colorful hard candy straws with chocolate filling…brings back happy memories. Thank-you for this great give-a-way!

  356. Trisha

    I know it’s Christmas when I have my first official good old fashioned candy cane!! Love them. I love the giveaway!! Thanks so much.

  357. Debe Leone

    My favorite is a good old-fashioned fudge recipe I have…the kind you cook to the soft ball stage…I don’t make it often (usually only at Christmas)because I Can Not keep my hand out of the tin!!
    Love your giveaway & just showed your Hen House to a co-worker who is building one. Not as beautiful as yours….

  358. Linda

    What an amazing giveaway! WOW! My favorite treat is my gramma’s peanut butter fudge. I don’t live near her but I continue her tradition and make it every Christmas. Its so hard to wait a whole year to make it but that’s what I do!

  359. Liza

    What a generous and heartfelt give away!! Very ironic…b-cus not only have I just started collecting putz village houses and bottlebrush trees:) But we also just got orders to a place that does not have a Starbux……so def. trying to get in my fix before the BIG MOVE to a Small Location 🙂 My fav. Holiday Treat would have to be these Almond Butter Drop Cookies w/ a Cherry in the middle. My mom made them every year while growing up, and now it’s my turn 🙂 They are just so easy and simple, but so delicious…and they just melt in your mouth!!! But I must admit my fav. “calorie free” holiday treat would most def. be Family and Traditions 🙂 Thanx again for such an amazing chance!!! Winner or not, your act of kindness is the true prize 🙂

  360. Brenda B

    What a fabulous give-away! Okay, my absolute favorite holiday sweet treat is hands down ‘Fruitcake’, especially the dark cake chock full of good fruit & nuts, and a little boozey is okay too! Yep, I’m the kind of gal who loves fruitcake as a gift, will offer to take it off the hands of those who turn their noses up at it when they get it as a gift, I don’t mind if it’s a re-gift. Christmas without fruitcake, no way. Hey do you think you could throw a fruitcake in on that give-away {big smiles}.
    Happy Thursday,

  361. marci

    my mom’s thumbprint cookies…but they have to be hers. there’s just something hers have that no-one else can duplicate.;D

  362. Suzy McQ

    Layers and layers of family and friends, mixed gently with fantastic food all topped off with a ton of PEPPERMINT BARK!

  363. Thespoena McLaughlin

    My favorite treat is my homemade Peanut Butter Brownie Bars. The recipe is published in Paper Craft Gourmet. They take some time to prepare but soooo worth it!
    My second favorite is a very quick treat, set mini pretzels out on a cookie sheet and place one Rolo chocolate caramel candy on top of each one and bake in a 275* oven just until the Rolos get warmed up, about 8 min or so. Then take them out of the oven and quickly push a whole pecan into each rolo. Extremely fast way to make Turtle style goodies.
    Happy Holidays!

  364. HeidiAnn

    My favorite holiday sweet treat is found inside of the box of See’s Candies my husband always gives me for Christmas. See’s Butterscotch Square is my ultimate absolute favorite sweet treat EVER!!
    And thank you so much for offering this chance to win such a wonderful package of sweetness!

  365. Cindy Holshouser

    What a fabulous prize. I love every single thing. My favorite holiday treat is homemade frosted sugar cookies. I love them so.
    Thanks for hosting this great giveaway!

  366. bettyann

    hmmm only one cookie, then it must be the chinese almond cookies Mom makes…


    My favourite Holiday Sweet Treat is Vintage Cookie Cutter Sugar Cookies with icing and decos like cinnamon red hots for ornaments and wreath decos. We love them even though they are a lot of work. I will also splurge on Champagne Christmas Morning with Moms homemade cheese danish, warmed in the oven! hmmm!! Can’t wait. Thanks Heather, and Serena for the giveaway. Would love to get the book, and all the goodies. It will be like Christmas excitement to win, better than the Lottery!
    Nancy Skora,
    Woodbury Street Notions and Collectibles

  368. Cindy

    I love my grandmothers snowballs. Yummy cookies. I have to make them in her honor every year.

  369. marcus

    That candy cane hanging just out of reach. You know the one. With its shiny plastic reflecting the lights on the tree, and it’s just going to be better than all of the lower down ones. Striped and sweet and perfect, especially when your mom sees you straining for it and hands it down to you with a kiss.

  370. Sarah S

    My favorite treat is my Mom’s sugar cookies that she makes once a year for Christmas!

  371. Laura

    We make of traditional German cookie called Wiesbader Brot. They are a cutout cookie that is cinnamony and yummy!!!!!

  372. Mardell Grayhek

    It is hard to decide which one is my favorite! All the holiday treats bring a smile to my lips. Chocolate is my favorite so I will say fudge. I have to say I love all Christmas cookies too…this is sooo Hard! But fun.

  373. Malinda

    My favorite Christmas treat is a very particular type of “cheeseball” that I make only at Christmas and give to all my favorite people at school–secretaries, associates, custodians, etc. It is supposed to be a “cheeseball” but I always give it as a spread in a cute Christmas bowl or container.

  374. Mandi

    My favorite holiday sweet treat? That’s hard. I have a few for different reasons. Spice Thumbprint cookies filled with Apple Jelly, because my mom makes them every year and it’s just not Christmas without them. Sugar Cookies, because they are my kid’s favorites. Fudge and Date Balls because they are my hubbies favorite.
    But, my new current favorite? A gooey warm Gingerbread Cake. Topped with lots of whipped cream. I sneak and eat it with tea at night after everyone else is tucked in bed. Just me, my cake and the Christmas lights. It’s grown-up Christmas heaven. 🙂

  375. Nicole

    Hot chocolate with peppermint sticks! Yummy AND cozy to boot!

  376. Malinda

    Now that I’m reading the question more carefully, my favorite Sweet treat would be chocolate covered peanutbutter balls. Taste like a Receeses PB cup but better. Yum!

  377. meghan

    my favorite holiday sweet treat is an eggnog latte. full throttle. no skimping on the fat or sugar.

  378. mj azevedo

    My favorite is maple sugar, especially in the form of toy soldiers and / or maple leaves. Used to find these in my Christmas stocking as a child back in New England. Loved, loved, loved to have this on toast with hot chocolate. Such a treat is very hard to find now that I live in California which makes both the maple sugar (when I can find it) and the memory even more special.

  379. Sandy B

    My mother used to make Peanut Butter Fudge at Christmas when we were little and it was to die for….fortunately my hubby now makes it. Sure brings back Christmas memories when you bite into that first piece. Makes my mouth water just thinking about it. Have a blessed Thanksgiving, Sandy

  380. robin

    My favorite holiday sweet treat is Pecan pie without a doubt! Love it!
    Love the Farm Chicks and would love to win the book! The ornaments are awesome! thanks for the chance!

  381. Cindy Morris

    My favorite holiday sweet treat has to be Bon Bon Cookies. They are a traditional cookie for our family and we make them every year with whomever is living nearby. I have to add that all the goodies in your giveaway look fabulous!
    Have a wonderful Christmas full of many blessings,

  382. Lori Lynn

    Wonderful giveaway!! My favorite holiday treat…hmmm…not much of a sweet eater, but I would have to say that I DO love homemade nut brittle, esp. cashew.
    ¸.*´¸.**´¨) ¸.**´¨)
    (¸.*´ (¸.*´* LORI LYNN *

  383. nataliehansen

    Instead of a Birthday Cake for my Christmas Birthday, I love the New Orleans Bread pudding with hard sauce that my Mom makes for me! Warm, gooey, yummy goodness!!
    Xoxo Natalie

  384. Marlene

    After giving it a little consideration I have to say APPLE PIE! Hands down is a winner but the crust has to be very flaky to be considered. I love Christmas and the smell of apple pie in the oven makes me very happy indeed!

  385. jodi

    my favorite…is probably Peanut Butter Balls (although when my mom was alive she always called them “turdballs”…) – super giveaway!

  386. Kirsten Leigh

    My favorite sweet treat during the holidays is a pecan coffee cake that tastes like pralines, made with lots of butter and brown sugar. We we call it “Chewy Noel”.

  387. Linda Cates

    My favorite holiday treat is my mother-in-laws homeade divinity candy. Yummy! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  388. Sandy

    I actually LOVE Ghirardelli Peppermint Bark–it is my favorite, and I usually stock up on it during the holiday season to last into the first few months of the year!

  389. Tonia

    It would have to be the clove flavored rock candy that my mom makes. So many good memories of eating it with my grandpa.


    Divinity. Hands down. It’s name speaks to me, because it is divine to let it melt on your tongue and release it’s creamy heavenly goodness onto my tastebuds…and now I’m craving it! (At 8 mos preggo, we might have a problem!)

  391. Kathy Kupferschmid

    What a generous giveaway…I love your blog so much and receive so much inspiration from it!! My sweet treat is a little bit different but something I look forward to all year. On my husband’s side my mom-in-law makes this slushy banana, pineapple, banana drink every Christmas. It a family tradition and we only have it on Christmas Day! You can mix a little liquor in it or ginger ale!! I love traditions and this is one of my favorites!!
    Thanks so much!

  392. Kendra

    My favorite holiday sweet treat is a little cookie I grew up with called “butternut ball cookies”. They are a round little cookie the shape of a snowball mainly made of lots of delicious butter, some flour, powdered sugar, pecans or walnuts. When they come out of the oven they are then gererously rolled in powdered sugar. They taste like little snowballs of heaven! I know get to make them for my three little boys and see their joy as they experience that wonderful little cookie I so loved as a child.

  393. Crystal

    After reading some of the comments I am a) getting some major cravings and b) wondering if you could post some of your readers recipes.
    Hello eggnog chocolate cheesecake bars, where have you been all my life?
    Also, I noticed there are some sugary substances I have never heard of before and I am intrigued by these mystery treats.
    I have to say when it comes to a good treat I am an equal opportunity consumer. With that in mind, I do enjoy a nice cup of eggnog during the holidays.

  394. frivolitea

    My favorite holiday sweet treat is eggnog. I have had home-made eggnog and also, of course, store bought. I love both.

  395. Vanessa Sanchez

    My favorite holiday (or anytime of the year, really!) treat is Pumpkin Pie. Add a Pumpkin Spice Latte to the mix, and I’m in heaven!

  396. Alisa

    My favorite Holiday Sweet Treat are “Snowball Cookies” aka “Mexican Wedding Cookies” aka “Russian Tea Cookies”. I never know what to call them…but they are my absolute favorite!!!!!

  397. Traci Severson

    my favorite sweet treat is iced sugar cookies…..heavenly!

  398. Crystal F.

    Forgotten Cookies…..meringue cookies with chocolate chips & pecans. Delicious! And we only make them for Christmas!

  399. Tricia

    Snowball cookies!! I even had a very sweet cousin who made them for my wedding reception. Definitely not just for Christmas!!

  400. Angie

    I love soft peanut brittle. I’ve only ever found it when I lived in Spokane. The very best treat for the Holidays!

  401. Casie Bush

    What a fun giveaway!!! My favorite sweet treat is homemade peppermint patties.

