Oh My, This is Random

My fall decorating is absolutely pitiful. You're looking at the extent of it so far. I have no idea what's come over me but I can't muster up the energy to go all out this year. Anyone relate? I've never been big on Halloween decor but have always decorated for fall. Perhaps there's still time to snap out of it.

Apple picking was on our agenda this weekend. It was a bit rainy and so fallish & cozy. The Man and I went to an apple tasting which is very similar to a wine tasting where they start with the most tart and work their way up the sweetness scale. Surprisingly, we liked the tart apples and bought a 1/2 peck of "Big Greens". Not to be confused with Granny Smiths or so I was told. In any case, they were delish!


Last month I bought these antique French agriculture bonds at a flea market and have been meaning to frame them. I've been working on a gallery wall of French photos and ephemera for what seems like f.o.r.e.v.e.r. One step closer to finishing now.

And here's a hodge podge of the miscellaneous tidbits I've picked up on my travels…

  • Antique price signs to use as cheese markers and drink signs for parties.
  • Ticking pillows, actually bought 4.
  • Very large zinc wire basket. Use to be determined.
  • The letter "H" just because.
  • Vintage comb carrier and metal wash wringer sign for laundry room. Currently in reno phase.
  • Hooks and bits for said laundry room.
  • A dozen marble eggs to make my chickens jealous.

Which reminds me…is it about time for a Chicken Chronicles update?

55 Responses to “Oh My, This is Random”

  1. Centsational Girl

    Um. Excuse me. But are those velvet pumpkins? Doest my eyes deceive me? Those are about the chicest pumpkin I’ve ever seen. I cannot avert my eyes! You must must must tell me where for art thou can I get me some of them? If you tell me you made them, I will die. They are incredible! Please explain their fabulousness.

  2. Andrea

    Must agree with Kate. There really is no need for further fall decor with those gorgeous pumpkins!

  3. Karen

    I too was instantly taken aback by the velvet pumpkins…..I need to know how to get my hands on some of those or have a vague set of directions to make them for myself..PLEASE fill us in on the what-where-hows of those darling little things.

  4. Heather Bullard

    Sweet Kate,
    I too LOVE my velvet pumpkins. Now please don’t die but…I made them. Well some of them. They were from a kit I purchased last year. Here’s the original post:
    But to end on a good note, the ones you see today were purchased this year at Ink & Peat in Portland, OR. I believe they may still have some. Here’s their website: http://www.inkandpeat.com/
    Tell them I sent you! Hope you’re able to find some!

  5. Angie

    Love the pumpkins too! I’m with you this year, I just can’t seem to get in the mood to decorate.

  6. Becky C

    I think your simple fall decorations are gorgeous! Yes, agree with all on the pumpkins. I too went with simple this year.
    But you really got me on the chicken update. We just received three baby chicks from My Pet Chicken!!! LOVE every minute so far! Can’t wait to post soon on our new babies AND “homemade” chicken coop (my hubby looked at your coop for inspiration). So I’m always interested in your chicken updates…sorry to ramble on 🙂
    Becky C

  7. Heather

    I have a wagon full of gourds you can have! I’ve lined them up along my railings – I have so many I don’t know what to do with them. always love a chicken update -I’m getting mine in the spring. can’t wait.

  8. Stephanie

    Oh you are not alone, I too have been able to muster up the drive to fall decorate. But my excuse is anticipation I guess. Anticipation of knowing in just a few weeks I will have to put them away and pull out the Christmas stuff. Kind of a buzz killer if you ask me. But I am sure it is nothing compared to your busy life you have had lately. There are no decorating police that are going to come by and throw you in jail for not putting out a ton of fall stuff, so just do what you can do and leave it at that. It is what it is. Thanks for the link for the velvet pumpkins, they really are beautiful.

