Prep & Props


Been spending the last few days shopping for props for my shoot this week. Today is a full day of prep. The best part is the house is GORGEOUS and needs very little extras. Fresh flowers, a few extra accessories and of course some yummy looking food. Will be back soon with lots of stories and photos. Hope all of you are having a fantastic time enjoying the final days of summer! Chat soon!

14 Responses to “Prep & Props”

  1. Lolo

    The flowers are gorgeous! Cant wait to see whatcha do with them 😀
    And also whatever is hiding in those bags is prob fab too…

  2. Lolo

    Those flowers are gorgeous! Cant wait to see what you do with them (Im sure it will be amazing) Along with whatever is hiding in those bags 😀

  3. Beth

    Good luck with the shoot…can’t wait to see the outcome! xoxo Beth

  4. elyse

    how fun. busy — i know — but fun.
    when fifi came to my home, she was carrying a white bucket, just like yours, and it was filled with peonies. ah … staging … lovely.
    thanks for sharing

  5. liz

    Heather . . . I just know the photo shoot will be incredible!! It was such a pleasure to meet you in person!!
    Looking forward to seeing it in the magazine!! 🙂 All the best to you!! liz

  6. Kathrine

    Hello Heather,
    I don’t think I thanked you enough for all your help at Barn House. Hope you will be back again next year!

  7. Francine

    Heather… Looking forward to seeing the magazine and the magic through your lens. It was such a pleasure meeting you in person at the Barn House!! And your recommendation was spot on, can’t wait until next year!
    All the best,

  8. kim

    so great to meet you. I was caught by surprise……I got a great photo of us.

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