

Doesn't this look like the perfect spot for a Sunday afternoon? Nestled by a lake under a big shade tree without a care in the world. The only agenda would be napping, reading and nibbling. Sign me up. 

23 Responses to “Weekends”

  1. rita

    Don’t forget the lemon pie or banana. I need to come back to Riverside just for that. Have a great weekend. Ciao Rita mammabellarte

  2. Jojeana

    Sounds fabulous to me! Sign me up, too!
    Hopefully you’re getting a little rest and relaxation this weekend. We had a yard sale (ugh!).
    ~ Jo 🙂

  3. Sharon

    Lovely! I think I’ll go spread a blanket out under my own tree this afternoon, ignore the weeds and read a book. Thanks for the suggestion 🙂

  4. Valerie

    Yes, love it. Wish I were there (insert sigh). Love your blog. It’s my first time visiting. It’s so pretty!

  5. Anna

    Just perfect! What I like about your blog and your photos is that you always find simple things and make them look so special. Happy week ahead!

  6. Anne Marie

    even those vintage letters would be great to read while sitting there…looks perfect right now…in the midst of all this planning, sewing, getting ready kind of lifestyle!
    hoping to meet you Friday/Saturday!!
    Anne Marie

  7. Kimberly

    H~ After painting on a boom lift for 12 hours straight this picture looks simply delightful! Rest is coming soon for me and this is just what I might do. Blessings, Kimberly

  8. Julie Size

    Oh that looks so serene.. so unlike my weekend… where is was 100 degrees outside… drastically humid… and likewise inside because our air conditioning went out…

  9. Lei

    Reenacting on my sofa, and while books are replaced with blogdom and silence with the Disney channel, I’m happy. That does look lovely, though.:)

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