  9. lane

    oh i am so sad, your fall is always so stunning — get to it girl and motivate me
    I have to save up for my energy for christmas this year
    u have a style that cannot be matched it is so darling
    toodles love

  10. etta

    Hi!!! I LOVE your velvet pumpkins!!!!!
    I’m looking for them in the website…

  11. Juli

    Oh, be still my heart with your velvet pumpkins! You need post no further details on fall decorating – these cover it. Entirely! Unfortunately we Aussies do not have the current luxury of fall weather – we are steaming full speed into summer!m But, to dream is to plan – for next year, when a bushel of these plush little darlings shall no doubt magically appear on my sofa table (if I can twist my Mum’s arm to sew them for me that is!). Keep up the fabulousness!

  12. Liz

    That’s ok. I love those pumpkins! They make up for it! So rustic.
    Happy Autumn! Hugs, Liz

  13. Alice

    Oh yes, the pumpkins are gorgeous! And you’ve got some lovely finds there. The French bonds are interesting.
    I’ve always decorated for fall, but for some reason this year I have not been up to it. Too many things are getting in the way and dampening my spirits for it all. Maybe next week……

  14. Carol Bass

    I can completely relate. I put out just a little bit, which is more than last year. You have plenty of time to enjoy some fall lovelies though….all the way to Thanksgiving!

  15. kasey

    I finally got on board this morning and bought some grey pumpkins.
    Now i can breath.

  16. Linda Rubin

    love your finds. speaking of chickens………how are your chick-a-doos doing? still laying eggs?

  17. Lori

    I too am having a hard time decorating for Halloween and fall. I think it’s because we go so hard all the time, that when we’re finally at home…we want to simply sit sometimes…at least I do. But, my 5 year old grandson is coming for dinner this week, so I’ll make a mad dash for the attic and drag out all the Halloween stuff just for him!! That’s my inspiration!! And yes, the velvet pumpkins are devine….

  18. Lorraine Lewis

    I love decorating for halloween and for fall although I still need the kick in the rear end to do it I am ever so happy when it’s done.
    I love your pretty velvet pumpkins- so pretty!

  19. Vikki

    Heather! You might be on the track to helping me and my family solve a mystery!
    Tell me more about these marble eggs? Do you know of their background? The reason I ask is that last year, while my sister and brother-in-law were clearing their land in VERY rural Nova Scotia on which they were building their new home, they uprooted a tree, and actually beneath the tree root they found a rock solid, stone egg. They have been wondering and wondering what this thing is and how it got there (they are waaaaay back in the woods), and the eggs in your post have been the first things I have seen that resemble their find 🙂
    If you have any info I can pass on to them, that would be great! Our whole family has been having a great time every time we stop by my sis’s place, hypothesizing on the *egg*. Let me know!
    ps: on the lack of motivation for fall decor: i hear ya! I finally got it done this past weekend, but it definitely took a little more will this year; I’m usually done by the first week of Oct!

  20. amy@maisondecor

    Agree with all, the velvet pumpkins are special, and the lack of fall decorating has hit me in Boston as well. I prefer to do the exterior with a gorgeous fall wreath and call it a day…then wait for Christmas decorating, which I love.

  21. teresa

    Yes, the pumpkins are to die for…sweet. I’m lacking in the fall decorating dilemma too..so far I’ve put up a wreath at the kitchen sink and a couple of acorns on the counter top.
    Love you finds….
    It’s always fun coming here.
    Happy Day

  22. Debbie Demmers-Lujan

    Heather, I am the same way…don’t really do Halloween and I am lucky to decorate the house for holidays other than Christmas. Spend more time with my area at the antiques store. Just finished a major craft show in the South Dakota area…please stop by when you get a chance. It would be so cool to hear what you think. Also, my friend Peggy did great pumpkins and her blog is prairiepastimes.blogspot.com Thanks and yes, I like those velvet pumpkins, too!!! debbie

  23. anne marie

    i too have only put a few pumpkins and dried grasses inside this year…just blame it on being busy right?
    there were a few people who came to the sale thanks to your post Heather…thank you so much for doing that…they were so enthusiastic and not dissapointed by the farm or the sale….thanks again Heather!!
    Anne Marie
    p.s. like those velvet pumpkins!

  24. Beth

    If I had this wonderful treasure trove of goodness, when I finished framing those gorgeous French agriculture bonds I would hang them on those sweet metal hooks. Great finds!

