The Charming South



Since we last had time to visit I’ve been flying all over our great nation working on stories for FMS. With a deadline fast approaching it seems my frequent flyer miles are racking up. One of my favorite locations was Charleston, SC. I absolutely LOVED the history and charm of this city.


And I found our perfect farmhouse. There’s only a few problems….

  1. It’s been abandoned for years.
  2. It’s on a deserted Navy Base.
  3. The government owns it.
  4. It needs about a zillion dollars in renovations.
  5. It’s in Charleston.


Above is the porch of one of the neighboring homes so you can see what I mean when I say renovations. But wouldn’t it be a wonderful place to sip a glass of lemonade on a hot summer day? And below is a photo of the next door neighbors. Apparently this is where they film the show Army Wives. I’ve never seen the show…any of you recognize it? Would the wives make great neighbors?


Hands down my favorite thing about my visit was the seeing all the old ironwork. Sigh…we don’t have fencing and gates like this in California. They made my heart pitter patter. If I had the strengh (and room in my luggage) I would have ripped them right out of the ground and brought them home with me.




I hope I get the chance to go back someday and spend more time wandering the neighborhoods, old city streets and take in more sight seeing. It surely is a magical place.

44 Responses to “The Charming South”

  1. Elaine

    Charleston is one of my favorite places to visit.

  2. Laurie

    I can see why you were so charmed. I’m right there with you. Those iron gates make my heart stop… I would love to visit the South someday, so beautiful!
    My daughter recently started a cooking blog and was inspired by your rustic apple tart. She was home for the weekend so we were lucky enough to sample it!
    It was fabulous ( if you want to check it out 🙂
    Looking forward to the next issue of FMS… Laurie

  3. Tammy Dellinger

    I love Charleston! I have a friend that lives in Isle of Palms…so I get to see all the greatness of Charleston !! The south is great…but I’m partial I grew up here!! You will have to come back!! There’s lots more to see!!
    Have a great day!
    Tammy 🙂

  4. Chris

    Maybe instead of ironwork you could stash me in your suitcase and I could visit all the wonderful nooks and crannies of America with you!

  5. Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife

    And did you know that in Charleston there is an open door policy on the gardens. In the city, if a garden gate is left open it is an invitation to step inside and view the garden. How positively wonderful is that?
    Also, please, please have dinner at Anson (on Anson Street). My dinner was hands down the best thing I’ve ever eaten.

  6. Lori Martin

    Heather. I too love the old pourch.and that iron fence is beautiful! I live in a 1882 victorian house in Redlands. and have a awesome pourch.I am having a show at my house in Redlands on November 4th and 5th and would love for you to come.The show is called “Tell me about the good old days”The address is 815 w Cypress ave, Redlands ca Also the show is advertised in the country register.Hope to see you. xoxo

  7. Gretchen O

    So happy you had such a great experience in my home state. We do love our Charleston, and love to take advantage of the fact it is so close. Can’t wait to see what you were shooting. –Gretchen O.

  8. Trina

    Hi Heather,
    What an amazing place. I’ve been to the south once and I was in complete awe. It’s a beautiful old-fashioned culture set against a landscape of amazing old architecture and gorgeous weeping trees. What a vibrant place to be able to visit!

  9. Shelley

    I lived on that Navy base twenty years ago – when it was alive with the hospitality that Charleston is know for. The first Navy events that I went to were there – and I liked to think that I could still hear the clinking of wine glasses, the muffled conversations, and the laughter of friends in the breezes coming off of the river.
    We went back to see the homes two years ago. It was heartbreaking.

  10. Lolo

    You are right…there is something about Southern homes (and plantations!) that you just cant get here in good ol’ Cali. Those big porches are to die for….
    On another note – I think I can speak for everyone at the Remnants of the Past show in saying that you and your booth were definitely missed! You are such a big time world-traveler now you cant do it all (or can you?!) 😀

  11. teresa

    Talk about a dream place….I thought our little project makeover was a big undertaking…now that would be an adventure….Love all the pictures you shared…truly is magical. The trees are great down there. =)
    Thanks for sharing

  12. Lorrie

    Charleston has a wonderful air – full of bygone charm. I would LOVE to have the chance to fix up that old house. Wouldn’t it be grand?

  13. tina

    We go to Charleston area at least once a year. Love Seabrook Island and the Mt. Pleasant area. We always do lots of antiquing! My husband has toured the naval base (but I haven’t), so I’m wondering if he saw these houses?
    I live in TN, but we’re only about 6 hours from Charleston.

  14. Lynda

    That house is gorgeous! I can just imagine what it would look like all fixed up. And that ironwork!! *swoon*

  15. Lora

    That rusty ironwork makes my heart pitter patter too!! I would love to visit there someday too. I’ll put that on my bucket list :O)


    Absoulutely wonderful. Wouldn’t it be amazing to live in a home like that? I would love it. Especially being from California where I can look out my window this minute and see my neighbor’s houses. You know the saying, “If these walls could talk” Imagine the stories those porches would have to tell us. So fun!

