Bouquet Garni


One of the best things about herb gardening is being able to snip a few of your favorites to make a bouquet garni for your soups, stocks, roast chicken or fish. The traditional french bouquet garni is usually made up of parsley, thyme and bay leaf but they actually can include anything you like.


Personally, I never follow a set mixture of herbs. If I'm preparing chicken I might use rosemary, sage and thyme and add a few garlic cloves, lemon slices and a dash of sea salt before it goes into the oven.


I just wrap them up in a little bundle and tie with butchers twine. Occasionally I will cut a few extra and fill a couple drinking glasses to set on my kitchen counter or dinner table. Simple and very fragrant!


French thyme is one of my favorites. I love it's delicate flavor and petite size. It also grows very well in containers and will trail out over the edge of the garden pot…so lovely. Maybe one day I'll be adventurous in the kitchen and make one of those exotic sorbets with my lemon thyme. Perhaps I'll try this one or that one….both sound so refreshing for summer. Which gets me to thinking about throwing a Sorbet Soiree…now that sounds like a fun party to have!

26 Responses to “Bouquet Garni”

  1. etta

    🙂 I can smell it form here! Beautiful!
    kisses from Italy!

  2. Colleen

    love your post!…we have creeping thyme inbetween the pavers!….

  3. Laura

    Those green herbs pop against the white….such a refreshing and delicious sight!

  4. kimberly

    fabulous – isn’t summer the best??? granted you have a lot more “summer” than we do in the pacific nw…
    have a great rest of your week,

  5. Terrell P

    Simply beeeeautiful pictures! Thank you for sharing! I love the scissors too!! So cute and vintagey!
    ~Terrell @ FFD~

  6. Jen Rizzo

    Love the scissors Heather! I love having my little herb garden too. It’s so nice to have the fresh ingredients right on hand!

  7. Yumi Luna

    This simple bouquet was simply pretty. I will also try to make something like that this weekend. Thanks for sharing.
    flower shop in the philippines

  8. fitty

    ahhh know thought that small garni bouquet would look so pretty like this! but I love your vintage scissors..

  9. Amanda

    Love the use of herbs it adds so much flavour to the dish. Even with the weather as it is in the UK we get a great selection of herbs. Will definitely give the bouquet a try.

  10. Cassie

    I suppose if there was plenty, they would make cute favors at a dinner party! I really like your blog. 🙂

  11. the teacup incident

    Sorbet Soiree? Yes, please! Love the post on herbs. I use them with abandon. My current favorite is lemon verbena. There’s a blueberry lemon-verbena ice pop recipe on my blog if you’re interested. Thanks for your inspiring posts and photos.

  12. Mel Designs

    I love it when I read a post and learn of something entirely NEW to me. The idea and existance of a French Bouquet Garni is so completely inspiring to me! Thanks for the post

  13. Stacy~Creativemuse

    Heather Love your post! It’s funny how Great minds think a like! I am harvesting my lavender and thinking of making a mini shop on my front walkway with succulents, Boquet garni, and lavender bunches. Looks lovely….My only block is me I want it perfect but I think I just need to make it happen!….I say as my herbs are roasting with yellow carrots and turkey breast with edamame. …..Thanks for your continual inspirations and beauty. Hey I’ll try a Sorbet if you do! I have some lovely lemon tyme with the cutest little pink blossoms right now. also some Choclate mint…that might be fun. I am enjoying right now some LAVENDER LEMONADE. oh I made some spa water with the lavender syrup and cucumbers you’d like it!
    Have a great WEEKEND!

  14. lorraine lewis

    This is such a beautiful idea, I can’t wait to try it. I love reading about your chicken girls and they are beautiful. I read your posts about your girls and I think to my self- “my girls do that to”!!!!

  15. susan

    i have herbs in pots too, it’s wonderful to wander out and use them for dinner. love the sorbet idea! take care, susan

  16. Donna Jenkins

    How lovely!
    I too love French Tyme…I use it to underplant so many of my pots in the garden.
    Have a blessed afternoon,

  17. robyn

    They are beautiful! I love them like you have them on each person’s plate! …you=genious!

  18. Heather~Pretty Petals

    Heather I loved your post about your chickens..they are just so darn cute! I love that you spoil them so. 🙂
    I love your little bundles of herbs. just simple and beautiful…

  19. cribs

    You have given as a very wonderful idea. I am going to try it one day. Your chicken girls are very fun to read and they are gorgeous. I will be visiting your blog more often. Thank you for sharing it.

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