Eggs! Eggs!


They're here! Our first two eggs from the girls! I went out to the coop yesterday afternoon to check (just in case) and surprise there they were! This might sound a little selfish but secretly I was glad to be the one who found them. I was so worried they would lay them while I was away on location.


Both eggs were laid in the same nesting box which makes me wonder if this will be the coop favorite for the rest of them? The beautiful shade of pale blue let us know they came from one of  the twins, Marshmallow or Souffle because all the other girls will lay shades of brown. Here's our sweet Easter Eggers…



I believe the eggs belong to the same little lady because their color was identical and I've read that egg color will vary slightly from hen to hen. For now I need to figure out which one gets extra treats for First Place!

It may seem silly but this has been absolutely thrilling to me. After all our hard work of designing & building the coop, learning everything we can about chickens & zoning ordinances, ordering the right hens for our family & nurturing their growth it is so rewarding to finally see the fruits of our labor. Ours and The Girls!

56 Responses to “Eggs! Eggs!”

  1. Alice

    Oh, sweet! Soon you’ll have so many eggs you will be giving them away.
    Whoo Hooo!!!! I’m so proud of ‘the girls’!

  2. Kimberly

    Nothing silly about it, congratulations! Your coop and hens are beautiful, as are those amazing blue eggs.

  3. Patti

    I have had chickens for quite some time. I used to get so giddy when the roosters would start crowing, they sounded like they had sore throats! and the first egg was the all time high. I, too, have the blue egg layers along with other breeds. They do tend to use one nest to lay in. Sometimes I would check for eggs and 2 hens would be in the nest at the same time!
    Congrats! Have fun with them.

  4. Andrea

    Our neighbour has chickens, and we’re lucky enough to get a dozen eggs each week from her. They are so delicious, with their dark orange yolks! Next year we hope to raise our own, and I have your coop pictures bookmarked for my hubby to recreate. Even he thinks it’s gorgeous! Thanks for all the chicken inspiration!

  5. Aina

    It is not silly at all, I would have been ecstatic too!! Earlier I enjoyed your little trailer, there are all so very cute :)) I am convinced they will make your life even more happy.
    I hope the eggs taste delicious!

  6. robyn

    I’ve been waiting to see this post! How weird is that! LOL I’m tickled for you, they are LOVELY!!! Gorgeous eggs from gorgeous hens who live in a gorgeous Manscoop!

  7. robyn

    That didn’t really sound right, I meant like a mansion like coop! 😉 ‘Cause I think it’s so VERY lovely!

  8. Carol Bass

    There is nothing sweeter than those first pullet eggs! We have found with our seven that even though there are six laying boxes between two coops, they tend to all lay in one. It’s funny! Have fun!!

  9. Karen B

    So exciting! Question is, who is going to be the first to eat the first precious eggs?

  10. Tricia Rose

    I hope you take a picture of the First Omelette, or Poached Egg, or Coddled Egg or whatever! With toast in soldiers?

  11. L~

    Isn’t it soooo fun???? 🙂
    It was & still is so neat to go out & pluck that warm egg outta the nest box! 🙂
    On occasion I interupt Mattie who stands up to come greet me & an egg will plop out right in my hand!!!
    Helpful hint; Make sure the boxes get checked often, if the ladies happen to peck at/or/step on & break an egg, then get a taste for it, it’s a really hard habit to break them of-
    Enjoy & thanks for sharing the pics & posts of your ‘lil ladies!

  12. Cathy

    How fun! And congratulations on being the first to find the treasure! It is so rewarding after all the hard work and worry, isn’t it?! Perhaps you could blow the eggs out and save them for posterity!

  13. Lili

    Ever since I first saw your sweet girls pictured in the post with the teacups, I was smitten! And then Chez Poulet had me further swooning over how absolutely charming and elegant raising chickens could be. I have never seen anything like it and I can easily see how wonderful it must have been the moment you got your first glimpse of those gorgeous pale blue eggs. Congrats! You inspire me so much and I just love it over here on your blog. ~Lili

  14. Lolo

    How exciting! Even their eggs are gorgeous 🙂 I cant wait to get all of your amazing egg recipes that I am sure will follow…..
    Enjoy the fruits of your (and the girls!) hard labor!!

  15. blondiensc

    This is a special day now isn’t it!! I giggled at the twins names, so sweet…well whom ever laid those beautiful eggs she did a good job, they are an amazing color! have a wonderful week Heather!

  16. Tamra / The Gilded Barn

    Beautiful! I grew up with chickens and now that I have had them again during the last 2 years, it’s still a good feeling to go out and gather eggs. And once you have cooked with fresh you will never be happy with store bought eggs again!
    So what will these first eggs produce? I wonder.

  17. Lynn@HappierThanAPigInMud

    Congrats, that’s so exciting! I would be thrilled too!

  18. Debby - Romancing the Bling

    What an exciting time! Congrats to you and the twins!!! Thank you for sharing your beautiful chickens, their home and excapades!
    Enjoy the lovely blue eggs!