  17. Suzanne

    I went to college and got married in Charleston – it’s my favorite place in the world. Movies & TV shows use the closed Navy base all the time at a set location – I was actually in that house once when it was costume storage for The Notebook. We (my husband and I) were dancers in a scene filmed (but mostly cut) in the old Navy chapel the set people turned into a USO club. I love seeing your pictures!!

  18. Ellen

    I live only a few hours from there….and I love CHS, but if you really want to see a more authentic Old South… my opinion you should see Savannah….smiles.

  19. Dee in Ky.

    I can’t think of anyone better than you to describe Charleston. Being from the South and a frequent visitor to Charleston, you did a great job of describing it. It is a wonderful city!!! Your blog is my All TIME Favorite!!! I look forward to reading it every day!!!!

  20. Sherry @ No Minimalist Here

    I have always loved Charleston! What a charming town and the homes and gardens in the historical district are beautiful. It is one of our favorite vacation destinations.

  21. Curtains In My Tree

    A lot of us agree Charleston SC is really a great southern city. The history is wonderful. You as always got great pictures. It is so sad to see that old mansion rotting.
    What a great old southern porch, I bet it would look good for a tea party like in the late afternoon. You could put lots of props and take picture for the magazine.
    Those old iron gates could tell stories of who has has walked though them throgh all the years. Just Lovely

  22. Sweet Anne Vintage

    *sigh* I have wanted to visit Charleston SO MUCH, but haven’t had the chance! The really bad thing is that I lived in Savannah for 4 months, and Charleston is only about 2 hours away. Savannah is completely gorgeous as well, but there’s just something about Charleston that’s calling my name…..
    I’d love to rip those gates right out the ground, but unfortunately, my husband just doesn’t understand!

  23. celia hanning

    I can imagine the family meals that were served on that front porch? It’s beautful!
    Heather, my dad grew up in the south, as children my dad told us stories of living on their porches…. a place you could take off your shoes and put your feet up without raising any eyebrows. Your photos brought back many memories. Thank you.
    Glad & Celia/ Junebug Furnitue and Design

  24. parTea lady

    Charleston is one of my favorite cities too. I enjoy having afternoon tea at “The Tea Room” on Broughton St. and wandering around the historic district each time I visit. Loved your photos!

  25. Susan

    so sad that the gorgeous house is empty! i love the iron gates! have a great weekend! susan

  26. heather ritchie

    I totally understand your house lust…and how could you not have it in Charleston? The most beautiful city ever! My husband and I try to go about once a year because we love it that much. Every time I get giddy when we walk down Rainbow Row and oogle at the beautiful homes that I’ll never own. A girl can dream, right?

  27. annette richmond

    That house is the kind of house I would just love to spend the rest of my put togethers in. such a shame it is where it is and no one could fix and love it back to life. That house has such wonderful stories to tell. I saw the building next door and immediately recognized it. Army wives is one of my favorite shows. And yes they would make just great neighbors.

  28. Sandy

    Charleston is such a beautiful city, something new to see every corner you turn. I lived there for 13 years and I still can’t get enough of her charm and beauty.

  29. mydesignchic

    This house has such wonderful potential – I see why it caught you eye. Charleston is one of my most favorite places on earth…beautiful, historic, and so full of life. You would definitely love it!! Thrilled I found your blog this morning – it’s wonderful. I’ll be following!

  30. Erica Cooper

    I agree… Charleston has a charm all it’s own. I can’t wait to return to that grand old city either!
    I fell in love with everything about it… the character, the wrought iron, the history, the gardens, the water, the people, the food, the shopping, the plantations, the traditions, and the gorgeous moss draped trees…just to name a few!
    We loved the trees so much that we purchased a beautiful photo of one (from a local photographer) and framed it to add to our dining area to remind us daily of our travels down there.
    I have a few posts over here on Charleston if you’d like to see a bit more… and here:
    Thanks for sharing Heather!

  31. Mary Lou

    If you buy that and fix it up and can’t live in it, I could help you out..Although I’m happy in VA but I’m an Air Force wife and I think we make great neighbors plus if you don’t like us, we’re gone soon! (retired now)
    I love the ironwork and the porch.

  32. Laurie

    I can imagine how beautiful it must have been. May I ask what base it is?

  33. Gabrielle Mader

    oh my gosh Heather, that is the most beautiful house I have ever seen!!! I could only imagine how you would transform her, to her former glory..I love the south…the most beautiful historic houses and places…

  34. Emma

    That farmhouse is beautiful. Maybe the government would trade you a few thousand chicken eggs for it? 🙂

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