Sunday in LA


The PR company for the new LA Flea Market was kind enough to send me VIP Passes to their Grand Opening Event. The best part for me was that Sweet Girl came along for the fun. With our crazy schedules it's a rare treat that we get to spend an entire day together so I was really looking forward to it!


We arrived around 8am and most of the vendors were still setting up but the gourmet food trucks were in full swing. We thought the French crepe truck was the cutest and although we weren't hungry at the time it sure was tempting!

This flea market has a few upscales features such as valet parking, carrier service for your packages, and a VIP lounge with refreshments and private restrooms…"only in LA" as they say! We found a few great vintage vendors but noticed there seemed to be a majority of new items. Perhaps this will change as it grows. I ended up purchasing a bracelet and a watering can which could be my lightest shopping day ever! Laflea3

After we left the flea we drove to Beverly Hills to visit one of our favorite French cafes, Le Pain Quotidien. Which translated means "daily bread". I love how all their cafes have outdoor seating. Si français! I ordered the Quiche Végétarienne and Sweet Girl had their Grilled Chicken and Smoked Mozzarella Tartine.  Laflea4

And of course, we saved room for dessert because located directly across the street is this famous place…


And when you are that close to Sprinkles how can you resist?

We had so much fun chatting, laughing and singing old school rap songs in the car. A much needed mother-daughter day and I have to say one of the greatest treasures in parenting is having your child grow up to be your friend.

19 Responses to “Sunday in LA”

  1. Nancy

    Oh Heather..that last line sure rings true with me too! My daughter is 20 and we are the best of friends. (We met you at Rose Bowl earlier this year) She still asks me to go to concerts with her, but this old lady has had enough in her lifetime..haha. Was nice to see how you spent a relaxing day. You work hard and deserve it!

  2. Lorrie

    I love the times I spend with my two 20-something daughters. Your day sounds lovely.

  3. Amy@Maison Decor

    Heather, You the senior editor of Flea Market Style? Wow! I will have to snag that magazine again, but I always have to hunt around to find it. However this month’s cover has a rug by Company C. I summer in New Hampshire and was brought to Company C by a friend of mine to check it out. I ended up buying two of their rugs. While in the store I saw a copy of Flea Market Style on one of their tables and noticed the rug right on the cover! What a cool store they have and I love how they merchandise their new colorful stuff with some vintage pieces of furniture and accessories.
    You have a cool job~I love reading about what you are up to….

  4. jill

    Hi Heather, you cannot possibly have a grown daughter! NOT POSSIBLE.
    Sounds like a fabulously delicious day!

  5. Alice

    Oh how fun! The French Crepe food truck is darling, and I don’t think I would have the will power to stay away from it.
    I just picked up the new issue of the Flea Market Style magazine and have been enjoying it over lunch. One thing I’ve noticed is that Kansas is sadly lacking in the way of flea markets and antique fairs. When I flipped through the pages, I get a twinge of envy those who have hubbies or friends to go junking with, and even more envious of the great flea markets I read about.

  6. janet

    Isn’t Le Pain Quotidien just the best? I go there when I visit NYC. The Hot Chocolat is so ute…a mug of steamed milk with a petit pitcher of divine choclat to pour in.
    Janet at Housepeepers

  7. sadie

    How dare you not show a piccie of what was inside the box!!!!!
    What a fabulous day. I hope and pray that my darling girl (currently 4) grows up to be a friend as well as my sweet girl. :O)

  8. Debby - Romancing the Bling

    Thank you for sharing this special day with us! I have two grown sons (one married and the other 24); they aren’t interested in haging out with me to go flea marketing. 🙁
    Girl friends are the next best thing to share this fun!
    I’ve just given my blog a new look and invite you to come by to say hello.
    If you run into my sister Jolee, please give her a hug from her sister. I hope to run into you the next time i’m in San Diego.
    Take care,

  9. Dawn

    yep, I attended the Flea Market as well. There was more new stuff than I expected but was surprised that the Salvation Army had so many booths. I’m hoping it does give the Rose Bowl a run for it’s money. My daughter and I love going to the Rose Bowl and wouldn’t mind having two options a month :>) Food lines were too long and it was a little too warm to stay in one place for too long…I will have to try Sprinkles!

  10. Angela

    That crepe vendor truck was cute! I’ve never really tried a crepe before maybe someday. Something about a sweet egg that doesn’t sound good. But I like custard soooo. But I HAVE had Sprinkles in PHX! Yum!
    I really enjoy your blog and your chicken coop is so nice. 🙂

  11. Gabrielle Mader

    Heather, is this a new flea? you are right that is great that you and your daughter are close….and I would not pass up sprikles either…congrats on the new eggs…how great is that?

  12. Lisa Cash

    I couldn’t agree more with your last line. It’s so awesome when those wicked teens turn into such great people again! 🙂

  13. Leigh Chandler

    I’m so glad I found your blog! I used to live in South Pasadena, so the Rose Bowl Flea Market was a regular happening for me. I miss it terribly! Also, Le Pain Quotidien! One of my all time favorites – all of the locations I have visited were wonderful. Just to let you know – they are Belgian, not French. Being married to a Belgian man I just had to make that correction;-)

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