  19. Heidi

    Hooray! How fun ~ our girls should lay their first sometime mid-August and we’re already trying to guess who will be first! I better start perusing egg recipes ~ we’ve got 8 girls ~ eek!
    xo Heidi

  20. Dede Warren

    It’s so true Heather, little things mean a lot! I’m glad you were the one who found the eggs, since I’m pretty sure the whole chicken thing was your idea. Now… how do you feel about eating those little beauties? Not sure if I could do it, but I hope they are yummy good, and that you’ll have loads more soon!


    So sweet! I adore chickens. Everything about them is so cute. I don’t have any hens, but I’ve been adopted by the sweetest stray rooster. 🙂 I keep meaning to do a blog entry about him. Enjoy your sweet girls.

  22. Nan

    Congratulations! That is very exciting. I would sooo love to have my own coop, I’m working on dh! 😉 Here’s to dozens and dozens more!

  23. Erica Cooper

    Congratulations, how exciting! Thanks for sharing this beautiful moment of nature with us.
    The eggs are beautiful, but what we expect from such lovely chickens. Must be their gorgeous surroundings… inspiring them to make such perfect little eggs!

  24. Patty Rose

    I am so happy too!! Thanks for sharing with us, we love “the girls” too!

  25. Nancy

    Silly? No way…I would have loved to have seen the look on your face when you spotted them. 🙂

  26. Kerri

    We’ve kept chickens for some years now, and it’s still so exciting when they start to lay for the first time! Are your girls Araucanas? We have a couple here at home, and they lay lovely blue/green eggs too. And you’re right in thinking the colour varies from hen to hen – you can tell the difference after a while. How exciting for you, and no wonder your girls are laying such pretty eggs – they do live in the most gorgeous coop ever! K xx

  27. Nancy

    This is so exciting!! I remember when you were designing and followed through all your Hard Work!! Reading this just made me smile!!

  28. Rhonda P.

    How very exciting! I love the chicken girls stories, don’t call me silly but I got so excited when I saw your title “eggs” – you make chickens so much fun!

  29. Jane

    Congratulations to you and to the first layer!! That’s so exciting! Ane those eggs are such a beautiful color! Well, you’ll have to keep your eyes & ears open now to catch the next one. I seem to recall (from childhood chickens) that they tend to make some celebratory sounds after this accomplishment of laying an egg! Please do keep us posted!
    Jane – Jacksonville

  30. rachel whetzel

    Congratulations!! We have a hen named marshmallow too!! lol Chickens LOVE laying in the same next that others have laid in. 😛

  31. marci

    we have 3 girls and they all lay in the same box…crazy! it’s a nesting thing i guess.;D
    congratulations!! don’t you just love the auracaunas? they are my fave.

  32. paige

    you should be thrilled indeed
    is it proper to say that your hens are the cutest i’ve ever seen?

  33. Magoo

    Congrats!!! when we got our fist eggs i felt exactly the same way! and what sweet girls you have. we have tons of EE’s and we just love them. we even have a few that give us green eggs. From one chick to another, i love reading about yours!

  34. Rebecca

    Beautiful. I have always wanted chickens, but, for now, I’ll live vicariously through you.

  35. Susan Z

    How exciting for you!! Thanks for sharing and doing all that prep work so now I can enjoy them thru your blog!!! Your girls are beautiful too!! Love their names!

  36. Margo

    Congrats egg grandmama, I know you proud of your girls.
    Can’t wait to see more.

  37. sandy

    It reminds me of when I find my first tomatoes in the garden. Congratulations, it is exciting !
    Love your blog !

  38. Natalia

    Healthy looking eggs !! That is rare in this world we live in. They must be delicious.

  39. Emily

    My husband found the first egg at our house. I never heard such commotion come from a man who barely shows any emotion. It was so exciting. A great memory for me. Congrats–they eggs are beautiful!!!

  40. Debra

    We had three hens. we named them all Phyliss. they had a coop, but we let them free range. We literally had an egg hunt to find where they were laying. They continued to lay their eggs in the same spot, so it wasn’t hard after the first time. I felt like it was christmas morning and had been given a great gift each time. lovely, lovely, congrats!

  41. Becky C

    My dream is to have hens one day. I love these photos! Just wonderful!
    Becky C
    Buckets of Burlap

  42. Elaine Power

    Yay Heather, did you cook them the eggs that is? If so I bet they were yummy, love the names of the chooks by the way!!! Hope they lay some more soon :))

  43. Erica@ZunkyChic

    Congratulations!!!! We started saving all the tiny eggs our little hen gave us. After hollowing out at least 30 of them, I told my husband he could start discarding them. She laid one tiny egg every other day.

  44. Cindi Brooks

    Congratulations!! So exciting. We are putting in a chicken coop this fall and I can’t wait to get those fresh eggs. Your coop is darling, by the way!! xoxo

  45. Linda

    Congrats on being the one to find them! And how cool was that? The first ones are the exotic blueish ones!

  46. Lisha

    Congratulations, I know the feeling. I bet before long the other girls will start laying~I also have hens that lay the blue/green eggs. There is something very satisfying about gathering eggs. And…they do like to lay in the same nesting box for some reason. “The Man” did good; your hen house is adorable!

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