  402. Bethany

    I love all the Christmas treats, especially making them, but my all-time favorite is my dad’s recipe for sugar cookies. They are puffy and soft and topped with lots of cream cheese frosting. I love decorating them with red or green sugar or nonpareils.

  403. Becky J

    My favorite sweet treat would be a decadent “turtle cookie” a gal from our church made years ago…she starts with a delicious homemade butter cookie topped with homemade caramel and completed with a pan toasted pecan….heavenly…perfect with a crispy cold glass of milk! Take a couple of these and snuggle under a quilt near your lit Christmas tree with the lights down low and you will experience some peace on earth 🙂

  404. Jody Gregory

    I would say one of my favorite treats would be sugar cookies with icing or the boy scout’s popcorn that is covered in caramel, white chocolate and such! YUMMY!

  405. Satu

    My absolute favorite is gingerbread cookies, made the old fashioned way with sugar beet syrup.

  406. Lorie Yoder

    Probably my absolute favorite is my grandma’s chocolate buckeyes. NO ONE can replicate, and make them taste as good as hers. I’m sure there is plenty of love in the mixing!

  407. Diana Thompson

    My favorite Christmas treat are the cinnamon rolls that I make every year for Christmas morning!!

  408. lisa ward

    Every year I look forward to making all of our favorite holiday treats. Spiced walnuts and chocolate truffles are definitely at the top of the list!

  409. Renee May

    My absolute favorite has to be our homemade hot chocolate. I make it by melting dark chocolate and wisking it into warm milk. Then I make super thick chocolate vanilla whipped cream….I fill cups 2/3 full with the hot chocolate and 1/3 whipped cream and oooohhhh my family loves it! Thanks so much for a lovely giveaway!

  410. Annie

    Hmmm. What a difficult question! If I HAD to choose, I would go with my mom’s fudge. Simple and perfect. As a newlywed, this will be my first Christmas away from family. Therefore, I will be attempting the fudge by myself (with my loving hubbie). With my mom’s detailed instructions I am pretty sure I will be able to re-create the deliciousness, but somehow I know a little something will be missing without my mom there.

  411. Elisabeth

    I love all the things that you are giving away. So cute and sweet! I love a good Starbucks Peppermint Mocha at Christmas time. Yum!

  412. Lauralee

    Mine is the peppermint fudge that I make. I totally forgot about it this year. I need to go get some ingredients and make some! 🙂
    P.S. This is definitely DEFINITELY the best giveaway I have seen 😉

  413. christine wanke

    Brownie Trifle!!! I only make it once a year for Christmas Eve!!! so…yummy

  414. Wanda Contreras

    Your giveaway is so beautiful!!! My favorite sweet treat, well is a drink similar to eggnog but is called “coquito”. It is from Puerto Rico and we only make it during Christmas time, It is better than eating a cookie or a piece of chocolate because it has RUM!!!
    best regards,

  415. Jennifer

    My favorite treat is actually my mother’s Christmas punch! It is oh-so-tasty and filled with sugar galore! I also like me some good ‘ole chocolate fudge. 🙂

  416. Heidi Woodruff

    What a sweet giveaway! I bought Serena’s book at her “virtual” book signing party, and adore every page! However, I do have 5 sisters and if I win the book I will select one of them to recieve it as a gift! PLUS all the other goodies????? Put my name in please!
    Hugs, Heidi Woodruff (Giveaway at my blog, too!!!!)

  417. Linda Rubin

    What a lovely giveaway. My favorite holiday treat would be anything with chocolate in it but I really, really, love fudge and divinity. One of my girlfriends and I get together every year and decorate cut out sugar cookies that we have already baked at home. It is a time saver. We really have fun doing this and gives us a chance to bond.
    Happy Holidays

  418. Maureen

    My family is from Ireland, so at Christmas, we have a once-a-year treat called Trifle. It’s a layered dessert – custard, sponge cake, sherry, cream, etc. and it’s my favorite holiday sweet! We only have it at Christmas, which makes it all the more special. Thanks for the giveaway! Love your blog!

  419. KAW Said the Krow Studio

    My favorite holiday sweet treat is Buckeyes. A peanut butter mix dipped in chocolate. Yummmmmaaaaa

  420. Vicki

    My favorite holiday treat is….oh man…this is HARD. Cookies. All kinds. Any kind. Homemade would be the best of course. Thanks for the super sweet treats!

  421. Shannon

    Hi Heather 🙂 I love all things yummy during this wonderful holiday season! My most favorite would have to be the chocolate chip cookies that my daughter makes. She is 14 and loves to bake 🙂 This year on our budget we will be doing a lot of baking and giving as gifts!! Thank you for the giveaway, so fun! Fingers crossed lol

  422. Lynn

    My favorite treat is Christmas Cookies–cutouts with frosting and Spritz–I could eat them by the handful! Especially with a cup of Christmas flavored coffee—Mmmmm!

  423. Jennifer

    Homemade Eisenhower fudge. When I moved away from home, my grandmother would send a huge tin of it to me every year for Christmas.

  424. kati

    white chocolate hot chocolate! I just love to sip that and sit in the dark enjoying the lights on the tree!

  425. Katie

    I could not get through the holidays without almond bark. I love the vanilla flavor on pretzels and the chocolate flavor over Ritz crackers and peanut butter. Yummmm!

  426. Susan

    What is better than homemade hot cocoa and candy cane marshmallows. Nothing.

  427. Kelli Elliott

    My favorite is Pumpkin butter Gooey Cake by Paula Deen. I make it at least twice around Thanksgiving and once more by Christmas! 🙂

  428. Piroska

    What a fabulous giveaway!
    My favourite Christmas treat (as boring as it sounds)…is shortbread!

  429. mona

    My absolute favorite sweet Christmas treat is Rum reminds me of my mama and I started making them a few years ago…. they have been a definite hit around here….I only make them at Christmas….they are sooooo good…

  430. Nikki Q

    Chocolate Mint Frangos! Does anyone still remember these or am I dating myself….

  431. Ferriss

    My favorite thing I make every Christmas Eve is a nest of meringue using Julia Child’s recipe. I then add peppermint stick ice cream inside, then home made hot fudge (made with lots of butter and cream) and top it all off with home made angel hair spun sugar (also Julia’s recipe). I make the hot fudge weeks earlier, the nests days earlier and the spun sugar the week before. I just buy the ice cream. It is such a treat for all the children and grown ups alike. After every guest leaves I sit down and eat another serving by the tree and watch Its A Wonderful Life!!! PS I hope I win, I love those glass balls.

  432. gabrielle messina

    Oh, I have to say, drinking chocolate is my favorite! Aztec drinking chocolate or French! Love them both!
    What a wonderful giveaway!!!

  433. BriarRose101

    Great-grandma’s Dutch almond sugar cookies. 😉 Hands down.
    Now that my girls are on a gluten-free diet, I have to try to convert the recipe!

  434. Sara

    Without a doubt my homemade gingerbread men with royal icing. It’s not Christmas without them!

  435. Jennifer

    This is a tricky question for me, because the holiday season is the one time of year I truly let myself indulge in all of the sweets I love! I adore peppermint bark and hot cocoa for chilly walks outside…Russian tea cakes my mother makes…sugar cookies decorated by me and my children…ANYTHING with pumpkin…and those Voortman “Festive” cookies (the green wreaths with sprinkles)—just bought my first box today! You all have made me hungry 🙂

  436. Curtains In My Tree

    What a generous give a way. Of course we are all here with open arms waiting for the drawing, with our mouths wide open like little birds.
    Hoping I will win

  437. windy

    my favorite treat is my mom’s homemade sugar cookies that have been hand decorated with icing

  438. Cathie

    My very favorite treat is the caramel popcorn that we’ve made since my kids were little. The house smells like Christmas as soon as we start making it 😉

  439. Kiley Smith

    My Favorite Holiday Sweet Treat would have to be the Oreo Balls that I make every year…though this year I might be holding off since I have gestational diabetes…boo hoo!

  440. Debbie McReynolds

    I love your Blog and your give-aways. My favorite sweet treat other than the sound of my family laughing on Christmas Eve at my home are what we call “Moon Cookies”. They are the pecan crescent butter cookies that we roll and form into a moon shape, bake and then roll in powdered sugar. When you bite into them, the powdered sugar goes all over your face!
    Happy Holiday to All.

  441. Jess

    Christmas Window Sugar Cookies of course! My parents were very young when raising my brother and I. So at Christmas time the few pennies they had paid for Lifesavers and sugar cookie ingredients. To kids everything is wonderful and amazing especially when cooked lifesavers magically turn into colored glass in the center of the cookie! We would string wrapping ribbon through the cookie and hang them on the tree as the main Christmas ornament in place of expensive christmas ornaments. By Christmas Day the lower branches hung bare thanks to Betsy our yellow lab, Wes and me but the smiles that hung on our faces were bright and cheery! Now I’m a grown-up kid starting my own home and family with only pennies to my name but those pennies will pay for Lifesavers and sugar cookie ingredients so my family can wear cheery smiles with bare lower branches!

  442. Whit

    Wow! What a generous giveway! Thanks to you both for such wonderfully cheerful goodies to vie for.
    I have 2 favourite Christmas treats: my grandpa’s recipe for thumbprint cookie, because i love the way my daughter thinks she’s getting away with something when she licks the jelly off her fingers after scraping it into the indentions, and the prunilla cake that my great-grandmother used to make…my mom makes them only around Christmastime.
    Good luck, everyone, but most importantly, may you have a blessed holiday season!

  443. barbara

    What a generous giveaway! Mmmm, any kind of cookie is probably kind of a broad answer, but nothing says Christmas like spritz.


    My favorite Christmas treat is the peanutbutter ball dipped in chocolate! It is also our family favorite and I make them every year.

  445. Betty Barrett

    Jam cutouts…we use two cookie cutters…one with a star in the center and one plain circle…using a really wonderful old shortbread cookie recipe…we cut out the plain circle and the star centered circles…spread a red jam or green mint jelly on the whole circle, cover with the star cutout circle and bake…they are really pretty and taste AMAZING! Sometimes we dust them with confection sugar to dress them up for sharing.
    Thank you for this generous giveaway..(I want to win of course!) good luck to everyone.

  446. Jane T in NW Louisiana

    My favorite dessert is Buddy’s German Chocolate Icebox Pie. It makes two and I always try to hide one to take home. 🙂

  447. Amy

    Oh so many Christmas treats…so little time to enjoy them all!! My absolute Christmas treat has got to be homemade coconut macaroons. I am such a foodie but I will surpass other treats for those little pieces of heaven. Boy, a coconut macaroon, vintage Christmas decorations AND Serena’s newest book…NOW THAT WOULD BE HEAVEN and would make the most perfect Christmas treat for me. What a great giveaway, thanks Heather!

  448. shelleyandmike

    My favorite holiday sweet treat has to be GIANT Molasses Cookies~ i just bought the ingredients for our first batch of the season yesterday as luck would have it. I use a 1/4 scoop to make them just the right size and sprinkle them with sugar crystals to make them extra sweet!

  449. S

    My favorite treat is frosted sugar cookies. I have a recipe from years and years ago that make the best soft sugar cookie. Add frosting, and you’ve got a winner!