  25. Vicki Mackintosh

    Good Morning Heather:
    I adore the velvet pumpkins also. In August, I was visiting a favorite shop in San Anselmo called The French Nest and purchased a few there. Everyone who sees them is totally jealous! Friends and I examined them over and over thinking that we could copy them. Now we can, thanks to your information – many thanks!
    Have you thought about coming to our second Sunday antique market? It’s much smaller than Alameda but plenty to keep you busy on a sweet Sunday.
    Your friend,
    Vicki in Sacramento

  26. daveanancy@gmail.com

    Hi Heather,
    I love your website, found it via cherry hill cottage, I am original from Ventura, CA. We are like sisters!! Now living in Montery County, CA. Homesick a little. Would go to Rosebowl, Pasadena City College, etc… Learning to find new places up here to flea market etc. Saw that you were down about decorating. Wanted to send you some pics of my decorating, don’t know how to do that here?? You inspire so many other people, was hoping I could inspire you a little, have read all your past blogs, love, love, love you, and we are so in common. Hoping to open a store in San Juan Bautista some day. GOAL!!! Thanks for your inspiration and spirit. It is funny how we gals, when we have finished raising our children, have time finally to focus on our passions. Keep up the good work. Hope to send you the pics.

  27. pearls07

    I love your blog, I subscribed to your RSS feed. Just wanted to let you know I may not be commenting but always admiring from afar! keep up the good work, I love your sense of free spirit and vintage style 😀

  28. Mary Elizabeth

    Velvet pumpkins trump any other Fall decor I’ve seen so far!
    I don’t think you should fret about “snapping out of it”.
    I love your beautiful blog!
    (“fret” seems to be my favorite word lately, sorry!)

  29. ~ Junkyard Jennifer

    I’m feeling the same way this year. I don’t have anything up yet. I get more into fall decorating than Halloween, as well, but I don’t know what it is… There must be something in the air!
    I love the velvet pumpkins.
    ~ Jennifer

  30. Elaine

    Oh Heather how many wonderful post have I missed, too many to mention!! I have been so busy with my house build i just havent had the time I’m so glad I managed to spar some time tonight, you looked like you had a great shop with all your friends :))

  31. Sherri

    I am so in love with the velvet pumpkins Heather! Very cool ~ I wish I had a few in Pink and Creme….oooh la la! How fun!

  32. pam Zsori

    Heather – thanks for sending over all the pumpkin lovers! We have been getting lots of calls and emails! And for those still interested in the velvet pumpkins we have plenty more and they look fab on your Thanksgiving table, oh and we ship! Cheers! email info@inkandpeat.com or call 503-282-6688

  33. Cap Creations

    Love those velvet pumpkins! Very pretty! And great photos as always.
    Our Christmas Giving Giveaway Event kicked off this morning. Hope you will consider joining the fun, maybe by linking a giveaway of your own??! Come by and check it out would be honored to have you join.

  34. Daria

    Dear Vicki,
    It’s wonderful to hear you found our Hot Skwash velvet pumpkins at The French Nest. We love making these little beauties here in Oregon. We also (try to) keep a blog going on typepad, http://velvetpumpkins.typepad.com
    Hot Skwash

  35. Shell

    Love what you DO, my friend…Do what you love! Live each day, each moment in Joy. Create/Dream/Laugh/Accept. Learn. Always, always learn. From life, experiences and creations. Open your heart to new ideas, new interpretations, new concepts and new realities.
    Adversity builds both strengh and Creativity……….

  36. Michele

    LOL…I’m glad I’m not the only one going out of my mind over those velvet pumpkins!!

  37. Gabriela

    Hi there, I just found you blog, WOW!!! You are the one behind all the gorgeousness in the photos!!!! You are simply amazing!! I just wanted to ask where the pretty little tray came from in the photo that has the velvet pumpkins in it??? I want one!!! Would you be willing to sell that one?? Pretty please, pretty please let me know. I would be so grateful for info on obtaining one…… Thank you

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