Apple Recipes


Can't you just smell them? Apple season has arrived! It's time to start digging out all those luscious fall recipes. I thought I'd share a few favorites to get your baking mojo started.

Every baker needs a recipe for classic Apple Crisp  
Yummy & healthy 5-star rated 
Apple Muffins
My childhood favorite
Red Hot Applesauce
A moist, delicious
German Apple Cake
And perfect for entertaining, my easy 
Rustic Apple Tart
Now I just need to schedule some free time to spend a day at the orchard with the family. Including a stop at that great place that sells fresh pressed cider and hot donuts!


27 Responses to “Apple Recipes”

  1. Trina

    Hi Heather,
    Your beautiful images alone inspire some great apple baking mojo! I will definitely try your rustic apple tart – baked fruit desserts are a major weakness here at our house. Especially fresh from the oven with some creamy vanilla ice cream on top!
    Happy apple season to you xo

  2. Tammy

    Thanks for all the yummy recipes!
    Enjoy your blog very much!
    Tammy 🙂

  3. Laurie

    I can’t decide which recipe to try first! I think a trip to the
    apple orchards in Hood River is in my future. Can’t wait to make
    some applesauce. I love this time of year…

  4. Tracie~My Petite Maison

    Hi Heather,
    This is perfect. My new obsession is apples and walking to the organic farm shop every morning after my workout. I’m trying their apples one by one. Favorite over the weekend is Honey Crisp apples for certain. Love the rustic look of the tart above, will ask husband to bake this weekend. (Yes, he’s the baker in the family.)

  5. becky

    Oh these recipes looks scrumptious,lol.Im thinking about the German apple cake.Going to jot that one down,thanks for sharing!

  6. teresa

    Thanks for the recipes…I’m so in the mood for some apples pie.
    I’m trying to come up with a fun activity for my girlfriends…perhaps we will make some of these….just wish I had a great farm to visit for a day trip.
    Have a good day

  7. Anne Marie

    I’m sorry Heather…but you should have a warning here:
    “if you are pregnant…please look away from the computer now”
    those look fantastically delicious.
    Anne Marie

  8. ~michelle~

    Thanks for sharing the apple recipes! I made applesauce last year, it was yummy. But I was looking for some different recipes to try this year.

  9. Jolie

    I was so thrilled today to go to the market and find so many varieties of apples! I love this season!

  10. Rhonda P.

    Heather, I can smell the apples baking right now – even though I’m at work.
    I’ve got to tell ya, I need a chicken update post, I miss the girls!

  11. deb

    YES Oak Glen, I need a trip up there toooooo!!!!!! now if it would just cool off a bit so we could at least feel a little fall in the air!

  12. Kimberly

    H~ I just scheduled myself a trip with my fam to Green Bluff last weekend and we had a blast! Punkin Chunkin’, hot apples and caramel and a sleigh ride around an orchard. It was so relaxing and much needed. Enjoy Oak Glen! Thanks for the recipes! You have the best cuz they are so good and easy. 🙂 Blessings and love ya! Kimberly

  13. Elizabeth

    Heather….today I made your casino butter and your cinnamon butter. They were so easy and so delicious! Thank you for sharing both recipes

  14. Chatelaine

    I always get the urge to bake in the Fall and that rustic apple tart looks fantastic. Thanks for the recipes. I am looking forward to the wonderful smell of baked apples in my kitchen.

  15. Mrs. Sutton

    HURRAH! – I’ve got four apple trees groaning full of apples and apart from apple pie I didn’t know WHAT to do with them all (recently moved from london to the English countryside and TOTAL garden newbie) – thanks for the inspiration! xx

  16. Laura Ingalls Gunn

    Oh you’ve made me all misty! My mom used to make red hot applesauce. Sigh! happy.
    If you get a moment, I would love for you to stop by and enter my fabulous fall and French GIVEAWAY.

  17. Barb

    Hi Heather,
    I have to tell you that your blog brought me good luck!
    I had just gotten online last night when Skype popped up.
    I happened to be on your blog. My son is deployed and the call came from him. I actually took several pictures of him and you can see your blog address in the pictures.
    Thank you so much for bringing me LUCK.

  18. Wendy in Kennewick

    I made the rustic apple tarte this weekend. I added an asian pear, craisins and chopped pecans. Topped with vanilla bean ice cream. Yummy and a beautiful presentation!!

  19. Karla Laura Smith

    Howdy Heather!
    Hopping by to say hello. I still love the variety of things you share on your blog. Inspirational as always.
    I’ve been hunting down Flea Market Style but have yet to find a copy.
    Pace yourself busy bee.
    Please don’t forget me if you have any events up your sleeve.
    Warmly, Karla

  20. Dee

    Heather, I haven’t tried any of your apple recipes as yet, but will. I did make your Pumpkin Cookies!! and oh my, are they delicious!! so easy and sooooo good!!! thank you!!!
    Pink Hugs

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