  450. kade

    If I have to pick just one…I would have to say my Mom’s carrot cake.

  451. shirley

    Homemade fudge with walnuts. Seriously can only keep a small amount in my house. 🙂

  452. Karen P

    My favorite treat is my Grandmothers date rice krispy balls.

  453. Kate Taylor

    Wow, hard to choose as so many wonderful treats at the holidays. But my favorite is EggNog. No work and all the yummyness. Mostly without the liquor in it! Im a lightweight!

  454. Shanna Phillips

    My favorite treat would have to be cutout cookies…any kind and watching my 3 sweet babies frost them!

  455. maureen s

    My favorite holiday sweet treat without a doubt is crown roll. I’ve also heard it called monkey bread. It’s my grandmother’s recipe. My mother would make it every Thankgiving and Christmas morning. It was super yummy. But even better than the taste, were the memories that came with it…spent with family.

  456. Anita Roth

    My favorite sweet at christmas time is fudge especailly with nuts. I have a awesome recipte that my sister-in-law uses. It is so good and easy!!!

  457. Jacqueline

    It’s difficult to choose just one treat, but after some contemplation I would have to say I love my grandmother’s recipe of Sugar Gems. Thin and crispy, buttery sugar cookies that melt in your mouth. YUM!

  458. Pam E.

    One of my favorite sweets during the holidays is white chocolate popcorn.

  459. Heather

    My favorite holiday sweet treats are my homemade Florentines. Ensconced in melted dark chocolate, the oat, almond and apricot cookie is a dreamworld of ingredients that I only make at Christmas; therefore, they are a much awaited treat!

  460. Kara

    My absolute FAV-OR-ITE Christmas treat is Cherry Cordials. YUM! When I was a kid my mom always had them and would share just one on Christmas Eve. I always looked forward to that. Now, I buy them for her on Christmas Eve and we share a few from the box :o)

  461. Tammy

    My favorite sweet holiday treat is a bar cookie that my Mom made during Christmas time. And she grew up with her Aunt and Grandma making them. They are named Hood River cookies and are made with crushed graham cracker, coconut, butter and marshmallow. They sit in the fridge for 24hrs and are so divine. I now make them for my family.

  462. Judy Malette

    My favorite holiday treat is the peanut butter cookie with the hershey chocolate kiss on top. So good!! Thank you.

  463. Holly R.

    My favorite treat of Christmases past and present is the frosted sugar cookies my mom and I bake. The recipe is from a time-stained, falling apart cookbook which belonged to my grandmother. When I was a kid, Mom and I would roll out the dough and cut it into festive shapes. After the cookies were baked, we would decorate them with bright sprinkles and leave them for Santa along with a tall glass of milk. Now that I’m grown, this is still a holiday tradition for us and I look forward to that treasured time with my mom every year.

  464. Kathy Miller

    Hmmm…my favorite Holiday sweet is without a doubt, my Mom’s sand tarts. Rolled oh so thin, you can almost see through this delicious cookie. Lot’s of Mom’s love goes into these cookies! Just thinking about them is making my mouth water. Hurry Christmas!

  465. Bianca

    My favorite Holiday/Christmas treat are mice cookies. Generations of my family make these tiny figural butter cookies shaped like tinsy mice with almond ears and curly tails. They are so charming and we have such fun with our spiked eggnog and mulled cider. It is my favorite Holiday treat, tradition, and memory. Wonderful giveaway!

  466. Beth Rawling

    i love to visit your blog! Thanks for having such a delightful giveaway. My favprite holiday treat is pumpkin cake with cream cheese icing 🙂 My contact info is bwrawling at


    That’s easy, here in Michigan it’s CF Burger’s eggnog. Sweet, Thick, Creamy, just a touch of Nutmeg. Mmmmmm… Oh, and, there’s only 190 calories in a 4oz serving! But who’s counting anyway? 😉

  468. Cyd

    My favorite Christmas treat is candy canes. 🙂 One bite and they take me right back to my childhood! Second choice is hot chocolate (with a candy cane for a stirrer!).

  469. Angie

    I love love Love pink divinity !! (without nuts please) My grandma always made it for us. oh…memories!

  470. Bridgetandlucy

    My sister makes the most AMAZING sea salt toffee – it’s the best. thing. ever. What an awesome Holiday giveaway!!! I’m totally in the mood! Thanks for the chance!

  471. Rachel in Peoria

    I make an awesome pumpkin-orange cookie that’s my family’s favorite.

  472. Emily Castagnetta

    My favorite treat is Peanut Butter Fudge my mom always made during the holidays. It always makes me feel like I’m at home!

  473. Terry

    I would have to say Mexican Hot Chocolate and home made mexican cookies called biscochos or biscochitos. We have a recipe that has been in the family for years and make dozens of them every year!! It’s a great family tradition.

  474. Theo

    My mom makes a delicious baklava for the holidays. Although I normally don’t eat it on a regular basis during the holidays I enjoy a few big pieces! 🙂

  475. Bonnie Schulte

    Years ago, when I was growing up, my Mom always made a cherry and nut cake for Christmas. When she died 10 years ago, I searched for that recipe, but was unable to find it. Last year, when looking once again, through her old recipe box, a hand written recipe on the back of a glossy tablet cover, fell from the box.
    Well, as you probably guessed, it was “The” recipe, which I baked for Christmas last year, the first time we had the cake since my Mom died.
    This is my favorite sweet treat, and will be forever. It is delicious and brings back fond memories of my Mother, and Christmas’s gone by.
    Thank you for a chance to win your Christmas Spirit Giveaway.

  476. Sarah Beth

    Oh my, so many to choose from!!!I think that my favorite holiday sweet treat would be the sugar cookies cut out in all the fun shapes of Christmas trees, reindeer, wreaths, etc. Mostly I love that they are covered in sugar or icing or best of all both!

  477. Rachel

    My Grand mother used to make this cake we call “Chocolate Cake with Butter Icing,” but let me tell you… it’s not what you think! The icing is this fudgey,, yummy vanilla heaven! Luckily she has passed the secret on to me and my Mom but we’re the only ones who know how to make it! We’re so lucky.

  478. Kristy

    My most favorite Christmas treat is my mom’s club cracker bars. I remember them from way back when I was just a tot. They are club crackers layered with caramel, chocolate and nuts! So delicious and I can’t wait to have them this year. Thanks for the fun contest!

  479. Pam

    Most delicious are my pumpkin muffins with maple flavored cream cheese filling and a little cappucino to go with it! Yummie!

  480. Carla Clark

    I would have to say Chocolate Cream Pie. Yum. And ofcourse I enjoy the decorated sugar cookies my kids make every year.

  481. Linda

    Oh, the holidays usher in such wonderful smells from the kitchen and sweet treats a plenty!! My favorite is the english toffee my older sister makes each year, it is always perfect, I don’t even try to make it but I looooove that she does!!!

  482. Courtney Henson

    For as long as I can remember we have made pizelles at Christmas. My Mom always made a huge batch in the biggest plastic bowl I have ever seen. Little balls would be made and stored in the fridge. The pizelle iron would heat up on the stove and the first few would never turn out. And they are the type of cookie that gets better with a little age!


    My favorite sweet treat is homemade fudge that my great aunt made. When I was a child the first time I ate a piece I said “I have never tasted anything so sweet “Still to this day it brings me back to that moment.


    My mother’s pralines and my German aunt’s stollen. They long ago passed their recipes down to the next generation but their cooking is still the best.

  485. Angela P

    I like cranberry pudding. It’s different but delicious

  486. Connie

    Sand tarts! Simple, plain, old family recipe for little buttery, crispy cookies. If I make nothing else, I will always make sand tarts.

  487. Cindy

    Absolute favorite holiday sweet treat? Hands down, anything chocolate. Love the Farm Chicks stuff. Thanks for this giveaway.

  488. Amy

    I actually have 2 favorite holiday sweet treats! The first being my father’s batch of mint brownies made from scratch. They melt in my mouth and are divine! The second would be the carmel apple ciders topped with whipped cream that my hubby and I sip on while curling up on the sofa!

  489. Karon Nichols

    My favorite holiday treat are Finger Frets. A German cressant cookie rolled in chopped walnuts, sugar and cinnamon. Got this recipe from a dear friends mother who was born and raised in Germany.

  490. Holly

    We love iced sugar cookies at our house! They used to be beautiful (before children). Now we embrace the process of decorating with kids, rather than the product – and they all taste just as yummy anyway!

  491. Jayne

    My very favorite are butter spritz cookies. I have several cookie guns, and can’t wait to get baking. My second favorite is homemade fudge, my family has been bugging me for fudge since September, so I better get busy!

  492. Tami C.

    My grandmother used to make fudge and iced sugar cookies every Christmas – they are both my favorite sweet treat this time of year.

  493. Kristen

    I love Swiss Colony chocolates. My mother in law picks them out at Christmas and sends them to us. When I think of Christmas I think of them. Now I want one :).

  494. Ronita

    My favorite holiday sweet treat are New Orleans pecan parlines!!! They are sweet and creamy and make the best stocking stuffers!!!

  495. Staci A

    Pecan pie is definitely my favorite holiday treat! Though I made white chocolate chip fudge this week and have been devouring it all day!

  496. Candy Hoaglund

    My favorite sweet holiday treat is homemade popcorn balls. I have great memories growing up making them. My Dad would always pop all the popcorn in his old stove popcorn pan. My Mom would always make the sticky syrup and then my brothers & I would form the popcorn balls. We would laugh and giggle during the whole time and try not to burn our hands. If anybody was visiting we would get them involved too.

  497. BailiwickDesigns

    Peppermint Bark is my all-time favorite Christmas treat. Love the giveaway items – thanks for the opportunity to throw my name in the hat! ::Jill

  498. Tricia B.

    Wow, so tough to pick just one but must say it is Buckeye’s (peanut butter balls dipped in chocolate). You can’t go wrong with PB & chocolate!

  499. elyse

    oh my, heather, it’s like you have peeked at my letter to santa! what a generous and amazing giveaway.
    what is your absolute favorite holiday sweet treat?
    i have always loved the cheap holiday sugar cookies that come in a bucket!

  500. Fawnice Davis

    It’s so hard to pick just one!! I think my all time favorite is vanilla cupcakes with crushed candy canes mixed into the frosting and piped on top with a small candy cane garnish. Mmmmm now I feel like making cupcakes!! Thank you Heather!

  501. maggie

    My Favorite is Pumpkin gooey butter up…cake balls! Those are a new fav.

  502. Ricki Slone

    Cranberry oatmeal cookies drizzled with chocolate!!!!

  503. michelleholman

    my favorite treat is any cookie. I love doing cookie exchanges with my friends and family.

  504. lori kraft

    plain and simple almond bark…or is it fudge. no i think almond bark, but there is nothing like fudge. Do you really have to pick just one??? ok fud…. not almond bark

  505. lori kraft

    plain and simple almond bark…or is it fudge. no i think almond bark, but there is nothing like fudge. Do you really have to pick just one??? ok fud…. not almond bark

  506. lori kraft

    plain and simple almond bark…or is it fudge. no i think almond bark, but there is nothing like fudge. Do you really have to pick just one??? ok fud…. not almond bark

  507. Gayle

    Bread pudding with rum sauce and fresh whipped cream! You can only risk it once a year!

