

All five of The Girls have been quite productive lately. This morning there was a gift from each of them. Lucky for us all their eggs are completely different so it's easy to tell who's been busy. On the front row from left to right we have Butter, Souffle and Ruby's and on the back we have Lola and Marshmallows.


Having fresh eggs on the counter and always at hand has been especially nice. Their colors are so lovely.

In other Fresh news…my little blog has gotten a brand new look. I hired my friend Hope to help me give it a design that was simpler and easier to navigate. She's amazing with her coding talents! There's still a few more things to add but for now I'm happy to see it so crisp and clean! I adore change, don't you?

57 Responses to “Fresh”

  1. paige

    the new look is absolutely gorgeous
    & the images, just as beautiful as always

  2. Mrs. Sutton

    Hello Heather – the new look blog is simply beautiful – and your photography is divine. I’ve recently moved to the British countryside, and am intending to get some chickens of my own – I’ve been dragging my feet a little, but your post is so inspiring that I’m going to get a move on – thank you! xx

  3. chksngr

    Nature really is more beautiful than we give it credit for…what a glorious array of beautiful shades in that basket! They are stunning! (and I’m sure delicious!)

  4. Tamra / The Gilded Barn

    I too keep my eggs on the counter in a wire basket. They can sit out for quite some time and make the most beautiful art piece.
    Many times when people have come in they see the eggs sitting there and say “Are these real?” I love to see how much others enjoy seeing fresh eggs out and ready to make something wonderful.
    The new look is lovely, well done.

  5. Alice

    Sweet! They are like tiny works of art. I love all the different colors. The Girls should be proud.
    Your blog is lovely.

  6. Stephanie

    I have been wondering how the girls were doing! Those eggs are a work of art, you are one lucky gal. Love, love the new look of your blog, simple and stunning.

  7. Darlene L

    Your blog is lovely–has such a serene feel. OMG–those eggs are so great looking. Nothing like fresh eggs to start off a day. Growing up on a farm and raising chickens, selling eggs–well lots of wonderful memories.

  8. Rose H (UK)

    My goodness, those eggs look fantastic! I’m not lucky enough to have room for hens in my (tiny) garden, but I only buy free-range and love to see them on the counter-top in the kitchen too.

  9. colleen

    …oh my those eggs and your new look are very fresh!

  10. Screaming Meme

    I love the new look! Beautiful! Hi Im Meme form Screaming Meme…I want to personally invite you over to my blog…I am featuring a home i am designing this week…Would love to have you over for a visit! Hugs,Meme

  11. blondiensc

    Love the new look Heather, your header is gorgeous!! And those eggs are simply sweet in all their soothing colors, way to go girls!! xo, T

  12. Karen B

    They’re so pretty i’d hate to eat them! Maybe it’s good that I don’t have any girls I would love to try a fresh egg sometime. I love the new blog makeover, Heather. I love a simple and clean look. Hope did a great job!

  13. Virginia

    I don’t know if I could crack those eggs!
    And yes, I THRIVE on change and your new look is gor-jus!

  14. Trina

    What gorgeous sweet eggs! And I too love the new crisp look! It’s so elegant and beautiful and represents you and work perfectly.

  15. Natalia

    Oh these eggs are beautiful !!! I am so encouraged to raise chickens… It is so worthy to be able to eat healthy and to be sure that the eggs we eat come from humanely treated chickens 🙂

  16. Debe

    Those eggs look like a handful of candy. You are so lucky your “Community Assoc” doesn’t make it illegal. Love their clucking! Hope also did a luscious job on your blog. Beautiful!!

  17. Linda Rubin

    Just beautiful colors…………and I bet they taste even better. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Dianne

    Your blog looks wondeful – clean and simple. The beautiful eggs remind of the the year I tried to “naturally” color the eggs at Easter. Not a huge hit with the kids.

  19. Julie

    Souffle’s egg looks just like the ones we get from our hen. I’m looking forward to our new chicks growing up and joining her in the daily egg celebration. Lucky you!

  20. Elizabeth

    I do like the new look! White is fresh and clean. I changed my Blog around a few weeks ago also. Change is good!I wish I lived closer. Fresh eggs are a treat! I’m sure you would share. Enjoy your new blogging home. Hugs, LizlovesVintage

  21. Dawn @ The Feathered Nest

    Hi Heather!! My goodness…who knew eggs could be such gorgeous colors?! I love that you can tell you laid what too 🙂 I just had to tell you how gorgeous your new blog look is ~ so clean and crisp….letting your beautiful photography shine!!! Hoping all is well with you and your sweet family, hugs and love, Dawn

  22. Mandi

    What beautiful eggs! I am completely jealous of your chicken-keeping. Before I moved, I used to have a coworker who would bring me fresh eggs from his backyard chickens. I’m completely spoiled now. Nothing quite as good!

  23. Mari

    Lovely eggs, there is nothing like fresh eggs (love them).
    I really like the new look, its like you said “fresh” and changes are.
    I really enjoy looking at all the beautiful pictures you post, its always a treat to read your blog.

  24. amanda

    Love the colors of the eggs and I especially love the names of your hens. Website looks great!

  25. Dori

    Your refreshed blog is just lovely, Heather! I just adore the soft, pretty colors of those eggs. Dreamy colors. 🙂 Oh, I would love to have chickens!

  26. Mitzi Curi

    I’ve seen Hope’s work on other sites, and her style is impeccable! Your site does indeed seem easier to navigate, plus it looks fresh and clean! The pics of the eggs are so wonderful, I hope they taste as good as they look!

  27. Anne Marie

    Hi Heather….how nice you have all those eggs from just five hens…
    my layers are pretty much pets right now…a few eggs daily, but for 17 hens you’d think I’d be giving the eggs away!
    and yes, I really like your new look…..I myself am slowly eliminating ‘the clutter’ on the blog…..

  28. HRH Sarah

    I have a confession- I didn’t even look at the new header, because the eggs stole the show! The color and variety of nature never ceases to amaze. I think the hens are doing so well because of their Gorgeous Home! Oh, and the updated blog style is lovely too ;)…

  29. martha

    The eggs are so lovely-the color amazing!Enjoy!
    The new look for your blog-stunning …love popping in!Have a great Labor Day weekend!

  30. Curtains In My Tree

    I have always loved your header on your blog.
    My favotite header was the one with the old dress manequin with all the rhinestone necklaces on it.
    All your pictures are beautiful also, really I just like looking at all your pictures.

  31. Kimberly

    H~ The girls have done such a good job! Beautiful eggs indeed! Much love to you and yours. Blessings, Kimberly

  32. elyse

    hi heather,
    your blog re-do is just what you described striving for — simple and lovely. i often wonder if my blog is looking a little busy but am not quite sure what to do.
    the egg photos are really beautiful.
    happy weekend

  33. vintageleatherjackets

    These eggs are beautiful. I love the “vintage” look of the eggs. A beautiful centerpiece too.

  34. Anita

    Heather- loving the colors of eggs…and also the crisp look. I think it allows my eye to ficus on your pictures…which are wonderful. I won’t be selling at the Junk Bonanza this year because I took a teaching job, so will wait for your photo report 🙂

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