  508. Marcia

    What a wonderful giveaway! I like so many of the foods of the holidays, but the ones that come to mind are pumpkin pie, and chocolate covered peanut butter balls. Yum! I love homemade peppermint bark too 🙂

  509. Whittney Graham

    My absolute favorite holiday treat is these sour cream sugar cookies with a clear little drizzle of glaze on top with sprinkles. My family and I always have a couple days before Christmas when we decorate these sugar cookies. One year I decorated some that were in the shape of a Christmas stocking and put my cousins names in sprinkles on each one. It took forever to finish but they always turn out SO good!!!! We make up platters with our Christmas treats for family members and friends and these sugar cookies are always the first to go! =)

  510. Nancy W

    My favorite holiday treat has to be fudge. I never have it any other time of the year. I have great memories of sneaking fudge out of the kitchen when my mother wasn’t looking! Thanks for such a nice giveaway!

  511. kathy

    I love powdered sugar frosted butterballs. they melt in your mouth and look so cute.

  512. chris

    Butter cream frosted sugar cookies… the Martha Stewart sugar cookie recipe! I could eat every one of them.

  513. Mott

    I think my absolute favorite would be Date Nut Balls. There’s just something about the crunchy, coconut-y bite that keeps me coming back for more! Thanks for getting me in the mood for food! LOL

  514. Tiffany Warbington

    My favorite holiday treat is chocolate cobbler…it has a chocolate crust on top and chocolate pudding mixture on bottom–yummy!! The first time I had this dessert was at Barbara Jean’s on St. Simons Island. Now that I have the recipe it is dangerous! Love all of the items in the giveaway-thanks!!

  515. Marian

    My favorite Christmas Sweet Treat is Plum Pudding with Whipped Cream. I only make it for Christmas but it is really delicious.

  516. Tricia

    Decisions, decisions, it is sooo hard to choose, but I’m going to go with peanut butter blossoms…chocolate and peanut butter, how can one go wrong? I just love Christmas cookies.

  517. suenndy

    I’m a Kentucky Girl my favorite is my Mom’s Apple Stack Cake.

  518. Kate

    My favorite holiday sweet treat is “Payday Bars” – a homemade take with cookie, marshmallow, and buttery peanuts! Yum!

  519. jerri Wood

    My favorite is called a press cake. My grandmother made them only @ Christmas. Add me to the drawing and for you the recipe.
    2 cups graham cracker crumbs
    1/2 cup mini marshmellows
    1/2 ( pecans)nuts, rasins, coconut
    Pour a can of Eagle Brand milk over it and mix.
    Place in a loaf pan and press.
    Grandmother always used a brick wrapped in foil to weight
    the cake down. put in fridge to set.Yum

  520. Dianne Berst

    What a spectacular giveaway!!! Believe it or not, my favorite treat really is Ghiradelli Chocolate Peppermint Bark. I even search the stores after Christmas for the bars at 50% off and put them away to savor over the months ahead.

  521. Angie

    Ooh! What a great giveaway! My absolute favorite it peanut brittle! Mom made it once a year at Christmas…………..sweet memories abound when I smell it! Homemade eggnog is a close second!

  522. Stacey Johnson

    Fudge with marshmellow topping…I’ve already made 2 batches and it’s not even Thanksgiving!

  523. Krista B.

    My grandma’s Santa Claus cookies, made with the Aunt Chick cookie cutter, are my family’s favorites, but nope, not me, I love her plain chocolate fudge, it’s perfect.

  524. Amy C

    My favorite holiday treat is the homemade shortbread and homemade fudge that my mom and Nana used to make every year at Christmas time. It never truly feels like the holidays unless I have some!

  525. Carol

    My favorite treat is my sister’s pecan pie! She makes the best in the world!

  526. Natasha

    I’m not if I can enter this since I live in Australia? If I was to enter I would have to say my favourite treat would have to be sugar cookies and hot apple cider. Yum!
    Best wishes,

  527. Sharon

    My favorite treat is peppermint bark but I can be bribed by other chocolate treats to change my mind 🙂 What a fun giveaway – thank you for offering it to us.

  528. Lou Ann

    My absolute favorite has to be pecan praline candy. Or maybe it’s my late granmom’s turtles or her myriad of scrumptious cookies. Will definitely be missing her this year.
    thanks for hosting!
    louann dot rudd at gmail dot com

  529. BobbiLynn Miller

    This is so much fun !! I love a venti nofat, 2pump peppermint,2pump white chocolate mocha from Starbucks, and a warm piece of homemade strawberry bread. And of course it tastes even better after traipsing through the woods to find just the right Christmas tree !!

  530. thepricklypinecone

    My favorite Christmas time sweet snack is brandy snaps filled with a lemon mousse. Yum!

  531. Hollie Eastman

    Hmmm…love the salted carmel hot chocolate at Starbucks…third year going!! And molasses cookies…now I’m hungry!!

  532. Rebecca Miller

    My favorite Christmas treat… hmm… I love all of the Christmas goodies that we make this time of year, but probably the one that stands out the most to me, is when my family has our hot chocolate parties! Several times a season, we will all get our fuzzy jammies on and drink hot chocolate (with lots of marshmellows!!) out of snowman mugs by a nice crackeling fire!! Then my mom brings out our favorite Christmas stories and reads them to us!! It is such a wonderful time that we look forward to every year! =) Wonderful memories with a wonderful family!!

  533. Andrea Fletcher

    Without even a fleeting second thought, it is my mother’s English Toffee, a recipe given to her by Mrs. Frances Hilton, the housekeeper for Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, of Reynolds Tobacco fame. Mrs. Hilton lived in a beautiful little maid’s house on the Reynolds’ property in Long Beach, California, and was in charge of all the servants of the estate. A quite, gentle and talented woman, I knew her from church during the 50’s and beyond until she died. I make this English Toffee every Christmas and eat far too much. I’m going to have to try your famous Peppermint Bark!

  534. Trish

    It’s a toss up between my homemade fudge, an old family recipe or the sugar cookies my daughter makes each Christmas. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! I am enjoying my copy of Holiday with Matthew Mead, btw!

  535. Karen

    Hmm…I plan ahead to gain a few pounds over Christmas by eating every sweet thing that passes before me! The sweets that means the most to me, though, are my mom’s Ginger Cookies, rolled in colored sugar and baked until they just crackle on top. These cookies melt on the tongue and smell heavenly.

  536. Ardele Obrist

    My favorite sweet treat would be one of everything mentioned in the comments before me and Pumpkin Pie!! It’s just Thanksgiving or Christmas without Pumpkin Pie..

  537. All That Jazz Vintage

    Oh what a darling giveaway! I guess, if this qualifies as a sweet treat (kinda?) it would be eggnog, and eggnog lattes! I’m addicted!! 😉

  538. Cherie Thomas-Wood

    Eggnog for sure! We usually do an English Prime Rib Dinner w/ Yorkshire Pudding to die for 🙂

  539. ~Andrea~

    Beautiful giveaway! My favourite treat is hazelnut crescent cookies dipped in chocolate and more! crushed hazelnuts!

  540. Sandi ~ A Cottage Muse

    My favorite treat is making strawberry, raisin and walnut filled cookies that was my Mom’s recipe. Only made at Christmas!
    I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed!

  541. Karin

    What a lovely giveaway! My favorite holiday sweet treat is mincemeat-filled sugar cookies. I know, they don’t sound very tasty but, trust me, they are! I have loved them ever since my father brought home that first box from Jordan Marsh in Boston when I was a little girl. Now, I make my own. And I share them with my dad. 🙂

  542. Ashley DeLen

    My favorite holiday sweet treat are chocolate covered pretzels….and a nice holiday latte from either Starbucks or a local cafe…mmmmm…

  543. Holly B

    Iced sugar cookies. I have always thought that the tree shapes taste the best!

  544. Kimberly at ArtJoyStuff

    My favorite Christmas-time sweet is those amazing rolled Hungarian poppyseed filled flaky crusted cookies that my mom makes every year. They only get baked once a year (probably a good thing) and are just too, too delicious!

  545. Carol M

    What a fabulous giveaway. Having quite a large sweet tooth, it’s hard to pick just one. I’d say it’s a tie between Snickerdoodles (bring back wonderful memories of my grandmom), and barley lollipops in animal shapes (Mom used to give us one before Christmas ). I think the sweetest part of both of these are the memories.

  546. Susie

    Hard to choose, but I love hard candy ribbons. Reminds me of times past. Thanks for the giveaway.

  547. Tricia k. Johnson

    Adorable Heather ~ Who wouldn’t want to win that beautiful gift!!! Thanks kindly for thinking of us!!!

  548. Katie

    Hi! My favorite holiday treat is candycane cookies…made with almond extract! My grandma used to make them every year and now it is my turn to carry on the tradition!

  549. Sarah from Colorado

    Orange cookies with Orange frosting–always made by Mammy every Christmas.

  550. Penny H

    I’d have to say hot chocolate and Rice Krispie squares. Always been a favourite since childhood. 🙂

  551. Lois Engelsma

    In our family, it’s not Christmas until my mom bakes generations old recipe for banket. Almondy, flaking pastry…. mmmmmm. My mom is the most fabulous Dutch baker. She still makes a huge tray of homemade cookies, candies, other goodies, and banket for each of her nine kids. What a mom!

  552. Rebecca

    Peppermint Bark is probably my favorite Christmas treat, although there are a lot of sweets to love this time of year. crossing my fingers on this one!

  553. Cori Niehoff

    I love buttery shortbread cookies with orange marmalade. Yummy. I would love to win because I collect those little houses. They would be great added to my collection. And I have been wanting to get the Christmas book. I was hoping someone would get it for me for Christmas but it would be great to get it before so I could be inspired this Christmas. Thanks!

  554. Vicki K

    Peppermint Bark – I can’t think of a better sweet than chocolate and mint!

  555. Debra in Ohio

    Oh, thank you so much for the chance – what a lovely gift to usher in the season! My favorite indulgence is dark chocolate, and homemade is the best, so this “farmgirl” hosts a pizza buffet/chocolate making/ping-pong party every year: five or six couples join Sweetie and myself for pizza and salad dinner, then the girls start making chocolates, and the guys go out to the barn to play ping-pong. As the girls start packaging up the freshly made chocolates, the guys come back in to “sample” the desserts and share a laugh about the nights escapades… A wonderful night with friends for the holidays.

  556. pat sloan

    Oh my what a GREAT question… my Favorite Holiday sweet is a sour cream coffee cake. IT takes a bit of work but is most yummy and does not last long at all!

  557. Terry McClung

    Homemade chocolate fudge for starters….My mom’s divinity is out of this world and we only get it at Christmas time, and I feel like Christmas season is official when I hear Christmas mustic on the radio, and Starbuck’s is serving up Eggnog Latte. I love Serena’s book, which I gave to my daughter for her birthday and she loves it. What a treat!

  558. Katherine

    What a lovely gift package. My favorite holiday treat is anything with cranberries.

  559. Leslie

    It’s an oatmeal jumble cookie with craisens and white chocolate from Fine Cooking.Yuuummmmm!

  560. Joyce

    I consider “Christmas Morning” my favorite holiday treat. I love to see the faces on people when they get that “MUST HAVE” gift.
    Happy Holidays All!

  561. Holly

    My favorite sweet treat are Buckeyes, perhaps called something else around the country. But they are simply chocolate covered peanut butter balls. Yummy!

  562. Katie

    i absolutely LOVE starbucks peppermint white chocolate mocha – delish! =)

  563. Shelly

    well the most favorite is the peppermint sticks with the soft cream inside. So good..Love your blog, and thanks for the chance to win!

  564. Christine Andrews

    Only one! Well I have to say I will always go back to the ol’ basic Hersey Kiss cookie…you know that one in the middle of the cookie and you eat that first! YUM!

  565. Melody

    a red and white striped candy cane! ….in candy dishes, hung on trees, stuck to packages, and given to children by the dept. store santa!!!

  566. Barbara Stevens

    Snowballs! Growing up in Santa Clara, California in the sixties, our sweet father would bring home snowballs which were ice cream rolled in whipped cream and coconut topped with a red candle. Now I make them with my family and I’m transported back to childhood when the lights are dimmed and the candles are lit on Christmas Eve.

  567. Lisa Adams

    We celebrate Christmas with Fondu using dark chocolate and fruits. I find the sweetness of the fruit is delish with the dark chocolate! It is so much fun to do. Our saying is Fondu is so fun to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  568. Gwen

    Such a great give-away! My favorite holiday treat is homemade peppermint bark. So yummy!

  569. Gina

    What I love most about the holidays is anything PEPPERMINT…I love it! I associated peppermint with the whole holiday season, I love to eat Peppermint candy, smell like peppermint lotion and I even burn any kind of peppermint candle I can get my hands on!

  570. Jodi B.

    My favorite all time Christmas treat is FUDGE!!!!! Can’t wait….

  571. Morning T

    Great giveaway Heather! My favorite sweet treat during the holidays is sugar cookies. I can’t help but eat the dough while cooking them. We decorate cookies every year and leave some out for Santa.
    Thanks for the chance.

  572. Cassandra Rabideau

    Greek Koulourakia cookles!! If you haven’t had one you should go to a greek festival or track down a greek friend of a friend or just get the recepie offline and make yourself!! My grandmother ade them every Christmas our family would get a tin container filled w/ cookies and I ate most of them savioring every last bite! Now I continue the tradition and give away the cookies as Christmas gifts! I also make myself a BIG batch to devour! *grin!

  573. Amy

    I love homemade divinity and Starbucks Peppermint Mochas!!!
    Crafting by Candlelight

  574. Joan G

    Hi Heather, What a lovely giveaway. My Mom’s Christmas butter cookies, of course, are my favorite treat. I make them now but they are still called My Mom’s Christmas cookies. Have a lovely Thanksgiving.

  575. Traci

    I love the chocolate covered peanut butter balls my mom makes. And her fudge too. And almond spritz cookies. I love holiday treats!

  576. Shelby

    One of my favorite cookies we make at Christmas are reeses pb cub cookies!

  577. Renee

    I have to say my Granma’s cookies are always the best, but I also love the Ho Ho Mocha at Caribou!

  578. Colleen

    My fav sweet treat has to my mom’s bird nest cookies w/ the homemade jam in them. Of course with a cup of coffee!
    thanks! love your blog – came over from the farm chicks! 🙂

  579. tammy @ tinsel & company

    Such a beautiful giveaway, I wouldn’t expect any less from you! My favorite holiday treat is homemade peppermint bark. Have a wonderful weekend!
    Best wishes,

  580. tammy @ tinsel & company

    Such a beautiful giveaway, I wouldn’t expect any less from you! My favorite holiday treat is homemade peppermint bark. Have a wonderful weekend!
    Best wishes,

  581. tammy @ tinsel & company

    Such a beautiful giveaway, I wouldn’t expect any less from you! My favorite holiday treat is homemade peppermint bark. Have a wonderful weekend!
    Best wishes,

  582. Shanda

    My favorite holiday sweet treat is a cornflake/marshmallow holly wreath, dyed green with red hots for decorations. Every year, I make these for the holidays for my two daughters. When I was a little girl I attended a 2 room, red schoolhouse in ND and each year my best friend’s mom brought these wreaths to our school Christmas party, on a plastic santa platter.

  583. Laurie Owens

    A favorite treat that brings back childhood memories would have to be the simple cut out sugar cookie. No frosting, just covered in sugars with a cup of homemade hot cocoa! Thanks for the chance at a wonderful giveaway!

  584. Jamie

    My favorite treat at Christmas would have to be Peanut Butter Balls! 🙂
    Love them!!!!

  585. Lolo

    What fun is this giveaway 🙂
    My favorite holiday treat is our homeade Limoncello. It takes 3 months for us to make it and then we label it, bottle it up then give it out to our friends and family. It is so much fun to share and spend time together enjoying the “fruits” of our labor 🙂 I look forward to it every year and so does everyone else it seems!
    ps- last year we made Crema de Limoncello and it was HEAVENLY!!

  586. Vicki

    My cousin Sheryl makes the most amazing caramel corn for Christmas and gives us each a little bag. Savor, Savor, SAVOR! and I still love the Russian Tea Cakes (or Mexican Wedding cookies…) dainty little yummies that I only make for the holidays.

  587. Kati K.

    Gingerbread cookies!yummy! Especially when shaped like little men, women or animals and covered in icing! Also, I love those mint taffy candies with Christmas tree on them (don’t know if they have a name but they sure are tasty).
    Of course the holidays don’t begin until that first Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks…although….the new Brulee Caramel Latte is pretty good too!

  588. Patricia F.

    Only one? Oh, my! If I can only pick one, it would have to be peppermint fudge. So yummy! Thanks for the chance at your wonderful giveaway. Happy Thanksgiving to you & your family!

  589. Leah Nagel

    Of course any of the sweets my Mom makes every year for the holidays but if I had to choose one it would be our Raspberry Thumb Print cookies with the homemade raspberry jam we make in the summer topped with sesame seeds. The holidays are here once I have had one of these little treats!

  590. amy

    Home made fudge! It’s a craving that cold weather seems to bring on.

  591. Julianne

    A requirement every year: Caramel-candy-covered apples. Granny Smith, please, and buttery firm-yet-soft caramel (a thick layer!), with perhaps another thin layer of milk or dark chocolate, and then something tasty and crunchy on the outside: toffee bits, crushed M&Ms, maybe even peanut bits. I’ve also had it with cinnamon and sugar sprinkled on the outside.
    Great giveaway; great question! Now I’m off to go read all the other entries and add 5 pounds to my weight just by reading.


    Very nice! I love peppermint bark ice cream, which I make with peppermint bark candy.

  593. Nicole

    I don’t know what it is but the holidays always make me think of cranberries. I absolutely love any treat made with cranberries.

  594. Anna Hall

    It’s hard to pick just one favorite, but in the past few years I’ve come to love homemade peppermint bark– made from high quality white chocolate and crushed peppermint candy. YUM 🙂

  595. Susan Aikens

    Hard to choose only one….love homemade toffee, but the white chocolate peppermint bark is pretty awesome too! Lovely giveaway…pretty sweet treat itself!

  596. Heather B

    Favorite Holiday treat – Christmas cookies of course! There isn’t really one in particular – spritz cookies, cutouts, anything with chocolate!
    Thanks for the the chance to win!

  597. Michelle Daily

    Can it be a grown up treat? We always mix some vanilla vodka, Baileys and a little milk. It’s our version of “nog”.

  598. Jessica

    Salted Hot Chocolate. Although I must admit I do not limit that to just the holidays. It tastes good anytime there is a chill in the air!

  599. Michelle W

    Favorite holiday sweet treat is iced sugar cookies. Although I won’t turn any sweet treats away!

  600. Amy

    Crunchy peanut bark is my fave! And so easy to make…it is melted white almond bark mixed with peanut butter, rice crispy cereal, peanuts and mini marshmallows! My husband always requests it and after I make it I have to keep it outside in the garage so I don’t see it and eat it!!{We live in the midwest, so the garage is like a deep freeze & it “keeps” very well out there!!} Ha Ha! Then every time I let the dog out I see it and feel I need to reward myself with a piece!! 🙂
    Amy G.

  601. Jody

    One of my favorite cookies, raspberry thumbprints! P.B. fudge is a close 2ND 🙂
    Lovely, generous give-away! Thank you!

  602. Susan

    this may sound funny but my grandma always made rice crispy treats with the holiday colored sugars, good stuff!
    i was just looking at the book online looks wonderful, thank you for the chance to win! have a super weekend! susan

  603. Becca

    Hard to pick just one! My family is Norwegian and I love having Rosettes every Christmas.

  604. Tiffany

    Lep cookies(a PA Dutch cookie)when I go home for Christmas… they’re a labor-of-love for the family members who make them and eating them is like being eight years old again!

  605. Rose

    Boy, this is a tough question to narrow down…Every Christmas, I love (and make) killer chocolate chip cookies with crushed peppermints! Will feature on my blog in the near future. Oh, I hope I win! Hugs Heather.

  606. Rose

    Not sure if my comment posted, so trying again….my homemade chocolate chip cookies with crushed peppermints are my favorite holiday sweet treat.

  607. Karen Rogers

    I do believe my absolute favorite sweet treat for the holiday would be pecan pralines. I can’t stop once I start so I only make them during the holiday. You see I am in Texas and it’s a Texas thing! Awesome giveaway, thank you for the opportunity!

  608. Vicki Miller

    My favorite holiday sweet treat is definitely cut-out sugar cookies with icing! So simple, but I will always go for those on a holiday buffet before chocolate or anything else!

  609. Louise

    One of my most favourite christmas sweet treats would have to be, as I am an English girl married to an American, a traditional English mince pie and a cup of tea! It reminds me of England and making them with my mum. They look so pretty all piled up on a plate with a sprig of holly on top and dusted with confectioners sugar!
    Am making some this christmas for relatives that are coming to stay.
    I LOVE The Farm Chicks book that I have already, so the Christmas version would be amazing!

  610. Holly Muster

    Do I really have to choose just one? It has to be my mom’s waffle cookies!

  611. Summer Crosbie

    My favorite holiday sweet treat is either a Peppermint Mocha or homemade chocolate chip cookies. So yummy!

  612. Lisa

    If only I had one favorite, there are so many to choose from! If forced to pick, I’d say that my mom’s date nut ball candy is the best, and we only have it a Christmas. I look forward to it all year!

  613. Melanie

    I love Frango Mints…I get them every Thanksgiving during our trip to Chicago!!

  614. Jtlmom

    My favorite Christmas treat is a tradition I started with my only daughter, Laura Kathryn, fourteen years ago. On Christmas Eve, usually around 4 p.m., we go to an area resturant for Mommy/Daughter time. We leave the testosterone rich environment of home for some girl fun. We choose a different restuarant each year. We order a dessert to share with coffee for me. The first time we went to Shoney’s and had hot fudge cake. Laura was 4 years old and had hot chocolate with her cake. Over the years we have been to many different places just the two of us. Starbucks has filled the bill several times. This year will be extra special because Laura Kathryn will be home from her first semester of college. The plan is to go to Ruby Tuesday and have Tiramisu and coffee. Spending girl time with my daughter is priceless.

  615. KarenSue

    We make magic cookie bars every year!
    I neeeeed this book. I’m all crossed up!
    Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

  616. Christine

    My ultimate sweet treat all year round is family time ~ add some Jim Dandy cookies to that and the day gets even better 🙂 What’s not to like about eating cherries, chocolate and marshmallows?

  617. Dee in Ky.

    My favorite treat has to be the Cranberry Nut Cake that my neighbor makes at the beginning of December until Christmas. It is served with a warm butter sauce !!! We usually have it at our ornament exchange every year.

  618. Becky P

    I have a few favorites – spritz, Krumkakke and Mint brownies. YUM!!

  619. Susan

    My favorite Christmas treat is Sees Candy “nuts and chews”. My husband usually gets a box from his friends at work and he brings it home to
    mama and I do not share!

  620. Lori Jean in AZ

    OK, you are going to say ‘are you kidding?’ but I LOVE fruit cake! During the holiday season, I can eat 2 of them. (I’m 1/4 through Fruitcake #1)And where do I get them? Costco. I know! Can you believe it! What ARE all those fruitcake jokes about anyway? I like mine more fruit/less cake. I can make a meal of a good English white cheese embeddded with berries, Costco fruity fruit cake and a glass of wine. By the fire.

  621. Deb Price

    My very favorite sweet would be divinity. I made this every Christmas with my father. He was a wonderful candy maker! I learned about the soft-ball and hard-ball stages of candy-making by the time I was 5! I always looked forward to making candy at Christmas. I still carry this on in my own home, although it would be better if my dad was here!

  622. Mary

    Gingerbread! All things gingerbread; Lattes, cookies, cake, and a gingerbread house with all of the candy decorations….

  623. Yvette

    Heather, what a treasure trove! My favorite Holiday treat is: eggnog – (alcohol free) the kind that comes in a container at the super market. I wouldn’t dream of drinking anything like this any other time, but at Christmas, I just gotta’ have it. Sprinkled with cinnamon of course.

  624. gina

    Hmmm…I’d probably say gingerbread (the cake), nice and molasses-y 🙂

  625. Gail Jantz

    I love using my grandmother’s 1930’s gingerbread man cookie cutter to make her ginger cookies! They not only are my favorite treat, but the sweet memories they bring to me are beyond sweet!

  626. Dianntha Lessig

    What a great give away. My favorite sweet tree would have to be old fashioned peanut butter fudge. I only make it twice a year and it is such a wonderful treat for all. I have the secret family recipe and will share it with my niece and nephews as they marry…it is our family tradition. I am blessed. Dianntha

  627. Grace Barzyz

    My absolute favorite Christmas “Sweet Treat” is Italian Dark Chocolate
    covered Torrone.
    For me this is what Christmas tastes like………it’s pure dark chocolate
    covered soft nougat with almonds and hazelnuts……pure heaven!
    I lucked out and found some in “World Market”.

  628. Kimberly Moody

    What a tough decision!! Does “everything” count. How we look forward to the special treats and recipes reserved just for the holiday season–if I have to choose though–I love me some Williams Sonoma Pumpkin Brittle and simple sugar cookies with icing and decorative sugar sprinkled on them. Have a wonderful holiday season and thank you and Serena for such an awesome giveaway!!

  629. Rachel

    Such a beautiful gift… favorite Christmas treat…Chocolate covered Oreos from a candy store in the Amish Country in Ohio. There chocolate is the absolute best.

  630. Reesa L.

    For me it is my family’s Butter Cookie Recipe. For many years I went without these cookies because family members moved far away, however in the last few years I have gotten my hands on the recipe. They’re made with a cookie gun & are best a little tiny bit overcooked. Yum! I am already giddy thinking about making them!

  631. Wendi Richert

    My favorite holiday sweet treat is my mom’s chocolate pound cake with her buttercream icing. It’s all butter, baby! My husband would say it’s the homemade buckeyes, but I don’t even like those by the time I’m done making them. 🙂

  632. Marie O'Brien

    My favorite thing at Christmas is my moms rosemary fudge. I don’t know why she called it that because there is NO rosemary in it, yuck. But every Christmas mom would make this fudge, she mixed it on the stove and then with a big wooden spoon she would beat it for about and hour. I look back now and I remember that it seemed like many hours. She would let my brother and I take a turn each, but it was so thick that my little arm would soon get tired. She then turned it out on a buttered dish and let it harden. I have tried to remake the fudge, but it never tastes like mom made. I am glad I can still taste it in my memories, memories of long past Christmas.

  633. karen

    My grandmother’s fudge is my favorite but the peanut butter cookies with the kiss in the center made with love by my sister-in-love every year is a close second! Happy Thanksgiving thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway! karen…

  634. Christi

    Homemade carmel corn. Got the recipe from my sister who begged a co-worker for it over a number of years. Her kids wanted to keep it a secret family recipe, and convinced their mom to keep quiet. When the co-worker retired, she gave my sister the recipe. It is FABULOUS! I always thought my sister was embellishing…. until I had it for myself.

  635. betty lou

    Fudge…yum-yum. Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

  636. Tre Curran

    It wouldn’t be Christmas without our Thumbprint Cookies filled with homemade wild plum jelly. When my youngest daughter was 17 months, she was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes and my first thought was that we’d have to forgo our Christmsas cookie baking. Thankfully with technology and new protocols, our favorite Christmas tradition remains intact. We’re counting down the days until our bake-a-thon!

  637. Ginger

    Eeeeek! I am SO excited I stopped by tonight! My favorite treat to eat is handsdown Turtles! Favorite treat to make, the “old favorite Sugar Cookies”, with my Children and Grandbabies with frosting and sprinkles everywhere! 🙂

  638. Tracy Dayett

    Oh my I have to pick just one? Well I would have to say Chocolate Chip Pudding Cookies…warm just out of the oven. YUM!!!

  639. Roberta

    How exciting!! My favorite Holiday sweet treat is soft and chewy Molasses Gingersnaps. Thank you so much!

  640. Heather Hays

    My grandmother’s fudge: Here is the amazing recipe:
    Mimi’s Favorite Fudge
    • 2/3 cup carnation evaporated milk
    • 12/3 cups sugar
    • ½ Teaspoon salt
    • 1 ½ cups small marshmallows
    • 1 ½ cups semi sweet chocolate chips
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla
    ~ In a saucepan over low heat, mix sugar, salt and milk until boiling.
    ~ Continue boiling for 5 minutes – stirring the entire time.
    ~ Take off heat and immediately add marshmallows, chocolate chips and vanilla. Contents will melt together.
    ~ While hot, pour into container.
    ~ Wait 10 minutes and cut. Allow to cool for several hours.

  641. Joanne Kennedy

    I think if I can only pick one it would have to be the snowball cookies that I make every year! They are the most requested cookies in my family.
    What a super giveaway. Thank you so much for the chance to win 🙂

  642. Jennifer

    My favorite Christmas treat is a cookie called cocoa buttons. A very rich dark chocolate flavor. I make a batch and hide them and eat them all myself. I love them!!

  643. Margaret

    My favorite sweet treat is pecan pie! And I love your blog!

  644. Beverly

    Chex Mix. Sounds kind of salty, but my Mom makes homemade Chex Mix throwing in Honey Combs cereal. I always pick out the Honey Combs and leave the rest.

  645. Monica

    My absolute favorite holiday sweet treat has to be gingerbread cookies. I look forward to making them every year with my children. My close second is that peppermint bark though 🙂 My kids and I look for it at stores every year. Have a wonderful holiday season.

  646. Edwina

    Oh my-I can’t choose just ONE treat. Either my homemade toffee or awesome chocate sugar cookies with mint icing and chocolate drizzle……

  647. Andrea

    Mint chocolate chip brownies are my favorite! Love this site.

  648. angela

    CHEESECAKE!!! any kind, any way….and thank you for including me in this very lovely give-away!!!!

  649. marsha

    My sister-in-law makes the most amazing Gingersnaps! I get so excited when she gives me a beautiful tin full every Christmas~ With a cup of hot tea, it is a little bit of heaven!

  650. Theresa

    My favorite is Fudge which really you could have any time. But my girlfriend makes the BEST Caramel Corn with all kinds of nuts and chocolate.

  651. Nicole

    Usually, I’d pick chocolate, no matter what! But for the holidays, it would have to be pumpkin pie!

  652. Jessica Roth

    My favorite treat is my mother’s famous sticky buns on christmas morning. They are so yummy right out of the oven warm and gooey.

  653. Pots and Pins

    Oh that’s easy…my favorite holiday treat is fudge…with nuts, without nuts, either way, if there is Christmas music on the radio then I’m eating fudge! xo, Nan

  654. Jackie Flaherty

    Another Minnesota gal checking in….My ode to my ancestors is Lefse that’s buttered, sprinkled with cinnamon sugar and then rolled up to about the size of a cigar. Are we still allowed to say cigar?

  655. Lora

    Even if the Christmas cookies don’t get made, I can’t get through New Year’s without making a batch of Caramel Puffcorn. Old Dutch carries the foamy, yellow puffs that are slightly salty, and the recipe is on the back of the bag. The caramel topping needs to be stirred every 15 min. while baking on the little puffs, but once you put it onto the wax paper for cooling, you can’t help yourself from munching!

  656. Becky Y.

    I love eggnog! But homemade peanut butter balls are great too- so hard to choose!

  657. Joy Fishley

    What a wonderful Christmas memory..My Mom’s butterball thumb print cookie with a dolop of homemade apricot jam in the center. Simple to make and simply delicious to eat. I have continued the treasured memory and tradition with my family every Christmas holiday.

  658. Stephanie

    What a great give away! My favorite holiday treats are Pumpkin Spice Latte’s from Starbucks! When I see them post the sign that pumpkin spice is back each year I’m INSTANTLY in the holiday spirit and feel like all is well. 🙂

  659. Melaine Thompson

    Holy cow! Look at all those comments! My all time favorite sweet treat is Creme Brulee! Do you know how fattening it is? Lots, but I don’t care! would LOVE to win this!!! melaine

  660. Dolores Gounley

    Wow, it took no time to come up with an answer to this question! My favorite holiday treat is a confection that my Italian Grandmother used to have on hand when we went to visit her during the holidays. It’s a series of small fried dough balls stacked to look like a Christmas Tree. She would drizzle (saturate) the entire creation with honey, then sprinkle multi-colored sprinkles all over it, and have a ring of candies covered in brightly colored foil at the bottom to look like presents! I create this every year for my children, and I see the same look of excitement in their eyes that I used to have!

  661. Kerry

    My fav is the chocolate chip cheesecake brownies that I make. My fiance would like me to make them throughout the year, but then they wouldn’t be so special!

  662. Kary Ross

    Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy Old Fashioned sour cream sugar cookies that are thick and soft with lots of great colorful icing. Maybe a whole plate of them!!!

  663. nikki

    I am Polish and I remember that when I was a little girl my grandmother used to make the most delicious Fruit Soup on Christmas 🙂 She only made it on Christmas so it was very special 🙂

  664. Heather

    My favorite holiday sweet treat is a piece of pecan pie with a huge dollop of Cool Whip on top!

  665. Fruitful Harvest

    At Thanksgiving I like to have pumpkin cheesecake and at
    Christmas I love to have my grandmas famous Scottish shortbread cookies with a spot of hot tea! Boy I sure do miss my grandma!
    Peace and Blessings,

  666. Betsy Kunz

    My favorite holiday treat is cut-out sugar cookies. My teenage daughter and I decorate them to look beautifully!

  667. Michelle S

    Toffee! We make it every Christmas to give away (and eat!). My oldest daughter asked if she can finally help make it this year! Something I hope she makes for her family one day.

  668. Anita Shortland

    My ABSOLUTE favorite treat are “Russian Tea Balls”…covered in powdered sugar. My 3 boys LOVE them and my Daughter as well, and all 4 kids have helped make and bake them at one time or another. They are the 1st to go of the Christmas baked items….It isn’t Christmas without them!!! xoxoa

  669. Dianne

    My favorite treat is my grandmother’s Egg Nog pie! She passed away 12 years ago and I still make it at Christmas in he memory. It is super delicious!
    Dianne P.

  670. Michelle Cable Yeaton

    My favorite Holiday treat would be my grandmothers fudge! I’m so lucky i was able to spend time with her in the kitchen and learn all her cooking magic!

  671. Cynthia

    My favorite holiday sweet treat is a hard one .. I love almost all sweets … so I’d say candy canes. How appropriate right?! 😛

  672. Kate

    My favorite Christmas treat is my mom’s homemade giant ginger cookies with marshmallow fluff frosting! Mmmm! 🙂

  673. Becky

    My favorite treat is one I have not tasted in 34 years. My Grandmother would make candied orange peel for me every Christmas. I miss it and her.

  674. Kristin Carmody

    The holidays are so full of amazing sweet treats, but my absolute favorite is a cookie my mom made every year. We call them fudge balls. Basically, it is a chocolate cookie that you roll in powdered sugar when it is warm from the oven and again when it cools. Yummy yum! So simple, but something happens with that first layer of powdered sugar that I can’t describe. When I take a bite, I think to myself, ” Ah! Christmas is here!”

  675. Amanda

    Hands down – pumpkin egg nog! I could drink it 12 mths a year!

  676. turtle

    what a wonderful giveaway!! generous!
    Just one? Well for me i would have to say a “treat” is when i go get a holiday specialty coffee. It is truly a treat because it was made by someone else for me special. They may not know it is special , but as i am the barista for the family, this is a treat to me!

  677. Kerri

    My grandma’s frosted sugar cookies- simply perfect! Yummmmm….

  678. C Burke

    Homemade sugar cookies with frosting are my favorite treat. They are so much fun to make and share! Thanks for the chance to win.

  679. Cheryl

    My favorite is chocolate covered peanut butter balls…the perfect blend of sweet and salty!

  680. Carli

    Mine has to be butter cookies with butter cream frosting and extra sprinkles!!!!!!! 🙂


    Gingerbread cookies have always been my favorite holiday treat.

  682. Kathy Bruner

    My mother-in-law makes the best, mouth-watering “pie crust” cut-out cookies, thinly frosted, and sprinkled with colored sparkly sugar. I could eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner (and have!) for Christmas, and I selfishly claim the whole box of those for my own. I make everyone else eat all the other goodies she makes first (the fudge, peanut butter kisses, other types of cookies and candy), and only then do I allow them a cookie or two of “mine.” (Well, maybe I’m not THAT bad!) She has given me the recipe, but no one can make them like she can!!!
    kathy.bruner at hotmail dot com

  683. Patty Katashima

    My all time favorite holiday sweet treat is a box of Sees candies that it seems someone gives us every year. Of that box, the caramels are my fav!

  684. Terri

    I guess my favorite treat would be homemade eggnog. I can not stand the stuff that comes in the cartons, but my homemade is so good!

  685. Shana

    My favorite are chocolate spritz cookies and red velvet cake. Yum!

  686. Liz

    My favorite holiday treat is a tri-color petit four. It conists of a marzipan cake with rasperry or apricot jam between the layers finished with the top dipped in chocolate.

  687. Anne Marie

    homemade hot cocoa is definitely my fav. holiday sweet
    what a “sweet” giveaway Heather! and Serena!!
    Happy Holidays (is it too early to say that?)
    Anne Marie

  688. Janis Covington Stufflebean

    …ooohhhh! My favorite Christmas sweet would have to be pralines! Why I only make them at Christmastime is beyond me, but perhaps that is what makes them so wonderful.

  689. Bonnie

    My most favorite holiday sweet treat is homemade spritz cookies. Now…wait.. it’s peppermint bark. Actually…no… my mom’s pizzelles. Ok. I admit it. I LOVE holiday sweet treats. Proof positive by looking at my hips come January… 🙂

  690. Nelly aka Bella Nella

    Wow this giveaway has some sweet stuff! I have a hug sweet tooth, so its tough to just name 1, but I’ll say mexican wedding cake cookies which I have been making lately at Christmas. Thanks for your generosity!

  691. Linda

    My favorite treat….hmmm there are sooo many..I’d have to say Russian Tea Cakes or Snowball Cookies. Those wonderful little bite size shortbreads!

  692. Jo

    I discovered Williams Sonoma peppermint bark several years ago and look forward to it every year, with hot chocolate. Thank you for your generous giveaway!!

  693. Beth Anne Phillips

    My favorite treat would have to be scotcharoos! Once I start eating them I can’t stop!

  694. susan@pocacosas

    My favorite treat is peppermint bark-I am a little obsessed with it over the holidays! We make homemade peppermint bark ice cream, brownies topped with cream cheese frosting & peppermint bark, chocolate dipped Oreos with, you guessed it, peppermint bark! We also mix it in popcorn, cupcakes, cookies-the only I haven’t figured out is how to sneak it into my breakfast! 🙂

  695. Tiffany

    My favorite holiday treat are the cookies my daughter bakes for me that are misshaped, mushed back together after the cookie cutter didn’t quite cut right, and the icing colors are bleeding together. To me, they are the best holiday treat I could have,

  696. Karin

    My absolutely favorite sweet treat is a candy cane made with my boys’ help. We’re gearing up to make another batch this year. They aren’t always the most gorgeous looking candy canes, but so much fun to make, and rewarding to eat. 😉

  697. Jan

    One thing is very sister-in-laws Christmas cookies! They come to NY all the way from Colorado!

  698. Andrea

    My favorite treat is spritz cookies making the dough putting it in a cookie press and lots and lots of sprinkles…

  699. stephanie

    No question–my mom’s decadent chocolate soft crinkle cookies. They definitely don’t look holiday-y, but my daughter and I continue the Christmas tradition and make them every year on Black Friday–usually they are gone by Friday night (see why we only make them once a year?????)

  700. kara

    oh, my how do i decide——hot drink, sweet or a food that is our tradition??? well, i do love my mom’s mexican wedding cakes–powder sugar-y coating and they are full memories…..that is my pick.
    happy thanksgiving heather–hope all is well!

  701. Karen

    Hands down…favorite sweet treat is homemade shortbread “fingers” dipped in chocolate and rolled in crushed nuts!! Oh my…..

  702. Kim

    My favorite treat is one that brings back memories of my Grandmother – we called them “Hairy cookies”. They are dates, nuts and butter cooked and cooled and rolled in coconut! MMM.

  703. Linda


  704. Kristin

    My favorite treat is a family recipe for “Potato Candy”. It’s a dump recipe, but takes about a pound of potatoes cooked and mashed (with antique masher ONLY) and 2 boxes of confectioners sugar which are mixed together until it can be rolled out. Then it’s slathered with peanut butter and rolled up like a jelly roll. I’ve got a sweet tooth but it’s almost too sweet for even me.

  705. Patty

    I absolutely love almond rocca, steaming hot coffee and my favorite blogs.

  706. Ellen

    I love our traditional Christmas cookies, Lemon flavored, with icing and sprinkles. I’d have to say, this amazing Sour cream white fudge with candid cherries and walnuts. It has a sweet and tart taste with aided sweetness of cherries and the crunch of walnuts. It looks so beautiful on a
    pale green depression ware plate~

  707. Melanie

    Homemade Divinity with a toasted pecan on top. Unfortunately it is so humid where I live, my divinity rarely sets up. It’s still pretty good when eaten with a spoon, though! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  708. Melissa

    My favorite holiday treat would have to be oreo truffles. I only make them around Christmas because they’re quite a bit of work, but I LOVE them! Anything minty would probably make the list too… YUM.

  709. maddie

    i love to eat candy corn only during halloween!! life is good!

  710. Jen

    I love Jam Jam Cookies! I’m hoping I can make them as good as my mom since I won’t get any of hers this year.

  711. Lavender Dreams

    How sweet you are! My favorite holiday treat….pretzels dipped in dark chocolate! Oh…I could eat this until they are gone! Thanks! ♥

  712. Jill W

    PEPPERMINT ICECREAM~!!! It only comes out around the holidays and I love it.

  713. Gretchen

    My favorite holiday sweet treat… peanut butter balls!!!
    By the way, I love this give away…thank you! 🙂

  714. Adrienne

    I love cream wafers…these delicate little melt in your mouth cookies! Mmmmmmm. Thanks for the give-away! So fun.

  715. Elizabeth Scott

    My favorite Holiday treat is baking and decorating Xmas sugar cookies with my two kids. We do this every year on the 24th while listening to Holiday tunes.

  716. Dianne Hoffman

    My favorite is Heavenly Hash made just for Christmas. Contains German chocolate, milk chocolate and nuts and marshmallows etc. Truly heavenly just like the wonderful Christmas giveaway. Thanks so much for sharing. Dianne

  717. Abby

    My favorite holday treat is my mom’s homemade eggnog. Every year she works so hard to make a batch for me and my three sisters and I treasure each every drop. Thanks so much for your generous giveaway.
    Happy Holidays!

  718. Robin

    My absolute favorite Christmas sweet treat is filled cookies. It is more for the memories than the taste. I remember my grandmother making them and never using a recipe for anything, just mixing ingredients together and they tasted great. She has sinced passed away and my mother and father now make them. Everytime I have one it reminds me of my grandmother and how she could bake anything.

  719. Bonnie Werth

    Mmmm… my favorite treat is the Scotch Shortbread my dad makes at Christmas time since the 1950’s! Of course, my mom’s fudge has been a close runner up. I think the best treats are those that are made with lots of love! 🙂

  720. Lindsay

    I absolutely love the peanut butter cookies with Hershey kisses on top. My mother has been making them since I was just a little girl. They are best when warmed up in the microwave with a big glass of cold milk! I now make the cookies with my own little girls and we leave them out for Santa!

  721. Wendy

    What a wonderful giveaway! My favorite treat is peppermint bark. I love so many things, though!

  722. Elaine

    My absolute favorite holiday sweet treat…I think it’s fudge! The easy to make kind. It’s not my TOTAL favorite (because hands down, Fran’s Gray Salt and Smoked Salt caramels would win that). But because fudge reminds me of the holidays!

  723. Patty Rose

    My very favorite Christmas treat is old-fashioned chocolate fudge made from the recipe on Hershey’s Cocoa. Nothing better in the whole world.

  724. ginger p

    I LOOOOVE pumpkin pie – mostly just my Granny’s though 🙂 she gave me the recipe & I make it at home also but I always get her to make me one – I tell her it’s better because she made it!!! 🙂


    My favorite treat is spiced walnuts and plain ol’ decorated sugar cookies for santa…yum! And…peppermint mocha fraps from Starbucks. Oh, and you can add Trader Joes peppermint jo jos dipped in white chocolate. And chocolate balls. And finally, apple cobbler….yummy! My mouth is watering now. Time to get baking!!! ha ha.

  726. Pam

    My favorite sweet treat would have to be fudge. You can’t go wrong with fudge.

  727. Teah

    Williams-Sonoma peppermint bark is a tie with Trader Joe’s Jo-Jo cookies. Worth the dieting afterwards!

  728. Jeanette Zamora now Sharpe!

    Peppermint bark all the way. Can not go wrong. 🙂 And of course bourbon egg nog but not for me this year, I’ll be at RVSD Community having my first lil baby. Next year.

  729. Larisa

    I would have to say a Starbucks peppermint white chocolate latte. What a awesome giveaway! Whoever is chosen is one lucky woman!

  730. Crystal

    My favorite holiday treats are my mother’s homemade fudge and potato candy.
    Thanks for the great giveaway.

  731. Robin

    What a lovely way to kick off the holiday season! My friend makes the most delicious almond toffee I have ever had in my life! Just one of the treats I look forward to during the holidays.

  732. angela

    If it’s Christmas I’m dipping a candy cane in my coffee! Pick me! Pick me! I need some starbucks to go with my candy canes. 🙂 happy christmas to all!

  733. stacy

    my favorite is delicious buttery homemade scotch shortbread. mmmmmmmmm

  734. Laura Ingalls Gunn

    So I am like number 925. But that’s ok. My fingers are crossed. My favorite sweet treat this time of year is Starbucks mint chocolate mocha. Like Christmas in a cup.

  735. Becca

    I love chocolate fudge during the Christmas season. I use it for gifts, serve it when I am entertaining and enjoy a piece before bed. I actually made a batch tonight after my daughter couldn’t find any chocolate.

  736. Laurie

    Thanks for the chance to win! I love Mexican Wedding Cakes or Tea Cakes. Lefse is a close second place!

  737. Pamela E.

    My favorite holiday sweet treat is white chocolate covered pretzels.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  738. dawn

    One of my favorites is Buck eyes. Brings back many Christmas’s baking in the kitchen with my mom and sister!

  739. Danielle

    Growing up we made Buckeye candy every year for Christmas and it still my favorite today.

  740. Becky Haller

    My grandmother’s No-bake bars. Mixture of chocolate, peanut butter, oats, condensed milk. Delicous.
    P.S. What a wonderful give-away. I loooove that book!

  741. jackieb

    My absolute favorite holiday treat……peppermint bark…..don’t leave it out or I’ll get sick. Yum

  742. Diane

    I would have to say my mom bakes kolache cookies this time of the year. Yummy good!

  743. Lorene

    My favorite sweet treat is good old fashion candy canes! It seems I’m the only one, I put them on my tree and before you know it they are gone, I guess the tradition of my grandmother having them and the great memories they have is the reason for this! Have a happy Thanksgiving!

  744. Gina

    Wow! What a fabulous giveaway! Hmmm, it’s hard to narrow it down. 😉 I would have to say Peanut Butter Roll candy. Divinity and peanut butter…what’s not to love! 🙂

  745. Kim

    What a lovely give away!
    My favorite sweet treat is sugar cookies, cut out in holiday shapes & covered in buttercream frosting…mmmmm…..

  746. Heatherg

    My very favorite holiday dessert would have to be those hershey kiss cookies, espically when they are still a little warm and the chocolate is soft. mmmmmm

  747. Karen L

    My favorite treat is chocolate fudge, with walnuts. Thanks for the give away!

  748. jenny lawton

    Oooooh, my favorite sweet treat for the season is my grandma’s shortbread. It is de-light-ful with a cup of strong, black tea. (with milk and sugar, of course!)She doesn’t make it anymore but taught us
    her secrets years ago to keep her favorite treat a tradition. My sister will looove this book for her birthday. Eeek, so excited. Thanks, Jenny 🙂

  749. Sarah

    I love the “turtles” that we make each year…can’t stop eating them! They are just pretzel twists and a Rolo on top, warmed in the oven for a few minutes and then pressed with a pecan half. LOVE them!!! Yum!

  750. Aja

    My favorite sweet has to be my mother’s homemade sugar cookies. NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE can copy her recipe. We’ve all tried…and we’ve all failed. They just never taste like mom’s!

  751. Jan

    I love caramel, my husband’s grandmother makes it and it taste great.

  752. Terri Staats

    What a great giveaway! My favorite…… May I say “all of it”? I think if I have to pick one it’d have to be my grandma’s Peanut Butter Fudge! Yummy! Happy Thanksgiving ~ Terri

  753. Betty S,

    I have to say Pecan Tassies . They are made in the little muffin tins and look like little pies….so cute!!! They taste really good too.I just got a new 24 count non-stick pan and can’t wait to make this Christmas. Thanks for the great giveaway .Love the Christmas book!

  754. Pat

    Ok… My favorite is a version of Snickerdoodles using eggnog in the base..I have made dozens and dozens of cookies for the holidays,and the one year I didn’t make the Eggnog Snickerdoodles I was inundated with complaints and inquiries about the missing cookies…Never again the plates I hand out during the holiday will always include this soft, delicious, holiday infused cookie. Enjoy the holiday season…..

  755. Emily

    I absolutely love Ginger Cream Cookies during the holidays. Yummy! They remind me of Christmas back home in Vermont!!

  756. Stephanie Carter

    Favorite holiday sweet treat is the hot coco mix made from my grandmother’s recipe. My grown-man-of-a-son even asked for the recipe this year. The sweetest traditions are from grandmas…

  757. Crystal

    WOW ~what a wonderful giveaway 🙂
    Have a haPPY Day 🙂

  758. Grizwold Jensen

    Every year my Grandma Lillian made her secret Gumdrop Cookies. She made one huge batch every Christmas,never at any other time,and Oh!did we hunger for those as kids. The years I was with my husband stationed in Germany she sent them in a decorated Pringles tube ~perfect fit!~ and Oh! I cried for homesickness the whole time I ate them.

  759. annar

    My favourite treat during the holidays is a chocolate orange. We buy one for everyone and enjoy it together.

  760. Jenn M.

    My favorite treat is mint chocolate fudge!!! THEE BEST! I adapted it from my granny’s chocolate fudge recipe she always made. An old tradition with a new twist!

  761. Stacey L.

    My favorite holiday sweet treat are the yummy caramels my mom has made since my 3rd greade teacher gave them to our whole class! It is a great tradition to make these and share with neighbors…and now my daughter and I make them together like I used to with my mom!!!

  762. tammy t

    My absolute favorite has to be my mother in laws fudge. She makes the best…and I induldge in way too much of it when it’s around!
    tammy t

  763. Susan

    Christmas cookies,oh there are so many sweet things that I wait all year to make, Oatmeal chocolate laced cookies and Carmel corn

  764. Bevie Pearl

    What a wonderful give away!! WOW!! My favorite treat is pretzel rods with almond bark and sprinkles.

  765. Michelle Martin

    oh please i hope this isn’t too late. today is my anniversary–18 years. my favorite treat other than pie would be peppermint bark. i make it myself. happy holidays!!!

  766. Catana West

    My favorite sweet treat is Oreo Bon Bons and White Chocolate Fudge…Yummy!

  767. Susan

    Christmas is such a special time for me, I have the greatest memories. My mom made Christmas so special. We didn’t get much throughout the year but when Christmas came my mom went crazy. The house was beautifully decorated, and there were always a plate of cookies. Favorite #1 Peanut Butter ball, and Carmel corn. Thank you so much!!!! Merry Christmas

  768. Liesl

    Great giveaway Heather! My absolute favorite sweet treat is homemade cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting! We have them all throughout the holidays and as a tradition on Christmas morning! I love the way the way the smell the house. Yum!
    Merry Christmas! L

  769. Lin Manning

    It’s not Christmas without fudge! A traditional candy that I made with my grandmother 60 years ago. I still have to make it to feel like Christmas is here!

  770. Mish

    I love to make my mother’s Spiced Orange Tea Mix each holiday season. Takes me back to my childhood with each yummy sip. Beautiful prize package, pleeeeeeease pick me!

  771. Vanessa

    I love my Grandmothers Peanut Butter fudge. I think what I love most about it is how one bite can transport me back to her kitchen, 30 years ago, when I was a chubby little girl who loved spending time with her as much as I did that fudge! Thanks for making me think about those sweet memories!

  772. Amber

    We have a standing cookie day in my family, the second sunday in December. We make sugar cookies and spend hours decorating them (we make hundreds). I’ve never enjoyed the finished product, but I always eat my share of the raw dough! Its one of the things I look forward to most every year!

  773. Rosie

    A little White almond bark and a cuppa something hot…Mmmmmmm….
    …….happy day….smile on…Rosie

  774. Susan N.

    I am not sure what you call them but I take square pretzels put a Rolo on each one put in the oven at 325 for about a minute just to melt the Rolo. When I remove from the oven and while warm put a pecan half on top of each one. They are wonderful. You get the sweet mixed with salt plus they are easy to make. I put them on a Christmas plate and use as hostess gifts. My other favorite is Egg Nog Lattes with pumpkin spice, yum!

  775. Kristine

    I LOVE my mom’s molasses cookies…loved helping her roll the little balls of dough & dip them in sugar when I was little….now I just love to eat them…esp. warm with a cup of coffee…Yummy Christmas Sweet Treat!

  776. Debi

    Hope this isn’t too late! Serena’s book looks wonderful. Just what I need to get into the Holiday spirit! Thank you Heather!

  777. tami

    My version of Starbuck’s Cranberry Bliss Bars. Tea, or coffee, a bar or two while gazing at our tree—mmmmm.

  778. valerie

    Hot chocolate with fresh whip cream. Thanks for the giveaway!

  779. Sarah

    My favorite holiday sweet? Where to start??!! I would have to say spritz cookies, made with real almond extract, would be my number one holiday happiness! Hope I’m not too late…Happy Holiday!

  780. veronica vatter

    My favorit eis moravian ginger cookies with earl grey tea, yum


    My favourite treat has to been fruitcake…with a thick coating of the almond icing!

  782. Ruth Riley

    My favorite treat is sugar cookies with thick frosting! Yummy!

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